Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 8: Ch.7/ Final Decision

Chapter 8: Ch.7/ Final Decision

Life is nothing but a deal that every person has to make to survive the harsh reality of their existence. However, some people out there are exceptionally different and that's what makes them superior to others. Every person wants to achieve something that is beyond their limit although that never stops them from chasing the exotic thing.

Alessandro is also like those persons who are always looking for something that is beyond their reach but still, he always possesses such aura that screams his ultimate victory at the end. He has gotten everything he wants, but this time his want is something that perhaps he can't get so easily. He never wanted to have anything so badly till now. However, the harder the situation the more thrill he feels to get his hands on that thing.

Today is the day to make the final move and Alessandro is sure as hell that he will finalize the biggest deal of his life. He will not leave any chance to let this deal slipped away from his hand. He will have Anupama as his wife by the next week anyhow.


Alessandro's POV:-

The weather is warm but not so hot like yesterday and that's a good thing because I hate hot weather. However, that's not what's the real point here. I am currently getting ready for the meeting with Mr. Sengupta and his Nephew Mr. Ganguly. Their names are not very easy to pronounce so I like to refer to them by their surnames which are also not an easy task but I need management. However, it still amazed me that I can pronounce Anhuphama's (Anupama) name better than others.

After putting on my cufflinks I tie my shoelaces and take the necessary things before getting out of the hotel room. I know Bianca and Samuel are waiting for me by the elevator so I directly move there. Like I have thought both of them are talking in front of the elevator. When they see me coming they give me a nod of acknowledgment and we get inside the elevator.

After getting out of the elevator we all get inside the car and move towards our destination. I observe that Bianca is tensed throughout the journey but I don't say anything because I know why she is so tense. I look at Samuel who is sitting in the front seat of the car and like I have guessed he is also looking deep in thought. I, on the other hand, is calm as ice because you can never get anything if you don't make yourself calm and calculating.

Soon we reach the Sengupta company and we all get inside the building afterward. Bianca walks towards the receptionist while Samuel and I stand near the desk. After talking, Bianca comes towards us and tells us that someone will be here soon. A few minutes later a middle-aged man come near us and introduce him as Mr. Sengupta's PA. He requests us to accompany him to Mr. Sengupta's cabin where the meeting will be done as I only want to have Mr. Sengupta and Mr. Ganguly's presence during this meeting. As we reach there Mr. Sengupta along with his nephew stand up to greet us. After shaking hands with them I take a seat in a single couch opposite of Mr. Sengupta who is also sitting on a single couch too. Samuel, Bianca, and Mr. Ganguly share the bigger couch. Mr. Sengupta requests us to have tea or coffee but we decline politely because we have our breakfast not too long ago.

"It's alright Mr. Bianchi if you don't want to drink anything. Now tell me what do you want to change in the deal?" Mr. Sengupta asks with a small smile but I can clearly see the nervousness behind that smile.

"Not any change Mr. Sengupta. I want to add a little-term in the deal that's all." I replies with confidence. He looks skeptical after hearing my words.

"Oh okay. May I know what term you want to add?" He asks in response.

I signals Bianca to put the file in front of Mr. Sengupta. He takes the file in his hands and starts to read through the papers trying to find the term I am talking about. Suddenly, his eyes hards with anger indicating that he has read the term. His nephew notices the change in Mr. Sengupta before taking the file in his hands and starts to read the papers carefully.

"What the hell is that mean?" He slams the file on the table between us before standing up from his place to come near me. But before he can do such thing Samuel stands between us with a stern expression on his face.

"I suggest you move to your place Mr. Ganguly. I don't want to hurt anyone here." Samuel says in a cold voice.

"I don't care what you will do to me. But I will not let this bastard go away without breaking his bones. How dare this man thought that he will get my sister as his wife?" He asks while pointing a finger at me.

"Sit down Subho." Mr. Sengupta orders his very angry nephew who only scowl in return but oblige to his uncle's demand. I smirk internally knowing well that they will not be able to do anything to reject the term because if they do they will face a huge loss of money.

