No. 1 Supreme Warrior

chapter 2191-2200

chapter 2191-2200

Chapter 2191 Heath kept staring at the huge monster beast. “Yes, we should, but looking at the size of it, it’s definitely not an ordinary monster. It may be dangerous if we approach it rashly so let’s all be extra careful.”

Everyone nodded. In order to ensure their own safety, they came up with a plan. Well, not really a plan but simply an agreement for those with the strongest cultivation to take the lead, and for the weakest to follow behind. They would slowly approach the monster beast so that they could make their escape at the first sign of danger. They would run as far as possible while making sure they stuck together in a group.

Out of the five people, four of them were in the final stage of innate level. Heath was the strongest, and not to mention he was from the Thousand Leaves Pavilion, so he would take the lead. Then, it would be Byron and Edric in the second row, and then Frank and Jackie in the third row. Actually, with this formation, it did not matter who was in the front, as long as they were stuck close to each other, if anything should happen, they would all suffer the same fate.

Furrowing his brow and the two swords in his hands, Heath gradually moved closer to the giant monster beast in a stance that would allow him to attack at a drop of the hat. His eyes never left the monster beast once. The closer they got to the monster beast, the more clearly they could see the shape of it. It looked something like a snake but not a snake. It had scales on its body and only one eye on its head, which was tightly shut. What surprised them, even more, was that this monster had nine claws, which were laid flat on the ground, making the monster beast seem a sif it was asleep.

“I remember it now! I’ve read about this monster beast in one of the ancient books before,” said Edric suddenly

They all turned to look at him in unison.


He did not keep them hanging as he continued to say, “This monster is a nine-clawed python! Judging from its size, it should have grown to adulthood, meaning to say that it should be at the final stage of spring solidifying!”

Hearing this, they all stopped in their tracks at almost the same time. They looked at each other with hesitation written all over their faces. The nine-clawed python was not something they could handle even with their combined power. Their faces immediately darkened at the thought of them being wiped out by the nine-clawed python.

This nine-clawed python was around 200 yards long and was as tall as a small hill. The five of them would surely die instantaneously with one hit from its claw should it go berserk. At that thought, they started to make plans for retreat.

Heath coughed lightly, and said, “Not so fast. Don’t you all think that there’s something off about this nine-clawed python?”


“What do you mean? You can’t leave us hanging like that? If you have something to say, just say it,” said Frank with a frown.

“Brother Heath, are you referring to the fact that we can’t sense any oppressive aura from the nine clawed python even though we’re only forty yards away from it? And the fact that it hasn’t moved at all ever since we laid eyes on it? As if it’s dead…?” asked Jackie.

Heath nodded heavily, with a trace of admiration in his eyes. “It’s just as Brother Jackie said. All the powerful monster beasts would exude a powerful aura. Even at rest or slumber, the aura should be noticeable. The only time the aura is not noticeable is when it deliberately hides it in order to stay hidden. However, this is not the case as it chose to be out in the open for everyone to see.”

The powerful aura could also be called an imposing force. A strong cultivator would have an imposing force around him, and a weak cultivator would invariably lose his presence if he was standing next to the strong cultivator.

Chapter 2192 They were very close to the nine-clawed python, around a hundred yards or so, but they still did not feel any powerful aura emanating from the nine clawed python. That actually made them even more nervous. Coupled with the fact that the nine-clawed python was motionless-it did not even seem like it was breathing, so everyone agreed with Jackie’s guess.

Heath thought Jackie’s knowledge was extraordinary, even though his cultivation was not high. As soon as he opened his mouth, Jackie knew what he wanted to say. “You’re very smart, Brother Jackie. That’s exactly what I mean. This nine-clawed python has not moved at all. Don’t you all find this very strange? It’s as if…it’s not alive but…dead.”

Jackie nodded and looked at the nine-clawed python In front of him. The nine-clawed python did not move from its position at all. He could not feel any aura, not even its breathing. Jackie frowned and said with certainty, “I think this nine-clawed python is dead.”

