Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 28

Chapter - 28

Author's Pov.:-

" When is he coming ? " Amoli asked to one of the male guard while eating ice cream ... She is

standing at the house entrance door .

Her face is all covered in ice cream all around her lips and over her lips , she is looking like a 5 year old

kid ... Cute and innocent .

" I don't know beta , sorry " that old guard man replied her with a sad smile .

Amoli's lips curled down like she is on the edge to cry ... Her pregnancy hormones making her too


" Okay thanks " she managed to say it ... And ran inside while crying like a kid rubbing her one eye with

her hand's back .

' He has not called me even once since he has gone.' Amoli thought ...

' I am tensed for him , is he okay .. or something happened to him ' ... ' don't stress yourself ...

Everything is good ... He has not called you because maybe he is busy in his work ' her mind reasoned

her .

' ya right ' she said in her mind.

" I want to eat butter chicken " she said to the maid ...

It's been a whole month but Varun haven't came back yet from his business works tour .

" He is big fat lier ... A big one he had said that he is going for only 2 weeks but he haven't came back

yet " Amoli angrily chide Varun in her brain .


" I am hungry ... " Amoli said ...

" Then eat your food " Amoli gasped by hearing voice behind her ..

She got up from her seat with a smile on her face she turned around to see Varun is standing infront

her in his all glory.

Without thinking anything Amoli hugged him .. " finally you came ... What took you so long .. why you

didn't call me ... Ahhhh " Amoli's further words end up in a painful shout .

In the shouting process she removed her hands around his waist and hold his hand which is pulling her

hairs backward .

" Stop your this quarry bitch ... And made a food plate for me quick " he roared on her in his dominating

intimidating voice.

" I .. I okay " Amoli said and tears drops fall down from her eyes .

" Good " Varun mumbled and leaned down on her face and licked away all the cream from her lips and

around it .

' stupid ' his mind said .

Varun passed her and head towards the staircase , meanwhile Amoli look at his back which is going

away from him ... Her tears fall down with his each steps.

" I want to share with you something ... You are going to be a father Varun , please change for our

child's bright future .

It's okay if you want to treat me bad , you can do it but please don't treat our child bad " Amoli mumbled

no one heard her words apart her soul.

She went inside the kitchen and asked the cook to make Varun's favourite one .

She is not making any food because she can't stand the smell of mustard oil and onions due to

pregnancy .

These things smell gives her nauseous feeling.

And Varun likes his food cooked in mustard oil ..

Helper placed the food on the dining table ...

Soon Varun also came down and set on his chair .

Amoli served him and joined her respective seat ... Beside his .

Varun took first bite of the food and swallowed it with angry face .

He threw all the food containing bowls always from the table to make Amoli gasped in fear .

Amoli placed her one hand on her swelling belly which is hidden inside her loose dress .

Fear to loose her child is running down her in her whole body ..

Varun hovered over her body by putting his each hand on the chair post while his forehead with her

fear sweat dripping forehead .

His breath is fanning amoli's sweaty face ... His dangerous closeness and his breath with groaning

sound giving a electrical spark of frighteness inside her whole body .

He hold her jaw in his right hand and squeezed it hard to make her lips make a 8 number sign .

In pain and fear , tears ran down from her eyes .

" Why you didn't cooked for me ... Huh ... Answer me damit " he shout .

" Actually .. I ... Am.. pre" Varun won't let her complete her words and said " go and make something for

me .. GO " he roared on her and left her law with a force to make her hit her head on the table's edge.

Amoli got up from her seat and turned to go towards the kitchen ...

Meanwhile Varun hold her right hand to make her turned with a force and twist her hand behind her

back .

" Ahhh " ... Amoli hissed in pain ...

" Don't you dare to fly high because you nothing just a woman who will obey me .. and give me my

heirs .. nothing ..

You are just a pleasure giving thing and child popping machine .

And when I will get my heirs from you then there will be no use of you in my life " Varun said with

disgust and anger dripping voice.

