My Hockey Alpha Neighbor

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

Carol’s POV 

“Someone’s following us?” I ask, my voice hushed. My heart pounds in my chest as I look around. We’re near the car now, but that has left us on a more shadowy side–street. There’s no one else around, as far as I can tell. “How do you know!” 

“I heard something.” Aiden murmurs. “I’ve been hearing the sound of the same footsteps for the last thirty minutes, even though I intentionally walked us in a loop. Stay beside me, Carol.” 

Aiden holds me tightly as he scouts around our area. We spend some time slowly retracing our steps. My hand stays on my phone the entire time, just in case we need to call emergency services. Although I wasn’t able to see the person following us myself, that doesn’t mean I’m going to disregard Aiden’s words. As a werewolf, his senses are more highly tuned to the world around us

We’re just rounding a comer when we hear the sound of shoes scraping frantically against the asphalt. Aiden races after the vague shadow of who I can only imagine was the person tailing us. Aiden doesn’t continue the chase for long as he realizes just how far away from me he has drawn. Despite Aiden’s best efforts, we aren’t able to catch the 

pursuer. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

With the threat left unresolved, we return home that night with an air of exhaustion and fear. Aiden assured me that the person following us is likely an overzealous reporter or a petty member of his family. I try to take his words to heart, but I can’t shake the ominous feeling that continues to hang over me. 

When it becomes clear my mental state isn’t improving by much, Aiden does what he can to help me relax. Aiden calls a security team to come and patrol his house, granting us some much needed piece of mind. At last, we both collapse into bed and sleep through the night without interruption. 

The next morning, we receive notice from Aiden’s private jet pilot that a winter storm is coming through today and we won’t be able to leave. It feels like just another cosmic reminder that I’ve somehow misstepped by coming to visit Aiden’s family in the first place. 

Outwardly, I try to stay positive. With security patrolling the house, I muse that my nervousness is just paranoia. Aiden secures us a flight for the next day, and we decide to try to make the best of things in the meantime. 

I call my boss as soon as I can to notify him I won’t be able to be in the office until Tuesday. I barely get a few words in edgewise when he assures me he understands. 

“Don’t even worry about it,” he says quickly, “Just be sure to put in a good word with Aiden, ch?” He laughs at his own joke and hangs up before I can respond

With another day in the city, my curiosity leads me to explore my unfamiliar surroundings. I wander through the innumerable rooms, even taking a quick dip in the indoor swimming pool. The sense of security in Aiden’s previous home offers a temporary escape from the recent tumultuous events. However, questions lingered in the air, waiting to 

be unraveled. 

Aiden and I are making a simple lunch when I remember the question I hadn’t gotten to ask last night. I turn toward him, leaning back against the kitchen counter as he sautées some vegetables. 

“Aiden, what did your father mean last night by ‘last season?” I ask. “Are you planning to retire?” 

Aiden’s expression turns pensive. He continues to cook, although his attention shifts toward me. “It’s….. a bit complicated,” he confesses. 

“Last season was actually supposed to be my final season playing hockey,” he confesses, “I promised my dad that after 

Chapter 25 

a certain amount of years, I would give it all up to focus on the family business.” 

“Why didn’t you stop, then?” I ask. 


“We couldn’t win the championship.” Aiden sighs. “I wasn’t satisfied I couldn’t just end my hockey career on that note. No matter how hard I worked, we always placed second. I insisted to my father that I didn’t want to stop until I won a championship.” 

“And how did he react to that?” 

Aiden chuckles dryly. “Not well. You’ve met the man, so it went about how you’d expect. We 

I actually stood my ground, for the first time in my life. He told me to get out. I did what he asked- I got out of the city entirely, in fact. I decided to accept the offer from the Statford Freeze and the rest is history” 

My heart aches as I slowly process Aiden’s words. “50,” I say at last, “what if…” I trail off, not wanting to ask the obvious question. 

“What if I don’t win?” Aiden finishes my question for me. “Well… then my dad will be right. I’ll finally go home and live up to my duties as alpha.” 

I run a hand over Aiden’s back soothingly. “I can’t imagine the kind of pressure you’re under,” I murmur, pulling him into a hug. He wraps his arms around me and lets out a long sigh. I can tell he needed it. 

We hold each other for a long moment before he slowly lets go, holding me at arm’s length. He has a sentimental expression on his face. “It’s not all bad,” he assures me. “It’s only because I left the Capital that I got to meet you.” 

I feel my face flush. I pull Aiden into another tight hug. I sigh deeply in his arms. “Is that really what you want, Aiden?” I ask against his chest. “Do you want to come back here, to your family? Life in a pack sounds strenuous. Is that really how werewolves have to live, even in the modern world?” 


Aiden rubs my back and sighs. “I appreciate the sentiment,” he says softly, “but it’s the right thing to do. My father is harsh, but he’s right about one thing. The pack needs the protection of an alpha. For years, it’s been him but it won’t be forever. It’s my responsibility to step up.” 

I know that this conversation will likely only upset Aiden, so I don’t press. The tug between tradition and a desire for a different way of life is clearly weighing on Aiden’s shoulders. Today, however, is the first time I’ve started to wonder about my own place in all of this

Being mated to Aiden means these responsibilities are mine, too. Even though I’m not a werewolf, I would have to uphold the role of a Luna. From what I’ve seen of Aiden’s family, the role is a difficult one. 

Aiden’s family is large. They’re intimidating, too, if I’m honest with myself. I had always imagined myself with a small family, something like the simple days back in my childhood home. It was always just us. We didn’t even really connect with any extended relatives. I could not have imagined I would be put into a role like this. 

My dreams had never considered the possibility of werewolves, an expansive pack, fame, running a business empire 


they had never considered the possibility of Aiden. The path ahead is more uncertain than ever. 

Yet somehow, cooking with Aiden and sharing space in his old home, I find myself determined to be up to the challenge. 



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