Bryan nodded too and said, “Brother Jackie is right, I also think so, but how did this nine-clawed python die here?”

Frank instantly felt uncomfortable when he heard both Heath and Byron’s generous praise of Jackie, and the way they were looking at him with eyes filled with unconcealed admiration. After all, he did not make the same conclusion as Jackie, and so was robbed of his limelight.


He scoffed and said, “Aren’t you all jumping to conclusions a little too fast? I don’t think this nine clawed python is dead. How could such a big monster beast die here? Why aren’t the other monster beasts eating it if it’s really dead? How can the body still be intact?”

Jackie ignored Frank’s words; he did not even look at him. Instead, he looked at Heath and said, “Let’s speed up our pace. No matter what, there is definitely something wrong with this nine-clawed python.”

Heath nodded, also ignoring Frank’s words. He accelerated his pace and rushed to the front, quickly approaching the nine-clawed python. Frank’s face flushed with anger, and he stomped his feet hard, not knowing what to say when he saw all of them ignoring him.

After speeding up, it took them only five minutes to reach the nine-clawed python. Its scales were shining under the sunlight, and Jackie could even see mud mixed in with the scales. The five of them were so close that nothing about the nine-clawed python could escape their eyes.

Heath circled the giant nine-clawed python and came to a definite conclusion. “It’s not breathing so It should be dead. If it’s alive, it is impossible for it to not react to our presence here at all. Besides, there’s a rotting smell coming out from it.”

The others frowned in unison as soon as Heath said that, Byron approached the largest claw, and stared at it for a long time. Then he sighed and said, “I wonder how this big guy died, and why didn’t the other monster beasts eat its corpse? Isn’t powerful monster beasts considered a kind of supplement for the other monster beasts?”

Heath nodded. “You’re right. The rotting smell proves that this nine-clawed python has been dead for a while, and it is really strange that it is still intact here.”

Chapter 2193 Edric chuckled and said, “Actually, it’s not really that strange. After all, we are not outside. The world in

this Secret Place for Resources is very different from the outside world. Maybe the monster beasts here don’t like to eat the corpses of other monster beasts.”

Heath and the others nodded, this explanation was barely passable. Jackie did not listen to their discussion, but instead, he stood on tiptoe and looked at the nine-clawed python from top to bottom.

He pushed the tip of his toes against the ground, activated his true energy, and took a flight to the air. From above, he looked down at the nine-clawed python. He was around a dozen yards in the air when he saw a faint light flashing under the head of the nine-clawed python.

The light was so weak that it could be easily overlooked. He would have definitely missed it if it were not for the fact that he was looking down from above. The corners of Jackie’s mouth curled up into a smile, and he rushed toward where the light was emitting

The huge nine-clawed python was coiled up like a mosquito coil, and the bottom of the python’s head was where the light was emanating. He still clearly remembered that Heath once said the spirited grass and spirited flower would go to whoever first discovered it. Therefore, there was no need to alert them to it since he was the first who discovered the light.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth inched even higher as he rushed toward the light. However, as soon as he was five or six yards away from the python’s head, he was knocked backward with a bang as if he had hit a sheet of transparent glass.

His eyes widened in surprise. There was clearly nothing there, but it seemed like there was a layer of tempered glass that could not be broken. He could not go past it at all! The commotion caused by him attracted the attention of the other four.

They all stared at Jackie with surprise. Heath frowned and asked, “Brother Jackie, what just happened? Was that an array you just ran into?”

Jackie’s eyes flickered slightly, and he sighed helplessly in his heart. He did not know what he had run into but he knew for sure that his plan had been foiled. He coughed lightly and pointed in the direction of the python’s head. “There is light emitting from under the python’s head. I was on my way to checking it out when I ran into something transparent.”

As soon as Jackie said that, the other four took flight into the air, and looked down on the nine-clawed python. Under the guidance of Jackie, they found the target. There was fluorescent light emitting from the position of the python head, but because of the distance and the obstruction of the python head, they could not see what was giving off the light.

However, being smart, they knew that it must definitely be something good even if it was not spirited grass or spirited herb. In fact, it could be a master treasure since it emitted white light and was being guarded by the nine-clawed python.

