The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Chapter 115


The next two months went by quickly. I did end up going home during the mate ball. I spent my first night in Rowen’s apartment that weekend. Jax wasn’t exactly happy about that, but Rowen, and I were. He had come here to visit twice as well. I was becoming more comfortable with our sexual activity too. I was less embarrassed, and nervous every time. I didn’t know what was next, but I was curious.

Classes were going well, and I was really enjoying them. They’re challenging, but so interesting. I still kept ahead as much as possible. Lexi, and I were still looking for another person to ask about coming back to our pack with us, but we were hopeful we would find someone.

After the issue with Julie on Valentine’s Day, she stayed away from all of us, Lexi, and me especially. After the mate ball she disappeared. We found out that she had found her mate at the ball, and instead of him staying with her here until she finished school, she dropped out, and left with him. I was disappointed for her as she had worked so hard to get here, but in the end it wasn’t up to me, or my choice.

I did make a new friend though. His name is Zeke, and he’s the teacher’s aid for our pediatric care class. He’s not sure if he wants to go on to be a doctor, or become a professor. He said time would tell. He seems pretty nice, and we get along well. When Lexi isn’t available he’s become my study partner. I’m not sure if he’s supposed to be doing that since he’s an aid, but he’s been helpful. He’s about 5’7″ with dark. brown hair, and brown eyes. He’s a little on the skinner side, but in his own way he’s kind of cute. He’s not an Omega like me, but that’s fine too.

He’s from a smaller pack so he asks me a lot of questions about what it’s like being from a bigger pack. He also makes me laugh, a lot because he’s really funny. He can make a joke out of anything. He’s also very smart.

Colby isn’t a big fan of Zeke, but he’s my friend so it doesn’t bother me. I did agree to keep him from going to my room. Colby warned me that Rowen wouldn’t like the idea of an unmated, and non family member male being in my bedroom. That made sense to me so I agreed. I also don’t go to his room. Most of the time, when we hang out it’s either in the cafeteria or the library together. He sometimes complains about that, but he’ll just have to deal with it.

Today I was in the library with Zeke, studying. He has an exam in one of his classes, and I’m working on a paper. I was completely lost in my reading when I felt something tap my foot. I looked up, and saw Zeke smiling at me. I gave him a half smile back then went back to my book. He tapped my foot again, and I looked back up with a questioning look.

“What are you doing this weekend?” Zeke whispered.

“Going home to spend sometime with my family. This weekend is my birthday so they want to celebrate with me.” I responded quietly.

“Oh.” Zeke pouted.

“Why?” I asked, confused.

“I wanted to take you out this weekend.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“It’s alright. Maybe when you get back I can take you to dinner, and a movie?”

“Um. Maybe.”

“When do you leave?”

“Tomorrow, after class.”

“Oh. When is your birthday?”


“And how old will you be?”

7’ll be 19.”

“Oh. I see.”

“Something wrong?”

“No. When do you come back?”

“Sunday some time.”

“Can I take you out next weekend?”

“Um. Maybe.”

“Do you already have plans for next weekend?”

“Kind of.”

“Oh, Do you know what has been planned for your birthday to celebrate?”

“Rowen won’t tell me. He says it’s a surprise.”

“Rowen? Who’s Rowen?”

I looked at Zeke, confused. I talked about Rowen all of the time. I knew full well I had told him about

Rowen being my mate

“I’ve told you about Rowen. I talk about him all the time.” I stated.

“You have? I don’t remember. He’s your cousin or something right?” Zeke asked.

“No. Rowen is my mate.”

“That can’t be right?”

“Why can’t it?”

“It doesn’t matter. Why don’t we make plans for next weekend now?”

“I have to see what is going on next weekend first. Alpha Jeremy’s birthday is next weekend. I need to find out if they’re doing something to celebrate, and if Rowen is coming here for it.”

“Why? You’re not a member of Dark Moon.”

“I’m not, but Rowen is family to Jeremy. If they do something to celebrate, Rowen will come, and I’ll be going with him.”

“But you don’t have to go, right?”

1 don’t have to, but I want to go.”

“Oh So if you’re busy Saturday, we can go out Friday night, right?”

“If Rowen comes in, I’m going to spend the weekend with him.”



