Now and Forever

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

"Bella are you crazy?! Of course I'm not going to do that!"

"Come on Amelia! Don't be such a buzzkill!"

"Bella, it's negative freakin' 16 degrees and oh- if you haven't forgotten; it's January! Literally the

coldest month of the year!"

"We'll only be out for less than three seconds!" Oh this girl..

"I don't know if you haven't noticed, but I'm pregnant and I can't afford to do reckless stuff such as

making snow angels in a storm!" My eyes widened and motioned to the layers of white that covered

everything in the backyard including the pool.

"You only found out you were pregnant today and you're acting like you've known about it the whole

two months!"

"Doesn't make me any less pregnant!" I crossed my arms and put my weight on one leg.

"But we'll only be outside-"

"What're you going to do outside?" Someone interrupted Bella and we both looked behind me only to

see Tony leaning against the kitchen door frame.

"To make snow angels." Bella answered like she was proud of what just came out of her mouth or

something making me roll my eyes and sigh.

"Cool!" He replied and walked over to us.

"I know right! But someone thinks it's too reckless and cold." Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

"Well that's because it is Bella!" I said and threw my arms up in agitation.

"I'm up for it if you are." Unbelievable... "Really?!" Bella asked and grinned wide.

"Mm-hm, let's do this!" And with that said, they both zoomed out of the patio door, a gush of cold wind

entering when they didn't close the door behind them.

"You didn't even go out with your jackets and gloves!" I screamed after them but closed the door when

the cold had become unbearable.

The both lied down in the snow clad grass and moved their arms up and down and their legs side;

making snow angels and laughing hysterically.

"Children." I breathed out and put the kettle on, preparing something warm for them when they come

back in.

"Th.. tha.. that w.. wa.. was f.. fu.. fun.. nn." Bella's teeth chattered when they came in and sat down,

grabbing their mugs to warm their hands.

"I.. I kn.. know r.. ri.. right.. tt." Tony smiled (or at least tried to) and wrapped a blanket around his

shoulders, Bella doing the same thing.

"You guys are idiots." I rolled my eyes and added up the heat on thermostat.

"Fun idiots." Tony said and the both of them high fived. "What? That doesn't make sense in the least

bit." I rolled my eyes again and shook my head when the snickered.

"Whatever you say Amelia, you're just jealous I'm going to replace you with Tony." Bella said and

feigned seriousness but failed miserably because she ended up smiling.

"Yeah Amelia, you're just jealous I'm going to end up taking your place." Tony said, agreeing with Bella.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled. "Now hurry up before your drinks get cold."


"Okay bye!"

"See ya!" Bella yelled back and got into her car.

"So.." Tony drawled out and followed me to the kitchen.


"Your night?" He asked which made me even more confused.

"My night? What about my night?" I asked and put the dirty dishes in the sink.

"I'm talking about you and Alexander of course!" Okay, is he trying to make me even more confused

because if he is, it's working pretty well...

"What about me and Alexander?" I asked but continued my work if de clattering the kitchen.

"Ugh! Goodness Amelia! Did you two break the ice with some hot make up sex?!" Pardon? Did he just

say what I think he said?

"The fuck?! Of course not! We didn't even share the same bed, let alone the same bedroom! Jesus

Tony! Where did you even get that idea from?"

"Well Alexander said he was going to- oh..." his facial expression changed like something had just

dawned on him.

"He was being-"

"Sarcastic?" I finished off for him and continued wiping down the counters.

"Oh how I'm going to..." I didn't hear the rest of his sentence because he was out of the kitchen and

walking down the hall before I could even count to three.

"Tony!" I called out.


"If you're looking for him, he already went to work!"

"But it's just 7 am, why would he go so early?" He asked when he walked back into the kitchen.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "probably avoiding me?" I said and pushed back the tears? Why the hell do I

want to cry?! I bet it's the pregnancy hormones!

"Just give him sometime and he'll get over it, okay?" Tony said, trying to comfort me. It worked (just a

little bit though).

1 hour later...

"Bella? What- are you okay?" There on the porch, stood Bella- a crying Bella to be exact.

"He.. h.." *hiccup*


"That fucking bastard son of a bitch asshole Mark slept with that slut next door!" Never in my life have I

heard so many bad words used in the same sentence... but other than that, that bastard did what


"You know what? Let me grab my keys and we can talk about this at Rosie's diner."

"Rosie's diner? But that's like two hours away from here, how did you even know about it?"

"It doesn't matter! Let's go- wait! Tony!" I called out.

"Yeah?!" He replied.

"I'm leaving and won't be back till later! There's food and snacks in the kitchen if you get hungry!"

"Okay- wait! Where are you going?!"

"I'll be back!" I shouted back, "come on, let's go Bella."


"Now I know why you wanted to drive all the way this side," Bella said and took another sip from her

mug, "their hot chocolate is heavenly."

"I know right? So tell me, what exactly happened?" As soon as I asked this, her eyes glossed over with

unshed tears again.

"Oh Bella I'm so sor-"

"No, no it's okay," she smiled weakly and wiped a tear that escaped from her eye, it really did ache my

heart to see her in this condition.

"So.." she started off, "when I got home and through the door-" her voice cracked, making me reach out

and give her hand a small squeeze, "there was giggling coming from the bedroom and I knew it

sounded awfully familiar...

