Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Belle's POV

Dylan showed me a picture sent to him by his crazy sister. She is holding a gallon of gasoline in one

hand and a lighter on the other hand while standing on top of Mary. It has a caption "BRING HER


I covered my mouth in both amusement and horror. She's a psycho.

"Uh, I think you should bring me home Dy."

She will do exactly what she threatened to do. I know Amy and she's dead serious when it comes to

me or to anyone dear to her like her brother. I know that she's worried because of my sudden

disappearance and the fact that Dylan is with me. I'm aware that I am putting Dylan in harms way

whenever I'm with him but only he and Amy are my family here. I do not know where else to run to

except to them.

"She needs a boyfriend or a robot to get busy with." Said Dylan as he puts the other helmet on my

head. I just giggled inside. Yup, she does.

When we arrived home, A is already standing at the driveway.

"So, how was the honeymoon, BESTFRIEND and BIG BROTHER?" Amy said with her full on bitch

face. She intertwined her arms in front of her while tapping her toes on the ground.

I hugged her tight and placed all my weight on her. My poor bestfriend almost lost her balance.

"I'm tired A."

"I'm still mad at you and him. You ignored me last night. Do you know how hard it was to cover for you

from your Russian lovers? They were exhausting to fight with B!"

I crinkled my eyebrows while looking at her all puzzled. Amylinda Cabezares Lee gets exhausted

fighting? She rolled her eyes on me knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"Fine! I was not exhausted! I was just...well, you see... I could not think if your lovers are looking at me.

It's like being stuck in an oblivion of hypnotic spell!"

At least now she knows what I have been going through when I'm around Nikolai and Alexei. There is

no thinking straight once those two have worked their charm on you, whether they do it on purpose or

not, their mere presence will suck all the reason in your brain, and you will just turn into a ball of lost


"I'm so sorry A. Let's not talk about them. I want to sleep but I can't sleep. Help me."

Amy inhaled deep and sighed in defeat.

"You look like a zombie. What happened to you?" She asked while running her fingers through my hair.

There's no point in keeping the truth from her. She will just keep on asking and it will be a tiring


"Remember Yrina?"

"Hmmmm...Ooooh, yah, the bitch from the..." Her eyes widened like she realized something. "Oh my

god! They did not! Tell me they did not."

"I wish I could, but they cheated on me A. Both of them have been lying to me." Tiny needles are

pinching my eyes again. Betrayal is indeed one of the most painful experience one could ever go

through. It's like being stabbed in the heart over and over again.

A is already fisting her hands in anger. I quickly held her tight and connected my nose on her face.

"Please, just stay beside me. I need you more than ever."


"Here...this will help you get some sleep." She handed me a white tablet and I think I know what it is.

"Uhmm, I'd rather not."

"What do you mean you'd rather not? You need to sleep. Look at you B! It's been two nights and you

still haven't had a decent meal and sleep. Do you want to die?"

I don't have a medical background but knowing that I'm pregnant, it's common sense that I should not

take any pill without the Doctor's advise.

"Just no pills."

"Get up and take this." She said while holding a glass of water on her other hand.

I turned to my other side and hugged the pillow tightly.


"I will just close my eyes, perhaps I will sleep the natural way. K?"

"Get the fuck up and take this!" She said almost yelling.

I inhaled deep and sighed in annoyance. "No!"

"Why the hell not!?"

I shot a glare at her, already running out of patience. "Just no,A!"

"Fine! Dylan!!!!! Dylan!!!! Hold her for me."

To my horror, she took a syringe from the table next to the bed and flicked it. Dylan came barging in the

room looking all confused.

"Are you sure about this Ames?"

"Yes. She will be rushed to the emergency room soon enough if we don't do this."

I quickly rose to sit but Dylan was able to catch me.

"No!!!!! A! Please!"

"Don't let her move brother."

"No, please stop!"

I begged to my bestfriend but she was so determined to make me sleep using whatever it is in that

syringe. At this point, I didn't have a choice. I had to tell them.

"I'm pregnant." I said, almost whispering.

A crinkled her eyebrows looking all confused. "What?"

I wipe the tears that is slowly threatening to fall from my eyes.

"I said, I'm pregnant. I'm having a baby. So please stop."

There was a moment of somber silence after I said that. Amy and Dylan obviously were not ready to

hear this. They froze the moment they heard my confession.

