The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Chapter 114


I had just finished adjusting my tie when I heard a knock at Colby, and Lexi’s door. I had to admit that them knocking made me chuckle given how many times we’ve done group dates, and Jax always gave me shit for knocking on the door of the apartment he lived at. I heard Colby chuckle as well as he opened the door.

“Hi gorgeous.” Colby said as he looked over Lexi.

“Damn it. I got the wrong apartment. I was told there was a hot Alpha here, waiting for me.” Lexi joked, making me snort.

“Hey.” Colby gripped.

“I’m kidding handsome. You look great.”

“Can I have the Alpha standing behind him?” Chastity asked.

“I guess.” Lexi grumbled playfully.

I grinned as Chastity walked around them to come to me. She looked beautiful in her green dress. It fit her nicely, and I could tell it made her comfortable. One thing I learned about her is that she was not very comfortable in overly form fitting, low cut, or short clothing. Yes she wore tank tops, but only with something over it. Her jeans hugged her ass nicely, but didn’t look painted on. I appreciated that about her. I did chuckle at her wearing her boots. I never imagined that when Norm talked her into buying a pair that she would end up wearing them as often as she did, but she really did love them.

“Hi sweet girl. You look beautiful.” I said as she approached me.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Thank you. You look very handsome.” Chastity responded.

“Thank you.” I said, then I pulled her toward me, and gently kissed her on the lips.

“Do you want your present now, or do you want to wait until we get the restaurant?”

“Why don’t we wait?”


“Well see you guys. Have fun.” Lexi said as we all left their apartment.

Once Chastity was settled into my car, she gave me the address for the restaurant, and we headed off. During the drive we chatted about little things. She told me about the drawing she had completed in her drawing class, and about maybe taking painting next, if she had time. I talked a bit about the book I had just finished reading. Thankfully the drive wasn’t long, and we didn’t have to wait for our table.

“So, Happy Valentine’s Day sweet girl.” I said once we were seated.

“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Chastity responded with a huge smile.

“Would you like you’re gift?”

“Oh. Sure. Would you like yours?”

“Of course.”

I chuckled as I handed her the gift bag. I’m so glad I had Molly help me with the wrapping part. I’m terrible at that stuff. She picked a pretty purple bag with sparkles on it. The bag wasn’t my worry though. It was the gift itself that I hoped Chastity liked. She pulled out the first item, which was what I got her at the

Comic book shop. It was a signed photo of Iron Man.

“Oh wow! You actually got me something Iron Man.” Chastity said with a giggle.

“Yeah. I figured you’d like it. Even though Captain America is better.” I grumbled, making her giggle again.

“We’re never going to settle this debate.” Chastity giggled again.

“Probably not.” I agreed chuckling.

“Oh my goddess Rowen! They…! I love them!” Chastity gushed.

I had found a pair of handmade brown leather boots with cut outs that had a dark purple material behind the cut outs. They should reach about mid-calf on her. I had also gotten lucky that they had them in her size because the store only had the one pair, and would not have been able to get a pair in her size.

“I’m so glad you like them.” I stated.

“I really do. They’re perfect.” Chastity said as she put them back in the bag, “You’re turn.”

I nodded, and pulled the gift bag to me. The first thing I found in it was a packaged comic book. I looked at Chastity a little confused.

“It’s a first edition copy of Captain America’s first appearance. I know you’re not a big comic book reader, but I thought you might like this any way.” Chastity stated quietly, looking a little concerned.

“You’re kidding?” I asked, kind of shocked.

“No. I came across it by accident really. I had been in Danny’s shop looking for a birthday gift for Jax, and it was sitting on the counter. Danny had just gotten a delivery of a large order of comic books he

bought off an estate sale online. That was in it.” Chastity explained.

“That’s kind of awesome. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

The second thing I pulled out was a hard cover book by my favorite author. Unfortunately I already had it. I really felt bad about having to tell Chastity I had the book already so I didn’t plan to tell her. I would just get rid of the copy I had, and replace it with this one.

“I know you already have that one, and that it’s your favorite. I only got it because it was signed on the inside by the author.” Chastity whispered.

“Wait. It is?” I asked, and opened the cover of the book to discover the author’s signature inside.

