Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 7: Ch.6/ Secrets Are Everywhere

Chapter 7: Ch.6/ Secrets Are Everywhere

"Advira don't go there baby." Anupama calls out to her naughty baby who is not in a mood to listen to her mother. She is only concentrated on the pretty butterfly that is flying away from her clutches. Advira is looking like such a cutie pie in pink shorts and a blue top with a flowery design all over it. Anupama has put a cute little hat on her head because the weather is very hot today.

Anupama has gotten dressed in jeans and tops. Most of the time she likes to wear ethnic clothes but sometimes she wears western clothes too.

"Mum-mum waterfy." Advira says while trotting behind some butterfly trying to catch them.

"Let them fly baby. We shouldn't catch them." Anupama says making her daughter pout. She picks up the naughty toddler before tickling her on the sides to make her life.

Finally little Advira burst into a giggling fit and Anupama also starts to laugh along with her baby girl. After playing for some more time on the swing, Anupama takes Advira near the flower plants that are available in the garden nearby the park. By seeing the blossoming flowers Advira's eyes start to sparkle with interest. Anupama begins to explain the name of the different flowers to the baby knowing that the baby will not understand a thing she is saying but still it doesn't stop her from describing everything to Advira. Advira too is listening to her mother with enthusiasm as if she understands whatever her mother is saying.

Suddenly Anupama's phone starts ringing. When she sees the caller ID she immediately picks up the call. But she has to pull away the phone from her ear as the caller starts screaming.

"WHERE ARE YOU, MY BABIES? I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH." Jasmine is the one who has called Anupama.

"Di, do you want me to become deaf?" Anupama asks calmly.

"Why will I want such a horrible thing Anu? I love you much." Jasmine replies with a dramatic sigh. Anupama shakes her head knowing Jasmine's bubbly nature and smiles.

"Okay, I get it. I love you too. But why did you call me? Do you want to say something?" Anupama asks while keeping an eye on her baby girl who is busy admiring the pretty flowers.

"I have come to the mansion to meet you and my Vira. But Mausumi auntie told me that you have gone out with the cutie pie. So tell me where you are and I will come there. It's been a long time since I have spent alone time with you both." Jasmine replies. Anupama can feel a pout forming on Jasmine's lips. So she informs Jasmine of her whereabouts. Jasmine says that she will be there in fifteen minutes. Anupama puts the phone in the back pocket of her jeans and moves towards her baby.

Exactly after fifteen minutes, Jasmine's car pulls at the entrance of the park. She sees that Anupama is standing near the gate with little Advira in her arms. Upon seeing them, she runs towards them and takes Advira from Anupama, and give Anupama a side hug.

"Wow look who has gotten so big and look at those chubby cheeks." Jasmine cooes at Advira while kissing all over her face. Advira squeals in joy.

"So what's the agenda for today Anu?" Jasmine asks walking towards her car, Anupama is following behind her holding Advira's diaper bag.

"Nothing di. You know neither thakurmaa nor pishimaa like it when I take Advira out so I have to go home soon."Anupama replies while getting in the car. Jasmine has already strapped the baby in the car seat that she especially has for Advira.

"But they don't have any right what you do with Advira. I am her guardian and I have given my fullest consent to you so you can take her whenever and wherever you want." Jasmine says while driving the car.

"It's not so easy Di and you know it. Thakurmaa's words are the final words in our house and Pishimaa being her only daughter has the same privilege as well. I can't go against them Di." Anupama replies while looking outside the car. She also doesn't like to bind Advira in the house. She wants her to have a normal childhood the one she never had. But her hands are tied. She is lucky enough to be able to keep Advira in her life but God knows how long she can have this little bundle of joy in her life.

"Okay forget about it now. We are going to eat something and then we will go shopping. Durga puja is only in four days and knowing you, you didn't buy anything at all for yourself." Jasmine comments while parking her car in front of a breakfast place. It's a small place where's Luchi(deep-fried flatbread) and Aloo dum(a potato-based dish) is very famous.

This time Anupama takes Advira out of her car seat while Jasmine takes the diaper bag. After locking the car they both go inside to eat. They sit down at an available table and order two plates of Luchi and Aloo dom. When their order arrives they don't waste any moment before digging in the delicious food. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

They both feed Advira little bits from them. Anupama has made sure that Advira doesn't become a picky eater because luxury is not permanent so everyone should be prepared for every situation.

"So Anu, did those witches say anything to you after the clients from Los Angeles left yesterday night?" Jasmine asks while drinking milk tea. She has already done with her breakfast so now she is enjoying sweet milk tea.

"Don't talk like that about them Di. They are my family and soon to be yours too. And whatever they do is for our family's well-being. They didn't say anything to me, just told me that I shouldn't have made those extra dishes for the clients because the food being ordered by Riya had gone waste. They told me not to do something like this again." Anupama shrugs while not looking at Jasmine directly in the eyes. Anupama knows that if Jasmine gets to know what Nayantara Devi and Kamini have done in reality then she will do something reckless that can break her relationship with her Dadabhai forever.

Jasmine is always protective of Anupama as she doesn't have any sibling of her own so she views Anupama as her little sister.

"I can see that you are not telling me the truth Anu but I will not force you. Just so you know that I will be there whenever you need me." Jasmine says while squeezing Anupama's hands in a comforting manner. Neither of them say anything else after that. After paying for the food, they leave for shopping as per Jasmine's order. Jasmine is the only person other than Subhodeep with whom Anupama feels so free. Yes, her Kakai and Mamoni love her like their own daughter but she doesn't want them to worry about her. They have already done so much for her and Advira. However, no one knows how deep her pain is and the secrets she is hiding in her heart for so long.


