No. 1 Supreme Warrior

chapter 2201-2210

chapter 2201-2210

Chapter 2201 The masked man rushed to the front swiftly. He stood in the center with three people on the left and right, facing Heath. The masked man arched his brow, and before Heath and the others could react, he suddenly waved his right hand, and a powerful air current rushed toward five of them.

Although Heath and the others were not as strong as the other party, they were after all battle-hardened. They immediately propped up their attached spirit to protect themselves when the masked man made a move.

Jackie took a deep breath, and within half a second, the powerful air current had already hit them. He thought that this energy would tyrannically smash their attached spirits into pieces, but unexpectedly, the air current did not have violent destructive power despite its looks. They were, however, pushed back by the wind.

The five of them were swept up and down by the air current. Fortunately, they were not hurt in any way but were separated from the others. Jackie’s heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood the masked man’s plan which was to deal with them separately and finish them off fast!

Just now, Jackie only wanted to use the attached spirit to resist the impact of the air current. He did not expect that the air current was not to hurt them but to separate them, so it was only natural that he was caught off guard. By the time he realized that he had already been blown five or six yards away!

Just then, he heard a loud bang. Turning his head toward the direction of the sound, he saw that Frank had fallen to the ground a yard away from him. He glanced at him and immediately stood up from the ground


Although stupid most of the time, Frank also knew that he should not let the enemy have any opening, so he quickly stood up while struggling. However, it was too late for them to converge at that time. They were surrounded by three people as soon as they stood up and among them was the bearded man!

Jackie quickly glanced around and saw that both Byron and Edric were also surrounded by three people at a distance of twenty yards away from him while Heath faced the masked man alone. Seeing this, his heart began to beat like a drum in his chest. Their small number had already put them at a disadvantage, and what made it even worse was that their opponents had higher cultivation than them. The odds of winning were not favorable to them at all.

This masked man is not an ordinary person! He separated us as soon as possible so that we couldn’t work together!’ thought Jackie. He then turned his attention to Heath who was facing the masked man and saw that his original pitch-black face had turned pale.

Heath naturally understood the masked man’s intention to separate them, and he was under immense pressure to take down the masked man alone. The others might not know this, but Jackie knew that the masked man used to be at the spring solidifying level. Although he did not know the extent of Heath’s power, he was sure that Heath would not be able to win at all. After analyzing all that, he turned his attention to the three Corpse Pavilions disciples surrounding him.


Chapter 2202 The three Corpse Pavilions disciples looked at the two of them as if they were lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The joy on their faces was apparent, especially the bearded man who looked at Jackie and Frank as if they were delicious food. It was only then that Frank realized he had brought the trouble upon them.

The bearded man did not attack them immediately but stared at Frank mockingly. “Hey kid, why aren’t you talking big anymore? Where’s your righteous indignation now? Who was the one who said that we wouldn’t dare kill you because of the cost involved?”

Frank gulped and was trembling all over. The bearded man roared with laughter when he saw how Frank behaved; his eyes never left Frank even for a second. “Saying that makes me want to kill you even more! Soon you’ll experience a fate worse than death!

Frank shivered at the thought of the bearded man torturing him to death. He was almost jealous of Jackie, who he was sure would be granted a quick death. In a panic, Frank suddenly pointed at the mask on Jackie’s face and said, “He wasn’t wearing this mask before you guys came. He only put it on after! You probably know who he is. He has a grudge against you. If you want to torture someone, torture him!”

The bearded man and the two Corpse Pavilion disciples behind him were momentarily taken aback, and the three of them looked at Jackie who was wearing a mask at the same time.

The corners of Jackie’s mouth twitched, and he turned his head sharply to look at Frank. It dawned on him that Frank’s mind worked very fast as long as it was aimed at bringing other people down. If it was not for the situation they were in, Jackie would have been impressed with how he could divert the attention toward him while Frank was under duress.

Jackie took a deep breath, and said, “Don’t lie, Frank! I have my reasons for wearing a mask, but it has nothing to do with them!”

Of course, Jackie would not admit that he was wearing a mask because he was afraid that the masked man would recognize him. Frank got excited at Jackie’s words. He turned his head and said loudly, “I didn’t lie. He’s the one who’s lying! If you don’t believe me, ask him to take off his mask, and you’ll see! I swear on my mother’s life that he only put on the mask after you guys came.”

