The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 19

Isaac’s POV

I’ve never been so damn embarrassed in my life! I was in a rush, pulling on my t-shirt and bent down to grab my shoes before my head got through te neck hole. Somehow I snagged the material on something and as I tried to release myself the fabric got tighter and tighter around my body until I was unable to move.

I had no choice but to link one of the warriors from my pack and ask them to get the Omega that is designated to me, to come and help.

Whilst I waited, I went over different ideas of how I would get the poor girl to never breathe a word of this to another soul for the rest of her life.

I’ve been stood here in the closet like some sort of meaty pinata for twenty minutes before I finally hear a knock on the door. My relief is short lived when I find out that it’s not the meek young girl they’ve sent me but Raelyn. I honestly thought my humiliation couldn’t reach any further depths, but then the minx starts pretending to take pictures before almost falling over laughing.

Maybe I should have just got one of my own guys to help me, nothing can be worse than the woman I was fantasising about finding me tied up by my own damned shirt!

‘Now is that any way to ask someone to assist you?’ she sing songs, and dammit, even my own wolf is laughing at me now!

‘Shut up’ I growl at Indigo, ‘if she thinks I’m a loser her wolf will have the same thoughts about you. That shut the mutt up, good! He doesn’t like the thought of an Omega wolf laughing at him either.

Stifling my annoyance, I put on my most charming voice as I ask her nicely to help me.

‘Wellllllllllllll’ she drawls and I can almost see her smirking at me.

Raelyn!’ I growl louder and I hear movement which I hope is her finally coming to help me, even if she is giggling loudly at my expense.

I suck in a breath as I feel her millimetres from my skin, my lower region suddenly turning into a dog in heat as he starts perking up. Down! This is NOT the time to be showing interest in anything other than the inside of my leg!

I feel her hands lay gently on my back, her chest pressed to my bare skin as she studies the predicament I have got myself into. Humming to herself, she starts to slowly turn me around and I feel the material start to loosen under my armpits as she somehow unties me. When the top is loose enough that I can wriggle a little, I start to shift before stilling as my back muscles brush against Raelyn’s front and, dear Goddess, are they her n*****s? Don’t think about Raelyn’s n*****s, do no think about Raelyn’s n*****s! Ma’s bathrobe, dad’s dirty socks that he leaves under the bed, Caden’s sweaty gym shirt! Please Goddess, if you love me at all, please tell my manhood to stand down! I grit my teeth as she presses harder against my back, her weight leaning into me, and as my arms suddenly drop down in front of me, I realise she was up on her tip toes so she could reach whatever I was hooked on.

Dragging the shirt over my head, I ball it up and throw it into the corner of the closet before grabbing a fresh one and pulling it on, keeping my back to the woman behind me a I discreetly rearrange my jeans at the same time.

‘Uhh well, um, thanks’ I mumble, still not turning around, ‘for the help, I appreciate it.’

‘No problem, any time you get stuck in your clothes, you just give me a call, I’ll be happy to help you undress’ Raelyn replies before colour fills her face. ‘Uhh, I mean, if your shirt needs removing . . you know, if you get tied up . . .’ Swallowing thickly, she looks away from me, ‘I should be going’ she mumbles before hastily leaving the closet.

Hurrying after her, I grab her arm as she reaches for the door, turning her back toward me. The movement sends her off balance and she stumbles into my chest, crashing against me, all soft curves to my sharp edges.

I suck in a breath as desire washes over me, I can smell her bodywash, or maybe it’s a lotion, all light and floral and distinctly her.

I look down at her in my arms, so perfect, her face tilted up toward me with a mixture of fear and longing. I can feel her trembling, her gaze searching mine for something as I move my hands up from her back and into her hair, rubbing the soft tresses through my fingers as she whimpers softly.

