Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Belle's POV

"What?" I asked all weirded out by how she looks at me. She's combing my hair sporting a poker face,

not saying a single word. "What's going on A?"

"I think I should be the one asking you that question." She finally responded.

"Will you please just go straight to the point."

"Okay. What's going on between you and Artan?"

"What do you mean? There's nothing going on." I replied, as a matter of factly.

"Yah? So why is the Albanian Mob Boss acting like he's your boyfriend now? You know, being

territorial, kissing you, holding you like there's no tomorrow?"

"The man got shot because of me. I can't just fight him off, especially when he's still injured."

"Uhuh..." She replied with raised eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes on her and pulled the comb from her hand abruptly. "I'll do it myself. If you're tired of

me, why don't you leave me alone A!"

My bestfriend gasped and made an O shape with her mouth in surprise. "Preger hormones making you

a bad bitch now B?"

"I'm sorry." I tapped the space on my chair gesturing my bestfriend to sit beside me. I wrapped my arm

around her to hug her tight. "I'm sorry A."

Amy hugged me back and removed herself from the embrace. She then palmed my face and inched

closer to me.

"I just want you to guard your heart this time. Maybe youre just confused considering your raging

pregnant hormones. Maybe youre just seeing Nikolai in Artan. Or perhaps the real reason why youre

letting Artan in, is because youre blaming yourself for what's happened. Whatever it is, just make sure

you are doing it for the right reason."

"A, youre overthinking again. I'm okay. Don't worry about me. As for falling in love, I don't think that my

heart is ready for it."

"Because you're still in love with the Ultra Boss and Extra Boss." She said while running her fingers

through my hair.

I blinked a couple of times to prevent myself from tearing up. Yes I'm still madly in love with Nikolai and

Alexei despite the countless heartaches they have caused me. I still love them with all my body, heart,

and soul and no one can ever replace them. Ever.

"The Extra Boss went to the house last night. He said he came to fetch you. Gosh B, you should have

seen his face when I said that youre with Artan last night."

At this point, I don't get surprised of Nikolai and Alexei's temper anymore. Somehow I have accepted

the fact that those two have their own intense way of dealing with situations.

"Let's not talk about them A."

"Okay." She replied while placing a few strands of my hair to the back. "You look amazing in this dress

B. I think I'm having a girl boner."

I just giggled at her naughtiness. She then leaned forward, tilted her head a little bit and kissed me on

my lips. Her tongue glided inside my mouth while her hand is palming the back of my ear.

Removing myself from the kiss, I asked with a smile on my face, "What was that?"

"What? I thought we're making out." She responded with her devilish look.

"Yah I know. But that was too sexy." I answered.

"It's supposed to be sexy." She said leaning forward and inching her lips to mine once again.

"Is it weird if I'm having a girl boner too?" © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

"Yes it's weird. You two bestfriends are weird. Now cut it out."

Dylan butts in. He is wearing a perfectly tailored black suit, shiny and kinda pointy shoes and his hair is

perfectly gelled to the back, he undeniably looks dashing.

"Dy, you look handsome."

"Thank you Belle. I get that a lot." Dylan answered all too arrogantly. His lips are pulled to the side

while approaching our direction, walking like a super hot model, that he really was.

"Ewwww." Amy butts in.

Dylan instantly shakes his hand on top of my bestfriend's head effectively ruining A's hair do.

"Hey!!!! Stop big brother! Youre ruining my chance of finding true love tonight!"

Amy is pushing her brother's hand away from her hair but Dylan doesnt seem to care.

"I told you many times that you are not gonna find true love in the mob Ames. Go date Jose, I think he

will be good for you. I'm not really sure if youre good for him though. Urgh... that poor guy."

"The neighbour's gardener? Really brother? I sometimes think having a big brother like you is more of

a liability than an asset."

The siblings continued with their banter while I just look at them with warmth in my heart. These two

have become my family during the darkest days of my life. They never left my side and they have

always been there for me whenever I need them.

"I love you both." I blurted out.

They went silent and looked at me, obviously not expecting my emotional state. Gosh...what is

happening to me? It's like I'm becoming so emotional and melodramatic as the day passes. If this is a

normal part of my pregnancy, I'm starting not to like it already. It's like I'm not in control of my own


"Awww, B. Come here."

The two held me in a tight embrace until I felt better.

"Are you two ready? The Boss is waiting." Dylan said.

"Yes let's go. I'm soooooo excited! Ah!" Said Amy, acting like a crazy woman. Well she's crazy already.

Nobody's arguing wih that.

"Uh, one last thing A."


30 seconds later.......

"Are you sure about this B? The Ultra Boss and the Underboss are not gonna like this."

"Just do it A."

I have to show those two that they are not in control of me anymore. That I am my own self and not

theirs. I have to do this. I need to do this.


