It Comes In Three's

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Lottie’s POV

“I cannot believe that she actually let us in!” Anna squeals as we climb into Jace’s car – successful with our cheer uniforms in hand.

“You’re welcome ladies!” Jace/states loudly, causing Anna to snort out a laugh as he starts up the car.

“Thank you!” I comment briefly, seeing him glance back at me in his mirror – seeming surprised to hear my voice – before offering me a

curt nod.

Maybe he’s warming up to me now…

“It’s only tradition that we wear our uniforms to the first party of the year so it will have to be tonight at Dels!” Anna claps, as I giggle at how excited she was.

The cheer audition started, and they kicked out four guys and eight girls within the first five minutes because they couldn’t do a full split which I felt was a tad harsh!

We then moved on to learning some original routines – the ones they tend to do at the football games – and thankfully, Anna had already taught me most of them the day before so I managed to pass through them quite easily.

We then done some jumps and kicks, which weren’t too hard either, before they put us into stunt groups… They asked if I wanted to be a flyer because I’m short, but I was really nervous so they said we would work on it… and it was at that point that I knew we must have gotten in!

We spent the rest of the day waiting for them to post the names on the notice board of who had made the team, and rightly so… myself and Anna were on the damn list!

“I’ll come and pick you both up at seven tonight!” Jace informs us, as we drive towards Anna’s home.

I had never been to a party… in fact, I had never had any friends to party with in the first place so this was very new for me!

The fact that so many new experiences were flying into my life had me fully distracted about the mess I had left behind back home… but I wasn’t complaining!

All I knew, was that Tommy was still alive, I hadn’t been reported to the police yet and that they couldn’t find me or know where I had gone!

I’m free…

“Yo Lottie? You zoned out!” Anna laughs, twisting around and waving a hand across my face causing me to laugh.

“Sorry!” I state quickly, as she smiles and shakes her head at me.

“What do you want to drink later and the boys will pick it up for us?” Anna recites the question, as I furrow

Another first for me… I’ve never drank alcohol in my life before…

my brows.

“Um just whatever you’re having… I guess!” I shrug shyly, seeing Jace glance back at me again in his mirror.

“You’ve never drank before have you?” Jace states the obvious, as I tense under the first direct question that I think he’s ever asked me.

“N–No…” I stutter again like an idiot, cursing myself for being nervous since I really thought I was beginning to get more comfortable around him.

“It’s fine… nothing will happen to you at Dels so don’t be so nervous… just pick up some different shit for you and you can try that and find out what you like. Jace eyes me again, before turning down onto Anna’s street.

Was he being overly nice to me… on purpose? He really didn’t have to go out his way to get me different drinks to try…

“Wow… yeah th–thanks that would be good!” I smile gently, as he nods and pulls up on the side of the road.

“Seven o’clock sharp Anna I’m serious! Unless you want to walk for twenty minutes across town to the party!” Jace turns to Anna and warns as she waves him off.

“Sure thing grumpy!” She shrugs, climbing out of the car as I follow behind her.

We close the doors, before he wastes no time on speeding back off down the street. We head inside, to the now familiar home I had been living in – with our newly accomplished cheer uniforms tightly in hand!

“If you shower right now then I can put some heated rollers in your hair for later to give you some gorgeous curls?!” Anna throws her bag onto the sofa as I copy her – wanting to rid myself of the heavy backpack.

“Sounds great!” I nod, butterfly’s reaching my stomach at the thought of getting ready to go to my first party along with my first friend.

“Yay let’s do it! We have three hours to get organised so… go, go, go!” Anna calls out, as I laugh and make my way upstairs – taking my cheer uniform with me.

Three hours! She was panicking as though we only had ten minutes!

I giggle at the thought, glancing down to the bright pink cheer uniform in my arms…

The damn uniform!

I freeze when I enter my room, as my mind quickly rewinds back to the conversation in Jace’s car.

Anna wanted us to wear the uniforms to the party tonight! She said it was tradition if you make it on the team or something!

I gulp, closing the door softly behind me, before turning back towards the bed.

I place the uniform down, taking it out of the bag, before standing back to examine the short skirt and crop top laying before me…

I loved the contrast of the fuchsia pink against the black, however cringed at the length of the thing. Even the shorts for underneath wouldn’t cover anything… they were more like underwear as opposed to shorts.

What will I do…


pace the room for what feels like forever, wracking my brain for an idea… as I feel the water build in my eyes.

I halt suddenly, turning to the small makeup table in the corner, knowing that Anna kept a lot of her stuff in here and had encouraged me

to use it.

I rush to the drawer, pulling it open to see the huge range of cosmetics to choose from, before my eyes land on two skin coloured products concealer and foundation!

Will this work…

I stare at the products, matching them up to my skin tone seeing that they weren’t far off from my own colour. I decide to place them down – taking a long deep breath – before heading towards the bathroom to take a quick shower.

If I shower, I can try the outfit on and attempt to cover up whatever needs to be covered… and worst case scenario… I’ll just have to talk

to Anna and tell her what’s going on…

I gulp at the thought of showing Anna my marks, as I push the thoughts away… not wanting my three monsters from the past haunting NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

every second of my day!

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