The masked man was about to launch an attack on Heath, but Frank’s words piqued his curiosity, making him turn to look at them. How Jackie wished he could stab Frank to death there and then. He frowned while thinking that he must not get tangled with Frank anymore. If things continued like that, the masked man might abandon Heath first to deal with him.


He exhaled a puff of air, turned to face Heath, and said, “Brother Heath! There is something wrong with Frank. It seems like he’s hellbent on making sure we don’t get out of here alive. We shouldn’t give him this chance so let’s end this fight as soon as possible. Either that or we’ll try to find an opening for escape!”

They were all in that situation because of what that bastard Frank had said. Heath had always hated Frank and wished that he could cut him up into a million pieces. After listening to Jackie’s words, he felt that he was right, even though he too wondered why Jackie only put on the mask after the masked man came. However, he would not press the matter further since Jackie had not done anything to him, unlike that bastard, Frank.

Chapter 2203 Heath breathed out deeply. Mask or no mask, he did not care. He then took out two three-feet-long swords of the same length from his storage ring and held one in each hand. The swordsmanship he cultivated was the double-sword style, and he stood In a way that allowed him to launch an attack at the drop of a hat. The masked man set his eyes on Heath again. Seeing this, Jackie heaved a sigh of relief, and once again set his eyes on the three Corpse Pavilion disciples in front of him.

The bearded man looked him up and down, trying to read him. He suddenly burst out laughing, and said,” You’re smart to change the subject, but even this will not help! I will take off the mask on your face

with my own hands to see who you are!”

Jackie snorted lightly and ignored him, turning his face away from him. In fact, the position he and Frank were in was considered safe compared to the other three. The masked man might have thought of the two of them as garbage hence, pushed them to the edge. That would make it easier for Jackie to escape. However, even if he wanted to escape, he had to solve the problem at hand first.

The bearded man was done talking. Suddenly, he charged toward Jackie and Frank with a swinging ax. Frank’s face turned pale immediately. He stepped back, and shouted, “Kill him first! He must be your enemy, if not, why would he wear a mask?!”

Even till then, Frank had not given up on directing the attention back to Jackie. In Jackie’s heart, Frank was as good as dead. He stepped back, activated the laws of space, and immediately pulled a distance of five to six yards between them.

The bearded man was impressed by his technique. He chuckled coldly, and changed his direction toward Jackie, leaving the remaining two Corpse Pavilion disciples to deal with Frank. The sound of chaos could be heard when Frank’s three-feet-long sword collided with the two Corpse Pavilion disciples’ weapons.

The bearded man swung his ax and a scorching flame erupted like lava from the ax. When the mountain breaking ax slashed over, it carried scorching energy that distorted the surrounding air. Jackie’s brows furrowed, his attention a hundred percent on putting some distance between him and the ax. Although he was not weak, he also knew that he was no match for the bearded man, who was probably ranked top of the Corpse Pavilion.

He needed to proceed cautiously. The gap between him and the bearded man was half a small realm, meaning to say he was challenging someone half a level higher than him. He flipped his hands and punched out hand seals to summon the ten Soul Swords, which instantly appeared floating above his palm.

He then put his hands together, combining the ten Soul Swords into a giant Soul Sword. Gray-black smoke swirled around the giant Soul Sword while the runes on the sword flashed. As he retreated frantically, he pushed the Soul Sword forward to meet the mountain-breaking ax.


The giant Soul Sword collided with the mountain breaking ax, and a violent shock wave rippled across the air. The mountain-breaking ax’s flames were extinguished by the giant Soul Sword, and the residual energy on the giant Soul Sword wrapped itself around the mountain-breaking ax like the vine.

Chapter 2204 There was a hint of shock in the bearded man’s eyes. He looked toward Jackie disbelievingly, and said, “You bastard! What kind of martial arts are you cultivating that can actually compete with the flames that I cultivated?!”

Jackie scoffed and said nothing. The Destroying the Void technique he cultivated was at least a heaven level skill. If it were not for the memory left by the ancient predecessors, he would not be able to immediately tell what kind of martial skill the flame on the mountain-breaking ax was, but with the help of the memory, he could see at a glance that the flames must be a premium red level martial arts technique, making it the same level as the one Wesley had.

However, Wesley’s martial arts technique was not as powerful as the flames. This meant that the bearded man’s mastery of the flames was definitely higher than Wesley’s which led to a certain gap in the martial arts technique displayed by the two.

The bearded man might appear calm on the surface, but a storm was brewing in his heart. He knew that the masked man wanted them to kill Jackie and the others as quickly as possible to avoid attracting attention hence he used more than half of his strength to do the flames technique. Therefore, it was only natural for him to lose his composure when he saw Jackie dispel his attack with just one move.

