My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Carol’s POV

Returning to work after the whirlwind of travels with Aiden, I step into my bustling office building. Even in this once familiar space. I find my mind caught in the echo of everything that had transpired that weekend. The air, filled with the familiar hum of typing and the murmur of conversations, seems strangely detached from the vibrant scenes I had witnessed.

As I make my way to my desk. I begin to notice eyes following my every movement. Out of the corners of my vision. Lean see my coworkers whisper amongst one another as 1 pass by 1 pick up a few tidbits of conversation just barely within


“Well, look who decided to finally show up”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m surprised she even works here still. Isn’t she busy being a full-time celebrity girlfriend?”

The weight of their judgment hangs in the air, I shouldn’t be surprised by the bitterness some of my coworkers are feeling. Typically, our work has a very strict absence policy with lots of paperwork. I had expected I would need to go through that process to get my Monday absence excused, but my boss had ingested it wasn’t necessary. Almost undoubtedly, my coworkers noticed this treatment

I feel the eyes of my colleagues, assessing my recent erratic behavior with raised eyebrows and countless questions. I try to disguise the nervousness it makes me feel as 1 head straight for my cubicle

The buzz of anticipation throughout the office reaches its peak as the office gathers for a department meeting. I sit in my normal place at the conference table, although the way everyone looks at me makes it seem like I’m at the front of the room. presenting

We’re still waiting for the boss to enter the room when someone finally decides to break the silence. “So, finally decided to rejoin the plebeians here at the office?” Someone snacks. A few snickers break out around us. Lelect to ignore the question, focusing on reviewing a file I was recently assigned.

“Of course she’s not responding. She probably has better things to do,” another one of my coworkers mutters. I hear a few people shushing those making snarky comments, but they sting nonetheless.

“It’s not fair. Just because she has a famous boyfriend, she gets away with everything!” Someone exclaims at last. This time, the volume is loud enough that it draws some attention.

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“That’s enough” The sound of a door opening signals Daniel has mally arrived. “No need to make snide comments. I excused Ms. Miller’s absence, so the rest of you should, as well. She had important matters to deal with.”

I feel a wave of relief as a few of my more irritated coworkers lessen their glares. I understand why they would feel annoyed. but it doesn’t make the situation feel any better. Hopefully my work ethic will win them all over again

Daniel bustles to the front of the room with a stack of documents. “With that finished, let’s begin the meeting”

The meeting flies by in a blur. I struggle to pay attention as my mind is pulled in dozens of directions at once, trying to think of ways to mend my strained relationship with my coworkers. I don’t even notice when my colleagues begin to pack up their things and head back to their desks. It’s only when Daniel calls on me at the end of the meeting that I finally return to reality.

“Carol Miller, meet me in my office. There’s something important that we have to discuss.”

1 feel my stomach drop yet again. Oh, great. Now I’m having a private conversation with my boss after playing hooky for the past two weeks. A few of my coworkers shoot me knowing glances as they leave the meeting. It seems like I’m not out of the hot seat just yet

Chapter 26

1 take my time gathering up my things. I’m in no rush to face whatever scolding I’m about to find with my boss, I finally make my way to Daniel’s office, resisting the urge to delay the meeting as long as I can. Daniel is flipping through a stack of papers when I knock on the door.

“Come in, Ms. Miller,” Daniel says. I enter his office and sit across the desk from him. I can’t help but be reminded of the last time I was here. Zack was with me, then. It feels like years ago, even though it was fairly recent.

“I apologize for not notifying you about this event earlier. I was planning to loop you in yesterday, but I didn’t get the chance when your flight was delayed, Daniel says. “Time is of the essence, so pay attention. I need your help with an important promotional event. There’s no one else in the office who can help me, so I’ll be relying on you.”

I stare at Daniel in shock. “Excuse me?” I manage at last. I can only imagine that I’ve misheard Daniel somehow, I was expected a stern talking-to, not a job opportunity.

“We’re going to a local business to promote our company. It will be highly publicized. The amount of clients this opportunity could bring in would double our revenue from the past month,” he states, “It’s of the utmost importance that we present our company positively. Do you understand?”

d. I’ll be sure to be careful. How much

I feel a wave of nervousness rush over me. “Of course, sir,” I say at last, “I understand.. time do I have to prepare for this event?”

Daniel checks his watch nonchalantly. “About… one hour. We will be leaving for the promotional event at 11 am. I expect your to be ready by then.”

1 almost trip as I’m getting to my feet. “One hour?” I say. I feel slightly faint. Why do these sudden assignments keep happening to me?! “Are there any materials I can review before then?”

Daniel grunts in acknowledgement. He leafs through the stack of papers on my desk before handing me a small pile. The way he pulls them out almost looks random.

“Feel free to read over these, if you get the chance. Frishen up. You’re going to meet me on the curb at 10:45 sharp so we don’t keep the driver waiting” He steeples his hands of the desk in front of him, a clear sign that the meeting is over.

“Yes, sir, of course,” I say quickly. I practically stumble back to my office in shock as I flip through the materials frantically. I don’t even know where the promotion is going to be happening, let alone what it’s going to be on. The files seem to be a random assortment of our dealings that I can’t quite parse

Still, I try to steel myself. Each day over the past two weeks has greeted me with a new challenge. It wouldn’t be fair to myself to give up now. My boss is entrusting me with something important.

I scan through the documents quickly. It seems like standard information, mostly just updates on our progress and the properties we’ve been in contact with. Still, I feel motivated by the lack of knowledge as to what exactly I will be doing.

I’m ready to face challenges that come toward me. Still, I can’t quite understand why Daniel chose me.


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