"I pressed my ear against the door only to hear the giggling again so I," she cleared her throat, "I

pushed open the door and and-"

"It's okay Bella, you don't have to go on." I smiled reassuringly and gave her hand a light squeeze.

"You know what?" I asked.


"I know what would make you feel better." I said and put down the payment on the table.

"And what would that be?"

"You'll see." I smiled and pulled her up.


"This would be so cute Amelia!" Bella squealed and threw the baby onesie into the cart.

"So did the last 5 onesies Bella! We can't get anymore, we don't even know the gender if the baby yet."

I said and put it back on the rack.

"I'm telling you Amelia, it's going to be a girl!"

"But I want- hold on..." I held up my finger and searched my bag for me phone.

"It's Alexander!" I whisper shouted at Bella for what reason you may ask? I don't know it just felt right I


"What do I do?!"

"Pick it up!"


"Where the hell are you?"

"Well hello to you too..."

"Where. The. Hell. Are. You?" Jesus Christ did he sound scary...

"I thought you weren't talking to me?" I'm testing waters here and I know it!

"Don't play fucking games with me Amelia. It's 7:00 pm, what the hell are you doing that took you the

whole fucking day?"

"That my friend, is non of your concern. Now if you would excuse me, I have something to do."

"Don't you dare fucking hang up on-" and then the line went dead.

Now, to wait for the consequences...


"Amelia! Finally!"

"What?" I giggled when Tony engulfed me in a big hug the minute I walked through the front door.

"I thought something had happened to you." He moved back and held me at arms length, scanning my

face and body- for what exactly? I don't know.

"What? Why?" I asked and took off my jacket?and scarf, hanging them up in the rack.

"Do you know what time it is?! It's freaking 9 pm and Alexander isn't in the happiest mood right now."

"Were you worried about me?" I tilted my head to the side and smirked.

"What? Of course I was not!" He immediately let me go and crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at


"Mm-hm, sure, whatever you say... and what time exactly did Alexander come back?"

"He came back at around-"

"Thanks for your help Amelia, really appreciated." Bella walked up behind me, hauling up ten shopping

bags in her hands.

"I told you not to buy so many things and besides, those aren't my clothes." I said and smirked, Bella

rolling her eyes and closing the door behind her.

"You were saying?" I turned back to Tony who just looked at the shopping bags in disbelief. "Tony!" I

snapped my fingers in his face which seemed to break him out of his trance.

"Yeah? Oh yeah! He came back at around 7 pm."

"Seven.. seven pm? The hell was he doing back here at seven pm? The earliest he ever comes home

is 9 pm." Oh lord why do I feel like I'm going regret our earlier conversation??

"I don't know." He said and shrugged.

Good news? He wasn't in the room so what better time than to take a shower now?

"Where the hell have you been?"

"Oh Jesus Christ! What if I was showering?!" I jumped but caught my towel before anything could

happen that we'd both regret...

"But you're not."

"Yeah! I'm going to brush my teeth now if you'd excuse me.." I turned around and stared at him through

the mirror, motioning him to get out.

How did I not hear the door open?

But of course he had other plans...

"Where. Have. You. Been?" With each word, he took a step closer until he was standing right behind

me. Oh lord...

"Why do you care?" I asked and turned around, holding onto my towel like it was dear life itself.

My question = big mistake..

As soon as I asked this, he came closer -I tried to move back but the stupid sink was in my way- and

put his hands on the counter by my sides, blocking me in and bent down so our faces could be on the

same level.

Now, he was so close I could see the flecks of gold in his grey orbs. They were... mesmerizing...

Snap out of it Amelia!

"This is the third and last time I'm asking. Where were you, Amelia?" He whispered, his breath blowing

against my face- specifically my lips. Yes, that's how close we were.

"I.. I.. I.." Where are my words?!

"Were?" He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head to the side. He's doing this on purpose and he

knows it!

"*ahem* I.. I was o.. out." At least I made a sentence right? My hands were slowly slipping from my

towel and I could feel it... stupid nerves...

"Out where?" He whispered in my ear, his hot breath hitting and teasing my skin.

He's manipulating you Amelia! Snap out of it!

But... No! Snap out of it!

"I'm not going to tell you because you don't need to know." In under the timeframe of three to four

seconds I was out of his hold and was already walking out of the bathroom, not forgetting to fix my


"Jesus Christ Amelia... why don't you just tell me where you were?!"

"Why do you need- no, why you want to know where I was?" Why does every conversation have to turn

into an argument?

"Because you're carrying my child dammit!" As soon as these words left his mouth I stopped in my

tracks and turned around to face him.

"Y.. your.. child?" I asked and laughed bitterly, "you have got to be kidding me... your child? I don't think

so! You have no right to call this baby your child!" I said and placed my hand on my stomach.

"And why the hell not?!" Is he serious?!

"Wh.. why? Because the second you found out I was pregnant you wanted to get rid of 'your child'. So

tell me Alexander, what changed your mind Huh? Of that's right, you were too wrapped up in your ego

at the time to even realize that now you get to have the family business am I right?" He stayed quiet,

clenching and unclenching his jaw, "and even then, now you only want to keep this baby because it

benefits you, right?" Silence.

I turned around but just before I started walking again, I turned back to him, "oh and, don't ever try that

shit again." I said and jolted my head in the direction of the bathroom.

And so I walked away, not forgetting to slam the door shut behind me.

Only now do realize I'm only in a towel...

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