Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 29

Chapter - 29

Author's Pov.:-

Its been a week from Varun and Amoli's divorce ... No one knows about it yet , apart from the divorced

couples .

Varun is in his bathroom taking bath ... He came out from the bathroom .

" Amoli ... Amoli .. AMOLI " he shout from the top of his lungs ..

" Sir mam is not at home " a maid said to him ... Who was cleaning his room.

' fuck man .. you both are divorced now , she is not here

Why the fuck you are shouting her name ' he scold hisself in his mind .

He dismissed the maid and took out his clothes .. he wore them and hold the tie .

A beautiful memories flashback telecast infront of his eyes ... In which Amoli making him wear his tie

while his hands are on her waist teasing her .

Unknowingly smile came on his lips ...

' came back to reality fool , stop smiling also .. did you forgot that you hate her and you have kicked her

out ' his inner self mocked him ..

' for your kind information I haven't kicked her out , she herself gave me divorce ' Varun debate back ..

' ya ya whatever but you're the reason why she did it okay so accept it ' his inner self again mocked.

Varun shrugged and started to do his tie but .. failed .

2nd attempt ... Failed .

3rd .. Failed.

4th .. Failed.

5th .. Failed...

He groaned in frustration and threw his tie on the floor vigorously ..

He step on the tie and started to kicked it like a small kid .

' are you out of your mind , I think you have gone crazy .. what are you doing .. kicking a tie .. seriously '

his inner self mocked him .

" Shut up " he shout out loud and went out from the room .

He set on the dining table to have his breakfast .. he took one bite and shout " Amoli what is this .. you

" his words cut by a helper .

" Sir mam is not at home " helper said in robotic voice to which he groaned again in frustration.

He nods his head and got up from his seat and went to kitchen , he removed his blazer and rolled up

his shirt sleeves and started to cook for himself breakfast .

While all the kitchen staff womens drooled over his hot look ... And some bite's their lips .

" What have you done " an angry voice stopped the drooling sation of the helpers and they turned back

while Varun also did the same to see his angry grandfather is standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

" kindly Give us privacy " grandpa said to kitchen staff and they went out after wishing him good


" I haven't done anything wrong " Varun answer back with a rude attitude.

" Oh really ... Is it not true that you and Amoli both are divorced now .. " grandpa said .

" Yes it is .. so what it's my life .. I was not happy with her and see I have won , I had said it to you that I

will make her to give me divorce herself " Varun said with a smirk.

" Now are you happy " his grandpa asked with a raised bows and his eyes landed on Varun's collar

which is not having tie .... He give Varun a smirk and didn't argue further.

" Why are you cooking , didn't cook make food for you ? " Grandpa asked ...

" They did but I didn't like it . So , I am making it myself .. nothing " Varun said not knowing that he has

exposed himself infront of his grandpa .

" Ohhhh before it Amoli used to cook isn't she ! " Grandpa said with a mocking smirk .

Varun didn't answered back but ignore him ...

Soon he finished making and did his breakfast with his grandpa .

Then his grandpa went in garden area in the back of the house ...

Varun set towards the main door to go out as usually he turned around to kiss Amoli but when he

turned around he didn't find her .

" Fuck " he cursed while moving his fingers in his hairs .

He set inside his car went to his office...




' why I am thinking about her ... I think I just got used to her ... She is not here but she is messing with

my head ' Varun thought .

' now she is leaving with her parents ... But strange her parents haven't called me yet for bullshit

questions ' he thought ...

' hmm where is my phone ? ' he asked to hisself and touched his coats pockets .. then his pent pockets

.. but still didn't find his phone he look beside him to see there is his office bag is not ...

' where is my office briefcase ... Amoli haven't ... Fuck I forgot it at home ahhhhh ' he groaned atlast .

" Turn back to home " he ordered his driver who obeyed him .



Soon he reached back his house and he ran inside his bedroom to take his briefcase .

' okay I have take mine briefcase ... Next is ... Ya ! Handkerchief .. hmm ya mine wallet ... where is my

watch .. okay I have take everything .. let's go ' he thought then head towards the room exit ...

But his steps halted when he heard his phone is ringing ... " Fuck .. I had forgotten about it " he said

and took his phone also .




Finally he arrived at his new office building..

' Good morning sir '

' Morning sir '

' Good morning sir '

' Good morning sir '

Everyone greet him while he just gave them light nod nothing else ...

He is going inside his private elevator when he heard anklets ringing sound ..

' Amoli ' his mind said to him and he turned with a relief face and smile to see a group of office

employees are coming .

His smile teared away from his face ...

' Good morning sir ' they all greet him while ... He passed them and went back in the hall area where he

grabbed the security guards mick and shout ...

" No one in this office is allowed to wear anklet ... And you will follow this rule from today and if you

break it then say by to your joy " after saying this he went to his office room .




Soon it's lunch time .. he is feeling hungry ..