Everyone’s eyes instantly lit up, and a surge went through their hearts. They had traveled across the hills for so long, slew a few monster beasts, and collected a few spirited grass and spirited flowers, but all these were nothing to crow about. At one glance, they knew the fluorescent light-emitting item must be extraordinary,

Heath chuckled, turned his head, and looked at the other four with kind eyes. “I’m guessing the item to be spirited grass. The grade of this spirited grass must be absolutely extraordinary if it’s guarded by such a powerful monster beast. We can surely fetch a high price for it once we get our hands on it.”

Chapter 2194 Jackie saw a flash of greed in Heath’s eyes. He was the one who kept saying that the spirited herb and spirited grass would belong to whoever first discovered it, but from the way he did not mention it at all, it was clear he had forgotten about this ground rule.

Jackie was no fool. He was not about to let others take advantage of him. It was just that it would be difficult for him to investigate the item with the transparent barrier in the way.

Frank laughed mockingly and looked at Jackie with contempt. “I was wondering why you were rushing here suddenly and now the cat’s out of the bag! You plan to take everything for yourself!”

Jackie turned to face him abruptly. ‘Oh my god, he’s so annoying! Why does he keep on picking on me?’

“Did you knock yourself in the head? Have you forgotten the ground rules? That the spirited grass and spirited flower belongs to whoever finds it? It’s only fair for me to harvest it since I was the one who found it!” said Jackie unceremoniously.

Frank’s face darkened at his words. He did not expect Jackie to talk back to him. He was about to make a comeback at him when they all heard the sound of footsteps coming from their surroundings. The five of them were stunned for a moment, and they quickly descended from the air. After all, being in the air was too conspicuous.

After landing, Byron frowned. “It seems like someone discovered the nine-clawed python too. Did you just see where the people are coming from?” he asked in a hasty tone.

They all shook their heads. They were all in a hurry to get out of the air space, and only took a glance before doing that, but they found nothing. After landing, they formed a nervous group and did not see anything at all.

“We should have taken out the spirited core immediately after confirming the nine-clawed python was no threat!” said Heath nervously. His words were filled with regret. He blamed himself for not thinking of that sooner. The nine-clawed python was a spring-solidifying level monster beast; its spirited core could definitely fetch a high price!

“Senior brother! It’s really dead!” said a sharp voice suddenly from a distance.

They all looked in the direction in unison, only to see that seven people had arrived, and they were less than fifty yards away from them. They appeared so abruptly that Heath and the others were all stunned.

“Why are they so close to us all of a sudden? I didn’t see them coming just now!” said Frank with trembling lips.

The five of them were standing in front of the nine clawed python before. They heard the footsteps but saw no one, so they thought that the people were coming from the side or the back of the nine-clawed python. They never expected them to appear right in front of them.

However, when the five of them formed a circle, they did not find anyone coming from that direction at all. If that sharp-voiced person had not suddenly spoken, they would not have realized anyone was in that direction at all.

Jackie’s pupils trembled slightly. Their sudden appearances gave him a déjà vu feeling, just like the way the two Olsen brothers appeared in front of them before they entered the Secret Place for Resources- one second there was no one there, but the next they suddenly appeared in front of him.

There were seven people in total, all dressed in black robes with skulls embroidered on their chests. From this alone, they could tell the newcomers were from the Corpse Pavilion. Jackie knew more about the Corpse Pavilion than the people around him because he had faced several groups of Corpse Pavilion disciples in Mount Beasts.

Chapter 2915 “Master was right. There are really good things in this place. The man standing at the front said coldly.

As soon as this statement came out, the others were surprised but did not reveal it on their faces. Jackie, however, quickly lowered down his head and hid behind Heath, as if he had been stabbed by a needle. He did it all so discreetly that, all apart from Frank, did not notice him doing so. The only reason Frank saw him was that he was standing behind Jackie all this while.