"So what do you think Mr. Sengupta? I can give you some time if you want to discuss it with your lawyer or anything yet I am fully sure that you can't disagree with me because if you did, you have to lose your company to pay the debt that will be imposed on you when the board of members will come to know that someone has bought 70% shares of this company and will not be doing any further business with the members anymore." I comments while looking at him with a victorious smile. Both men are looking at me with agape mouths because they could have never thought that I was capable of doing such a thing in just two days. Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

"How did you buy the shares so easily? We are one of the top corporations of India, it's not so easy to buy our shares behind our back. Tell me Mr. Bianchi what did you do?" Mr. Sengupta asks me with a clenched fist. He is clearly distressed not knowing what to do. So I have decided to tell him everything because I hate to see old people in discomfort.

"I offered one of your board members to join my company in Los Angeles and in return, I told him to buy 70% shares on my name. I gave him a huge amount of money to buy the stocks and also some

money for his family as a gift for helping me. Before you asked anything about your sign that was needed to buy the shares, someone took them for me." I replies casually.

"WHO TOOK THE SIGN OF MY UNCLE? TELL ME BIANCHI, WHO HELPED YOU TO GET THE SIGN?" Mr. Ganguly yells at me. I stand up from my chair in an instant and grab him by his collar before pulling him to face me. He tries not to show any fear but I can see through his tough demeanor that he is slightly scared by seeing my sudden move.

"Don't you dare yell at me boy. I am not someone who will get scared by your yelling. Keep your voice in check before you open your damn mouth in front of me." I shoves him backward and he tumbles on his feet. But He regaines his balance and goes to punch me. However, before he can do that Mr. Sengupta raises his hand to stop him.

"Shut up Subho. If you can't cooperate then please get out of here." Mr. Sengupta remarks. He is looking helpless that I also feel a little bad for what I am doing but my want for his daughter is more stronger than anything.

"Are you crazy boro mama? Please tell me you are not thinking about agreeing with him." Mr. Ganguly asks looking at his uncle with disbelief.

"Then what do you want me to do? We don't have any other option left other than agree with what he is saying. This company is like my child so how can I let it go?" Mr. Sengupta answers his nephew who look ready to kill someone or specifically me.

"Anupama is also your child boro mama, only living part of boro mami." Mr. Ganguly uttera helplessly. Upon hearing that Mr. Sengupta's eyes flash some emotion before it's gone in a second.

"My company is more important to me than her and if by giving away her can save this company I will do it without a blink of an eye." He replies and signs the papers immediately. On the other hand, Mr. Ganguly storms out of the room but not before giving me a murderous glare.

Mr. Sengupta hands over the file towards me with a defeat look. I fee pity for him but I can't back out of the deal because Anhuphama has made an impact on me already. I take the file from him with a nod. I start to get out of the room with Bianca and Samuel following when I hear Mr. Sengupta calls out to me. I turn around to see that he is looking at me with an expression I can't pinpoint.

"I just want to know who helped you to get my signature on the shares' papers?" He asks. I look at Bianca and she nods her head.

"Your PA."


Anupama's POV:-

Today is Maha Panchami so every one of us is busy in making preparations for the day. Mamoni is preparing everything for today's puja while Thakurmaa and Pishimaa are busy in guiding the workers about what to do next with the decorations around the house. Alpona drawing's duty is vested on me so I am making the Alpona as per Thakurmaa's choice. While everyone is busy in doing different works I know no one will be able to keep an eye on Advira so I have called Jasmine di earlier in the morning to come here to babysit Advira for some time while I finish all the works. So now they both are busy playing hide and seek with each other.

Suddenly, the door of the mansion abruptly open by someone and much to our surprise Dadabhai enters looking so angry that he doesn't even stop to greet anyone before marching towards his room in hurry. Jasmine di tries to stop him by calling his name but he doesn't turn back.

"What happened to him?" Jasmine di asks with a scared tone. Not only her, but we all get scared because it's unusual for Dadabhai to behave like that.

"I think we should check on him," Mamoni responds.

"I will go-" a loud noise of something being broken stopped Pishimaa in her mid-sentence. One by one things being smashing sounds echoed in the house. Without waiting for anyone I run towards Dadabhai's room from where the sounds are coming from. But the door is locked from inside so I can't get in the room.

"Dadabhai open the door," I call out to him while trying to open the door. But I only get the sound of breaking another thing in return.