' why that bitch haven't arrived yet to give me my food .. '

' where is she man '

*Knock* *knock*

' finally bitch is here ' he thought ..

" Come in " he shout ..

And saw his P.A. is the one who have knocked .

" Sir it's lunch time , do you need something and can I go to have my lunch " his PA asked to which

Varun said no and dismissed him to go and have his lunch .

While he himself wait for Amoli for his lunch ...




Soon lunch brake is also over ... And he consumed in his work now .



" Huff " he sighed after placing his briefcase on the couch ... And removed his clothes then took shower

and again " Amoli .. Amo... What the Fuck man " he chide on himself atlast .

He wear his clothes then .. wait for his evening tea .. but didn't get it .

He angrily went out and said " Amoli where is my tea "

And all the kitchen staffs eyes on his child like winching face ...

" Sir mam is not at home " maid said .. with irritation dripping because now they are tired of his this all

shouting shouting behaviour.

" Ya ya I know and she won't going to come back because we are divorced now ..

Make me evening tea and take your all works back which Amoli used to do " saying this he went away


In the kitchen gossips run like a fire ..

" It's good that they are separate now "

" But what about the child "

" He doesn't deserves to know "

" Or maybe he knows but he didn't wanted it "

" He was so cruel to her .. god have saved her from him "

That's how they all talked with low voice .



After eating his dinner alone Varun went back to his bedroom to sleep ....

He is turning tossing on the bed but can't sleep although he is too tired but can't sleep ...

There is something in his heart ... Longing for amoli's embrace ..

He need her body fragrance to sleep calmly without any worry .

' why the fuck I can't sleep ... ??? ' he asked to himself ..

' Stop pretending and embrace any Amoli dress to sleep in ... as you have been doing since the last

lonely nights, in memory of Amoli .. ' his inner self mocked him .

' no I am not missing her .. it just that I got to used to her ... Her presence gives me a satisfaction that

everything is ok , maybe because of her innocent face or ...

I don't know .. ' Varun's thought made him more confused .

Although he got up from the bed and lay down back with amoli's saree over his face and hugging it .


He slept .



Amoli is walking in the garden alone wearing a white gown ..

Soon she reached at the alter of the wedding ..

While Varun made a confused face ' why she is wearing a bridal dress ' he asked but no reply came .

Then he saw a man is standing before Amoli and helped to climb up on the stage ... Their is a priest

standing infront of them .


The man said ' I do ' ... And now it's Amoli's turn to say.

' no she can't marry to anyone , she is mine ' Varun said .. and soon everything become black around

him .

' I can marry anyone because it's my life ' he saw Amoli saying this to him while her hands are around

the man's neck who was her going to be husband .

While her head is resting on the man's chest .

He clenched his fist in anger and ran towards the man to see that man has no face .

He look back at Amoli ... ' you can't stop her marriage young man ' his grandpa's words stop him .

He turned back to look at him .. to see he is waving his hands to say ... ' bye '

He looked back to see Amoli is standing with the same man and there is a same little girl in amoli's

hand and she is waving bye to his grandpa .

' Quasar ... Mine daughter ' he said ..

' no it's not yours it's mine ' the man shout and laughed evilly ..

' no '

' yes he is my Dadda .. uncle you are not ' little girl said to Varun .. it took Varun's breath away that his

daughter calling him uncle .

Fear is running in her boy .. he panting , shaking , sweating like big but can't say anything .

His body became paralysed , he can't move his body ..

He saw them leaving him back ... He is all alone .. no one is around him .

Not even his parents .. ' I hate you uncle ' he heard his daughter's words and saw her running away

from him to her mother .


" No " " No " " No " " No "

Varun woke up from his dream ... Not dream from the nightmare .

" Fuck again ... These weird nightmare " he said still panting heavily and embrace his sweaty face in

his hands .

He cleaned the sweat away and look at the time .. 4 am .

He sighed and got up to disappear in the bathroom.

From the time Amoli has left him , he having these kinds of nightmare due to insecurity .

He himself doesn't have anything idea yet that Amoli is not his ex-wife but his life's most precious thing


He did his workout and got ready for his office and .. as usual one name on his mouth is Amoli .. Amoli

.. and Amoli .

' he has gone crazy , he himself has made that poor soul leave him .. and now all day just Amoli Amoli '

one of the kitchen maid thought and look at Varun with disgust.

Varun arrived his office building to see paparazzi is guarding his office entrance ...

They all ran to his car when they saw his car coming they all are surrounding his car now .

His bodyguards pushed them away from his car and make a clean path for him to go inside. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

" Is it true sir that you're divorced now "

" Is it true that you're now a batchelor "

" Sir do you have a girlfriend "

" What is the reason of the divorce "

" Sir is it true that your ex-wife haven't asked anything from your property "

" Sir is the extramarital affair is the reason of your divorce "

Everyone bomb blasts their questions on him ... While he head towards the entrance without saying

anything .