Frank sneered and gave Jackie a contemptuous look.” Well, well, it seems like someone had lost all of his pluck. Why are you hiding behind Brother Heath? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of the Corpse Pavilion


The corners of Jackie’s lips twitched. He could not be bothered with Frank then; his priority was to make sure his face stayed hidden because the person who was referred to as ‘Senior Brother’ was the masked man he saw at Mount Beasts.

The masked man was still wearing a mask on his face, which was exactly the same as the one he saw that day; even his voice was the same, so it must be the same person. What really surprised Jackie was how could the masked man enter the Secret Place of Resources when he was clearly at the spring solidifying level. It was against the rule for those beyond the final stage of innate level to enter.

He exhaled softly, threw away these distracting thoughts to the back of his mind for the time being, and quickly took out a common-looking mask from the Mustard Seed Spirit Ship. Then, he hurriedly put It over his face. Frank, who had been observing Jackie all this while, frowned thoughtfully.

Heath and the others did not care about the quarrel between the two of them. The three of them stood at the forefront and were solemnly observing the seven Corpse Pavilion disciples who were directly opposite of them. It would be five against seven if a fight was unavoidable, and all seven of their opponents were at the final stage of innate level. As for the five of them, one of them was only an intermediate stage of innate level, so they definitely would not be a match for them.

The Corpse Pavilion disciples could speak without a care in the world because they knew they had the advantage of number and strength on their side, so there was no need to fear Heath and the others at all. The corner of Heath’s lips twitched; he had a bad feeling about this.

The masked-man stepped forward and eyed Heath coldly. He did not notice Jackie at all. “Get lost or die!” spat the masked man, the words slamming down on Heath and the others, who all gasped at the same time. The expressions on their faces were as if their fathers had died. This masked man was too arrogant. He did not give them any face at all. It was either get lost or die!

Although Heath might seem gentle and talkative on the surface, he was also quite arrogant. He would never take this kind of humiliation lying down. He clenched his right hand tightly and said, “I don’t have any conflict with you and yet you disregard all the etiquettes. At any rate, the Corpse Pavilion is a fourth- grade Clan association…”

The masked man cut in before Heath finished his sentence, “Stop spouting your bullsH*t nonsense to me!

Chapter 2196 “You hypocrites only talk about etiquette and shame. Don’t tell me you’re just trying to save your face by not getting lost. You obviously want to fight with us to get a piece of the pie!”

As soon as the masked man finished speaking, the bearded-man standing beside him burst out laughing. “Every one of you cowards, is a hypocrite. It’s obvious you don’t want to give up the treasure and just want to find some ‘righteous’ reason to justify yourselves! We are not hypocrites like you, and you dare to fight us for treasure? Maybe you should take a good look at yourself in the mirror before that!”

Heath’s face darkened. In all of his years of being alive, no one had ever humiliated him like this. He angrily pointed at the bearded man and shouted, “We are not hypocrites. You’re the one who was obviously in the wrong here and yet you accuse us of being hypocrites?”

Jackie curled the corners of his mouth helplessly. He could already tell from Heath’s tone that he was in actual fact scared and was forcing himself to talk back to save his own face.

The bearded man roared with laughter and swung his sky-opening ax to point at Heath’s face. “You hypocrites like to play tricks, and we, the Corpse Pavilion, have always hated you, hypocrites, the most. Hurry up and get lost if you know what’s good for you! Immediately disappear from my eyes. If not, we will tear you into pieces and feed them to the dogs!”

These words were not polite at all. It was no different from scolding and pointing at a dog. Heath’s hands trembled slightly, and a myriad of colors flashed through his face like fireworks. The others’ expressions were similar to his while Jackie’s expression was very calm from beginning to end. His eyes were fixed on the masked man and he discovered that the cultivation of the masked man was in the final stage of innate level. In other words, he had dropped a level compared to before.

Then, he clearly saw that this masked-man was at the spring-solidifying level, and it was because of that they had no choice but to escape, and even jumped off the broken heart cliff in desperation. However, at this moment, the masked man was at the final stage of innate level. Jackie rolled his eyes and thought to himself, Could it be that the masked man knocked down his cultivation in order to enter the Secret Place of Resources? But if this is the case, the sacrifice is a bit too big. Or maybe there’s some kind of pill that can temporarily suppress the cultivation base?

