Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Belle's POV

Artan Bogdani. The Albanian Mob Boss. Nikolai Vyacheslav Volkov's arch-nemesis.

I flinched the moment our skin touched.

He grabbed me around my back and pinned me to his body rather abruptly and tightly. He then

wrapped his palm around my neck, up my nape and pulled my face to the side of his face. His thin

beard is now touching my left cheek causing this inexplicable current running down my spine.

I pushed him away but he just pulled me even closer and tighter towards him.

"Don't touch me Artan! Go away!"

I hit him on his chest and kicked him many times but he grabbed my hands with his other hand and

pulled my body with the other.

"Why won't you stop? I told you to stop! What else do you want? Nikolai and I are over! You have won!

So please stop!"

My stupid tears are flowing again. I hate myself for crying. I want these tears to once and for all drain

out of my system. I am so tired! My heart is crushed into tiny pieces and I don't know if I would still be

able to recover. And the man caressing me right now is one of the reasons why I am going through this

hell. I hate this man to the bone!

Artan remained still and quiet. He wiped the tears from my face but I instantly removed his hand off of


I hit him again and again until my body slowly gave up. My brain is in protest and wants me to storm

out of the room at this very moment, but my heart says otherwise. For some inexplicable reason,

Artan's touch and warm embrace made me feel safe and at ease despite my hatred towards him.

Slowly, my body relaxed. My heart refused to put up a fight. I have completely lost my ability to defend

myself from the situation.

Artan's tight grip slightly loosens but with enough strength to effectively immobilize my weak body and

to let me know that he is now in control. He kept quiet. His actions spoke louder than words.

I breathed Artan's scent as I slowly rest my head on his arm. My eyelids grew heavier by the second. I

flickered my eyes trying to save myself from completely drifting off but I failed.



I slowly closed the door and ran towards my brother.

"Ames, shhh..... It's okay." He said, gentle as always.

I burried my face on his chest. I had a feeling that this will work. I just did not realize how difficult this

must be for my bestfriend. I'm afraid that by putting her in this situation, I may have caused more harm

than good to her.

"It's done. She's asleep now. Your plan worked, why are you crying?"

"Nothing." I said.

Of course I lied. I can't tell him how bad I feel about him and my bestfriend. I feel like I have betrayed

both of them at the same time. I just can't imagine how hard this is for my brother as well. Seeing the

woman he loves with his own Boss because of his sister's own doing. Just the thought of it makes me

want to scream at myself.

"I'm sorry Dylan. I'm sorry. I just want to protect you and B."

"Let's not talk about it Ames. What's important is that she's going to be fine. And the baby is going to be

fine too if Belle regains her strength. What you need to do now is to be stronger for her. You know, the

Ames that I have always known times ten."

My brother is right, I should be stronger for B. She has no one else but me and my brother and maybe

Artan to depend on. She is pregnant and got cheated on by her lovers. She needs all the help that she

can get. "Okay." I said as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

I glanced at the other Albanian men in the living room. I just can't help but marvel at how intimidating

and not to mention, how sexy they look, including the one named Dardan. I think he is the one wearing

a perfectly tailored suit just like his Boss and just like how that Yuri the Russian would always look like.

I think they are the most trusted by their respective Bosses. They have the same umffff. You know what

I mean?

Gosh! Is it really a requirement in hell nowadays to have good looks?

But of course, in my own humble opinion, no gang in this whole damn world compares to B's Russian

Mafia men. I mean, damn! Mother earth really took her time in creating her masterpieces as beautiful

as my bestfriend's lovers. That's why I can't really blame her for losing her mind when it comes to the


Perhaps my brother noticed that I easily got distracted by the presence of the Albanian Mob in the

house so he grabbed me by my arms gently and gazed at me with his usual brotherlike look.

"Now, how about making us some coffee? I think my brothers will be needing stronger brew for


I flashed the sweetest smile while wiping my eyes with the back of my right hand.

"Of course, right away big bro!"

I hugged my brother so tight once again and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hey Ames, by the way. How did you know that this will work?" Asked my brother as he enters the

kitchen. I'm already prepping the coffee maker when he sat next to me and grabbed an apple to eat.

"As a matter of fact I did not know. I just had a theory. I tested it and it worked."

"And that theory would be?"

"Are you sure you want to hear this?"


"Okay, so when you are addicted to something, and that something is all of a sudden taken away from

you? Your system runs havoc and you simply cant help but find that one thing that will put things back

to normal. That's what happened to B. She has become too dependent to the love and protection of the

Ultra Boss and Extra Boss. The moment that so called LOVE and protection disappeared into thin air,

she panicked and did not know what to do. She's not used to being alone. All her life she has always

been cared for, perhaps all too much. What's happening to her right now is simply out of her element.

Plus the fact that she's pregnant. Everything becomes too drastic and intense. She needed a fix. And

your Boss is the fix. It's as simple as that."

My brother looked more confused than ever. A sigh escaped my mouth in frustration. Gosh, how can

men be so stupid? I always have to spell things out to them. Note to self for the second life: DO NOT


"Okay...B is...well let's just say that she has a particular taste in men. She only gets attracted to strong,

powerful and over the top good looking men. She's not into good boys because she will easily get

bored. In short, you will only have her attention if you have the qualities of her Father, the Dictator, the

General Emilio Pablo Galves himself."