“Yeah.” Chastity answered shyly.

“How… did you get this?” I questioned, amazed as we wolves didn’t typically get a chance to get things like this.

“I found it online.”


“Through a contest their publisher was having. I entered, and some how won.”

“Thank you. This is great.”

“You’re welcome.”

We put our gifts away just as the waiter came to take our order. After that we sat in silence for a minute or two. Sometimes I hated those moments, but for some reason it was just comforting this time. I gave

Chastity a slightly confused look when she seemed to take a deep breath as if to prepare herself for something.

“So I’ve kind of been thinking about something.” Chastity finally said.

“What’s that?” I asked, a little worried.

“Whenever I come home for visits we always sleep in my bedroom at Jax’s, even if we have been hanging out at your place for awhile. When you’re here you stay in my room with me.”


“That doesn’t seem fair to you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, we never stay at your place. You are always willing to sleep in my space, but I never do the same for you. That just doesn’t seem right. Plus, once I graduate, and move home I don’t expect you to move into Jax’s apartment with me. It’s not fair to you.”


“I know I said that right now I want to be surrounded by as many people as possible as much as possible which is one of the reasons I stay in Jax’s apartment when I’m home. Also Jax wants me there, but we

“What’s on your mind sweet girl?”

“What if…….at least one night during my visits we stay in your apartment for the night? I mean I’m going to be living there in a year any way so maybe I should start being comfortable staying there, right? Well that’s if you want me to move in once I graduate of course.”

“Chastity, I absolutely want you living with me as soon as you move home. There is no question about that. I would also love it if we started sleeping in OUR bed, at OUR apartment as often as you want to. If you wanted I would move the stuff you still have at Jax’s into our apartment now.”


“Of course. Chastity, I want you to be comfortable in the home we’re going to be sharing for the rest of our lives. I want you to make it into a home instead of just a place to live. I want you to decorate it how ever you want. I want you to put up pictures where ever. Put sheets you like on the bed, towels of your choice in the bathroom, dishes of your choice, all of it. That apartment is not just mine. It is ours, and I would love it, if you treated as such.”

“Oh Ok. So I can really do what I want with your apartment?”

“OUR apartment, and yes. I want you to do anything with it that makes you happy.”

“How many bedrooms are there?”

“Technically 4, but one I turned into a home office.”

“Hmmm. Ok.”

“What are you thinking?”

“Just thinking about what I would do with the additional 2 bedrooms.”

“Are you thinking of changes you would want to make?”

“Well the one room I slept in once was kind of plain.”

“Neither of the other bedrooms really ever get used so I never really did anything with them.”

“That makes sense.”

“One thing to keep in mind is that when dad steps down we’ll be moving into his place, which is the entire top floor of the other wing. He’ll move into our place so we’ll only be in that apartment for a couple of years.”

“Why does he have to move?”

“Typically the Alpha in the pack is given the largest living space so he can have a place to unwind, and not be an Alpha. It’s kind of his sanctuary of sorts. Along with his Luna. Also to have enough space to have several pups. It’s felt that the Alpha, and Luna family should have their own space to just be a family, without feeling like everything they do is being watched constantly.”

“Is that how your parents felt?”

“Dad said at first he did, but mom changed that for him. She said that it was better for the pack see them behave like every day, normal people with a normal family. That if the people of his pack could see him that way they would be less afraid of him, and less worried about behaving normally around him. It made. him seem more approachable in times of need.”

“I like that idea.”

“I do too. I think it also helped Gina, and I not act like we were above any one else in our pack. It made it easier for us to make friends with those that weren’t ranked, and didn’t live in the pack house.”

“I can see that. Now will dad, and Pete have to move as well?”

“Yes. They’ll switch apartments with Ross, and Jax.”

“I know they don’t have whole floors to themselves though.”

“They don’t, but there are only 2 apartments on that floor, as you know so they will also have plenty of space to expand their families.”

“I don’t really remember spending much time in your mom, and dad’s apartment so I don’t know what it looks like.”

“It’s pretty open floor plan with 5 rooms that can be bedrooms. Dad has one set up as his office, and display room for his model cars. The master bedroom is separated from the other 4 rooms, on the opposite side of the apartment. Gina, and I had our own bedrooms. Mom also had her own office, but I don’t think dad has done anything with it since she passed away.”

