Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Belle's POV

"Really? That's just so funny." Yrina giggled. "I miss this. I miss us, Volkov." She said as she leans

forward close to Nikolai's face while looking at him seductively and just waiting for Nikolai's next move.

I feel like my heart is being stabbed a thousand times. My world has just crumbled down right in front of

me. Everything that I have been through with Nikolai and Alexei went down the drain just like that. I

have been all alone all these time.

I could not stand watching them any longer. Every second I see Yrina and Nikolai, a lump forms in my

throat, slowly suffocating and killing me. Alexei, Boris and Dimitri are looking at me as if observing each

of my reaction.

They did not say a single word. I turned around and walked away without Nikolai and Yrina even

noticing me.

As I exit the kitchen, I felt Alexei walk behind me. I'm almost at the main door when he was able to grab

me by my arm. He pulled me towards his chest and wrapped his arms around me.

"Princess...no, no, no. Let me explain."

Alexei's touch disgusts me to the bone so I pulled away from him.

"When the two of you are done with your important meeting with her, meet me at the Penthouse. Have

the boys deliver my luggage and clothes at Amy's, I will be needing all of them."

I'm trying hard not to look unshaken. I exited the house and run towards the SUV. Yuri and Boris took

over the passenger and driver's seats when I went in.

"Penthouse." I said coldly while squeezing myself closer to the car door so that the two won't see me

from the rear view mirror.

I tried to inhale deep to save myself from crying but I ended up sobbing silently. I placed my palm on

top of my mouth and nose so that Yuri and Boris wont be able to hear me.

The pain that I am feeling right now is beyond words. Nikolai and Alexei have been lying and cheating

on me with Yrina. I did not see this one coming. All these time I was led to believe that I was their only

one, their princess, and their baby. I wasn't.

My phone vibrated and it's Alexei. I ignored his call and hurled the phone inside my purse. Seconds

later, Yuri who is in the front passenger seat handed me a phone. "Madamme I'm sorry but it's the


I immediately looked outside the window and wiped the tears from my face. Yuri realized that I am not

in the condition to talk, so he did not insist further and just talked to Nikolai or Alexei himself instead.

"Drive please..." I was already close to begging. I don't want to be here anymore. Just by looking at the

house makes my stomach turn.

"I'm sorry Madamme but the Boss ordered not to let you go." Yuri said in response.

I did not think twice and opened the car door but to my dismay, the doors have already been locked.

"Open the door! Please!" I'm already yanking the car lock hysterically and wiping the tears from eyes at

the same time. I know that as much as Yuri and Boris want to unlock the door, they can't and they won't

because of Nikolai or Alexei's order.

I then saw Alexei approach the SUV and in an instant, the door unlocked, allowing Alexei to come in.

"Princess, listen.."

"Save it. I have seen enough. You and Nikolai have perfectly conveyed the message."

"You don't understand.. we.."

"I said save it Alexei! I'm so tired! I want to go back to the penthouse to get this done and over with. Tell

them to drive. And I mean now!"

Alexei signalled Boris to drive. I tried to compose myself together by wiping the tears off of my eyes

and face. I then held on to my arms tightly in front of me while looking outside. Alexei is talking on his

phone in Russian, and I think I know who he's talking to.




They are both looking at me intently as they sit right across me at the sofa. Nikolai rested his elbows on

his knees, leaned forward and ran his fingers through his hair while looking down the floor. Alexei

slouched and placed the side of his index finger over his mouth while looking at me all defeated. We

remained silent knowing fully well what will happen next.

Nikolai, Alexei and I were never meant for each other. This is the end of the line for us.

I reached for the hook of the gold and diamond studded necklace Nikolai gave me. I can still recall that

exact moment. It was his birthday and we were so in love, or so that's what I thought. He dangled the

necklace right in front of me and put it on me with a smile on his face. He had this personally made for

me so that he can track me down easily. He was a creep, but I loved him just the same.

I then unhooked the ruby and diamond bracelet Alexei gave me. That was the night when I decided to

go back to their lives knowing fully well who Nikolai and Alexei are. I embraced and accepted all of

them and the rest of the Russian Mafia with all my heart and soul. That was also the night when Alexei

and I kissed for the very first time, right in front of the Russian Mafia including Nikolai, the Mafia Boss


And lastly, I pulled the ruby ring Nikolai gave me the night that he proposed to me at the cemetery. No

normal thinking girl would ever appreciate getting a proposal at the cemetery, but to me, that was the

most magical night of my life. Nikolai asked me to marry him in the middle of the graves of his father,

Vyacheslav Roustam Volkov and his beloved sister Yelena. The two most important people in his life.

I placed them on the table one by one.

At this point, the undaunted facade I have been putting up is slowly breaking down. I want to scream

and ask the two why did they have to do this to me, why did they have to ruin me, but no words came

out of my mouth. My heart is taking in all the pain, I just don't know for how much longer.

"This is a letter revoking all my signatures from the documents I signed transferring Yelena's properties

to my name. This is effective immediately."

Nikolai placed his index finger down his chin without taking is eyes off of me. Alexei sat straight and

was about to say something but I interrupted him. "I have wired the money you have been depositing in

my account back to your account Alexei. I don't want anything to do with it."

Knowing him too well, he will just deposit it back to my account so I decided to call the bank and close

the account so that there's no way that Alexei can deposit the money back.

"You're not leaving. We need to talk." Said Nikolai while reaching for the paper and tearing it apart.

Now you want to talk Nikolai? I'm way past talking. I'm done. I'm going to raise this baby by myself and

he or she will never hear about his father. Ever.

"I'm done talking. I want the two of you and everyone from the Russian Mafia stay out of my life."

