My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 165 Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

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Maverick POV

I have never been this angry in my life. That b*tch tried to kill Ruby. She tried to take her from me and I swear with all I have in me she is going to pay for what she has done. “Maverick, look at me” Ruby says, and I stare into her beautiful green eyes. “What is going on in that handsome head of yours?” “I’m so sorry Ruby. I knew she was a deceitful b**ch but I never thought she could do something so evil. I could have lost you because of her.” She places her hands on my face. “You have no reason to apologize to me. What she did is on her? I’m just glad that Gemma was able to heal me so quickly.” “What happens now Ruby?” She smiles “we are going to speak to the police about that b**ch. She is going to be punished for what she did.” I look at her confused. I don’t know what I expected, but I didn’t think it would involve the police. She must see my confusion. “Werewolves cannot kill humans unless it is to save our lives or someone we love. Even though she tried to kill me, the time has passed when killing her would be viewed by the council as justified. We will have to use the human legal system” she says, winking at me. I’m about to ask why she is winking but we are interrupted.

A knock on the door gets our attention. “Ms. Solace, I don’t mean to interrupt you, but your family is getting a little upset now that they know you are awake. I brought you some hospital scrubs since we had to cut off your clothes.” “Thank you, we will be right out.” I don’t know why I expected her to turn when she didn’t do it at the lake, but needless to say she doesn’t. The hospital gown falls to the floor and she is standing before me bare. I feel my c**k twitch in my pants and I have never wanted to touch a woman more in my life than I want to touch this woman right now. I want to be inside her and make her mine. Once she is dressed, she walks toward me and presses her lips to mine. The kiss is hot and doing nothing to calm my body down. “As soon as we deal with this and check on your mother, I want you to make me yours.” She pecks me one more time before she heads for the door. I follow behind

her. We can hear a commotion as we approach the lobby. “You said she is discharged, then where the hell is she” Gabby says. As soon as she sees Ruby, she walks past the nurse wrapping her in a hug. “Don’t scare your mother or mate like that again.” “Hey what the hell how about her father,” Lake says, and I can’t help but laugh.

“I’m fine I promise. Gemma is amazing and I have no injuries.” “If I had that b**ch in front of me right now I would beat her a** for trying to hurt my pup” Gabby says. “Mom, I’m fine, besides I would rather not have to go to court to get you out of jail.” We walk outside and Ruby says goodbye to her parents and Tabitha assuring them she will be home soon. I lead Ruby to my car and we head to the police station. I’m grateful when the officer from earlier is behind the desk. When he sees me and then Ruby, he rushes over. “Sir, how is your wife,” he says, and I see a smirk on my beautiful mate’s face. “I’m good thank you officer.” The look on his face is comical. “How” he starts to ask and Ruby cuts him off. “Airbags are an amazing thing.” Before he can say anymore, I get his attention. “We actually came to speak to you about the accident.” “I wish I had better news for the two of you, but we haven’t found anything that will identify who hit Ms. Solace.

“We believe we know who hit Ruby. She saw a red SUV before she lost consciousness.” He looks at Ruby to confirm what I’m saying. Once she does, he looks back at me. “My ex-fiance Delilah Martin, drives a red SUV.” He picks up a pad and takes down Delilah’s information. “We will look into this and I urge you both to allow the police to handle this.” “That’s why we are officer and not banging on her door” Ruby says. He nods and we head back to my car. Once we are inside, we drive back to my apartment. I hold Ruby close to my side as we ride the elevator to my floor. I can’t believe just hours ago I was encouraging her to choose someone else. I’m so glad that she didn’t listen to me. I could have lost her because of my own insecurities. I may not have a wolf, but I know that Ruby is meant to be mine. I know how crazy that sounds, but I feel it with every fiber of my being. The door slides open and I place my hand on the small of her back, leading her to my door.

Ruby POV

When he turns the key and opens the door, a foul scent invades my nose. It smells like someone took a bath in cologne. I grab Maverick’s hand before he can walk into the apartment. “Someone has been here in your apartment.” He pulls away before I can stop him. As he flips the lights on, he doesn’t even stop to look at the destruction in his apartment. I feel sick thinking about Gwen. We rush down the hallway and he throws open the door to a bedroom. I can scent Gwen and I feel a slight relief before we walk in. I see her lying on the bed. She has a wound on her head but she is breathing, thank the goddess. I immediately link Autumn, but I’m met with a block. What the hell would she have a block up for? I can’t focus on that right now. I link my Aunt Tabby and hold my necklace. She appears and when she sees Gwen, she rushes to her. We watch the glow and the wound closes. Gwen’s eyes flutter open and she looks panicked until she realizes she is safe.