“Wow! That is a lot of rooms.”

“It is, and a lot of space. One entire wall is a mostly glass windows that face out into the forest out back. It’s only split by a stone fire place. One wall in the master is also a glass wall. The glass was created so it cannot be seen through from the outside. Also they have french doors that open to a balcony.”

“So a lot of natural light.”

“Exactly. A few years ago dad changed the glass out to darken with a push of a button to cut down on sun glare, if needed. It’s pretty neat actually.”

“That sounds neat.”

“He said it was easier to deal with than curtains.”

“He’s not wrong. Curtains, while pretty get dusty easily, and aren’t always easy to put in the washer, and dryer. Aurora had these horrible floor to ceiling curtains that I had to wash once a week. I had to

wash each one separately because they barely fit inside the machines. They were also very stiff, no matter how often they got washed. I hated those stupid things.”

“That sounds annoying.”

“It was. I did a little celebration the day she threw them out. They were falling apart any way, but not having to wash them any more made me really happy.”

“I can only imagine.”

“Does the apartment have carpet, rugs, or wood floors?”

“There is carpeting over the wood floors.”

“Why did someone put carpet over the floors?”

“Uh. That would be because of me.”

“What did you do?”

“I liked to slide across the floor in my socks. Stopping was a problem. One too many times I went face first into the wall or a window. Mom finally put her foot down when I hit a corner, and gave myself a black eye and bloody nose.”

“You didn’t?”

“Oh I did. Mom was so worried, but also told me that I got what I deserved for being so hard headed, and not listening when she tried to teach me how to stop myself.”

“She tried to teach you how to stop yourself?”


“So why didn’t you?”

“Exactly what she said, I was hard headed. I was having too much fun, and didn’t want to stop.”

“Well than I guess she was right, and you got what you deserved.”


“Do you remember if the floors are dark wood or light wood?”

“I would imagine light because that is what is on the mantle, and the window sills.”


“What are you thinking?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

“How is your dinner?”

“Really good. What about yours?”

“Same. When do you start doing your rotations in the hospital?”

“Not until the summer semester. Half of those classes are done in the hospital, in the maternity ward.”

“Are you excited for that?”

“I am. I always enjoyed being in the delivery room. I have a bit of a leg up on some of my classmates because of the time I spent in delivery rooms calming moms, and dads.”

“How old were you when you started doing that?”

“Um.. 13, I think. Jane was still a part time midwife at the time. She, and I had just finished sitting with an elderly man who’s daughter in law asked us to spend some time with him while she ran some errands. Jane got called to the hospital for a birth because Wanda had a sick pup at home, and didn’t want to risk getting anyone sick. Jane asked me if I wanted to go with her, once the parents said they were fine with me being there. I agreed, but she told me I needed to stay back in a corner as it can get pretty hectic, and she didn’t want anything to happen to me.

“When we walked in dad was freaking out because mom was in pain, and crying due to it. He wanted them to stop her pain, but well for us wolves there are no options. No one could get him to calm down. I still don’t know why it worked, but I walked over to him, put my hand in his, and told him it would all be ok. That mom was just scared, and she needed him to be strong for her. I was tiny compared to him. He looked at me, squeezed my hand, and calmed right now. He stood right by his mate’s side the whole time, supporting her, but never let go of my hand.

“The looks on their faces the moment they saw their pup was amazing to me. Mom was crying about how beautiful she was, even though she was covered in ick from birth. Dad was in awe of his mate, and his new pup. I heard him sniff a few times, and wipe at his eyes, trying to pretend he wasn’t crying. That’s all it took for me to know that I wanted to help moms, and dads have those same feelings for the rest of my life.

“After that, every chance I got to be at a birth, I was there. I started learning from Wanda not long after Jane passed away. I learned a lot just from watching your mom, but Wanda taught me even more because she was a little less worried about how I would handle things, and me getting hurt than your mom was.”

“Wow! That never scared you?”

“Not even once. There have been one or two that broke my heart, but I was never scared.”

“Why did they break your heart?”