No matter what, this masked man must have gone through extra pains to enter the Secret Place of Resources. It’s better to avoid an all-out conflict with them. Although this masked man has fallen a level, he was once at the spring-solidifying level. Surely the martial art skills and techniques he practiced were not what the four others could handle.

Jackie frowned, thinking how he should tell them what he knows and bring them to safety. It would be too sudden if he left by himself. Worst, they might think that he wanted a spot in the limelight.

Byron’s face turned black with anger. “You’ve overstepped the line!”

The masked man sneered and took a step or two forward. “Overstepped the line? Don’t you know that this is a world where the strong eat the weak? Weaklings like you all deserve all the bullying you Get!”

This humiliated them even more. Heath’s face was about to explode in fury. He clenched his fists tightly. If it were not for what little reason he had left, he would have brought out his weapon and engaged in an all-out war with the seven Corpse Pavilion disciples.

The masked man suddenly flew into the air. Looking down from the air, he quickly found the thing that they had discovered before that was suspected of being a precious spirited herb.

Chapter 2197 The masked man’s imposing aura was a little more restrained after he landed on the ground again. “Do I need to say it again? Either get lost or die. None of you five will survive if you stay any longer!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he took another ten steps forward, and the imposing aura erupted from his body. They could still feel the aura clearly even though they were dozens of yards away from him. Heath involuntarily took a half-step back, but then he forced himself to gain back that half-step as if he did not want to give the masked man the upper hand.

Edric’s brows creased tightly, and he swept his eyes across the Corpse Pavilion disciples. Then, he looked at the members of his group and finally said,” Brother Heath, don’t be impulsive. You very well know that none of the people in the Corpse Pavilion are easy to deal with. They don’t care about etiquette and morality. By the looks of it, they’re hellbent on getting their hands on the spirited grass and nine clawed python spirited core. Let’s not fight with them and just leave…”

Heath’s face became even more frightening to look at when he heard that. Frank turned his head and shouted like a cat whose tail had just been stepped on, “I say, Edric, why are you being such a coward? We might not have the advantage of numbers but that doesn’t mean we have no chance of winning at all! In any case, our ranks in the Clan association are quite high as well! Although the Corpse Pavilion is also a fourth-grade Clan association, there is still a gap in power between the disciples. Who knows, these guys might be the weakest among the fourth-grade Clan association!”

After being questioned, Edric’s expression became so scrunched up that water might drip from it. Jackie arched his brow; he could imagine how badly Edric must have wanted to curse. It was obvious the masked man and others heard Frank since he did not bother to lower his volume at all.

The masked man sneered and said nothing, but the two disciples flanking him were not as calm as him. Judging by their stance, they should be the masked man’s two most loyal and powerful junior brothers. One of them was the bearded man who just spoke, and the other had not spoken from the beginning to the end.

Jackie recognized him even though he did not say anything. His facial features, for the most part, were average-looking. His eyes were as small as a mung bean. If going by the eyes alone, one would be forgiven to think they belonged to a wild rat on the roadside.

The small-eyed man who had been silent before suddenly opened his mouth after hearing what Frank said. “I have met a lot of people who like to brag in my years of being alive but you, my friend, take the cake. Judging by what you are wearing, you should be a disciple of the Muddled Origin Clan of the third grade Clan Association. I do wonder where did a third -grade Clan Association get so much courage to speak such big words in front of a fourth-grade Clan Association?”

True to his personality, Frank did not back down but instead said, “It’s none of your business where I get my courage from! What’s the use of coming from the fourth-grade Clan Association when the people from there act so cowardly! I bet you’ve committed all the sins under heaven! If we are hypocrites, then you’re worse than us!”

Chapter 2198 The seven Corpse Pavilion disciples’ faces were as black as coal. Jackie stared speechlessly at Frank and wondered if there was a screw loose in his head. It seemed as if he was willing to offend anyone as long as he could show off his bravado.

