Now and Forever

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Long story short: Alexander remembered what happened on Saturday and that I lied to him about it so

now he's currently not talking to me.

When did he remember? Well my friends, he remembered on Monday when he was in a meeting, with

his parents if I may add.

Imagine having a conversation with your parents and memories of you doing *ahem* you know what,

come rushing back into your head. What would you do?

What day is it today? It's Wednesday and it's getting lonely without having someone to talk to in the

house- I mean, even more lonely than it usually is. My life officially sucks.

"Hi Amelia!" Charlotte greeted when I walked up to her desk. "Hi Charlotte," I smiled at her and looked

in the direction of Alexander's office, "is Alexander in?" I looked back at her and asked.

"No sorry, he just left." She is a horrible liar. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"Did he really?" I tilted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow, pursing my lips in the process.

"Ugh! Okay fine! He's in but he told me not to let you in." Her face contorted into one of guilt.

"Please?" I pleaded, using the puppy dog eyes against her, "fine! You can go in."

"Thank you so much."

I walked up to his door and held my hand up, contemplating wether to do it or not. Guess what? I did it.

"Charl- what are you doing here?" His eyes immediately diverted back to his laptop, completely

ignoring my presence.

"I came here to apologize." I walked towards his desk and sat down. "For the sleeping part or the lying

part?" He asked and didn't even bother looking up at me.

"For the- wait, it wasn't my fault what happened that night did so why are you blaming me for it?" He

sighed and looked up at me, taking off his glasses and setting them on the desk.

"Okay fine; we were both drunk and whatever happened wasn't supposed to happen so it was

nobody's fault." What made me mad was that he said the last sarcastically, like he was still blaming me

for what happened.

"You know what? I came here to apologize for lying to you but guess what? I. Don't. Care." With that

said, I stood up and stormed out of his office, annoyed with myself for even trying to be the bigger



Oh shit not again.

I immediately jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom as soon as I could when the well known

burning sensation in my throat woke me up. Again.

I heaved up everything from last nights dinner into the toilet bowl, groaning in disgust when I was done.

"It's been fourteen days. That's two whole weeks you've been heaving up your dinner."

"I am so not in the mood for this right now Alexander." I flushed and stood up, immediately feeling

nauseous again.

And like before, I threw up again.

"What time is it anyway?" I stood up and flushed.

"It's 4 am." Shocker.

I put toothpaste on the toothbrush and rinsed my mouth before brushing my teeth.

"You should go see a doctor for that." With that said, he turned around and walked back to bed.

*Later in the afternoon*

"This is really stupid Bella." I said in a sing song voice.

"Just pee in the damn thing and hurry up. I don't have all day."

"It's Saturday, you do have all day."

"It just seemed like the right thing to say now hurry up."

"Done." I put the pregnancy test on the counter and washed my hands after I flushed.

"We just have to wait three minutes now." And so we waited.

"And... the three minutes are done!" I grabbed the pregnancy test before Bella could and read the


"See?! I'm not pregnant!" I showed Bella the single line on the pregnancy test.

"It might be wrong."

"What? Just like the other 3 we tried? I think not."

Oh what a wonderful day this has been..

*2 weeks later Sunday afternoon*

"We need to sort out our issues because this is getting old." I walked into Alexander's study and and

slammed his laptop shut. "Come on in why won't you?" His sarcastic ass responded.

"We're adults but have been acting like stupid teenagers so-" I shook my head when my vision blurred

a little but luckily came back to normal, "*ahem* we need to act like-"

And everything went pitch black.


The strong smell of aseptic hit my nostrils, making me flutter my eyes open.

"Amelia?" The familiar voice of Bella came from my side. I slowly turned to where her voice came from

but flinched when I piercing shot of pain ran through my head.

"Don't move your head too much." She put her hand on my forehead and slowly helped me turn my

head to face her.

"Why does my head hurt so much?" I slowly reached up to touch the spot where the pain was coming

from but got stopped by someone else.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Delilah? What is she- wait, am I in the hospital?

"Delilah?" I turned my head in the other direction and indeed spotted Delilah writing down something on

the chart in her hands.

"Why shouldn't I touch- better yet, why am I in the hospital?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion,

looking around the room.

"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Umm.. I remember walking into Alexander's study and saying we need to work out some things and

from then on, everything is blank." Delilah nodded and wrote something down on her whatever it is.

"You my friend, have a concussion from a fainting spell you had earlier on today."

"Fainting spell?" I asked and she nodded, "Why in the world would I have a fainting spell?"

"Tell me Amelia; do you know what this is?" She pulled out a paper from underneath all of the ones she

was holding and held it up to me.

"Umm.. yeah, that's an ultrasound." I seriously do not know where this is going but I wouldn't want to

find out either.

"Then tell me; why you haven't been taking care of yourself?" Taking care of my- hold on..

"I.. is th.. that m.. mine?" She nodded. Well shit.

"B.. but I can't be p.. pregnant, c.. can I?" I looked over at Bella who just grabbed my arm and gave it a

light squeeze. "Amelia-"

"No! I.. I can prove it, th.. the last t.. time I had my p.. period was-" and that's when it dawned on me.

The last time I was supposed to have my period was at least two weeks ago. How come didn't I notice?

"O.. okay well l.. last time I used a bunch of pregnancy tests and they all came out negative."