“One was a stillborn. They knew the pup was stillborn, but mom had to go through labor, and delivery any way. That time I did what I could to help mom through it with dad. I spent the whole time wiping her tears, and holding her hand while dad sat behind her, and held her in his arms as best he could. The second time, mom got a tear in her uterine wall, and had to be rushed to surgery right after the pup was born. They couldn’t save her uterus because the tear was so bad even her wolf healing wasn’t enough to heal it with the help of stitching. She had to be told, the same day she delivered her first pup, that he would be her only pup. She cried so hard that day. So did dad. They wanted to be able to give their pup a huge family as they both were from large families.”

“That’s really sad.”

“It was. Thankfully the couple with the stillborn were able to go on to have 2 healthy, live pups. They kept the memory of their lost pup alive though. Their first live pup was given his first name as the second’s middle name. Their second pup got his middle name as hers.”

“What about the other couple?”

“They ended up adopting a sibling pair from the orphanage, from what I was told at least.”

“Well that’s good.”


“Do you have a favorite birth story?”

“Hmm. Yes. It was their second pup, and dad was freaking out just as badly, if not worse than he had during the first one, according to mom. He just could not calm down. No matter how hard any of us tried. I guess mom had had enough. She looked his straight in the eye, and asked him if he enjoyed

sex. Of course he said yes. She told him if he didn’t chill the hell out that he would be having sex with his hand for the rest of his life. I was clueless at the time, but every last person in that room bust up laughing. Needless to say dad groveled, and calmed down. When they came in for pup number three, I had already been at the hospital keeping an elderly company. They wheeled mom into the delivery room. As she was being hooked up to the monitor, she looked right at dad, and asked him if he remembered what she said during her last labor, and he said yes. She said remember that this time too because if you act like a fool I will make good on that threat. He was quiet, supportive, loving, and scared shitless the whole time.”

“You wouldn’t threaten me with that would you?”

“If you’re acting like an idiot I would.”

I blinked at my sweet girl in shock, “Why? Why would you do that?”

“Labor, and delivery is stressful enough. There is a lot going on, a lot of pain, and a lot of fear. The last thing mom needs is dad adding to it. Yes dad can be scared to, but his focus should be on helping mom any way he can, and trying to keep her as comfortable and calm as possible.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“Thank you.”

“Have any dads ever been kicked out?”

“Not that I know of. Or I should none that I ever helped calm down. Midwives, and maternity nurses are taught to be pretty tolerant though. We know how protective male wolves are of their mates so they try to over look threatening behavior. I’ve had a few dads that had been full on protective mode than faint from the gore of delivery. That was always fun. It helped make mom laugh too. Every time that

happened mom would make some comment about the big bad wolf not being able to handle a little blood, and gunk.”

“Seriously? It can’t be that bad.”

“Watch a delivery video once. Delivery is not a clean activity by any stretch of the imagination.”

“Um…maybe I’ll take your word for it.”

Chastity giggled at me, and said, “I had a feeling you would say that.”


“Just a feeling I had. Most males though are in awe of their mates after they’ve delivered a pup because it’s than that they realize just what their mate is truly capable of.”

“And none of this has ever scared you into never having pups of your own?”

“No. Labor, and delivery, while scary, and gross is also beautiful. It’s bringing new life, and joy into the world. I some day want to feel what those moms feel when they see their pup for the first time, and when they get to hold their pup. I want to feel that kind of love some day.”

“Well I’ll make sure you do.”

“I should hope so. Isn’t that part of your job description?”

“Well yes, I guess it is.”

Chasity, and I both chuckled at that because she wasn’t wrong. Maybe this wasn’t exactly dinner conversation, or romantic conversation, but I enjoyed it. I always enjoyed learning about things Chastity did when she was a pup. The things that brought her joy, and created the dreams she had, despite the life she lived.

“Did you ever tell my mom you wanted to be a midwife?” I asked.

“I did, after the second delivery she took me to.” Chastity answered.

“What was her response?”

“She told me it was a lot of hard work to learn the job, but she would do everything in her power to help me reach that dream. After that she always did what she could to take me with her for deliveries, and asked Wanda to teach me.”

“Mom was always one to support the dreams of others.”