“You bastard! Don’t even think you can beat me just because you got away with the previous attack!” said the bearded man, putting on his bravado. He charged toward Jackie with his ax again. Without slowing down its ground-shattering momentum, the flames ignited on the ax with a whoosh.

Jackie punched out another series of hand seals, and this time, summoned twelve Soul Swords which he pushed forward. The gray-black Soul Swords twisted, shattered, and merged into a giant Soul Sword infused with a vast amount of his own soul power. The giant Soul Sword hummed and trembled as if it had infinite energy.

Blue veins popped out of Jackie’s forehead. Although the giant Soul Sword was still not his strongest combat power, it was already making him a little tired due to the huge amount of soul power poured into it. The moment the ax came over, Jackie urged the Soul Sword to meet it head-on. In an instant, the flame and the soul power raged over each other, like a fire dragon thrashing around in a sea of Soul Sword while the aftershock of the collision swept across the area with a loud whooshing sound.

Jackie heard a dragon’s roar and realized that the mountain-breaking ax had really transformed into a fire dragon. However, the giant Soul Sword had pierced through its heart, and it was thrashing and roaring madly, unable to break itself free. In the next second, the fire dragon dissipated and the giant Soul Sword collided with the ax.

“No!” shouted the bearded man, and he began to frantically retreat, but the Soul Sword was like a leech attached to skin. After hitting the mountain ax, it instantly turned into a cloud of black energy and wrapped itself around the bearded man’s right hand. The pain was like being stabbed with a thousand needles causing the bearded man to scream miserably

He let go of the mountain-breaking ax, and it fell to the ground with a thud. The bearded man’s eyes widened in disbelief. The constant tingling from his right hand reminded him that he was no match for Jackie at all which he found unacceptable!

Chapter 2205 “Who the hell are you?! You must be concealing your cultivation!” No way an intermediate stage of an innate level disciple could beat him up like this. Not only did he sustain heavy injuries, but he also dropped his weapon. He would be a laughing stock if words get out about this!

Those who could enter the Secret Place for Resources were all highly-ranked among the Clan associations. He had naturally met those who challenged those above their levels. In fact, he possessed the ability to do so, but that was only relatively speaking.

Every one of them in the Secret Place for Resources was all masters in their own right, and in the bearded man’s mind, a battle between two masters where one was fighting above his level was unheard of. Unless that master was someone like the masked man, who by talent alone was already enough to overwhelm him, and who had deliberately downgraded his own cultivation to enter the Secret Place of Resources.

At that time, everyone had their hands full with their own battle, so the only people who saw what happened between the bearded man and Jackie’s battle were only Frank and others who were closest to him.

‘Jackie actually made the bearded man drop his weapon?’ Frank widened his eyes and stared at Jackie and the bearded man incredulously. He was still fighting the two Corpse Pavilion disciples who seemed to have an upper hand. Although his talent put him at the top of the ranking in the Muddled Origin Clan, he was still no match for the Corpse Pavilion disciples whose talent was above average.

He was losing ground, and almost beaten to the point of coughing up blood, while one of his arms was bleeding profusely from a sword wound. The pain caused his forehead to wrinkle, and cold sweat to run down his face. He never expected that the cocky bearded man would ever lose to Jackie.

“How is this possible? Was the bearded man bluffing about his own powers?” asked the shocked Frank.

Judging by the astonishing look on their faces, the two Corpse Pavilion disciples opposite him also saw what happened. The others might not know, but the two of them knew that the bearded man was among the top thirty formal disciples in the Corpse Pavilion. Even the combined power of two of them was not enough to suppress the bearded man, what was more to say Jackie did it single-handedly.

“That kid is stronger than Brother Zamian!” shouted the Corpse Pavilion disciple on the left. It was only then Jackie realized the bearded man’s name was Zamian.

Zamian gritted his teeth and raised his head. He heard what his junior brother had just said, and suddenly felt that he had been humiliated as if he was slapped on the face several times. ‘It’s all this bastard’s fault! I wouldn’t be humiliated if it wasn’t for him!’

He went ballistic. He squatted down suddenly and picked up the mountain-breaking ax from the ground. With a roar, he activated the internal energy In his body, and a ferocious flame surged from the ax once more. This time, his power was fully activated, and the flame formed a real dragon phantom mid air!

“Die, you bastard! There’s no way you will survive now that I’ve unleashed my full power!”

