The Gift chronicles

Book 2 Chapter 6

Book 2 Chapter 6

Book 2 Chapter 6

I woke up, momentarily panicking when I woke up in an unfamiliar room, until I recalled the events of

the previous day.

Suddenly, three loud knocks on the door shook the whole bedroom.

Frightened, I didn't make a sound, until I heard a vaguely familiar voice call out, "Luna? Are you safe?"

Confused, I responded back, "Umm... Yes?"

The same voice replied after a moment. "Okay, just checking." I could faintly hear his steps as he

walked away from the door. What was that about?

I put on one of Thane's shirts and a pair of his sweatpants, rolling the waistband and ankle cuffs a few

times until I wasn't swimming in them. Thane has said he would buy me anything I needed for his

territory, but until then, I was stuck in his huge loungewear. I wondered where he put my grandmother.

Now technically dressed, I left Thane's room, where I ran right into a wall. Nay, a human.

"Oof," I instinctively brought my hand up to my forehead, which collided with the brutish man in front of


"Jesus, are you okay?" The muscular man asked, concern etched on his face.

"My name is Nyx, not Jesus," I said, slightly dazed.

The man stared at me in a mixture of confusion and bewilderment. "I— What?"

"It's a joke, Hulk," I smiled, the disorientation wearing off slightly.

Hulk frowned. "What did you just call me?"

Now it was my turn to frown. "Hulk. AKA Bruce Banner. From the Marvel comics and cinematic


If he wasn't already confused, now he looked like the epitome of it. "How hard did you hit your head?"

I sighed heavily. Uncultured swine, err dog. "Forget it. Anyways, who are you and why are you standing

outside of Thane's room?"

The man straightened up. "I am Leo, Beta of Blue Moon. I was in the search party with Thane when he

found you."

I frowned as I recalled him, specifically, recalled him asking if Thane should kill Greyson and me. "You

asked if you should kill me."

He winced as he recalled. "Technically, yes."

I raised my eyebrows. "And not technically?"

"Also yes," He answered without hesitation, making me laugh.

"No harm, no foul," I shrugged, and held out my fist for him to give me knuckles.

He stared at my hand in confusion, and I withdrew it. What was wrong with these wolves? Hadn't they

ever seen a movie before?

"Umm, anyways. Thane regrets to inform you that he received an urgent call and has to deal with it

immediately, and it may take all day to sort out. I will be guarding you for the day, so if you want

anything, just ask," Hulk said in an I—mean—business tone.

"Okay, well since you offered, I'll take chocolate chip pancakes," I responded without hesitation. What?

He offered.

He stared at me blankly for a few moments, like he was analyzing me. "As you wish, Luna. I will have

the chef prepare it immediately."

I smiled. "Oh— and I want something else too."

He looked terrified by whatever I was going to request next. "Yes, Luna?"

"Do you have a tv around here?"


"So anyways, when Thanos smacked the hell out of the Hulk, he was too scared to resurface even

when Banner tried to call him, which is why he's only Bruce Banner for the rest of the movie," I

explained the events in Infinity War.

Leo snorted. "And you compare me to him? I would never run from a fight, Luna."

"Luna," I mimicked his voice in an exaggerated, high pitched tone. "I told you not to call me that!" I

ordered as I threw a pillow at him.

"And I told you that it was how I was raised, so I will only call you Luna, Luna," He retorted, for what

was maybe the tenth time today.

It was almost 8pm, and Thane had still not returned. We watched a few Marvel movies, all of which I

had already seen, but Leo was a noob.

"When will Thane be back? It's nighttime," I whined to Leo. I couldn't deny that my wolf felt unsettled

being far from her mate after just meeting him yesterday.

"He should be back soon," Leo replied simply, making me frown. He had been saying that for the past

two hours. I had a lot of questions for Thane and I was eager for him to return to answer them.

"What was the urgent call about?" I pestered Leo, even though I knew he wasn't a very chatty person, I

was, and he was the only person around for me to talk to.

Leo hesitated. "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you about that yet."

I frowned. "Does it have to do with why you were in the forrest?"

Leo didn't answer, confirming what I thought. "You said that it was a search party. What were you

searching for?" I interrogated him.

The familiar, apathetic voice that I had been missing all day filled the room suddenly. "Not a what. A


I turned to the source of the voice. "Hi, Thane," I smiled at my mate, suddenly shy that he had

overheard me harassing his Beta.

"Little one," he nodded at me as he greeted me. He turned to Leo. "Leo, you may leave now. Thank

you for watching her today," He politely thanked his Beta, who nodded in response and left the room

swiftly without saying anything else.

Thane sat next to me on the oversized leather couch, not touching me, which bothered me slightly. It's

not like I had leprosy.

"Who were you looking for?" I asked, emboldened.

Thane didn't answer for a moment, but stared deeply into my eyes. "A very bad person."

Even though he was technically answering my

questions, he was also being intentionally vague. "What did he do?" I pressed, desperate to sate my


"He hurt someone very close to me," Thane answered slowly, pain clouding his eyes. I almost was

deterred from pestering him, but not quite.

"Who?" I asked, and decided that it would be my last question until I dropped it... for now. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Thane paused before answering. "The Luna of Blood Lake."

Out of instinct, my breath hitched in my throat at the mention of Blood Lake. The number one rule of

being a rogue is to always steer clear of anyone or anything related to Blood Lake.

"I see," I responded after a minute in a soft tone.

Thane had a sorrowful look on his face as he reached his hand out to cup my cheek. "Onyx, please just

give the Blood Alpha and Luna a chance. They are not bad people, you will see."

I narrowed my eyes. "'I will see'? What is that supposed to mean?"

Thane sighed, and soothingly stroked my cheek with his thumb, sending chills down my spine. "We are

very close. You will have to meet them eventually."

I didn't plan on it, but I decided not to argue about it for now. "Why are you looking for the guy that

harmed the Blood Luna instead of the Blood Alpha?" I questioned. Surely the Alpha would want to be

the one to seek revenge on the person who hurt his mate.

"He had to make a binding oath not to, in order to save Ares' life. I volunteered to be the one to go after

him," Thane simply explained, and I processed his words.

"You called the Blood Luna by her name. Are you close?" I asked, implying that he had relations with


Thane looked confused as he answered. "I am, yes. Cain is my cousin, so his mate is my family as well


"Did you fuck her?" I asked directly.

His face contorted in disgust. "Onyx! No! She's like a little sister to me. Also, do you really think Cain

would have allowed me to live if anything happened between her and I?" He pointed out, and I

definitely thought it was a valid point. Greyson had told me that Alphas were extremely possessive


"Okay, okay! I was just wondering, since you speak of her so highly," I said defensively. I couldn't help

feeling jealous about the way Thane talked about the she—wolf.

"If you met her, Nyx, you would understand the admiration. There's no need to be jealous though, love.

You are my soulmate, the only person who completes me. Nobody could ever shine brighter than you

in my eyes," Thane's stare was so intense, I had to look away as a blush crept on my cheeks.

"Umm," I eloquently responded.

Thane changed the subject, quick to avoid any awkwardness. "You should get to bed. You have

training bright and early."

"Training?" I questioned.

"Yes, little one, training. All of the wolves in my pack train, even the Luna. Especially the Luna, since it

is vital that she knows how to protect herself, and since she will have to fight other wolves," He

explained, and I nodded slowly. It made sense. I assumed he was talking about how there may be

times where I'm

left unguarded and someone might attack.

Boy, was I wrong about that assumption.

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