"What's wrong with you? Please open the door now." I plead with a frightened voice. Jasmine di, pishimaa, and mamoni come running towards me. They also try numerous times to call him but he doesn't say anything in return.

"What's happened that anger him so much?" Pishimaa wonders aloud.

"Something must have happened with the new client. Remember, today they have a meeting with Mr. Bianchi." Mamoni says after a few moments. Hmmm, something might be bothering him very much to the extent that he is behaving like this. So we agree to give him some time to relax. Pishimaa orders me and mamoni to complete all the works before Purohit can come to do the puja for the Maha Panchami. However, when we reach downstairs we see that Baba, Thakurmaa, Riya, and Kakai are discussing something which seem to be a serious matter. Pishimaa goes and take a seat beside Thakurmaa. Baba might have said something interesting that Pishimaa's face glows up in happiness.

"Really borda?He wants to marry the daughter of this family in exchange for the deal? Wow, it's a great idea. We will have such a powerful and wealthy person as our relative and that will add a spark to our reputation." Pishima exclaims with satisfaction.

"How is it a great idea Kamini? Mr. Bianchi is asking for a bargain and we should not accept it at any cost." Kakai reacts with disgust.

"You keep quiet Mihir. No one asked about your opinion. This business has nothing to do with you so I don't think you have any right to say anything regarding what is right or wrong about the deal. If Riya doesn't have any problem with this marriage then who are you to say anything against this marriage? Riya and Mr. Bianchi will be a great match for each other so it's a perfect decision for our company and also our family." Thakurmaa replies harshly. I feel Mamoni stiffening beside me so I take her hands in my own before giving her a reassuring squeeze.

Dadabhai must have known about it and that's why he wass so angry when he came home. However, Riya is looking very pleased to know that Baba has decided to marry her with that man for the sake of the company. She has always been a fan of luxury and by marrying that man she will get to live a very luxurious life like she always wanted.

"Why not ask Mr. Indrajit Sengupta who does Mr. Alessandro Bianchi want to marry?" Dadabhai says from behind us. He is standing in front of the staircase. His hair os disheveled and his clothes are wrinkly. But his eyes holds so much fury that it scares me to the core.

"What's there to ask for Subho and why are you talking to your Boro mama like that? Don't you have any manner left in you?" Pishimaa snaps angrily.

"Don't tell me to show any manner towards this man who only cares about his company that he didn't think twice before signing up his own daughter to a man whom we don't have any knowledge about." I am stunned after hearing his confession. I feel like someone has stabbed me in the chest to pierced my heart. I look at the man whom I have respected the most in my life, my Baba. For the first time, he doesn't meet my gaze, that's when I know who does Mr. Bianchi want to marry.

"W-h-a-t?" Riya stammers because like everybody she also believed that she was the one who would get married to Mr. Bianchi.

"What is Subho talking about Dada? Please tell me that he is lying. You didn't agree to marry our Anu to that man." Kakai is verge of crying while looking at me with a pain expression.

Baba is looking so deterred that he doesn't even lift his face when Kakai asks the question. He only nods in response and that os enough for me to let the tears fall from my eyes. Mamoni and Pishimaa gasp in horror while Riya sinks down to her knees.

"Eta ki korli tui Indra? Amader adorer Riya ke chhere kibhabe ei opoya meyetir biye thik korte parli oi Rajkumar er moto cheletir sathe?" Thakurmaa asks Baba while pointing an accusing finger at me.

("Why have you done this, Indra? How can you fix this misfortunate girl's marriage with that Prince-like boy leaving our precious Riya?")

"I am still the sole owner of the company and I don't need to give any explanation to anyone regarding any decision I take for the well-being of my company. The marriage will be done after a week from the Durga puja so I want you all to be prepared for that." Baba replies bluntly and goes out of there leaving us all in shock. I run towards my room before throwing myself at the bed. Loud cries racks from me in anguish.

Jasmine di rubs my back to stop my crying but I can hear the sound of her cry. I feel little hands trying to wipe my tears but that only make me cry harder knowing the fear I have for so long is going to be true in a few days, they will snatch my baby from me. I sit up and take Advira in my arms before hugging her tightly.

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