Jackie scoffed and said, “What makes you think I’ve unleashed my full power just now? It seems that you are quite confident in yourself!”

His words were like adding insult to injury and it made Zamian’s already pale face even paler. He might not have believed it if it came out of anyone else’s lips.

Chapter 2206 However, those words came out from Jackie’s lips. In addition, Jackie had stayed calm throughout the whole ordeal, so Zamian was convinced that Jackie had not unleashed his full power yet, and if that was the case, it was highly likely that Zamian would lose the next round as well.

He gulped at the thought and looked at Jackie with a hint of fear. It was at that moment a figure suddenly sailed past them. All of them looked toward the figure at the same time. It was a man dressed in green,

who had been blasted by the air current.

The man was sent flying dozens of yards away before finally landing heavily on the ground with a heavy thud. Jackie’s heart skipped a beat; he immediately took a step forward, and shouted, “Brother Heath, are you okay?!”

Heath coughed violently twice, and spat out blood as If he had an infinite amount of it; he was so seriously injured that his face was blue and purple. With the blood staining the corners of his lips, he propped himself up on one shoulder and tried to stand up. However, he only managed to rise halfway before losing his balance and falling to the ground again.

Jackie turned his head abruptly to face the masked man, who looked no different than before. Even the corners of his clothes were clean and not stained with dust, as if he was not in the battle at all. Before the battle, Jackie already knew in his heart that Heath was no match for the masked man, but he did not expect the gap between the two to be so large.

He was too focused on his own battle with the bearded man and had no time to worry about the others, but even so, he could tell how much stronger the masked man was from the tragic state that Heath was in. Heath coughed up two mouthfuls of blood again. The open space was dyed red from his blood which frightened everyone present. They did not need to perform a check on Heath’s injuries to know that he was seriously injured.

“Hold on, Brother Heath!” shouted Byron loudly.

Edric and his situation were quite perilous too, but compared to Frank, they were much stronger. Although they were still no match for the three Corpse Pavilion disciples in front of them, they could, however, get by. Jackie could tell that in terms of the battle situation over there, it would not be long until the two of them were defeated.

The masked man seemed to have lost interest in the fight after he took down Heath, for his eyes were fixed on the dead nine-clawed python. Seeing this, Darryl heaved a sigh of relief-that was a fortune among misfortunes! The masked man probably thought that the other disciples would be able to handle the rest of them, so there was no need for him to help them out. Zamian frowned. He wanted to ask the masked man for help, but looking at the situation, the masked man obviously had no intention of doing that as he had faith in their power.

Chapter 2207 Zamian sighed internally. The masked man would definitely label him as weak if he asked for his help now. He did not want to leave a bad impression, so he bit the bullet instead.

Jackie narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of a plan. This was his chance to escape since the masked man’s attention was elsewhere. If he did not leave then, he would have died with the others. Thinking of this, he activated his internal energy and unleashed his strongest skill.

Fifteen Soul Swords appeared on his palm. He had successfully condensed fifteen Soul Swords in the Soul Hall after absorbing the Shattered Soul Crystals. Those fifteen Soul Swords which were exuding a gray -black brilliance were Jackie’s trump card; they were filled with unfathomable power as they spun on Jackie’s palm.

Zamian felt his heart skip a beat when he saw the Soul Swords. He had a bad feeling about them. However, it was not like he had any other choice other than to fight Jackie head-on, so he gritted his teeth and prepared for the battle of his life.

However, before that, he turned his head sharply to look at the two Corpse Pavilion disciples who were fighting Frank, and said, “What are you two dawdling about! Finish him off now!”

In fact, what he really meant was come and help me once you’ve finished Frank off! The two Corpse Pavilion disciples had not unleashed their full power previously but did so after getting chewed out by Zamian.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Immediately, they activated their internal energy and charged toward Frank with the intention to kill him there and then. The Corpse Pavilion disciple on the left punched out a series of hand seals, and countless flaming skulls started to circulate wildly on his spear.

With a roar, he stabbed Frank’s chest with the spear. Frank’s face turned pale with fright, and he quickly activated his internal energy to escape. Just as he was doing so, he caught a glimpse of Jackie out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly thought of a plan. Without missing a beat, he headed toward Jackie’s direction.