That noise does something to me, causing the thin rubber band of my restraint to snap and I crash my lips to hers. The k**s starts out as hard and punishing, but softens as I feel her lips move against mine, welcoming my attention. My fingers tug gently on her hair, causing her to gasp into my mouth, allowing me access that I greedily take as I drown in her.

Tentatively, she strokes her tongue against mine, her hands sliding over my back, discovering the hard ridges with her fingertips in a way that lights up every nerve ending in my body.

I slide my hands down her back, over her butt and wrap my hands around her thighs, hoisting her up into my arms. A growl of pleasure leaves me as she instinctively wraps her arms and legs around me, anchoring herself to my chest.

I press her back against the door, pinning her in place as I explore every inch of her mouth. My jeans are uncomfortably tight, and the friction of her movements as she wriggles against me is both heaven and hell rolled into one.

I’m not even sure she knows she’s doing it, but there isn’t a molecule in my body that wants her to stop.

I’ve never been so desperate for a woman before in my life, every touch of her hands to my body has me craving more of her.

A knock sounds from the door we are pressed against and we pull apart panting wildly as her eyes widen in shock.

‘Beta? Are you in there?’ comes Beta Ford’s voice as I slowly lower Raelyn to the floor and step back, running my fingers through my hair as she stares around the room in panic.

‘Uhh, yes I’m in here’ I reply, trying to keep my voice calm and not betray the fact I was just dry humping one of his pack Omega’s against the door.

‘Alpha Jasper wanted me to collect you so that we can run through the requirements for tonight’s claiming. We know you’ve done many here but he’d just like to check the box so to speak’ Ford calls out through the door.

F*ck, the claiming! I’m here to attend the damn claiming and I’m here tongue f*cking a woman that isn’t mine. I berate myself internally, clenching my fists tightly as I suck in the shame and anger that washes over me.

‘Yeah, yes, absolutely’ I reply hastily, knowing I need to say something, ‘I uh, just need to finish getting ready, but please tell Alpha Jasper that I’ll be along in just a few minutes.’

‘No problem, Beta, we’ll be in my office when you are ready’ Ford replies before his footsteps move away and I release a breath.

I glance over at Raelyn who has slid around me and is now standing in the middle of my room, her arms wrapped around her as she bites her l*p nervously.

‘Rae. . .’ I start, reaching out toward her.

She holds up a hand halting me, her gaze refusing to meet mine. ‘It’s OK Beta Isaac’ she murmurs softly, ‘it was a mistake. We can just forget it ever happened, OK? You have a claiming to attend, it’s a very emotional day for everyone, I’m sure that there are others who let the intensity of today get to them.’

I frown at her, mistake? It sure didn’t feel like a mistake, well not to me anyway. Studying her face, I find her closed off from me and I reluctantly take a step back as I nod slowly.

‘OK’ I agree quietly, ‘if that is what you wish.’

Raelyn moves toward the door as soon as I am out of the way, her hand landing on the knob. ‘It is how it is supposed to be Beta’ she replies firmly. ‘You are a Beta ranked wolf, you are looking for your Beta mate, even if you do not find her tonight, you will need a she wolf who is strong, capable and able to match you in both strength and intelligence so that she will be able to assist you in your position.’

She finally meets my gaze, the fire of the first time I saw her burning deep in those green irises. ‘I am not anyone’s plaything Beta Isaac’ she growls, ‘I do not allow men to use me as a distraction until someone better comes along. I may be an Omega rank, but I have more respect for myself than to act as a pastime to a horny werewolf.

This, just now’ she adds waving a finger between us, ‘it was a mistake. I forgot myself for a moment, but I can promise you that it will never happen again.’

I stare at her mutely as she glares at me for one more moment before returning her gaze to the door and opening it.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

‘I wish you luck tonight Beta Isaac’ she says firmly, ‘I hope you find your mate, who ever she is, I’m sure that she will be proud to find herself gifted such a worthwhile man.’

With those last words, she slips out of the room, closing the door with a click that echoes a finality far beyond her physically walking away from me.

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