“She really was. I remember when Gina was younger she talked about being a fashion designer. You mom went out, got her a sewing machine, just a beginners one, a bunch of easy pattern books, and supplies. She sat with Gina for weeks helping her learn to make little outfits for her dolls. Sadly, that dream didn’t. last more than a few months, but when Gina had a new dream, your mom was quick to help her try it out to see if it was for her.”

“That was mom. When I was a pup I wanted to be a train operator. Mom got me my first, and only train set, and a few videos on running trains. We watched those videos together, and she played with that train set with me for hours. Dad couldn’t understand it because I was going to be the next Alpha, but mom said that even knowing what I was supposed to do with my life as an adult I still had the right to live my dream. If my dream was to be a train operator, there was no reason I couldn’t do it, and be an Alpha too.”

“Aww. That’s sweet.”

“It was. Even when I lost interest in being a train operator mom, and I would still play with that train set. I mostly did it because mom seemed to love spending that time with me.”

“I think that set was still in the attic when I lived up there.”

“I wonder if it’s still there. I’ll have to ask Naomi.”

“Why did Naomi clean out the attic?”

“What she told most people was that we had too much junk up there, and it needed to go. She told me part of the real reason was guilt.”

“Guilt? Why?”

“Because you were forced to live up there. She wanted a fresh start, and she felt that by clearing out that space that you should have never lived in was part of achieving that.”

“But why did she feel guilty?”

“She told me that she knew you were up there, and if she had been a better person. A better friend to your mom, she would have moved you into their apartment instead of letting you live up there.”

“Oh. She doesn’t need to feel guilty about that, on top of everything else she feels guilty for. It’s in the past.”

“I told her you would say that, and she says she knows, but it was just how she feels.”

“Well hopefully she gets over it soon.”

“I agree. Are you all finished?”

“Oh. Yes. I’m stuffed.”

“Too stuffed for dessert?”

“Sadly, yes.”


I waved the waiter over for the check. Once it was paid we decided to wander around a bit before going back to the school. I also wanted to get Chastity another charm for her bracelet. I loved that she always wore it when we went out together. She ended up choosing a simple charm with a small red stone. Eventually we made it back to her room. I suggested watching a movie on her laptop. After we agreed on a movie she went to change into her pajamas. I laughed when she came out of the bathroom wearing her new Iron Man pajamas.

After I changed into my Captain America pajama pants, I sat back against the head board pulled Chastity between my legs, and against my chest then started the movie. I can’t say I paid a whole lot of attention. to the movie as Chastity’s ass as right up against me. I spent most of it trying very hard to stay calm, and that was a struggle. I some how managed though.

After the movie ended I found myself debating on trying to push Chastity, just a little bit. She was slowly coming out of her shell, and seemed a little more willing to mess around a bit, but I was a little worried. about pushing too far, too fast. She did say that she would rather I take the lead on things between us though so maybe. I would see how things go once we got settled for the night.

When I came out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth, I found Chastity laying in bed, on her back, Lilac laying on her chest. She gave me a bright smile as I crawled into bed next to her. She moved Lilac off her chest as soon as I got settled facing her, leaning on my elbow. I was a little shocked when she placed her hand on my chest, then slowly moved it up to my shoulder, and pulled me down toward her for a kiss.

I couldn’t help, but pull her tight against me as soon as my lips touched hers. She didn’t lock up, and try to put any space between us either. She just wrapped her arms around my shoulders, and parted her

lips for me to explore her mouth without hesitation. She also spread her thighs for me to settle between them. easily. When I slipped my hand up her shirt and began teasing her nipple gently between my fingers she moaned, and arched against my hand as though she was begging for more. I had to admit that getting even the simplest reaction from Chastity was it’s own special kind of ego boost.

I needed to feel her skin against mine so I sat up, and slowly eased her shirt off, staring in her eyes the whole time. If I saw even an moment of fear or discomfort, I was going to stop. I was floored when Chastity gave me a slight nod. As soon as her shirt was off I settled down on top of her, and begin kissing her again as I rolled, and pulled at her nipples. Her quiet moans, sighs, and arching against me was driving me insane. I slowly kissed down her neck, only stopping to kiss, and lightly suck on her marking spot. I smirked when she sucked in her breath, and moaned at the attention.

