The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 18

Raelyn’s POV

I scamper around the pack house using the hidden tunnels, not because I’m hiding from Beta Isaac thank you very much! I’m a fully grown she wolf, I do not hide from cocky werewolves who think it’s OK to make suggestive comments!

It’s the day of the claiming so all the Omega’s are busy, rushing around getting things and helping any of the she wolves that are taking part tonight.

‘Raelyn’ comes Beta Ford’s voice through the mind link as I sneak into the gym, checking every corner before stepping inside to replace the towels.

‘Yes Beta?’ I reply, stopping what I’m doing so I can reply to the summons.

‘Beta Isaac requires some assistance, could you go and help him please?’ the future Beta requests.

I frown, ‘I thought he had a dedicated Omega’ I reply in confusion, ‘is she busy?’

Ford sighs deeply, ‘my sister is attending the claiming tonight, she insisted on her own personal omega to help her get ready, guess who got the job’ he responds sullenly.

I pull a face, poor Henrietta, she’s no doubt getting screamed at about every little thing. Ford is great, I love him like another brother, but his sister Mercedes is high maintenance to the extreme. As a Beta blooded female, she fully expects an Alpha or Beta level mate and also believes that everyone should jump to her command. I feel sorry for whoever gets her as their mate, especially if they aren’t the level she wants.

‘So can you?’ Ford asks hopefully, ‘he’s asking for Henrietta and I don’t want to tell him that she’s not free when Jasper told her to be at his disposal. Please Rae, for me? I’ll owe you big time! I know you got Alpha’s permission to interact with the guests and he seems to like you from what people are saying.’

I huff, ‘Pack members need to mind their own business’ I growl, ‘I barely know the man, how can he possibly have an opinion on whether he likes me or not.’

Ford chuckles, ‘come on Rae, you dropped a weight on his foot, and he didn’t even tell the Alpha’ he teases.

‘I did NOT drop a weight on his foot!’ I snap back, ‘he dropped it all on his own, it’s not my fault that Star Diamond pack have a clumsy Beta.’

‘That’s not what the pack is saying’ the future Beta sing songs.

‘Well if you believe them, then you can ask someone else to take care of your precious beta’ I retort with more anger than is strictly necessary for Ford’s teasing.

The Beta switches back to pleading immediately, ‘come on Rae’ he cajoles, ‘do this for me! Pleeeeeeeeeease??’

‘Surely there is another Omega to do it’ I grumble back, my resolve wavering damn him, he and Jasper know I can’t say no when they get all beggy like a puppy dog.

‘There isn’t Rae, you are the only one that the Alpha never assigns to help with the claiming, please please please? For the pack?’

I g***n loudly, bumping my forehead against the door of the gym in frustration, he’s not wrong, due to my need to stay hidden, I never get a job on claiming day. I’m not even supposed to be in the gym doing the towels but I’m so darned bored, that even a towel change sounded like something worth doing.

‘Fiiiiiine’ I mutter, just because I’m bored and desperate for something to do does not mean I have to be happy that it involves that damned Beta! ‘But you owe me! I want taking to the movies Ford!’

‘You got it Rae, I promise’ Ford agrees immediately.

‘And none of that drive through old films where you hide me in the trunk’ I add quickly, ‘I want to see that new action film that just came out last week. I want popcorn, the big tub, with extra butter and enough soda that I can’t get through the film without getting up to pee.’

‘You got it Rae Rae’ Ford replies eagerly, ‘now please go and find out what is up with Beta Isaac before Jas finds out that Henrietta is not doing her job. My mother is already stressed about Mercedes claiming, I can’t deal with all the wailing if Jas goes storming in there and demands they let Henrietta go.’

I snort as I walk out of the gym, heading toward the front of the packhouse to take the stairs to Isaac’s room.

‘So it’s not so much about keeping Beta Isaac sweet, but more about you not having to deal with your mother’ I muse, giggling.

‘Laugh all you want Rae’ Ford growls, ‘but if the Alpha takes Henrietta away from Mercedes, I am telling Jasper that you volunteered to help my sister get ready in her place.’

‘Don’t you dare’ I warn him, cutting off the link as I reach the stairs and start to ascend them to the second floor.

Stopping outside of Isaac’s room, I take a moment to calm myself before lifting my hand and rapping my knuckles on the door.

‘Come in!’ Isaac’s voice calls back, slightly strained as I frown and turn the handle, stepping into the room.

‘Beta?’ I call out nervously, my voice coming out high pitched even to my own ears.

‘I’m in the closet’ replies Isaac’s miserable sounding voice, ‘please shut the door, I don’t need any of your pack or mine seeing this.’

Quickly I turn around and push the door closed before moving slowly toward the closet where the door is standing slightly ajar.

Grabbing the edge of the door, I pull it open, taking a deep breath before stepping inside, my mouth falling open at the view in front of me.

All I can see is a pair of jean clad legs, then most of a muscular back that I am absolutely not staring at. The rest of Isaac’s upper body is somehow twisted up in a t-shirt, which has pinned his arms above his head. It seems that the material has somehow hooked onto a small hook on the back wall of the closet and as he’s tried to get loose, twisted himself up.

‘Uhh’ is all I can manage.

‘Yeah’ Isaac sighs, ‘I’m so sorry Henrietta, this really isn’t your job but if I ask one of my pack members to help me, I’m never going to hear the end of it. It’ll be all over Star Diamond before we get home.’

I try not to laugh as I step closer, ‘Sorry to tell you this Beta Isaac, but it isn’t Henrietta’ I snort.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

Isaac stills, a low g***n coming from somewhere inside the top, ‘Rae?’ he asks in a strangled voice.

‘That’s me’ I agree, reaching his side, ‘umm, so how’s it going?’ I ask.

‘Just peachy’ comes the deadpan reply.

‘Want to explain what you are doing?’ I continue, a small giggle slipping out as his covered face turns toward me.

‘I was getting dressed’ Isaac huffs.

‘Oh’ I muse, ‘well usually people take the clothes off the hook before they put them on.’

Isaac’s growl of frustration breaks me and I’m leaning against the side of the closet laughing as he literally hangs beside me.

‘Glad you are amused’ the Beta mutters darkly.

‘Oh I am very amused’ I agree cheekily, ‘hang on, I need to get out my phone, this is a moment that I want to be able to relive every time I’m in a bad mood.’

‘Raelyn!’ Isaac warns.

‘Smile!’ I trill, making a clicking sound with my tongue.

‘I swear to the Goddess that I will make you pay if you do not help me’ Isaac warns me.

I shake my head, tugging at the material slightly by his face, ‘now is that any way to ask someone to assist you?’ I tease.

Another growl of annoyance before his voice turns sugary sweet, ‘please Raelyn, would you be so kind as to help me?’

I tap my chin as I pretend to think, ‘weeeeeeeeeell’

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