After hearing Varun's words which teared apart her tears from her eyes .... They are falling down

continuously .. something broke inside her ...

What is this .. her hopes .. yes her hope , the hope that he will change one day or he will give her little

respect or she will be happy one day with him ... All just finished today .

" Got it " Varun said while twisting and sqeezing her hand behind her back more painfully.

" Yes " Amoli said trembling lips ...

Varun pushed her forcefully away like a trash which lead Amoli to fall on the floor .

In shock and fear no words came out from her mouth but she managed to guard her stomach with her

hands and saved her child .

She set on the floor and cleaned her face with her both hands and got up to make food for him .

Amoli enter inside the kitchen and say kitchen helper staff giving her pity look with sad face .

All the helper staff members of the house knows about amoli's pregnancy .

Amoli started to make food for him ... First push of nauseousity hit her throat when her nose smelled

Mustard oil .

She covered her nose with her left hand ...

" Mam here cover your face with this mask ... It's has choco sent " one helper said while giving her

mask .

Amoli thanked her and wore it and then freely started to make food for him .




" Ji food is ready come eat " Amoli said to Varun who is seating in the living hall watching news .



' hmmm heaven ... Yum ' Varun moaned in his head when food's taste spread inside his mouth ... His Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

taste buds get theirs respective life back .. while his face is all cold and emotionless.

Meanwhile Amoli look at his face .. to see his face is emotionless .

So , she thought ' should I tell him about my pregnancy or not .... No ... No .. don't tell him now because

he is looking angry .. informed him later '

' hope .. I can go away from this house , from him .. but can't as the promise is stopping me ' Amoli

hoped in her heart .


After completing their dinner both came inside their bedroom .

Amoli went inside the bathroom and changed in a loose nighty ... While Varun laid down on the bed all

naked under the blanket which is resting on his lower waist to his legs .

Varun is laying by his front holding his upper body's wait up by his elbows.

His predatory eyes roaming over amoli's body ...

" Your body has changed ... It's looking more hot and sexy now " he said still eyes glued on her chubby

cheeks .

" Tha".. her words cut by Varun's motioning fingers.

He is moving his fingers to signing her to come near him ... Amoli obeyed him.

Amoli went to him ... And Varun gently pulled her hand to make her fall on him and he took advantage

of it and rolled down to cage her under him.

" It's so long .. I haven't fucked you " he said while kissing her cheeks .

He removed her nighty and have his ways with her ... No matter how hard she tried to say him no ..

" You have become fat, since I have gone, since then have you done nothing other than scorching

food? " Varun said still pounding inside her ... And by listening his words Amoli felt humiliated ...

She cried .. hard ...

" Don't cry ... I was just pulling your legs ... Although you have gain wait but you're looking sexy hot ... "

Varun said when he found Amoli continuously crying like a baby .

Amoli stopped her cry but didn't talked with him due to anger .





One more month passed ... Amoli is not anymore in her true self .

She is just a breathing machine , ... But there is a smile on her face .

Today is a whole family having lunch together , her parents , in-laws whole family is there having their

food .

She is seating beside Varun who is talking or praising hisself about his success in his new business ...

Tomorrow he is going to receive an award as a new and youngest successful business man .

He is so happy ...

" You know what moo ... Yesterday a guy proposed me .. " Vahini said to Amoli who is seating beside


And her this sentence took amoli's but Kabir's attention also who is seating beside Vahini .

" Okay then what you did " Amoli asked ...

" Nothing .. I simply said him no .. but he called to bitch

So , I showed him mine bitch Avatar nothing more " Vahini said while making an innocent face and

pushing her shoulders upward like she haven't harm the guy .

" Explain it clearly ..." Amoli said ..

" Okay first i punched him on his nose .. then when he guard his nose with his hand crying in pain then

I ran behind him and pushed him hard to make him fall down on the grass then I grabbed his hands on

his back and sit on them and bite his cheek hard that much hard that his cheek was bleeding from the

area where my teeth's penetrated his cheek skin ..

