My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 164

17 Angry Dragon NôvelDrama.Org content.

Luca POV

I return to my office even though we haven’t found a trace of Luna or who took her. Sebastian is ready to burn the whole kingdom to the ground. A knock sounds on the door and Sherman steps inside. I can see fear and sympathy in his eyes. “What have you found?” “No supernaturals made it past the defenses.” “So what are you saying? We have scoured the kingdom and she is nowhere to be found.” I watch him swallow and I know I am not going to like what he has to say next. “Esme believes that someone from the palace took her out of the kingdom.” I roar and hold back Sebastian. Sherman steps back and I slam my hands down on my desk. “You’re telling me that a member of my ranked dragons took my daughter.” “It’s the only thing that makes sense. Esme never felt the barrier being broken by an outsider.” I start to pace as my mind runs through all the possibilities. “I want all the council members and ranked dragons in the boardroom immediately.” “Of course, Luca,” he says before he leaves my office. I pick up a picture off my desk and my heartaches. It was taken right before Cynthia gave birth to Luna.

A knock brings me out of my thoughts and the door opens despite my lack of invitation. My father is the only person that does not respect my boundaries. He walks in, followed by Monica. I grit my teeth because I am in no mood to deal with either of them. “How is the search going Luca?” “I have ordered all council members and ranked dragons to the boardroom. I am on my way there to discuss what Sherman just shared with me. I expect you to be there as well.” I can see he doesn’t like my tone but he stays quiet. “I’m sorry all this is happening Luca. I’m here for you no matter what you need”, Monica says. I know why my father has brought her here, but it will not happen. Monica’s father is the head of the council and my father insisted on me taking her as my chosen mate before I found Cynthia. I said

no then and the answer will not change. “I appreciate that, Monica, but I will be fine.” I walk out of my office, walking past both of them without another word.

I enter the boardroom and most of the council and ranked members are waiting for my arrival. A few moments later, my father arrives and takes his seat. I notice that two of the ranked members are not here and I look at Sherman. “Where are Blake and Ernest” I link him. “They were all told to be here, Luca. I will have one of the warriors locate them.” The anger that has been a controlled burn is ready to become an inferno with the thought that people I have trusted all my life have betrayed me. I stand at the head of the table. “I know you are all aware that my daughter is missing. No one outside of this kingdom even knew of her existence. Therefore, I am certain that someone I know and trust was involved in her disappearance.” Gasps and chatter are heard throughout the room. “Quiet”, I say and you could hear a pin drop. “I will find out which one of you betrayed me and when I do I swear to the goddess you will beg for death.” “How could you think that any of us would have anything to do with harming your hatchling? We all know that our numbers are dwindling. You are our king and we would never hurt her. ” I look at Timothy, a member of the council. “My daughter is the next ruler of this kingdom and I am well aware how you all feel about that.” My father clenches his jaw but he will not speak against me in front of the others.

The door opens and Blake and Ernest finally walk in. They take their seats like they aren’t late for a meeting called by their king. “Where the hell were the two of you?” Blake’s eyes meet mine. “I understand that you are distraught, my king but that does not give you the right to disrespect the council members.” I growl and I’m sure my eyes flash to purple. Despite his attempts to keep his face emotionless, I can see the fear in his eyes. “I will disrespect anyone who is involved in taking the next heir of the dragon kingdom.” “My king, you know that isn’t possible. The law is very clear that your heir must be male to take over the kingdom”, Ernest says. This time my growl shakes the room. My father jumps up coming to stand in front of me. I am breathing heavily as Sebastian pushes to the surface. “Gentlemen, now is not the time for this discussion. Our focus needs to be finding my granddaughter. I agree with my son. If we find out any member of our kingdom was involved, they will suffer for their

crimes. You are all dismissed.” I get myself under control as I watch the men leave the room. “They know something about what happened to our hatchling”, Sebastian says.

My father places his hands on my shoulders, gaining my attention. “You need to be calm like the king you are, because this is not going to get your daughter back. You cannot attack the council and make these wild accusations of your own people.” I shake him off and stalk back to my office. I slam the door, locking it behind me because I cannot deal with my father for another minute. All he cares about is our duties as king. The phone on my desk rings and I debate whether to answer with the mood I’m currently in. I pick it up on the fourth ring and an unfamiliar voice speaks. “The wolves have your hatchling, your majesty.” The phone clicks and I throw it against the wall. Who the f**k was that and wolves have nothing to gain by taking my pup? I don’t know if this is someone trying to help me or help the person that took my daughter by pointing the finger at other supernaturals. I link Sherman to come to my office. He arrives a minute later. I don’t even let him speak before I bark my orders at him. “Get me in contact with the werewolf council now.” He nods and when he leaves I say a prayer to the goddess to bring Luna home safely.