The whole conversation made me a little uncomfortable, and confused me. I wasn’t sure what it was all about, but I didn’t like it. I kept quiet though. I didn’t want to assume anything. There was a good chance I was imagining things. I got back to work on my paper at that, putting my concerns to the back of my mind. When we finished in the library for the day, Zeke offered to walk me to the gym with me, which I agreed. to. Due to dropping self defense, Marcus, and Colby took to training Lexi, Norm, and myself in the gym 3 times a week. When Zeke, and I arrived, I didn’t see the rest of my friends yet so I checked my phone to see if they sent me a text. Colby, and Marcus had to stay late so no workout today. Lexi text back telling me to meet her, and Norm in the cafeteria.

“Colby, and Marcus are stuck at Denu. I’m headed to the cafeteria.” I told Zeke, after I put my phone away.

“Oh. Well we can have dinner together then.” Zeke suggested.

“You’re welcome to join Lexi, Norm, and me.”

“Oh. I was hoping…..never mind.”


“Nothing. I’ll catch you tomorrow.”

“I don’t have pediatric care tomorrow. I’ll see you next week.”

“Oh. 1…..Ok. Bye.”


I furrowed my brow as I watched Zeke walk away. His shoulders were slumped. I think there was a chance he liked me, but I wasn’t sure. I hoped I was wrong. I didn’t want to have to hurt his feelings. With a shrug, I made my way to the cafeteria. After getting my food, I found Lexi, and Norm.

“Hi guys.” I greeted them with a smile as I took my seat.

“Hey small fry.” Lexi responded, and Norm nodded at me as he stuffed his face.

“How is the paper going?” Lexi asked.

“Not bad. I wish we were working on it together though.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.”

“Is Zeke helping you with the paper?”

“No. He was doing his own studying while I was working on my paper.”

“I’m glad you have someone to study with when we’re not available Chas, but be careful, ok?” Norm said.

“Yeah. I’m starting to wonder myself.” I admitted.

“It’s kind of weird that he’s always available to study with you when Lexi, and I are out with our mates.”

Norm went on.

“I guess. Maybe he’s just lonely or something.” I said with a shrug, but even I knew that excuse wasn’t really on point.

“You really don’t buy that, do you?” Lexi questioned.

“I’m not really sure any more.” I admitted.

“What do you mean?” Lexi asked.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“I don’t know. He was being kind of weird today.” I stated.

“Weird how?” Norm questioned.

I told them what happened in the Library, and all of the questions Zeke asked. The more I talked, the

more concerned I became. I liked Zeke, he was a nice guy, but I didn’t like him like that. I loved Rowen. Rowen was my mate.

“You do know what is going on here, right Chas?” Lexi asked.

“I think so.” I said quietly.

“What are you going to do about it?”

7 really don’t know. He’s a nice person, and he’s become a good friend, but how do I turn him down without hurting him, or losing my friend?”

If he’s really your friend Chastity, he would respect that you have a mate, and back off.” Norm stated.

“He hasn’t done anything wrong though.” I said.

“Not yet, and maybe he won’t. Just be careful. Ok small fry?” Lexi said.

“I will be good.” I agreed.

“Good. Oh, I spent more time talking to Jessie today.” Lexi said.

Jessie was in one of our maternity classes. She was pretty sweet, and very smart. She worked just as hard as Lexi, and I did. We were both really impressed with her. We hadn’t really given her a fair chance in the beginning because Julie had told us that she was stuck up, and liked no one. Come to find out that hadn’t been true. Julie had also told Jessie that we weren’t interested in getting to know

anyone that wasn’t a ranked member of a pack. Knowing all of that made me more thankful that Julie was no longer at Cloverland.

“Oh yeah? How did that go?” I asked.

“Really well. Did you know that she met her mate at the ball?” Lexi responded.

“No. I didn’t.”

“Did you know that he’s a member of Moonlight?”

“No. What does he do?”

“Well he is. His parents own one of the book stores.”

“No kidding?”


“So is she moving to Moonlight or is he moving to her pack?”

“They were undecided.”

“OH. So what did you two talk about?”

1 talked to her about moving to Moonlight, and working with us.”

“What was her response?”

“She would like to get to know us better, but she did seem really interested.”

“When we come back Sunday, invite her to have dinner with all of us.”

“I already did. I told her to meet us down here on Sunday evening, with her mate if she wanted.”

“Great. I’m excited.”

“Me too.”

7 kind of wish I was going to Moonlight with you guys when you leave.” Norm pouted.

“You always could sugar pop. We would love to have you there.” Lexi offered.

“I couldn’t leave my family like that, and Marcus really loves his job. How could I ask him to leave it.” Norm whined.

“It’s a long way off Norm. We have plenty of time. Besides we’ll still get to video chat, text, call, and visit. We’re not leaving you forever.” I said with a small smile.