My brother grew a smile on his face slowly.

"Yah, yah... I know, you're her ex boyfriend, that puts you in the list. But brother, no offense but you're

the least bad boy of them all! If we are going to line up all of B's men, you will be considered a friggin


My brother chuckled and shook his head. We both know that this is the plain and simple truth. B is into

evil genocidal and batshit crazy control freaks, like the Ultra Boss, Extra Boss and the Boss inside the

room with her at this very moment, who I think is having the time of his life for having B in his arms like



Belle's POV

"A!!!!!!!!!" I called out screaming for my bestfriend. I hugged the pillow tightly while tears flow down my

cheeks. Why am I feeling like this! I hate it so much! It's like I'm not in control of my own emotions.

My bestfriend instantly climbed to bed and knelt in front of me. "What happened. Why are you crying?"

"Why did you leave me? I don't want to wake up alone A! Where is Artan?"


"What Uhh? Don't Uhh me! I want him now!"


My bestfriend looked so confused and amazed at the same time. Her face suddenly became too funny

to handle. A ball of laughter came out of my mouth as I roll in bed while holding my stomach.


"You know B, you are officially a crazy bitch." She said as she wipes the tears from my eyes and made

me blow my nose on a paper wipe. She looked disgusted as she shoots the paper to the trash bin.

"Come on let's eat then we will go to Artan. He had an important meeting to attend to early this morning

that's why he needed to leave." She pulled me from bed but I refused to stand. I am too lazy to get up.

My legs feel like I have ran a marathon.

"I hate important meetings. It's just a fancy way of making an excuse to cheat on your partner."

Amy sighed in response. "Point well taken. But Artan is not your boyfriend so he can do whatever he

wants to do. He is just your....uhm what do we call him? Boytoy?"

"No!!!!!!!!" I said all too intensely. That word will just remind me of that someone I used to know.

"Geeez... what's with the reaction B?"

"Just not that word k?"

"K. How about, lover b-"

"Hell NO!!!!!"

Amy rolled her eyes in response. "Fine! Then name him yourself!"

A giggle escaped my mouth seeing my bestfriend completely lost her patience with me. She sat beside

me in bed and crossed her arms in front of her. I scooted over her side and pulled her with me to lie


"I love you A."

She just pouted her lips and looked at the ceiling. "Do you want to go shopping? I still have money. Not

Mafia money this time."

"No. What you should do is to save your money for baby Volkov, unless of course you will tell the Ultra

Boss about his little bundle of joy."


"He is the father. He has the right to know."

"He has lost that right the moment he lied and cheated on me."


"I don't want to talk about it."

"But Nikolai is the...."

"I said, I'm done talking about him!"

"Fine!" She turned to her side effectively facing her back on me.

"Fine!" I retorted.

"K, so now lets go back to naming Artan. How about Cock Boy?"

"No. Too vulgar. Although, the man is carrying quite an impressive ammunition down there."

"OMG! Really? And how in the world did you know? Mary Arabella Galves! Spill it!"

"Uhh, I might have kicked him down under."

My bestfriend's eyes widened in disbelief. Her mouth made an O shape while gasping for air. "Oh my

gosh! Why would you do that?"

"I did not mean it okay! I was getting away from him when I accidentally kicked his....you know."

"And how did he react?"

"I don't know, it was dark. I did not see his reaction."

Of course I saw his reaction. The candles were letting out enough light for me to see his face. He was

clenching his jaw and squeezing my arms in pain. But it was just a momentary reaction. He came right

back in holding me tight because I was trying to get away from him.

"Poor Artan...." Said my bestfriend with her puppy face.

"Why did you let him in our room in the first place?"

My bestfriend has a duh look on her face as she replied. "To make you sleep."

"What made you think that I will fall asleep beside him?"

"You miss Nikolai and Alexei so I thought to send over a proxy."

I looked at her while squinting my eyes. "That doesn't even make sense."

"It does because apparently you fell asleep like a baby booboo."

"Ha-ha. So funny." I said mocking her.

"B, whether you admit it or not, you are into dangerous Mafia Bosses. The kind of men who got their

shits together. As of date, we only know at least three Bosses. I know you hate Artan but not as much

as you hate the other two. So the Albanian was the best prospect. Plus I know that he is always

available when it comes to you, so I made my brother call Dardan to let Artan know that I need help NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

with you. The Albanian Mob Boss came for you without thinking twice."

I remained silent, as I try to process everything that A just told me. Last night, no matter what I did to

fight the urge to fall asleep in his arms, I failed miserably. Although I must admit that I feel better now.

Hungry but better.

"And B, please don't be too hard on yourself. You're pregnant. Your hormones are shooting off like

fireworks inside your body. We should prevent bad thoughts and depression okay? For baby Volkov?"

"Okay, as long as you stop calling my baby that name."

"Whatever! Let's go. I will feed you."

"I feel inutile."

"You are pregnant not inutile. I'm your personal nurse, so do as I say."

I rolled my eyes and obliged reluctantly.

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