I thought she was going to fly out of her skin when I finally reached her nipple, and ran my tongue over, and around it. She dug her nails into my shoulders when I sucked her nipple into my mouth. The light bite I gave her nipple brought about a moan that was music to my ears. I made sure to give her other nipple the same attention, while still using my hand to stimulate the other.

The scent of her arousal was drawing me to touch her even more. I was already rubbing her clit through her pants in the way I had learned she liked. I wanted to really feel her though. I slid my hand away from her clit, and up to the waist band of her pants, as I moved my body to the side. I stopped teasing her nipples to look up into her sparkling green eyes.

“Chastity, do you trust me?” I whispered, staring at her.

“Ye…yes.” Chastity squeaked.

“I want to touch. Will you let me?”


“I know you’re nervous, but I promise you’ll enjoy it more than when I touch over your clothes. Can I?”

The blush that rose on her cheeks quickly made me smile. I knew then she was curious, but also a bit embarrassed. I needed to show her that she had nothing to be embarrassed about. The only way I could do that was to show her. The whole time I waited for her response, I ran the tip of my fingers just along the inside of her waist band. When she finally nodded I leaned forward to kiss her, and slowly slid my hand inside her pants and panties. She did freeze then, but I kept on kissing her as I moved my hand closer to the area I wanted to feel.

I gently brushed the tip of my finger on her clit, and she seemed to jump at bit. I could already feel how wet she was and again I became smug because I did that to my mate. As I felt her start to relax a bit. I rubbed her clit with a bit more force, causing her to moan into my mouth. Her clit throbbed against my finger, and I pinched it lightly. Her hips bucked against my hand so I did it again. When I could tell that she was completely lost to the feelings I was giving her I moved my finger along her slit, and circled her opening. Her gasp startled me for a second, and I almost stopped.

I started to rub circles on her clit with my thumb, as I slowly pushed my finger into her, I watched her face for any signs of her wanting me to stop. When I didn’t see any I continued pushing my finger deeper. Just the feel of her pussy wrapping around my finger made me groan. As I worked my finger deeper I began suckling her nipple again. I looked up when I heard her gasp again, and a muffled moan to find she had slapped her hand over her mouth.

“Sweet girl, let me hear you.” I whispered as I pulled her hand away from her mouth, and placed it on my shoulder.

She was so tense at first I started kissing her to relax her again, and rubbed my thumb over her clit a little harder. When she relaxed I slowly started to move my finger in and out of her. She started thrusting her hips in time with my finger, and I couldn’t help groaning at her reactions, again.

“Does it feel good, sweet girl?” I whispered against her lips.

“Rowen. I….I…” Chastity whimpered making me smile.

“You feel so good. So tight.” I groaned as I stroked her g-spot lightly.

I slowly added a second finger, watching her face for any signs of pain as I stretched her. Goddess she felt good. Once I had both fingers buried in her, I rubbed against her g-spot again. She threw back her head, and moaned louder than I had ever heard. I went back to giving her nipples attention as I picked up the thrusting of my fingers. She went a bit crazy at that. I loved the feel of her nails digging into my shoulders, the sounds of her moans and sighs, and the feel of her pussy grasping at my fingers like she didn’t want them to leave her.

“Rowen. I…..oh goddess don’t stop.” Chastity gasped.

I released her nipple, and looked at her gorgeous face as soon as I could feel her getting ready to cum. I had to admit watching her cum was one of my favorite sights. She scrunched up her face, threw her head back, and her whole body tensed. I rammed my fingers in as deep as I could, and strummed her g-spot. She exploded, screaming my name. To say that my ego went through the roof would be an understatement. Goddess she was gorgeous when she lost herself to pleasure.

When I knew she was finally coming back to earth I slowed my stroking fingers, and eventually pulled out of her. I gently kissed her neck, jaw, chin, cheeks, and lips until she finally opened her eyes to look at me. I had to hold back my chuckle when her face turned red.

“You are gorgeous when you cum.” I whispered against her lips.

I did chuckle when she buried her face into my chest, and mumbled something I couldn’t hear.

“What did you say sweet girl?” I asked against the top of her head.

“That felt really good.” Chastity squeaked.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Can you look at me please?”

It took her a few moments to finally look up at me. I ran my fingers through her hair then cupped her chin, smiling at her. After giving her a gentle kiss, I looked her in the eyes.