‘He’s the cause of all the misfortunes!’ He would be open to escape once the two Corpse Pavilion disciples changed their target to Jackie. He was impressed at how smart he was to come up with such a plan. Fortunately, he had learned a martial arts skill that was used especially for escaping called Seven Steps Gone. It was just that he had yet to master the skill. Not to mention the skill would consume a lot of his internal energy to unleash its full potential, so he could only use it once at most. That was his one- shot at saving himself, so he normally would not use it until necessary.

He kicked against the ground and shot toward Jackie like an arrow. Under the impetus of his internal energy, he managed to careen forward at full speed. The spear that was aimed at his heart stabbed the ground with a loud bang instead, and the revolving flaming skulls exploded the moment the spear hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of smoke and dust which instantly blocked everyone’s vision.

After the series of explosions, Jackie heard the annoying voice again. “I say, Brother Jackie, you are so strong, so won’t you please help me take those two down!”

Jackie turned his head sharply and looked at Frank with contempt. He really did not expect him to be that thick-faced. He was the one who dragged everyone into this, and he was also the one who constantly tried to frame him. It was hilarious how he still dared to ask Jackie for help after all that.

Chapter 2208 With a whoosh, Zamian’s mountain-breaking ax swung toward Jackie again. He was ready to fling out the Soul Swords but changed his plan at the last minute after what Frank did. The moment

the ax came flying at him, he rushed toward Frank who was flying in the same direction as him. It was not long before the two of them bumped into each other, and it was not just the two of them. The attacks of the bearded man and the two Corpse Pavilion disciples were also hot on their tails, especially the fire dragon of the mountain-breaking ax.

Frank felt his heart drop to his stomach. “Are you crazy?! Why didn’t you dispel Zamian’s attack first?”

Jackie sneered. Would that not be what Frank intended if he did just that. Frank immediately understood what Jackie had in mind when he saw the sneer on his face.

“In this case, you and I will die together!” he roared just when the attack was about to hit them both.

Jackie arched his brow. He did not pay any attention to him at all. He pushed the power of the laws of space to its limit and retreated to a distance of twenty yards with only one step. This was the first time that Jackie had pushed the laws of space to such a level, and it had cost him a lot of internal energy. At the same time, it also affected his meridians; he could feel them throbbing faintly after using the skill.

His breath became ragged, and when he raised his head, he saw Frank’s incredulous eyes. How could Jackie be standing next to him in one second, and then dodged to a distance of twenty yards the next? This time, all the attacks fell on Frank, who roared maniacally, “Help!”

However, it was all too late. No one would come to save him even if he shouted until his voice turned hoarse. With a loud bang, the fire dragon and the skulls swallowed him up. Violent energy fluctuated, blood and flesh spattered out, and a big hole was blown out where Jackie was standing just moments ago. Frank was so battered that there was not one intact part on his entire body.

In another blink of an eye, he stopped breathing. He was so dead that even a ghost would seem more alive than him. Jackie sneered, and thought that it was a shame that Frank died so fast; he did not even

get to torture him yet. His anger would only be assuaged if he managed to torture him before sending him to hell.

“Brother Frank!” yelled Edric hysterically, the moment Frank took his last breath. However, no matter how he yelled, it would not bring Frank back from the dead. Jackie arched his eyebrow subconsciously as he did not expect the brotherly bond between Frank and Edric to be so deep. Edric had obviously forgotten that it was because of Frank that they found themselves knee-deep in trouble.

Jackie breathed a sigh of relief. He swept his gaze across the surroundings and confirmed that his position was outside of the battle range. He would be able to escape completely as long as he continued forward. He had no feelings for the people he had just met, and even though they were a team for a brief moment in time, it was also a fact that they each had an ulterior motive for doing so.

Chapter 2209 If the opportunity to escape was presented to others, they would definitely seize it without hesitation, so It was only natural for Jackie to do the same. He exhaled deeply and immediately decided in his heart. He turned around, pointed his toes, and rushed out in the opposite direction!

Suddenly, the sound of raging wind sounded in his ears, as if a wild beast was hot in his pursuit. He turned his head, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the masked man behind him. The speed of the masked man was several times faster than Jackie. Within a few seconds, he had already shortened the distance between Jackie and him. At this speed, it would not take long before he completely catches up with Jackie.

A chill rose in Jackie’s heart as if he had been deluged with ice-cold water. ‘Why did the masked man suddenly come after me when he was clearly focused on the nine-clawed python?’

Just as he was thinking, and running for his life frantically, a sinister voice rang in his ear, “I remember who you are now. It seems like that idiot wasn’t lying. You put on the mask because you recognized me! Didn’t you die in the Cliff of Sorrows? How did you get into the Secret Place for Resources?”

