The Gift chronicles

Book 2 Chapter 5

Book 2 Chapter 5

Book 2 Chapter 5

I opened my eyes and smiled sheepishly at the two men who were staring expectantly at me. "Hey,

guys. Is anyone hungry? I'm kind of hungry right now. I could really go for a burger, maybe some pizza,

ooh or maybe a—".

"Mate. I know you were listening in on the conversation, and I know you're trying to change the subject.

You're not getting out of this," Thane plainly spoke, his eyes not giving away any emotion.

"And how would you know that?" I scoffed, raising my eyebrows.

Greyson interjected, "Oh, did he not tell you? Alphas can read their mates' mind. So he's been listening

in on your thoughts this whole time."

"What?!" I shrieked, thinking of all of the thoughts I had about how hot Thane is, and how much I hate

his cousin.

"Little one, it's not like that. I have tuned into your thoughts a couple times, but I promise I'm not just

constantly listening in on what you're thinking. I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay," Thane

explained, and glared at Greyson for exposing him.

"Well stop!" I exclaimed, panicked and feeling very violated. "I have personal thoughts! Things I don't

want you to know!"

Thane frowned at this, and was about to respond when Greyson jumped in. "You can block out his

thoughts. Just imagine a wall around your mind closing him out."

"You know an awful lot about Alphas, Rogue. What pack were you originally from?" Thane asked


"That's not your fucking business," Grey spat out venomously.

I did as Grey instructed, and felt a pressure I didn't notice until it was gone dissipate. "Can you still hear

my thoughts?" I asked Thane tentatively.

"No," He grumbled, and continued to look at Grey as if he would rip off his head at any moment.

"But Nyx, you can't keep trying to distract us. You need to choose who you'll be going with," Grey

pointed out, folding his arms and staring at me seriously. I almost didn't recognize him like this, he was

usually so full of laughter and jokes.

"Can't you come to Thane's territory too?" I pleaded to Greyson, and reached out and grabbed his


"No," Grey harshly snarled, making me flinch. "I never want to be a part of a pack again. If you saw the

brutality of packs, you would understand."

"He's my mate," I whispered. "I have to go with him."

"Onyx, you don't have to do anything. Why do you have to go with him? Because some controlling,

sexist Goddess decided you should be linked with him forever? We have something between us even

without some unnatural mating bond. Something real. I know you feel it too, I smelt your desire before

Thane came crashing in. Cmon Nyx, you could never be an Alpha's mate. You're far too pure," Grey

insisted, his eyes searching mine for any sign of agreement.

"Okay, I've let this go on long enough," Thane stepped in. "This isn't fucking Twilight. There's no love

triangle. Onyx is mine and mine alone. There is no doubt about that. Whatever you had with her before

ended the minute I set my eyes on her. If you don't accept that, then I will accept your death."

Thane's expression was neutral, but I could see his eyes blazing with fury. I wondered how close his

wolf was to surfacing. Something told me there was a reason why Thane wasn't shifting around me.

Trying to distract him so he didn't try killing Greyson, I blurted out, "Eclipse!"

Both of the men looked at me in confusion. "Did she hit her head?" Thane asked Greyson.

Greyson opened his mouth to respond when I interrupted, desperate to cool the tension in the room.

"You said Twilight. But the love triangle between Edward, Bella, and Jacob isn't really prominent until

Eclipse, the third book in the saga. In Twilight, Jacob isn't even really in the book. And then Edward

leaves for most of the second, so it's actually not until Eclipse that th—"

Thane interrupted my babbling by holding up his hand. For some reason, he looked so dominating

doing that, that I instantly stopped speaking and waited for his next command. Wtf? I knew that wasn't

coming from me, so it had to be my wolf wanting me to follow Thane's orders.

"Onyx, enough rambling please. I'm not going to kill the pup unless if he tries to stop you from coming

with me," Thane was calm, but his threat was clear.

Greyson snarled. "I will rip your throat out if you call me pup one more time."

Thane gave a cold smile. "I would love to see you try, pup."

Greyson started shaking so badly with anger I was sure that he would shift. Thane grinned when he

effectively provoked Grey, and cracked his knuckles in anticipation.

"Stop! If you two don't knock it off, I'm not going with either one of you," I scolded them, trying to sound

serious. In reality, I knew my threat had little to no merit. They could both easily overpower me and take

me with them, but hopefully my threat would come across as serious regardless.

Thane chuckled. "You're coming with me, little one, whether I kill this mutt or not. We are mates. I know

you may not fully understand what that means now, but you will soon." Thane placed a large hand on

the side of my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb. I felt like I was under a spell as I stared into

his vibrant green eyes and felt electricity where his skin touched mine.

After a few moments, I heard a cough. "Are you done making puppy dog eyes at each other yet?

Regardless of what you say, the choice is really up to Onyx. Do you want to go with him, Nyx?" Grey

spoke, making me jump away from Thane's touch.