Edric immediately put his hand on Frank’s shoulder and whispered, “Have you gone insane? There are seven of them and look at what they’re wearing! All of them are from the Corpse Pavilion! While on our site, all five of us are from different Clan associations, and not to mention Jackie is only an intermediate stage of innate level! Don’t think we’re getting out of this alive if they’re hell-bent on killing us!”

“Can you not be such a coward? How can you ever earn anyone’s respect like this? Didn’t you hear how they humiliated us just now? Are you just going to let them get away with it? You’re afraid of them, but I am not, for I know I’m strong! Although the disciples of the fourth-grade Clan associations are powerful, us Muddled Clan Origins disciples are not bad as well,” said Frank nonchalantly.

Everyone except Frank turned green after hearing that while Jackie nearly burst out laughing. Wow, he sure is confident. I wonder where he got it from…? Thought Jackie.

The masked man stared at Frank sinisterly. “It seems like you really want to die!”

The temperature in that area suddenly dropped to a freezing point, and no one said anything else for a while. Heath’s face was as black as charcoal, and his hands were still trembling slightly. The nine-clawed python was likely to have broken through to the divine-solidifying level and a spirited core of a monster beast at that level could definitely be exchanged for a lot of wealth. He could then exchange all that wealth for the pills and martial art skills. In addition, he suspected there was precious spirited grass under the nine-clawed python’s head. He was unwilling to let go of all this, but if he did not, the five of them would surely fall at the hand of the masked man.

In fact, he also knew in his heart that although the five of them temporarily formed an alliance, it did not mean that they would abide by the ‘fall for one, and one for all’ slogan. There was no way they could win against the united Corpse Pavilion disciples, not to mention the tyrannical masked man. After thinking of all that, he exhaled slowly.

Then, he looked sideways at Frank, who was still seething with anger, as if he had just experienced the worst humiliation in his life. Heath felt that if they dawdled further, they would run the risk of Frank saying something even more offensive. By then, it would be too late for them to escape.

Heath made up his mind. He turned around and said to the people behind him, “Let’s go, we are no match for them.”

As soon as these words came out, Frank’s indignant face suddenly froze. He widened his eyes and stared at Heath with disbelief as if he was questioning why they had to flee. “Brother Heath, are you really afraid of them?! Even if we are no match for them, we can’t let them insult you like that. Listen to what they said before. What will others say about us if we escape with our tails between our legs?!”

The more Frank said, the more agitated he became. He felt that his ego had been trampled to the ground, and was red in the face. Seeing this made Jackie roll his eyes.

Chapter 2199 Heath’s face turned beet red. “So what if it spreads out, can it be compared to our safety? We are not escaping with our tails between our legs, but knowing when to pull the plug. The five of us are no match for the seven of them, so why should we risk our lives like that!”

Frank felt that Heath had misinterpreted his intention, and jumped around in frustration. “I never thought that you would be such a coward! Of course, I know that we’re no match for them but it’s not like we wouldn’t be able to knock out a few of them! Why should we let them humiliate us like this? I’m all for leaving but we should leave in a way that we can be proud of!”

Heath’s expression became frightening to look at after being lectured by Frank. He never expected those words to come out of Frank’s mouth. ‘What the hell does he mean by leaving in a way that we can be proud of? Is he saying we should strut away after scolding them?

Jackie chuckled. It was his intention to not say anything, but he had greatly underestimated Frank’s idiocy and had no choice but to break his silence. « Brother Frank, what does it mean to leave in a way we can be proud of? Do you mean that we should let the other party murder us after you’ve angered them?”

Frank had never liked Jackie. At his words, his face turned red with anger while his eyes become bloodshot. He whipped around and stared at Jackie vehemently. “Are you deaf? Didn’t you hear what I said just now? Even if they want to fight us, they have to weigh their losses! Yes, there might be seven of

them and only five of us but it’s not like we can’t knock out a few of their teeth! Do you think everyone is the same as you? That they would not weigh the pros and cons? It’s because of that they still hadn’t made a move against us! And that’s why I’m confident we’ll be fine!”