I stood up from the sofa and walked away. I'm starting to tear up again so I walked as fast as I can

towards the door. I went past Yuri, Boris and Alexei's men. Their eyes were glued to me as I walked

past them.

When I'm already in the elevator, I held on to my abdomen because I suddenly felt a strike of pain from

the inside. Don't do this to Ma my little one, please. Your Pa have done enough.

The moment the elevator opened, I saw Dylan at the lobby already waiting for me. I called him before

Nikolai arrived at the penthouse. As my second bestfriend, Dylan never fails to rescue me whenever I

need him. He has always been there for me just like A, even if he risks his own life just to get to me.

"Belle, are you okay?" He asked, all worried.

"Let's get out of this place Dy." I responded as normal as I can. Deep inside me wants to explode and

just let out the pain that is slowly killing me inside.

Dylan did not push any further with the question and instantly grabbed my hand. The security details at

the lobby were looking at us while talking and using an earpiece.

Dylan and I rode his bike to god knows where. At this point I really don't care where he will take me. I

just want to go as far away as I can from Nikolai and Alexei or from any place that would remind me of


I cried and sobbed while wrapping my arms around Dylan. I held on tight to him while resting my head

on his back. I have already lost track of time. I felt like I was crying the whole time he was driving.

Dylan pulled over at the gas station. He removed his helmet off then mine. He wiped my face with his

palm which eventually triggered another sob to escape my mouth. He hugged me tight and wrapped

his arms around me.

"Shh....everything is going to be alright Belle."

No Dy, you don't understand. I'm pregnant and was cheated on by the father of this baby.

"Do you want to go home? Your bestfriend has been waiting for you."

I shook my head while my face is still burried on his chest.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Far away." I said in response.

"Okay, let me just make some calls."

I found myself pressing my ring finger while waiting for Dylan. The image of Nikolai and Yrina keeps on

flashing back in my head. They looked perfect for each other. They're like two pieces of a puzzle,

perfectly made to fit to each other.

Yrina, is gorgeous. I mean, she is beyond gorgeous! Whilst, Nikolai looks like a god, Yrina on the other

hand looks like Venus with her long sultry brown hair, green sparkling eyes, and a figure that would put

every model to shame.

No sane man would choose me over her.

Dylan came back with a faint smile on his face after making some calls.

"I called Amy. I let her know that we are together. She's worried. Are you sure you don't want to go

home yet?"

"Yes Dy."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I just shook my head in response.


Dylan and I checked in a hotel suite. My second bestfriend, the gentleman that he is, wanted to get two

rooms adjoining each other for the both of us but the woman from the front desk said that the only

available room is a matrimonial suite. I told Dylan that I wont mind sharing the bed with him. He lets out

a naughty smile while we were in the elevator heading up to our room.

"I'm a virgin Ms. Galves. Keep your hands in your pants. You can look but you cant touch."

My lips slowly pulled to the side. I know that Dylan just wants to cheer me up and I really appreciate it a

lot. Only that, what I'm going through right now will take more than a cheering up for the pain to go


"I promise to keep it together for as long as I can. Although I don't know if I can resist not holding your

man buns." I replied.

A chuckle escaped Dylan' mouth at the exact time that the elevator stopped at the 9th floor of the hotel

where our room is reserved.

My phone have been vibrating since I left the penthouse. Nikolai and Alexei have been calling and

texting, asking were I went and why was I with Dylan. It's like those two did not understand what I was

telling them back at the penthouse. It's over between the three of us. I'm hurt. I'm tired. And I'm done.

"You're not going to answer that?"

I shook my head and pushed myself on Dylan's side while my head rested on his strong and broad

shoulder. He pulled me even closer and tighter to him.

I feel like all the pain I have been keeping inside my heart turned to sobs and tears. I cried and let

everything out.

Why did they let it come to this? Those times that we were together felt true. I felt loved by Nikolai and

Alexei. I felt that I was the only one. That I was Mrs. Volkov. Soon to be wife of Nikolai Vyacheslav

Volkov, the Russian Mafia Boss.

I gave them my everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. And now, what's left of me is a broken heart

and a baby.

"We can talk about it if you're ready." Said Dylan so gently.

I looked up to him and forced a faint smile. "Thank you Dy. Thank you for being there for me always."

Dylan held my chin with the back of his hand while looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

"Everything for you my Belle."


The next morning I had little to no sleep. I feel groggy. My head feels so light and I feel like my body is

floating in the air. Dylan has already put his usual white shirt perfectly hugging his ripped body and

jeans. He looked as fresh as always.

We stayed awake the whole night talking to each other while naked under the covers. To be perfectly

honest, I wasn't ashamed nor uncomfortable being naked around Dylan. He makes me feel at ease

and perhaps I needed someone to reassure me that I'm still desirable despite my flaws.

I told him about what Nikolai and Alexei did to me. I saw him clenched his jaw and cursed a couple of

times when I told him what exactly transpired that day. He vowed to protect me from Nikolai and Alexei

no matter what and that he will do anything to keep me safe.

My second bestfriend made me wear his leather jacket and scoops me from bed.

"I don't want to go home yet."

"Your bestfriend just threatened to burn my beloved Mary if I don't bring you home now."


He just smiles in response.

"Dy! Who's Mary?"

"My girl in the garage."

"You have a girl in the garage? Girlfriend?"

"Yeh, I ride her all the time, you should hear her scream in pleasure whenever I tinker her engine."


A soft chuckle escaped his mouth while witnessing my reaction.

It was later on that I realized that he is talking about the car that he's been working on in his garage. Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

And of all the names in the world, he named it Mary.

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