My bestfriend and I are walking down the grand staircase in Artan's mansion. I told the man himself not

to wait for me anymore but he insisted that we are going together to Matushka's party.

They are already waiting for us in in the huge living room. Artan is sitting on the sofa, so as Adnan,

Besian, Dardan and Dylan. The other men are just standing next to the doors while patiently waiting.

As we approach them, Artan stood up and shamelessy looked me from head to foot. Noticeably

focusing on my breasts then down my thigh where the slit of the white dress is giving the world a

glimpse of my soul. Gosh Matsuhka, of all the dresses in the world, why this?

From the corner of my eye, my bestfriend is already biting her lip as she tries to hold back a giggle. I

nudged her side and shot a glare at her direction.

"What?" She mouthed in response.

I just shook my head on her.

"You look........wonderful." Said Artan, obviously groping for the last word.

"Uh.... thanks. You look..." I inspected him from head to foot. I wanted to say that I am craving to bite

him so friggin hard I want him to bleed. But I'm not going to embarass myself, so I settled to a more

subtle choice of word.

".... cute ."

There's a two seconds silence and then his men snorted in unison while looking down with smiles on

their faces. What's wrong with cute?

Artan looked serious while making sharp glances at his men who are now obviously trying not to meet

their Boss' eyes.

Artan approached my direction and offered me his arm to hold. I obliged and held on as we walk

outside. A limousine and three black SUVs are already waiting for us. Amy is with Dylan and Adnan in

the other SUV while Besian was assigned to tend to Aria in the house while we are away. Although I

think I know the real reason why Artan did not bring him with us to the party.

When we are already in the limo, Artan took a gun from the compartment on the side and made sure

that it has bullets in it. The Volkov brothers used to always say that in their world you have to be protect

yourself all the time. Artan is doing the exact thing, only this time, he has to protect himself from Nikolai

and Alexei.

He then placed the gun to the side and took a small box from the compartment. He gestured me to sit

on his lap, which I turned down immediately.


A gasp escaped my mouth when suddenly, he pulled me to his lap it made him wince in pain because

of his wound.

A sigh of defeat escaped my mouth. "What do you want Artan?"

"Do you really want me to answer that question? You know what I want. I want you. All of you. I don't

care if your pregnant with Volkov's child. I still love you just the same baby. Just say yes to me and I'm

going to make things right. I promise to take care of you and the child as mine."

My heart crushed by just looking at Artan's light green eyes. From the very beginning, this man did not

think twice in telling me that he wants me over and over again. The truth is, I'm already starting to like

him. But that's just it - like, nothing more. Yes I am drawn to him, so damn much, but I'm not really sure

if it's me or my hormones making me feel this way about him.

"I'm sorry Artan."

If he's disappointed or anything, he sure is not showing it.

"Give me this one chance. I swear to protect and love you until the day I die."

"Artan you are very sweet and I know that youre a good man and a great Dad to Aria but I don't

deserve the love and affection that you are giving me. I cannot reciprocate."

"I'm not asking you to love me back. Just let me love you, my Belle."

"Artan, I...."

"Shhh...I don't want to hear it baby. Here, I want you to wear this." He took a blood red diamond ring

from the small box and inserted it in my index finger.

Oh my god this is so beautiful. It's like the female version of Artan's ring in his middle finger.

"I can't take this..."

"I have always known this ring will look perfect on you." He said completely ignoring my words. He then

kissed the ring, then my hand softly and gently up to my wrist. I can already feel his manhood harden

under my thigh. I hopped off of his lap but he just pulled me right back at him.

"Youre the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen." He added while holding my chin to face


"Yah? How much do I have to pay you for that compliment?"

"A kiss right here will do." He pointed his finger on his cheek near his lips.

"No." I answered, shutting him down.

"That's what I thought." He replied all defeated.

"Although...." I pointed and pressed my cheek while glancing at him with a wicked smile on my face.

"I'd like to do something to you. I have been wanting to do this actually. Can you say yes without even

hearing what it is?"

"Yes. Just as long as that does not involve cutting off my penis. I'm down with it baby momma."

"Don't call me that!" I scolded him but he just flashed a naughty smile in response. "Okay so....I want to

bite your neck very hard."

Tilting back his head slightly and furrowing his eyebrows, he answered, "Huh, Volkov did not mention

that youre a merciless vampire in any of our conversations."

"Artan! I'm being serious here!" I said as a matter of factly.

"Okay." He softly chuckled.

I slowly wrapped my arm around him and lowered my face. Inhaling his manly scent into the deepest

crevices of my lungs, I started to open my mouth to suck on his neck. I can feel Artan's grip slowly

tighten around my waist.

I sucked his skin a few more seconds and then made a slight popping sound when I removed my lips

from him.

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