Hehehehe .. nothing more " Vahini explained cooly and pulled her imaginary collars up in swag .

Amoli gasped ... " Don't you think you just did a very dangerous fight " Amoli asked ...

" Hehehehe " Vahini giggled with her naughtiness while placing her one hand over her giggling mouth .

Amoli shook her head on seeing her sister's bold avatar .

" So , Varun are you happy with my daughter ? " Asked Amoli's father to Varun .

" Ofcourse dad I am ! " Varun said and squeezed Amoli on her upper thigh to make her shivered .



That's how they chat and finished their lunch party .

This lunch party called by Amoli .. she want to eat with all of them one last time before going away from

their life .

" I can clearly read your face dii , there is something you are hiding ... What is it , tell me " advaith ,

amoli's brother asked.

" No advaith there is nothing .. " Amoli said and went to her mother to talk with her ..

Soon evening came and everyone said goodbye to Varun and Amoli .. and they all went back to their

respective houses .

" Ji .. " Amoli called Varun who is going towards the staircase .

He turned towards her and raised his one eyebrow in question way .

" Can ... Can I ask you something " she said to Varun to which Varun came towards her and motioned

her by his hand to say whatever she want to say or ask .

" I have never ask anything from you ... Will you accompany me in the back garden for a little walk "

Amoli said in one breath .

" Okay .. " Varun said with emotionless face and went outside the house to go in the garden .

Amoli followed him with a carry bag in her hand .

They both are roaming around the garden Varun eyes on the flowers .. his mind went back on the

flashback .. when he had sawn Amoli planting plants in the garden with rooh and laughing and playing

with her and other maids catch me , catch me game.

While amoli's eyes are only on Varun who is one step ahead from her while she is following him ... ' he

will be happy if you leave him , you're nothing but just a unwanted burden on his shoulders ' ...

Amoli hold Varun's hand to make him stop in his further steps and due to this he turned towards her

with annoyed face.

" What ! " He asked in irritation because he was enjoying the calm beautiful flowery garden and wind's

soft cool slaps .

" This is for you " Amoli said with a smile which clearly says that she is breaking , she is in pain but still

not showing it .

" What is this " Varun asked but didn't get any reply from her only a smile on her face while her tears

are running down nose is red with her cheeks .

He opened the gift wrap ... And started to opened the box ... At that time Amoli said gaining Varun's full

attention on her " this is a gift from my side for your success and congratulations in advance for the

award which you are going to receive tomorrow " .

Meanwhile Varun just heard her and said ' what this bitch can give me ... She is nothing infront of me ' .

" Wait before you opened it can I ask you one last question ? ... " Amoli asked with the same sad smile


Varun nods his head in yes ..

" What is your dream means what you always wants to do in life " she asked .

" My dream is to rule on this world ... And now I am one step never and I am living it " Varun said .

" By the way what's yours .. ... Ya I remembered want to be a government teacher right ! " Varun said .

" No ... My dream was I always wanted to be happy and positive minded " Amoli said and motioned him

to opened it .

' was ... What does it mean ' Varun's inner self asked but Varun shrugged it off.

He opened it and ... He smiled and shout in joy " really .. is it true "

To which Amoli nods her head with the same smile sad and painful smile but Varun didn't noticed it in

his happiness ... It's not like he ever noticed her pain .

There are a paper from the court that's says that they both are now legally divorced .

Varun set on the bench hurriedly and started to read them ... Because he wants to know how much he

has to give Amoli from his property , money or other things like company shares .

He is busy in reading them ... That he almost forgot about the world around him .

Meanwhile Amoli ' he is really happy ... See his face has its real smile ' she thought and never stop

smiling hiding her pain behind it .

She removed her wedding chain and hold it in her trembling hands ... And look at it for good 2 - 3

minutes then kissed it and removed her wedding ring also and did the same .