"It's not common but not impossible for the pregnancy tests to be wrong Amelia." I sat up and swung

my legs over the edge of the bed, at this point I didn't even care about the splitting headache I had.

The door opened and in came the person I was dreading to see right now.

"May I talk to Amelia for a second?" This question was directed at Bella and Delilah and like the

cowards they were, they left me alone in the room with an oddly calm Alexander. Calm Alexander =

very angry Alexander.

I looked down at the floor, too scared to look up at him.

"Get rid of it." As soon as these words left his mouth my head snapped in his direction so quick, I

thought I might get a whiplash.

"What?" I asked, just to be sure I didn't hear wrong.

"Get rid of it." When these words left his mouth again I mustered up all the courage I could and stood


"Are you out of your mind? Of course I'm not going to get rid of it!" I shouted but not loud enough for

people outside to hear what was going on.

"What I say goes-"

"I don't care what you say Alexander! It isn't fair!"

"Well the world isn't a fucking fair place Amelia!" He shouted back at me. It was scary, I must say but

there's no way I'm backing down now.

"I don't fucking care! I'm keeping this baby whether you want it or not and I could give two flying shits

about what you have to say!"

"Is everything alright-"


"Yes!" Alexander and I both shouted at the same time, making Delilah pop her head back out and

closing the door behind her.

"Look, if you don't want the baby fine! But I'm keeping it." I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at


"Nothing's final until there is no baby anymore Amelia!" Is he even hearing himself right now?

"No! No no no! You do not get to say that! Okay?! I'm keeping this baby, and you don't have to be apart

of his/ hers life if that's what you want! You don't have to provide for anything for all I care!

Understood?! I'm keeping the baby and that is final." His eye twitched in agitation but didn't say

anything, just stormed out of the room, not forgetting to slam the door shut in his way out.

I sighed and sat down on the bed, looking out of the window to a landscape full of snow, replaying that

godawful conversation over and over in my head.


"So are you like, going to leave or something?" Bella asked and switched off the car then got out along

with a bunch of prenatal vitamins Delilah had prescribed in hand.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'.

"What? Amelia why? He wanted you to get rid of your baby and you're staying?" She scoffed and

shook her head.

"I can't leave because I signed that contract that said I had to be here a full year and if I leave, he'll

make sure I don't ever get a job. Ever again." I pushed the key into the front door and twisted the lock,

opening the door.

"And besides; I only have to be here for eight more months and that's it."


"You're going get fat Amelia! Fat!" I rolled my eyes at Bella who had been doing some 'reading' on the

internet, "here's a bright side; you're going to get bigger boobs and a bigger ass." She looked up from

her phone and looked at me like she a kid on Christmas morning.

And again, cue in the roll eye.

"Bella..." I trailed off I picked up our plates and mugs, placing them in the sink.

"Okay okay fine... uhm let's see.." she typed something into her phone and scrolled.

"Okay here; there's-" she started off and stopped abruptly.

"What?" I asked when she furrowed her eyebrows. "The roads are closing from now on till tomorrow

because it's to dangerous to be out. There's going to be a snow storm apparently." As soon as she said

that, the first thought that came into mind was: "is Alexander going to be okay?"

I don't know why, but that's just it. Even though we had had a nasty argument earlier on. That's just me.

Nice when I'm not supposed to be. I know, I disgust even my self sometimes.

"But-" I was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and then closing. Bella and I both looked

at each other, contemplating whether to go or to stay.

"You go first!" Bella whisper shouted when we were in the hallway leading to the foyer.

"I can't!" I shouted back.

"What?! Why not?!"

"I'm pregnant, remember?!"

"And so?!"

"So it means-" and in the time frame of three to four seconds, I was pushed and like the idiot I was, I

tripped over my own two feet. I closed my eyes for the impending fall but when it didn't come, I opened

my eyes and slowly looked up, coming face to face with a narrow eyed Alexander.

There was a snicker that came from behind him and that's when I realized Alexander hadn't come

home alone. I widened my eyes and quickly untangled myself from Alexander's hold.

"Oh uh.. hi?" I smiled awkwardly and cleared my throat.

"Hello." The man behind Alexander greeted and smiled, putting his arm out for a handshake.

He had brown hair that was parted on the middle that flopped to the sides, blue eyes and pink lips. He

had a nice body too (but not like Alexander's) and had a cut on his left eyebrow. He was attractive, yes,

(but not as attractive as Alexander) just putting it out there by the way..

"I'm Anthony but you can call me Tony." Hold up. Tony Tony? As in, Alexis and Audrey argument Tony?

He smiled, showing off his pearly whites. But not as- SHUT UP!

"I'm Amelia." I returned the smile, accepting the handshake.

"Ahh, so you must be the 'wife'." He put exclamation marks on the word wife. I looked at him and raised

my eyebrows. Wait, does he know?

"Don't worry, I know." Oh do you now? I thought Alexander wasn't the type of person to share things

with other people..

"Let's go." Alexander said, motioning for Tony to follow him before I got the chance to speak my


"Oh is he staying here?" He ignored me and continued walking. So we're back to the ignoring are we?

Well excuse me sir for finding a way to make this baby myself..

"Um yeah, I'll be staying here until I get my own place-"

"Tony!" Alexander called from the stairs, interrupting Tony. He gave me an apologetic smile and then

ran after Alexander.

"Am I just hallucinating or is that Tony-"

"Mm-hm- at least I think so..."

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