At this point, I realized how miserable my life has quickly turned into. I'm pregnant with the baby of a

man who has been cheating on me. My mother and A were right. I should have protected myself from

Nikolai. I never listened to them. All I cared about was to be with Nikolai and Alexei and was too fixated

in believing that I will have a happily ever after with the two. I was wrong. Completely and madly wrong.

Amy slowly dropped to the floor, looking all defeated. Dylan rested his back on the headboard of the

bed while looking at me.

I curled my legs towards my chest, dropped my head on my knees and cried in silence.

"Brother, can you please excuse us?"

Dylan went out of the room and left me and my Bestfriend. Amy is looking at me from where she has

dropped. Her eyes are already starting to fill with tears. I could not stand watching her like this so I lay

on my side, my back against her direction.

Moments later I felt her move to my side and wrapped her arm around my waist. I turned to face her

and instantly hugged her tight.

"B, youre pregnant?"

I just nodded.

She removed herself from the embrace and palmed my face.

"You are going to be the most bad ass momma ever." She lets out a tiny smile but her eyes are still

filled with tears.

"I'll do my best." My lips pulled to the side while I try not to break into tears again.

She's looking at me like she's holding back something. I think know what she wants to ask me.

"Go ahead, ask me A."

"You know me too well, it's scary."

"Uhuh. I even know what you look like when you need to poop."

"Really? How about my look when I'm about to slap a pregnant bitch on the face?" She said as she

wipes the tears from her face.

I giggled in response. "So, ask me."

"K, sooo... Uhmm...Do you know with whom?"





"Nikolai's bare penis made its way to my vagina. I think that's how."

"Youre a sarcastic pregnant bitch."

"That's accurate."

"What I mean is that how did you know it's the Ultra Boss' baby and not the Extra Boss'?"

"Alexei uses protection when we do it."



"What's your plan?"

"I dont know. I just want Nikolai and Alexei out of my life."

"Great plan...Uh..so..how about baby Volkov?"

"The baby stays. And he or she is a Galves."

"He or she is a Volkov."


"How much are you gonna bet that the baby will look exactly like his or her father?"

"Is this your way of trying to make me feel better? Because I feel more terrible now."

"The Baby looking like his or her father is not that bad don't you think?"

"Well..." I said, cocking my head to the left. Nikolai's face flashed in front of me and memories of his

betrayal came rushing back. "I don't want to talk about him."

"Okay, can you do me a favor and just close your eyes so you can rest and sleep?"

I nodded and connected my face on Amy's face. I inhaled her sweet scent and tried to close my eyes.


"When you were at the hotel, was she able to eat? How about sleep?"

My brother placed his palm on his nape and leaned back his head. "No. She was crying all through the

night. I was trying to let her sleep but she can't or she won't. I don't know."

"Did you do it? Did something happen between..."


"I'm sorry. I was just... I just don't want you to get in trouble again. Whether we admit it or not, the

Russians are not to be messed around. When the Bosses were here looking for her, they were after

your head as well. You should be careful big Brother."

I think I'm already out of my mind. Juggling my protective instincts between my brother and my

bestfriend is driving me insane! I want to protect B and my brother at the same time and to do that, I

have to break them as far from each other as I can. My brother who is obviously utterly in love with B,

cant get his eyes and hands off of her and I cant blame him for that. B is practically out and free for the

taking. And the fact that she's so vulnerable right now makes the situation even harder.

I sat on the chair, trying to figure out what to do next. My brother pulled the chair across me and sat

while leaning backwards. B is in my room and she's still wide awake. I tried to make her sleep but no

matter what I do, she always ends up tossing and turning. She's having a baby and the last thing she

needs right now is depression.

"She can't go on like this. She needs to eat, rest and get a lot of sleep or she will put herself and the

baby at risk."

I rub forehead while trying to think of what to do next. I have always known that her lovers are bad

news but when I saw how they took care of her, I got too complacent. I thought, perhaps they will not

hurt her after all. I was utterly wrong. God! How can I be so careless? I shouldn't have let her do this to

herself. Now, she's pregnant and depressed at the same time. Never a good combination. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I leaned back and dropped my shoulders. God, what am I gonna do?

And then it clicked.

"Oh my goodness, I think I know what to do."


Belle's POV

"B, do you trust me?"