She removed her other jewelry .. like earrings and anklets.

And placed them beside Varun who is too lost in reading paper's ...

" Goodbye Varun " Amoli said and wait for him to look at her one last time but he didn't ... After some

more seconds his reply came " okay .. okay . Bye ! "

Tears again ran down from her red swelling eyes .. she sniffed and cleaned her nose and face with her

suits dupatta ( stoll ).

In this all one is too happy in his victory that is Varun ..... while one is all broken , her heart is bleeding

in pain her soul is all hurt and crying and craving for love and respect and support that is Amoli .



She started to take back steps still looking at him but he didn't look at her not even once ...

' I will miss really miss you and I am sorry ' she mouthed these words in air to lost in the nature beauty.

Soon she reached infront at the villa main entrance door , the guards gave her confused looks .

" Beta do you need something ? " The same old guard asked her ..

" Yes baba .. please take care of Varun nothing else and please opened the gate " Amoli said with

emotionless face .

Old man still in confusion followed her words .



And Amoli left his house ... For forever .



Meanwhile Varun has completed reading them and too happy that Amoli haven't asked anything from

him or his property .

" Wow ... I am so happy today .. god it's a party time ..

Amoli make dinner for me and my friends ... Let's celebrate it " Varun said and lift his eyes up to see

that there is no more Amoli .

There is only he .. and all alone .

" What the fuck ! ... How dare she to leave like this without saying goodbye ... " Varun roared angrily.

' she had said but you were too busy to heard her ' his inner self mocked .

" Ya ya ya .. I cared " Varun replied back sarcasm dripping out in his words

He got up from his seat to go inside his house to see amoli's earrings , ring , wedding chain and anklets


He grabbed them absent mindly and placed them inside the same box with divorce papers.




He came inside his bedroom and said " why the fuck you left me alone in the garden .. can't you can

wait for me there little more "

But there is no one ... He threw the box on the bed and started to search her .. in whole bedroom ,

balcony , bathroom ....

He ran down inside the kitchen to see kitchen helper staff no Amoli ..

He ran back in the garden ... And again came inside the house in the living hall .. then in dining room ..

then again in kitchen .

Again no Amoli ...

" Have you seen Amoli ? " He asked still panting hard do to his running tournament .

" No sir " kitchen staffs one helper said .

He again ran inside his bedroom .. in the closet room .. no Amoli ... He opened her clothes almirah to

see her clothes inside it ..

" Amoli ! ... Amoli ! .. Amoli ! " He shout but no reply .

His heart is pounding vigorously due to continuous running and due to unknown fear .

He is all bathed in his sweat ...

He ran outside the room and ran on the staircase while climbing down ... Stumbling in his steps but he

didn't stopped .

He ran outside till the villa entrance gate ... " Have you seen Amoli " he asked the guards still panting

hard ....

" Yes sir she left an hour before or more " the same old guard said .

" What " Varun said ...

" Are you fucking out of your mind ... Can't you see it's getting dark and you let her go " he shout on the

guards .

" Show me CCTV footage ! " He said in his dominating voice and watched how Amoli went .. with any

luggage and money in her hands not even her cellphone.


Varun came out from the security room with confused face ...

' now I wanted her to be with me , and she left me why ! '

' but I can marry other woman ... Is not like she is the only woman on the earth ' he said to himself ...

' and she didn't match with my standard ... '

' I have tortured her for divorce , first she said no and endure it and now I haven't raised my hand on

her from the past 2 months .. she gave me Divorce .. why ! ? '

' why did she divorce me ? '

' you always wanted divorce now you got it ... So , you want to know why ! .. are you crazy or you have

become due to happiness ! ' his inner self mocked him .

' no it's not like whatever you're thinking .. I am just being curious to know her reason because what is

that which is more painful than getting abuse torture

That made him want to leave me '

He talk with hisself.

' yaa .. why did she divorce me '














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