“Mom you’re alright” he says as he wraps her in a hug. “No thanks to that ba**ard who hit me.” “What ba**ard mom? Who did this to you?” “I wish I knew. He was wearing all black and a ski mask. I don’t even know how he got in.” “Did he say anything, Gwen?” She smiles at me. “He said he will have what he is owed or Maverick will continue to suffer.” I hold back the growl. Gwen looks at Tabby and smiles “you must be Autumn’s mother. She looks just like you.” “Gwen, this is my Aunt Tabby. She is a healer too. I know you probably have a million questions and I promise I will answer them, but we need to get you some place that is safe.” Maverick looks at me with concern. “Ruby, can I talk to you in the hallway.” I walk into the hallway and he follows me. “Ruby, I love that you want to protect my mother and I know she would never tell anyone what you are but isn’t this against the rules.” I lay my hand against his face. “Not if we make her part of the pack. I know your mother would never betray my kind and I want to protect her.” He slams his lips down on mine. Goddess this man can kiss. He pulls back and we head back into the bedroom.

“Tabby, after we speak with the police we will be returning to the pack with Gwen. Will you let my parents know to ready a room on our floor.” Tabby smiles and without a word she disappears. Gwen gasps and I smile. We have a lot to tell you. Let’s call the police and get that out of the way so we can have that discussion. She smiles and nods at me. Thankfully, the police don’t keep us long and once

they take the report, we are free to leave. They wanted Gwen to be checked out but, of course, we all knew that wasn’t necessary. We head down to the car and start the drive back to the pack. “Gwen, I trust you, but I need you to promise me all you are about to learn will never be shared with another human as long as you live.” “I promise you that I will protect you and my son with my life. That includes keeping your secrets.” I nod and begin to tell her about the pack and all the supernaturals that live there. She listens and I wait for her to speak. “I knew you were special the first time I saw you” she says, and I smile.

“I would like to tell you both a story that I have never told another person. Not even your father, Maverick.” I can see the anger flash across his face when she mentions Bruce. “When I was a little girl, my parents would take us to the lake all the time. I was about seven years old and I wandered off. I couldn’t find my way back to the cottage and I heard a growl. I was so scared when an ugly wolf with dirty fur started to come toward me. I thought I was going to die that day. That was until a huge black wolf came out of the trees and bit down on the wolf. He threw the wolf toward the tree and he didn’t move again. The big black wolf laid down and I don’t know why but I wasn’t afraid. I walked toward him and slowly reached out until I touched his snout. I thanked him before he took off into the woods, dragging the other wolf with him. A few minutes later, my mother found me. I never forgot that day and I have never told a soul about my wolf savior.”

I smile “most wolves want to live in peace with their mates and packs. It sounds like you had a run in with a rogue. Some of them are just the same as pack wolves and some of them are like the one you met. They don’t value life and will hurt others for their own gain.” “So, wolves are just like people then, good and bad” Gwen says and I smile. “What is a mate?” “The goddess pairs all her children with a person she believes to be their perfect match. The other half of their soul.” Maverick turns in his seat to look at his mother. I feel the butterflies in my belly when I hear him speak again.”I am Ruby’s mate.” I look in the rearview mirror and Gwen squeals. “I’m so happy for you both. Thank you, Ruby, for trusting me and accepting my son.” “Of course, we are family now.”

Luca POV

Sherman walks in and hands me the phone. “It’s the head of the wolf council, Elder Marcus.” “Elder Marcus, this is King Luca of the Dragon Kingdom.” “King Luca, I was actually about to call the dragon council before Sherman reached out to me.” “What were you going to call them about?” “It seems that one of our largest and most powerful packs has found a dragon hatchling outside their borders.” I growl “my daughter is missing. Is the hatchling alright?” “Yes, she is fine. The pack is caring for her. Alpha Lake asked that I reach out to the dragon council to find the hatchling’s parents.” “I mean no disrespect Elder Marcus, but if I find out that any wolf had anything to do with taking my daughter, I will turn them to ash.” “I assure you that no member of the Scarlett Rose would ever be involved in such a despicable act.” “I hope you’re right for their sake. Please send Sherman the packs location. I will be leaving shortly for the pack. We should be there by morning.” “I will let the pack know that you are on your way.” “Thank you, Elder Marcus.” “You’re welcome, King Luca.” I hang up the phone and look at Sherman. “They will send you the pack’s coordinates. Get the jet ready to leave. I want to be in the air in thirty minutes.” He nods and leaves my office.

The door opens and my father walks in looking concerned. “Where is Sherman running to?” “I believe we have located Luna, so we are on our way to bring my daughter home.” “That’s wonderful news, Luca. Should I come with you?” “No, I won’t be long. Stay here and continue to try to find out who was involved in my daughter’s abduction. I want them punished.” “Of course, Luca. Please be careful and hurry back.” I nod and grab a bag I keep ready before I head for the jet.

Delilah POV

I come out of my room and someone is pounding on my door. I look out the peephole and see two police officers. I open the door “can I help you officers?” “Are you Delilah Martin?” “Yes I am.” “Delilah Martin, you are under arrest for a hit and run involving Ruby Solace.” “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about? I have been here all night.” “The busted up red SUV in the parking garage says different.” They start to read me my rights and I can’t believe this is happening.

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