" Sir is your wife has an affair with other man that's why she divorced you to go with her lover ? " This

question made Varun stop in his steps .

His mind went back on his today's nightmare .

He cleaned his fist and his face muscles got tight , he turned around vigorously to give a bone braking

punch to the person who have said it .

" No .. it's not true actually me and Varun loves eachother alot and that's why he and his ex-wife

decided to get separate as they both don't love eachother . " Laasya said with a smile on her face and

holding Varun back by hugging his one hand.

She pulled Varun back and came inside his office building and soon they reached his office .

She pushed him on the couch and said " what is it .. did you really gave her divorce ? " She asked him

angrily while resting her hands on her hips .

" Yes we both separate our ways .. " Varun said casually but he is lost in his thoughts .

' is she really gave me divorce because she loves someone '

' no it's can't be true .. '

' why it can't be true , she can love anyone '

" Varun what are you thinking baby " asked his girlfriend Laasya seductively .

"nothing just thinking that how and why my stupid wife opps ex-wife gave me divorce suddenly,

although I am too happy but curious to know her reason because .....you know what I tortured her a lot

so that she gave me divorce but she didn't and endure all the torture ..." said Varun annoyingly

" why are you thinking this shit now and stop talking about her I really don't like her ..

you're a free man now which you wanted so, be happy and let's celebrate it baby " said Laasya to

Varun and puch him on the couch and started to open his shirt button .

Varun hold her hands in his one , stopping her to open his shirt .

" Do you really hate her ? " He asked hiding hurt in his heart because he himself doesn't know why ,

why he feeling hurt , pain and angry at the same time whenever people talk bad about Amoli .

" Why is it hurts you or what ? .. why are you talking about her come let enjoy it laasya said giving him

her best seductive look but Varun pushed her aside and got up .

His hands are trembling ... " No laasya it's not right .. I can't do this " he said to laasya who is seating

on the couch with tears in her eyes .

She gotup from her seat and grabbed Varun by his collar and pulled him towards her to make him

turned towards her and gave him a tight strong slap .





She slapped him with her all strength continuously .

She stopped when she has no more energy to do it while Varun just stood all shocked .

*Sob* laasya cried hard while kneeling infront of his steps , her hands and resting on the floor to

balance her shaking panting body .

Varun came out from his shocked state and band down to make her stand but laasya slapped his

hands away and said " Don't touch me you rapist ! "

Disgust is dripping out from her words ..

" I have never thought that you could step this low Varun ..

Don't look at me like this .

what do you think I don't know what have you done to her ..

When I came to know about you, you are behaving badly with Amoli, I did not believe it at that time, but

after your confession which you have done some time ago, it is clear that you are a monster in reality. "

Laasya shout on him while pulling her hairs in frustration.

" What have you done to her Varun ! ... She is an angel , you know what when I saw her first time at the

dinner party one word came in my head pure

And you ruined her man , now look at yourself all disturbed why ... " Laasya said and look at Varun for

answer but he didn't opened his mouth because he doesn't have any words.

" So , you still not ready to confess why because your this huge ego who is stopping you ..

Is it that hard for you to say that you love her ... " Laasya saying this but Varun gotup from his seat and

twisted her hand back .

" I fucking don't love her .. got it " he said in his making people frightened but it's didn't affect laasya .

" Ohhhh really ... Then let me clear it to you .. your this vacant collar , your sleep filled eyes , your this

unhealthy pale looking face , this frown on your forehead ... , Your this clothing style ,

All this is saying different story Mr. Varun Arora " laasya mocked him with a smirk while standing infront

of him without any fear .

" Let me ask you ask you something why you're not wearing tie .. not because you don't know how to

tie it , it just that Amoli is the only one who has the right to do it for you and she used to do this when

she was your wife .


Your these sleepy eyes , they want to do rest but can't why because they want to see Amoli became

resting and after waking up the first thing they want to see is Amoli .


Your pale face is telling your restlessness for Amoli , you want to hold her , do all the things with her

which a man want to do with his woman but you can't do it because she is not your.


Look at your self all upset .. a while ago you were burning in jealousy when that reporter has said Amoli

being in love with someone else .

I prey she will found someone for her who truly ..." Her words stopped by Varun who is throating her by

his hands .

" She is mine and always be mine ... You got it " Varun roared on her head and pushed her away from


Laasya balanced herself and gave Varun a mocking smirk .

" Then why don't you accept it that you love her Varun , put aside your ego .. and be a man accept your

feeling for her " laasya said angrily but no reply.

" Do you even know where she is ? " Laasya asked with a smirk .

" Ofcourse at her parents house " Varun said ..

Hahahahaha laasya laughed at him and mouthed No.

" What do you mean ? " Varun asked with a frown on his face .



" You bastard ... !!! " Someone shout and gave Varun a hard punch on his jaw .




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