Maverick POV

“Sir, your wife was the victim of a hit and run. She is being taken to Marion Community Hospital for her injuries.” My heart squeezes in my chest. I push the pain away and focus on getting to Ruby. I don’t know what could happen if she goes to a human hospital as a wolf. “Officer, can I look in the car for my wife’s phone? I need to call her mother and I don’t have my phone.” “Of course” he says and I lean into the side that isn’t damaged. I’m so grateful when I find her phone on the car floor. Thankfully, she has no passcode and I open it to her contacts. I find her mother’s contact, pressing it and taking off toward the parking garage as it rings. “Ruby, are you on your way back to the pack?” “Gabby, it’s Maverick.” “Maverick where’s Ruby” I can hear the same panic in her voice that I feel. “There was an accident. She was taken by ambulance before I could get to her. I wouldn’t even have known it happened if I hadn’t heard the sirens when I got out of the shower.” “Maverick, what hospital was she taken to?” “I’m

so sorry. I’m on my way to Marion Community Hospital.” “We are on our way” she says and the line goes dead.

As I drive I pray that she is alright. I can’t lose her. I park and I don’t think I have ever run this fast in my life. I reach the nurse’s station and the nurse smiles at me. “Can I help you?” “Ruby Solace, they brought her here.” She looks down at the computer before she looks up at me. “What is your relationship to Ms. Solace?” “I am her husband” I say and I hear a throat clearing. I turn to see Gabby, Lake, and a woman I’ve never seen before. How the hell did they get here so quickly? “Mr. Solace, your wife is being checked out by the doctor as we speak. He will be out to get you when they are done with more about her condition.” “Thank you” I say before I head over to Gabby and Lake. “What happened, Maverick” Lake asks and I can tell he is holding onto his control by a thread. “The officer said it was a hit and run. She dropped me off and I assumed she had left. I went into the kitchen after my shower and I could hear sirens. I felt like I should check it out and that’s when I saw Ruby’s car. I am so sorry this happened.” “You have nothing to be sorry for, Maverick”, Lake says.

“What are we going to do about her being here in a human hospital” I whisper, so only they can hear me. They all smile “it will be fine. Maverick, this is Tabitha. She is a pack member but she is also part of our family.” She takes my hand and I immediately feel calmer. “It’s nice to finally meet you Maverick.” “What just happened?” She smiles “I’m a witch. I just gave you a calming spell. Ruby is strong and I will never let anything happen to her.” “You’re Autumn’s mother aren’t you?” She smiles and nods. The sound of the door opening gets all our attention. “Ruby Solace’s family.” We rush toward him. Before he can ask, I tell him who we are to Ruby. “I am her husband and they are her parents and aunt.” He nods “all I can say is she is very lucky. She was t-boned and we can’t find a scratch on her. She hasn’t woken up yet but all of her tests are normal.” “Can we see her?” “I can’t have all of you back there but one person can sit with her.” I look at her mother because it should be her. “Go ahead Maverick. We will be out here waiting.” “Gabby, I can wait out here.” “No, she is your wife and since I know she is

alright, it should be you sitting with her.” I wrap her in a hug before I follow the doctor through the double doors.

Ruby POV

I can hear something beeping as I try to open my eyes. “Gemma”, I call out to her. I can feel her but she doesn’t answer me. I finally manage to open my eyes and I panic when I start to look around. “Ms. Solace you’re awake” I hear an unfamiliar voice. My eyes finally focus on a woman with pink scrubs at the end of the bed. “Where am I?” “You were in an accident. They brought you to Marion Community Hospital.” I start to look around. Sh*t I’m in a human hospital. The nurse isn’t freaking out, so they must not realize that I’m different. “The doctor will be back in to see you. He went to speak to your family.” Now my mind is spinning. How could my family even know I’m here? “You were very lucky” she says, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Why do you say that?” “You were in a pretty severe accident and you have no major injuries. In fact we couldn’t find any injuries. I would say that’s a miracle.” I smile and she heads for the door.

I lay my head back on the pillow and take a deep breath. “Ruby, we need to find out who hit us because that was not an accident.” I’m so glad to hear Gemma’s voice. “You’re right Gemma and we will find out who the f**k tried to take us out.” The door to the room opens and before I see him I know he is there. Maverick rushes over to my bed, taking my hand in his. He leans down, pressing a kiss to my lips. A throat clears and he pulls back. A man that I assume is the doctor smiles at the two of us. “I’m glad to see you awake, Ruby. I’m Dr. Jameson and I was here when the ambulance brought you in. As I told your husband, it really is remarkable that you have no injuries given the nature of the accident.” I smile hearing him call Maverick my husband. “I would like you to stay overnight for observation.” That is not happening I think to myself. “That isn’t necessary. My sister is a nurse and I feel fine.” I can see the doctor isn’t happy but my decision is final. “Fine, since you have no injury, I will sign your discharge papers. If anything changes, I will expect to see you back here immediately, Ms. Solace.” I nod but I know that Gemma has healed all my injuries. I’m not even sore.

“I will have the nurse come back with your discharge paperwork.” He leaves and I start to get up. “Ruby, I’m sorry that this happened and I wasn’t there.” He comes to stand in front of me. I wrap my arms around his neck. “Were you driving the red SUV that hit me” I ask him. He doesn’t need to feel bad about what happened. He stiffens and I see a mix of fear and anger in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Maverick?” “Delilah drives a red SUV.”

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