“No embarrassment ok. You enjoyed yourself, and that’s all that matters.” I said quietly.

“I….I wasn’t too loud, or um….we…..wet down there?” Chastity whispered nervously.

“No sweet girl. You were and are perfect in every way. I told you I want to hear you. Knowing I made you that wet and caused you to go as wild as you did is an ego boost to me that I can’t describe.” I reassured her.

“Like you need more ego.” Chastity grumbled at me, making me laugh.

“Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you did I?” I asked, concerned.

“…..No. You didn’t hurt me. I….It felt really good.”

“I’m glad.”

We laid there just staring at each other for a bit. Chastity rubbing her hand on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair, and along her jaw. When she glanced down I knew she was looking at the tent in my pants. I wanted to hide it from her to keep from making her uncomfortable, but decided not to.

“….um….do…you want some help with that?” Chastity stammered quietly.

“You don’t have to. Making you cum is all I need to be satisfied.” I responded honestly, watching, and feeling her get off was it’s own kind of high that I really enjoyed.

“Yeah, but…..does…..doesn’t it hurt if left like that?” Chastity asked.

“I’ll go take are of it in a minute. Right now I just want to enjoy holding you.” I answered.

“Oh………um……what….what if…if I wanted to help you with…..with that issue?”

I could feel her nerves, and while I would love nothing more than to feel her hand on my dick, I wasn’t going to push her that much. I felt I had pushed her enough tonight. I knew I needed to take things slow with her, and one step at a time. Knowing she was nervous I was ready to not have her touch me.

“Sweet girl, I don’t want you to do anything you aren’t ready for. I’m perfectly happy with getting you You know that.” I told her with a smile.

“I….know that, but what…..what if I’m curious?” Chastity looked up, and asked with huge, innocent eyes.

“Are you sure or are you just offering because you think I want you to?”

“Maybe a little of both.”


“If you really want to, I won’t stop you, but if you’re only doing it because you think you have to than I don’t want you to.”

“I…..I don’t think I have to. I just…..”

“You just what?”

“I….I want to please you.”

“Chastity you do please me. You did please me. I don’t need to get off to find pleasure with you.”

“1…I know.”

“As long as you know that. You tell me what you want to do.”

“I….I want you to show me what to do.”

It took all I had to hide my surprise. So far I’ve done all I can to take things one step at a time, and focus more on her pleasure than mine. The fact that she wanted to touch me as I had just touched her was a pretty big thing in my book for her.

With a groan I kissed her hard. She was quick to open, and let me explore her mouth. I could feel the hand she had on my chest trembling slightly, and I almost denied her request, but when I felt her hand slowly sliding down to my stomach, I didn’t stop her. She ran her fingers through my happy trail, making my skin tremble, and jump a bit. She stopped right at my waist band, and pulled back to look me in the eyes. I looked for fear, or discomfort, but found lust and curiosity instead.

“Rowen, help me. Show me what to do please.” Chastity whispered with a slight squeak.

I searched her eyes again then placed my hand over hers, and lead it inside of my pants. When our hands reached my dick, I loosened my hold on her hand enough for her to move her fingers, and explore a bit. The first touch of her fingers on the head caused me to groan.

“Does that hurt?” Chastity asked, nervously.

“No. Not at all. I’m going to let go of your hand. Explore a bit, get a feel for me, ok?” I answered.

She only nodded, and I let her hand go. She tentatively ran the tips of her fingers around the head of my cock, and over the slit. Every brush of her fingers caused me to suck in a breath. She would look at me in concern with every gasp, but I just smiled to encourage her to continue. When she trailed her fingers down my shaft, right along the vein I groaned. Just having that small amount of touch from her

was sending me close to the edge already. I was going to embarrass the hell out of myself before we even got started if I didn’t calm down a bit.

I was shocked when her fingers trailed lower to my balls, and she started to explore those a bit. I didn’t say anything, nor did I move, but I certainly enjoyed what she was doing.

“Ok. Those feel a little weird.” Chastity said with a slight giggle.

“Um…sorry. I think.” I grunted when she squeezed my sack a bit, “Might not want to do that right this second.”


“Hard to explain.”