Upon hearing that, everyone pursed their lips speechlessly. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“It seems that your brain is really muddled. Who do you think are those people standing across from us? Do you think the Corpse Pavilion disciples are benevolent people who would not do anything just because of some stupid pros and cons?” said Jackie icily.

At this, Frank became so angry that he pointed at Jackie, and shouted, “You’re just doing this to rile me up, aren’t you?”

“Do you think we have time to listen to your quarrel here? I’ll say it for the last time, either get lost or die!” said the masked man sinisterly before Jackie could answer Frank. The masked man eyed the five of them icily while the bearded man was bent over laughing

“The masked boy behind you is absolutely right! You’re really muddled in the brain. Do you really think we won’t take action toward you just because we’re afraid of getting our teeth knocked out?! Who do you think you are? You might be someone in a third -grade Clan association, but in our eyes, you’re not even a piece of sH*t!” said the bearded man.

Those words were like a torpedo blasting away Frank’s self-esteem. His hands trembled slightly, and he turned his head sharply to look at the masked man and the others. Heath frowned, knowing very well in his heart that Frank was about to say something that would push them to the edge of no return.

Chapter 2200 The atmosphere was so tense that an all-out battle was on the verge of breaking out. Heath wanted more than to get out of this in one piece; it would be a heavy loss on their side if the battle really broke

out. At this thought, he quickly reached out his hand and grabbed Frank’s arm, in a bid to stop him from saying anything, so that they could hurriedly leave the place.

However, Frank seemed to not notice him at all as he shouted at the Corpse Pavilion Disciples, “Don’t you dare look down on a third-grade Clan association! Even a disciple from a third-grade Clan association can play a bigger role than you can imagine! Just you wait! After I leave, I will make sure to spread the news of a treasure here so that all the powerhouses would come scrambling for it!”

Heath and the others could not help but tremble in their hearts as soon as the words were out of Frank’s mouth, while the masked man’s eyes darkened in a second. What Frank said reminded him that there was the chance that they would spread the news about the treasure after they left, and someone else might just be brave enough to fight over the master treasures with them. In other words, letting them go was as good as courting danger.

Heath’s face was no different than a blackened pot. He pointed one shaky finger at him and said, “Are… are you crazy! Do you really want to die that much?!”

What Frank did undoubtedly sentenced the five of them to death. If Heath were the masked man, he would never let the five of them leave! Both Edric and Byron’s expressions were as if their own mother had died. Byron wanted more than nothing to slap Frank there and then. He had come across stupid people, but never someone as stupid as Frank.

“You bastard! Just stick out your own neck if you want to die that much! Why do you have to drag us down with you?” shouted Byron at Frank.

Frank felt aggrieved by all their scoldings because he still did not think that he did anything wrong. Edric rolled his eyes angrily as if he was unwilling to believe that he and Frank came from the same Clan association.

Jackie was a little jittery too. He originally thought that Heath was a sensible person even though he was a little greedy. Even so, he must have realized that they had no chance of winning, so it would be meaningless to stay. In this case, it would be best if they all leave.

What they had all underestimated was how brainless Frank could be. Frank scoffed and said nonchalantly, “I have a backbone, unlike you guys! Who wants to be as spineless as all of you!”

Jackie took a deep breath and asked him a question he had been keeping in his heart, “I’m really curious to know how you are alive today? You should have been beaten to death with that stupid brain of yours!”

Frank’s face darkened, he was about to shoot down Jackie’s verbal attack, but at that moment, the masked man suddenly brought down his hand in the direction of them. The six Corpse Pavilion disciples standing behind him rushed out, positioned themselves in a semi-circle, and approached the five of them at an extremely fast speed.

Originally, the distance between the two groups was only a hundred yards, but in a blink of an eye, the Corpse Pavilion disciples already had the five of them surrounded, blocking all of their escape paths.

Heath took a deep breath, in no mood to quarrel with Frank. The five of them quickly adjusted their positions to be back-to-back against each other as they faced the six Corpse Pavilion disciples.


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