Alessandro is sitting on the couch of his hotel room when he hears a knocking on the door. He stands up and opens the door to see that Samuel is standing there. He signals him to come inside. Samuel does as he is told to do. He takes a seat beside Alessandro and but doesn't say anything for some time.

"You want to tell me something then why are you being so silent?" Alessandro questions him. Samuel is looking irritated for some reason and Alessandro can easily guess what's going on in Samuel's mind.

"What will you gain by doing this boss?" Samuel asks with a frown.

"There is nothing to gain about here. I just want her and that's what I want all of you to know." Alessandro replies handling Samuel a glass of scotch. He is not an alcoholic but he likes to drink scotch whenever he feels anxious.

"Then why are you being so impatient about marrying that girl? There are so many other girls who are willing to get married to you but here you are hellbound in marrying that innocent girl." Samuel knows something is up with Alessandro's sudden decision but he can't pinpoint it.

"I think you know me enough to know that I don't do anything without any reason and about marrying Mr. Sengupta's daughter so suddenly, is something I don't even know why I am feeling so protective over her." Alessandro is frustrated too because he never wanted to get married but he knows that Mr. Sengupta will never hand over his daughter to a stranger without marriage because as much as he knows about Indian people is that, the people of this country value their tradition and culture very much. So without marriage, no man and woman can live together. Also, it's not his country where he can do whatever he likes because every country has its own sets of rules.

"Okay, I get it that you feel protective towards her but protectiveness can't be the only reason for you marrying her. There is something else that you are not telling us. But let me tell you one thing Boss, that girl needs love. Can you provide that to her? Can you love her in the way she deserves?" Samuel retorts. He knows how much Alessandro hates the word 'love' because he doesn't believe in it. But the girl is innocent and she doesn't deserve to be paired with a cold-hearted person like Alessandro who doesn't believe in commitment.

"Are you fucking kidding me? She will have the best life with all the luxury of the world, what more could a person wish for? She doesn't need fucking love to be happy. Love is the worse thing that can happen to anyone as it makes people weak. For me, only money matters as it can buy anything you want." Alessandro sneers. He doesn't want to get any lecture about love. He despises this word the most.

"Money can buy anything but not someone's feelings. You can't buy that for her." By now Samuel is standing in front of Alessandro with anger evident on his face. Alessandro too stands up from his place and looks at Samuel dangerously. He doesn't like it when someone questions his decision and Samuel never did such a thing before.

However, before things can get any nasty way, Bianca walks into the room with her iPad. She instantly feels the tension in the room and looks at the guys with a raised brow. When both men don't back out

she goes near them before whacking behind their heads.

"Ouch woman."

"Fucking hell Bi."

Samuel and Alessandro scream at the same time while rubbing the back of their heads to soothe the pain. Instead of feeling bad for the men, Bianca only scoffs in disappointment. She never thought that a day could come when she would have to see her two brothers quarreling with each other.

"I don't know what the hell you guys are arguing about but let me remind you one thing, I hate to watch it. I don't like it whenever you two argue because it's not an everyday thing and for God's sake stop behaving like babies." Bianca knows well how to put these two grown babies in their place.

Bianca is also not in the favor of Alessandro on marrying Anupama but she can not tell him anything because as much as she considers Alessandro as a brother, she can't forget her role as his PA. She knows Alessandro better than Samuel does so she doesn't want to stop him from the things he is planning to do as he never does anything without any reason and if he wants to get married to a person whom he doesn't know well then there is something he is not telling anyone.

They will be going to meet Indrajit Sengupta and Subhodeep Ganguly tomorrow as Alessandro has made it clear that he only wants to meet the two of them in private. Alessandro knows well that if he says anything in front of Riya then that girl can cause some problem. She is one hell of a cunning person and not only Alessandro but Bianca and Samuel have also realized it well.

"Now that you both are quiet, I would like to tell you something. I have already informed Mr. Sengupta about your request and he has agreed to it." Bianca informs Alessandro. Alessandro leans back on his place on the couch and smirks knowing that the first phase of his plan has been successful.

"Did you order the things I told you earlier?" Alessandro asks while taking the iPad from Bianca and looking through their other projects. Bianca rolls her eyes but nods her head in reply.

"Did you inform Melody Samuel?" Alessandro asks Samuel.

"Done already." Samuel gives a short answer. He doesn't want to argue with Alessandro anymore but still, he can't accept the plan that is forming in Alessandro's mind.

After some more discussion, Bianca and Samuel leave Alessandro's hotel room saying they are going out to have a look at the city. Bianca has asked Alessandro to join them but he saying he has other important works to do. When the sibling duo has left, Alessandro gets up from his place and moves near the balcony that is attached to his room. He pulls out his phone from the blazer he is wearing and opens the lock. He goes to the gallery section of the phone and starts to scroll through it, soon enough he has found the photo he is looking for. His eyes become hard seeing the photo and he starts to breathe heavily.

"I hope you are not also blaming me for the decision I have taken. I don't know what is this about that girl but something is telling me that she needs me. She needs to be protected by any means. I know Bianca and Samuel didn't like my sudden urge of marrying that girl but I can't tell them why I am doing this. They will know everything in the future." Alessandro says while looking at the photo on his phone. Yes, he is marrying Anupama because he feels protective towards her but there is also something else that's making him take the biggest decision of his life.

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