“Ok. What do I do now?”

I led her hand back to the base of my dick, and wrapped her fingers around it. Using my hand I moved her hand up to the tip then back down slowly. After a few shaky strokes she got a better grip on me, and I groaned. I kept her strokes slow to prolong this as much as I could.

“Rowen?” Chastity whispered as we continued to stroke my dick slowly.

“Hmmm?” Was all I could muster in response.

“The waist band of your pants is hurting my arm a bit.” Chastity stated.

“I….I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by taking them off.” I grunted when she squeezed me a bit, without me showing her.

“Oh. Um…..maybe you won’t.”

I stopped our hands immediately, and looked at her, questioningly. She was biting her lip, and staring at me, red faced. After I moment, I nodded, and wiggled my pants down enough to get them out of the way. I did notice that she never took her eyes off my face, but I didn’t mind. Once I was sure she was ok, I started our strokes again. Still keeping them slow, and a bit loose.

“Is… this all you like?” Chastity asked quietly.

“Tighten your grip a bit, squeeze the base when you get there, and maybe…….maybe run your thumb over the head on the up stroke.” I grunted, “Not that tight.”

“Sorry.” Chastity squeaked, and quickly loosened her grip.

“Just like that.” I groaned as she got the grip just right.

As she started to get the hang of it, I removed my hand from hers. I buried my hand in her hair, and pulled her lips to me for a kiss. At the same time my other hand pulled her waist tight against my side. When I felt her strokes speed up just a bit, I pulled away from the kiss to gasp.

“Faster please.” I grunted.

She was definitely a quick learner, and maybe a little daring because as she sped up her strokes she would twist just a bit, and squeeze just a bit tighter. Some strokes she would stop to run her thumb under the crown than over the head, stopping to rubbing over my slit a few times. She was driving me crazy, but I loved every second of it.

Just as I started to thrust my hips up into her hand she stopped. My eyes flew open, and looked at her pinching my brow, worried I had done something to make her uncomfortable. She was staring at me in wonder. She released her hand than trailed her fingers up the underside, over the head, and back down. It didn’t quite tickle, but felt like a tease that I wouldn’t mind her doing again, which she did, a few times. When she wrapped her tiny hand around me again, and gave a slight squeeze, I groaned.

“Sorry. My wrist was getting tired for a second.” Chastity whispered.

“It’s ok. That felt really good.” I admitted with a groan as she started stroking me again.

She figured out the perfect grip, and rhythm again quickly. When I begged her to go faster again, she did. I could feel myself getting ready to cum, and I knew it was going to go every where. I tried to stop her so I could finish myself in the bathroom, but she didn’t. Instead she squeezed me a bit, and kept going. When I came I did as she had, I threw my head back, and groaned long and loud. I wasn’t quite finished when she went to move her hand away.

“Don’t stop yet. I’m not quite done.” I grunted as I grabbed her hand, and kept on thrusting.

When I flopped back onto the bed, and sighed, she was still stroking me. I could feel myself getting soft, and moved her hand away. I opened my eyes to look at her to find her smiling proudly back at me.

“They were right?” Chastity squeaked.

“About what?” I asked, confused.

“That there is special kind of pleasure in getting your mate off.” Chastity admitted with a giggle.

“Hmm. Yes there is.” I agreed with a smile.

“Did………did I do a good job?”

“Sweet girl, you did a fantastic job, and you’re a quick learner.”

“Thank…..thank you.”

“I’m going to go get cleaned up, ok?”

I chuckled when she nodded at me. Once I made it to the bathroom, I sighed. It was a happy sigh though. My sweet girl was opening up, and becoming more curious. I did not expect her to return the favor tonight, but I certainly wasn’t complaining. I had had a lot of hand jobs over the years, but that one was by far the best. I had no doubt everything with her would be the best I had ever had.

Once I finished in the bathroom, I chuckled as Chastity scurried in behind me. I really hoped she wouldn’t become embarrassed over what we did, but if that happened I would work her through it. To say I was shocked when she came out of the bathroom, not red face, climbed into bed, and snuggled right into my arms, would be an understatement. With a quick, and quiet I love you from her, she passed out. I whispered that I loved her as well against her shoulder, kissed it, and fell right to sleep.

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