It Comes In Three's

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Lottie’s POV

Although I knew that my outfit covered the worst of the scars, I felt extremely self conscious entering the school… I don’t think I’ve ever went out of the house showing this much skin before now…

“Looking good ladies!” We are firstly greeted by Del, as he throws us a wink and draws even more attention to our outfits…

In that moment I wished for the ground to open up and swallow us whole!

“Stop being f**king weird!” Jace nudges him, as Del only laughs in response – waving him off.

“Happy Birthday Del!” Anna chirps, as he grins back at her and nods in acknowledgement.

“I hope you’re all excited to get absolutely wasted later!” Del flashes us his perfect teeth, causing Anna to laugh as I force a smile up at him.

I suddenly feel a strong presence join the group, as I begin to shake slightly, holding my hands together in an attempt to hide my nerves – feeling a familiar pair of eyes burning holes into the side of my head…


I glance over at him briefly, with our eyes meeting, before I watch as he trails his gaze down my body slowly – causing my mouth to drop open in horror.

Did he just look me over from head to toe?

I quickly look back to the ground, feeling suddenly hot and ready for passing out at any moment…

What if he notices something…

“So did you do what I asked?” Anna questions Jace, thankfully taking the attention elsewhere as I sigh.

I glance up, seeing Jace roll his eyes looking unamused with her question.

“I did… and I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t try to jump on me the first chance that she gets today so you’re both very welcome! She was more than eager – lucky for you!” Jace states bluntly, as Anna fakes being sick from his words.

“It’s amazing what calling a girl gorgeous can do…” Jace smirks at himself, as Anna slaps a hand over her face in horror.

“So did you tell her to let us on the damn team today or not?!” Anna cuts to the chase, as I continue to avoid Alex‘ hard stare that lands on me every so often.

“I said to her… ‘Anna and her friend Lottie are trying out for cheer tomorrow so hopefully if they make the team then I’ll have an excuse to come and watch you shake that sweet ass at the competitions!“” Jace concludes loudly, as Anna’s mouth practically hits the floor – causing me to bite back a giggle.

“Jace that is f**king disgusting! You didn’t have to say all of that to her Anna complains, as he scoffs at him.

“You said make it f**king believable and so I did! Do you want me to take it back and tell her I was joking and that I think she’s a dumb f**king bitch?!” He threatens, causing me to flinch slightly from his words – as Anna groans in frustration.

“No but…” Anna begins, before he hushes her by holding his pointer finger up…

“What you mean to say is thank you Jace! You didn’t have to flirt with the biggest bitch in the school just to get me on a stupid cheerleading squad…” Jace mocks her in a high pitch tone, causing Del and Alex to laugh loudly beside him.

I glance at Alex briefly – thankful that his eyes weren’t on me for the first time today – taking the opportunity to notice how different he looked when he smiled…

His teeth of course were also perfect… and I couldn’t understand why he wanted to look so serious all of the time… it must just be me that he doesn’t like around here?


Alex soon realises that my eyes are on him, as he locks his own back with mine once again settling back into his stern expression the second he catches me staring.

This man looked at me as though he wanted to kill me…

I divert my eyes down yet again, pushing back the water building up in them from the sudden fear that he was encapsulating me in.

“I’ll only thank you if she actually lets us on the team!” Anna comments, and as if saved by the bell, the familiar sound rings out signalling that it was now time for us to make our way towards the gym hall.

I walk off instantly following an excited Anna, thankful to have escaped yet another intense encounter with Alex…

“You ready?!” Anna breathes, as I nod steadily – approaching the large doors where we see a line of both girls and guys standing in a queue,

“I guess so…” I sigh, as we approach – seeing the doors swing open, revealing a tall blonde dressed in the teams fuchsia pink and black cheer skirt and top.

“Come in, find a space and start to stretch! We will start the first round in ten minutes!” Her high pitch voice calls out to us all, as the people at the start of the line rush in – I’m assuming to find the best spot.

“That’s Brianna…” Anna suddenly nudges my side and whispers, as my mouth forms an ‘O‘ shape.

Yeah this makes total sense…

She didn’t look amused, she just looked bored. I watched on as everyone rushed in past her and she seemed to scan her eyes disgustedly over those who entered… occasionally rolling them.

I slowly approach the doors with Anna, watching as Brianna’s eyes suddenly land on the both of us

her plastered smile fading…

“Is this your new little friend Anna?” Brianna stops us at the door with her hand, as I watch Anna tense up slightly.

I’ve never seen her like this… she always seemed so confident.

“Yeah this is Lottie!” Anna finds her voice, shifting Brianna’s attention on to me as I watch her smile grow again as she drinks me in…

“I’m Brianna, head cheer captain this year! Welcome!” Her voice rips out, holding the most insincerity possible as I force a smile back.

“Nice to meet you!” I say politely, as she nods down at us both.

“Jace actually already told me that you would both be trying out today how fun! Maybe we can learn to start over Anna…” Brianna nods and grits her teeth as she speaks, as I look to Anna awaiting her response.

“Sounds good yeah!” She forces back, as I continue to smile – wanting for this whole encounter to go well just for Anna’s sake…

*Well I’ll see you both in there!” She eventually moves aside, allowing for us to enter, as we practically sprint past her and head to a much quieter spot in the room.

“She seems preoccupied by Jace! I think the plan worked!” Anna whispers to me, as I nod and grin.

I hope so…

I follow Anna’s lead and begin stretching on the mats, finding no major discomfort as I do so – thankfully. I glance around the room, feeling oddly excited to have the opportunity to do something like this for once… despite how nervous I was.

“Do you remember the routines we practiced?” Anna asks, stretching her splits as I copy her again.

“Yeah I think I do!” I say confidently, having both practiced the night before in her back yard for over four hours. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ok everyone stand up and find a space! We are going to eliminate some of you as we go… so best of luck and try to impress us!” Brianna calls out to the group from the front, as everyone seems to squirm on the mats before her.

I glance to the other cheerleader with black hair standing beside her, as she continues to glance over to myself and Anna with her arms folded. Her facial expression is hard to read, but

nonetheless her staring makes me uncomfortable.

Well here goes nothing…

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