"Yes," I answered firmly. "He's my mate. But that doesn't mean I don't want you in my life, Grey. I want

you to come too," I pleaded.

"No," Greyson firmly responded. "Once you see how Alphas truly are, you'll regret choosing him. I'll be

there when you realize it. Goodbye, Nyx. I'll see you soon."

With that, he disappeared, turning invisible and going who knows where.

Thane grinned. "Now that that's all sorted out, it's time for you to come home, little one."


The drive back was fairly uneventful. One of his men drove us back in a black SUV, and the drive

lasted a few hours. Thankfully, Thane didn't make any attempt to touch me or talk to me, and instead

left me alone with my thoughts.

My head felt like it was going to explode with all of the thoughts in my mind running rampant. Were

packs really that bad if Grey was so opposed to going to one? If Alphas really were so horrible, then

why has Thane been nothing but delicate with me the entire time? But then again, how could Thane

defend someone who abused his mate? I understand that it's his cousin, but whipping someone so

badly they go into a coma is inexcusable, especially if it's your mate. Did Thane plan on hurting me


I mentally asked myself that final question as we pulled into the driveway of a large mansion. My heart

wildly started beating from the anxiety I felt. Would I have to share a room with Thane? Once we were

alone, did he plan on hurting me just like the Blood Alpha? My anxiety felt so intense I almost couldn't


"Onyx, what's wrong?" Thane asked, panicked. His eyes searched over my body, looking for wounds.

When he didn't find any, he reached over to my side

of the car and pulled me into his lap. The person driving the car got out without saying a word, I

assumed Thane told him to leave.

Thane held me as I hyperventilated, trying to calm myself down. Did I make a huge mistake by going

with him instead of Greyson? Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Shhh, it's okay little one. You're safe. Don't be scared," he soothed me, rubbing circles on my back.

"I've lived isolated in the forrest for most of my life," I finally spoke when I was calmed down enough.

"This is all so overwhelming."

Thane looked at me with sympathy. "Oh, mate. It'll be okay. We will take it slow while you adjust to pack

life. I promise you will like it here. I'll do whatever I can to make the transition easier, okay? Whatever

you ask for is yours."

"Even if I want my own room?" I asked hopefully, not sure if he would agree to it.

He frowned, and paused before answering. "My wolf would feel much more at ease if we were in the

same room, but if it's what you want, I will not deny my mate."

"Thank you," I choked out, stunned by his kindness. He was nothing like the Alphas that Greyson

described. Thane was different.

"Anything for you, little mate," Thane mumbles into my hair, and then pressed his lips on my head. A

jolt of electricity went through my body.

Thankfully, he didn't try going any further, and instead opened the car door, and effortlessly got out, all

while cradling me in his arms.

"I can walk myself," I echoed my words from earlier.

Thane sighed. "I know. I just like having you close. It puts me at ease." Nevertheless, he set me gently

down on my feet. Looking down, I realized my body was covered in dirt and grass stains.

"Ew, I need a shower," I wrinkled my nose, and Thane laughed.

"Let me show you to your room then," Thane grabbed me hand and guided me into the mansion. When

we walked in, my breath was taken away. It was incredibly modern and clean—looking, as if nobody

had ever lived in it.

"It's fancy. Are you rich?" I blatantly asked.

Thane laughed again. "You're so direct, little mate. Yes, I have money from various investments and

property I own."

I nodded. I vaguely remember my old Alpha having a large house too. I couldn't remember what they

called the building.

He continued guiding me through the house, and up a few sets of stairs until we reached the end of the


"You will be staying here," Thane formally spoke, and opened the door. When I walked in the room, I

took a big inhale.

"This is your room," I pointed out. "It smells too much like you to not be your room."

Thane flashed a guilty smile. "Sorry, mate. I promise I won't sleep in here with you, but it would calm


wolf down more if you stayed here. If you want another room though, I can prepare a guest room."

"Oh, um.." I didn't quite understand why his

wolf would feel better if I stayed in his room,

but agreed nonetheless. "Okay, sure, fine. Since you won't be sleeping here I guess it's not a problem."

"You're so agreeable, Onyx," Thane kissed my forehead and it made me blush. "I was worried I would

get a wild mate that was hard to reign in."

I frowned. "I think all Alphas would get calm mates. I would also find it hard to believe that anyone

would stand up to an Alpha, even if it was their mate. Alphas are pretty scary."

Thane laughed at my words, and I wasn't quite sure why. "You would be surprised. Also, you are going

to be the Luna. You do not need to fear any Alpha, and may stand up to whoever you like, including

myself. Don't worry, mate. You'll toughen up here. Now go shower and go to sleep. We have a lot to do


I nodded, and he kissed my cheek before saying goodnight. I showered, and raided his closet for

pajamas. I really did need to go buy some clothes of my own.

Before I fell asleep, one thought floated around my head: What if I didn't want to toughen up? I don't

want to be one of those bloodthirsty wolves that kills people for looking at them the wrong way. Is that

what Thane wants me to be?

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