The masked man’s words chilled Jackie’s heart even more. He really did recognize him, which was the worst situation ever! He was sure that the masked man would not let him go so easily now that he had recognized him. After all, for so many years, no one had been able to walk out of the Cliff of Sorrows, and those who could must be hiding some sort of secret.

Jackie breathed out deeply and said nothing. He activated his internal energy again and frantically used the laws of space to escape in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, he had only cultivated for a short period of time and had no special escape martial arts skills, so could only rely on the laws of space to pull some distance between the two of them.

Although the masked man did not know how to use the laws of space, his speed had not fallen behind Jackie’s and was continuously shortening the distance between the two. It did not take a rocket scientist to figure out that the masked man had cultivated some kind of speed-increasing martial arts skill.

The masked man chuckled coldly when he saw that Jackie was so focused on running away that he had no energy to say anything to him. “Hey kid, do you seriously think you can escape from me? I might leave your corpse intact if you surrender now.”

This had to be the most dangerous situation Jackie had encountered. Although the masked man’s current cultivation was only in the final stage of innate level, Jackie was sure that he was stronger than the average person with the same level. The reason why Jackie was able to challenge those above his level was that he had very strong martial art skills, and the martial arts techniques he cultivated was also the best of the best; combined they could close the gap between levels, but the masked man also had this advantage.

His previous level was the spring solidifying level meaning he most probably had an Earth-level martial arts technique. In addition, his extraordinary talents would surely allow him to cultivate martial arts techniques to the level of perfection. All these and the difference in level gave Jackie no confidence that he could win against the masked man.

Not to mention, Jackie had a feeling that the masked man had more than one martial arts technique up his sleeves. Of course, to be a senior brother to the others, he must have plenty of combat experience, and Jackie estimated that he had less than twenty percent of a chance to win against him. Therefore, Jackie would definitely not engage in a fight with the masked man.

Chapter 2210 Jackie could only hope that he would come across people who could save him while escaping. However, the whirring sound in his ears became even more frantic just when the thought flashed across his mind. He glanced sideways and was shocked to find that the masked man’s speed had increased even more. He was less than twenty yards away from him!

His face darkened. The masked man would be able to attack him soon, and by then Jackie would have no choice but to engage in a battle with him, which would drastically reduce his speed. The masked man sneered, and said, “It seems that you won’t give up until I’ve beaten you into a pulp, or is the secret you possessed really worth dying for?”.

Jackie wanted to clap back at him, but he managed to hold back his anger. The masked man just scoffed at him, and purple-black energy started to gather on his right claw. The purple-black energy made a crackling sound as if it was created by condensing countless lightning bolts! Jackie did not have to turn to look at the energy to feel its immense power.

He was sweating buckets and his heartbeat became erratic. He knew that even a brush of the masked man’s attack would slow him down, and by that time, it would be game over for him. He quickly used the laws of space again, pushing it to the limit. Whether he could escape from that moment depended on this last chance.

The masked man must have got an inkling of Jackie’s plan, for he said coldly from behind, “Give it up! You don’t stand a chance!”

Jackie felt that the energy behind him was getting more and more violent. He did not need to look to know that this was a precursor to the masked man’s upcoming move. However, the two of them suddenly heard a clicking sound from the distance, as if a mechanism had been activated.

Both of them were taken aback by the sound, and looked back at the same time only to see that the area a few hundred yards behind them was enveloped by some gray energy. Their eyes widened In horror when the gray energy swept quickly toward them at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Their shock only lasted for a moment because in the next second, the gray energy instantly enveloped them before they could even react. Jackie felt as if he was thrown into the quagmire, and his limbs were unable to break free. His ears seemed to be blocked by an invisible earplug, for he could only hear faint voices which sounded like someone screaming or begging for mercy.

Jackie held his breath. He felt like he was about to go crazy, and thought that he should just resign to his fate. The situation was beyond his control, and he would need to play by ear. It was at that moment that he heard a gurgling sound as if water was pouring down somewhere.

The next second, he fell from mid-air and landed on the ground with a loud bang. Fortunately, the sticky feeling gradually disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had come to a completely unfamiliar place. The endless hill from before had disappeared without a trace while the ground he was standing on seemed to be paved with some kind of special material. He looked up and was greeted by a huge and towering slope of around a thousand feet, while the slope was at a sixty degree incline. The top of the slope was covered with a layer of white mist making it hard to see what the huge slope was made of.


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