“I know I’ll just miss you guys like crazy.”

“We’ll miss you too.”

We sat around, and chatted for awhile longer. Time must have gotten away from us because we didn’t leave the cafeteria until almost 8:00. I was smiling, and relaxed by the time I got back to my room, the concern with Zeke forgotten. By the time I reached my room, Rowen was texting me about video chatting. As soon as I connected, I gave him a huge smile.

“Hi sweet girl. How was your day?” Rowen asked.

“Very busy. We start mid-terms next week. I have to turn in my paper tomorrow. I have a lot of studying to do.” I responded as I pulled out my books.

“Is your paper finished?”

“Just about. I want to proof read it, make any corrections, and polish it tonight.”

“How long is the paper?”

“It’s 4 pages long.”

“Have you started proof reading it yet?”


“Do you want me to proof read it for any spelling or grammatical errors?”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course.”

“That would be great. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“So are you going to tell me what we’re doing this weekend?”

“Nope. You’ll have to wait. It’s a surprise.”


“Sorry sweet girl. You’re just going to have to wait.”


I pouted at Rowen, and pretended like I was going to cry. Maybe if I laid it on a little thick he would tell me. “Sweet girl, I love you, but that’s not going to work this time.” Rowen said with a chuckle.

“Damn. Ok.” I mumbled.

“You’ll enjoy it. I promise.”

“I’ll have to take your word for it.”

“Yes you will.”

“So how was your day?”

“It was pretty decent. It’s better now though.”

“Oh yeah. Why is that?”

“Because I get to talk to, and see you.”

“There you go, saying sweet things again.”

“That’s my job. I’ll be at Cloverland to pick you up around 3:00 tomorrow.”

“That’s a lot of driving in on day.”

“It’s ok. I have to be there in the morning for a meeting with Robert any way.”

“As long as you’re sure.”

“Of course I am.”

“Just remember I have class until 5:30.”

“That’s fine. Can you let me into your room before you go to class?”

“I can probably meet you at the Admin office, and give my Id card to you there?”

“Uh. Sure. I can do that.”


“Go ahead, and start studying. I’m going to read over your paper. I’ll send it back with any corrections that may need to be made.”

“Great. Thank you.”

I shrunk the video screen so I could pull up my study guide. I quietly studied as Rowen read my paper. I was so glad I had spent so much time reading ahead, and taking extra notes. It made reviewing all of the information a whole lot easier. I was pretty confident I would do well on my exams the following week.

“It doesn’t seem to have too many errors.” Rowen finally said.

“That’s good.” I responded with a smile.

“I just sent it back to you. Probably just need a little polish, and it should be ready to turn in.”

“Great. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I have a questions for you.”


“Are you interested in learning to drive?”

“Hmmm. I haven’t thought much about it. Most of what I would be doing at home, I can walk to. Same with here.”

“That’s true, but what about driving between here, and there? Wouldn’t it be easier than having to get a ride when ever you want to come home?”

“It probably would, but I’m not sure if I can have a car on campus. Plus I’m not sure how comfortable I would be driving so far on my own.”

“I can understand that, but it doesn’t hurt to learn.”

“That’s true. When would you have time to teach me?”

“We can start working on that when you’re home, or I’m there for weekends.”


“I’m going to do some paperwork for a bit, if you want to get back to studying.”


Instead of studying, I reviewed my paper, and made the necessary adjustments that Rowen pointed out. I was pretty pleased with the whole thing, as it was. I hoped I did well on it. Once I was sure it was ready, I submitted it, and went back to studying.

I knew it was time to call it a night, when I started falling asleep just sitting there. I looked at the video chat window to see Rowen reading a book. He always looked so handsome. I maximized the window, and just stared at him for a bit. Sometimes it was hard to believe that he was actually mine, and that he loved me as much as he did. When I started nodding off again, I knew it was time to get some sleep. “Rowen, I’m going to bed. I’m falling asleep sitting here.” I said after I yawned.

“Ok. Sweet girl. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams. I love you.” Rowen said, smiling at me. “You too. I love you.”

I hung up, put all of my stuff away, and crawled under the covers. As I was just drifting off to sleep I was reminded of my concerns over Zeke. I needed to figure out what was going on. If he did like me, I had to find a way to let him down easily. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I couldn’t give him any hope for a future for us. If I wasn’t already mated to Rowen, I might have considered Zeke as a person to date, but that wasn’t in the cards for us.

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