I crinkled my eyebrows while squinting my eyes. What is she up to now?

"What now A?"

"Do you trust me or not?" She said already frustrated and obviously tired as well.

"I don't have a choice, I have to trust you."

"Wow, that's comforting."

I tiny smile formed on my face. I'm resting my head on Dylan's lap while holding on to his arm. Dylan

slowly placed cover on my eyes and tied it on the back of my head.

"What are you doing Dy?"

"Shush B! You just said that you trust me." A butts in.

"Okay, fine."

Dylan placed me in the middle of the bed and kissed me on my forehead before completely leaving me


"B, Just close your eyes and don't remove your eye cover. No matter what you do, think that this is for

the baby."

"Hmmm... Okay. I love you.."

"I love you B"

"A, kiss me will ya?"

My bestfriend ran her fingers on my face and kissed me on my lips slowly and gently. I then felt her

smile while her lips are still connected to mine. "B, as much as I would love to make out to you right

now, I have to take care of the pressing issue and I hope this will work."

"Hmmm...but I love making out with you."

"What a friggin lezbo. Your pregger hormones are the best B! Don't worry, we'll make out tomorrow. I

promise to lick your cherry."

There's a three seconds silence, then we blew air from our mouths in unison, it made funny fart sound.

"Hush now. I will turn off the lights okay?" She said while whispering in my ears and placing a pillow

under my head.

I nodded and lay on my side while placing my hand on the pillow. Moments later I heard the door

closed. I don't understand what's with the fuss when they just want me to rest and sleep. I doubt if that

will happen though.



Oh goodness I hope this will work.

"I really don't think this is a good idea Ames."

"Big brother you need to trust me."

I know I'm slowly killing my brother by doing this but at this very moment, this is the only way that I can

think of that somehow makes sense, as ridiculous as it may sound.

"I'm sorry but she needs this." I squeezed my brother's shoulder to comfort him. "She's...you're not..."

"I don't deserve her, I know."

"No! That's not true Dylan, I thought the two of you are perfect for each other, if not for the fact that your

relationship with her will cost you your life. The Russian Bosses still think that their Belle is theirs and

by the looks of it, they are not going to stop until they get her back. Please....do this for me and for Ma.

It will break her heart if anything happens to you."

"I'm not a fucking coward Ames."

"I know brother, but this is not about being brave or the opposite. Do you think that B would be able to

forgive herself if you get murdered because of her? She's already blaming herself because you got into

the Mob, please don't do this to her."

As much as it breaks my heart to do this to my own brother, but he needs to know the consequences if

he continues with his madness. I just don't have enough courage to drop the ultimate truth bomb to him

though. B is not in love with him. She never was and she never will. Her now broken heart has always

been specially devoted to the Russian Bosses.

From the living room we heard several cars pull over on the street outside. That must be him.

My brother went out and stood in front of the house. I left the door open on my way out to see for

myself. I have not felt this beating of my heart for quite a while. God, I do hope this will work. And I also

hope that my bestfriend will be able to forgive me after tonight.

The other men went out of the other black SUV and stood next to the second SUV. They all look like

they can pop my neck in just a tap. These men looks friggin scary. Could the gangster movies be more


My tiny eyes widened the moment I saw him step down the SUV. From the shiny shoes to his dark gray

long socks and a perfectly tailored suit, you will know that it's him. The Boss himself.


Belle's POV

I can already smell the scented burning candles my bestfriend most probably set up for me. I inhaled

deep and exhaled slowly. Lavender.

I must say, the ambiance of the room somehow soothes and calms my senses. I'm on my side while

laying down, trying my very best not to think about what happened.

I'm already fighting the urge to remove my eyecover but my bestfriend told me to trust her so I'm going

to oblige.

Moments went by, I heard the door open and then being shut. I then hear foot steps slowly nearing the

bed. The sound of the shoes when it hits the floor makes me think that the one walking towards the bed

right now is a man.

I feel like every step the mystery man makes, my heart jumps from inside of my rib cage. And then, the

steps halted right in front of me on the side of the bed.

I did not say a single word and chose to remain silent. At this point, all I can hear is the beating of my

heart. Oh god, what is happening?

To my surprise, I felt a body lie next to me. It inched even closer to the point that I can already smell his

scent. His very familiar scent.

Oh my god. This is.....

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