Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Belle's POV

As I tend to Artan, I can see from the corner of my eye that he is looking down at me intently but I just

ignored him. He then held my hand that is holding the towel to get my attention but I pulled away and

continued with running the towel on his face, down his neck.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I reach his chest. My goodness. This man is breathtaking. I can't

even believe I'm admitting this to myself but Artan is without a doubt one hell of a gorgeous man. They

even have a label for his kind.

DILF. Dad I'd Like to Fuck.

Not that I'd like to have sexual intercourse with him. It's just a naughty term, introduced to me by none

other than my bestfriend herself, more commonly used to refer to Dads who are hot. And I must admit

that Artan is one of those few who can be rightfully called a DILF.

I can't help but marvel at his perfectly chiselled arms and hard as rock chest. He has a tattoo of Aria's

name on the left part and a cross or starlike image in the middle part of his chest. I run the towel

delicately when I reached the part where he was shot. I made sure that my hand circled around the

gauze and bandage very carefully.

His manhood is creasing perfectly under his boxer shorts, giving me a tease of how big he is inside. I

accidentally took a second look which he instantly noticed. He chuckled while touching my chin softly.

"Wanna hold it?" He said with a naughty tone.

I smacked him on his chest with the wet towel it made a smashing sound."You wish!' I said.

"I don't just wish. I fucking want baby." He responded.

I smacked him one more time but he just smiles arrogantly. I did not indulge him with his sexual

inuendos anymore because I know I am in the losing end.

I helped him put on his shoes, shirt and trousers which yielded a few grunts and wince of pain. While

putting on his tie, he pulled me tight towards his body and then he whispered, "Thank you, my love."

I did not mind him. "Don't move Artan." I placed his tie around his collar and adjusted it in place. I can

already smell his breath right in front of my nose. "Is it true that Nikolai destroyed your business in the

underground world?"

Artan obviously did not expect my question. "Who told you that?" He asked with a firm voice.

I am tempted to say Lena's name but when I saw what Adnan did to her last night, I'd rather shut my

mouth. As much as I hate that woman, I just can't seem to bear looking at men hitting women.

"That's not important. Can you please just answer my question?"

"Volkov can't destroy me. I will not let him do that."

The seriousness in his voice and the slight clenching of his jaw says it all. Artan is pissed and he

means business.

Suddenly I feel like all the air got sucked right out of my lungs. I feel so lightheaded and I think I'm

going to collapse any moment. Artan instantly grabbed me and held the back of my head with his hand.

"Hey.....what's wrong baby?"

I wasnt able to answer because my body weakened like every bit of energy I have left disappeared into

thin air.

Artan attempted to carry me but I instantly stopped him. The man pretty much forgot that he is injured.

"Uhh I'm fine...." I said in between soft breaths. "I just have

to stand still."

"We need to bring you to the doctor."

"Shush Artan."

A small smile formed on his face while still holding my head to face him. I noticed that as my pregnancy

progresses, dizzy spells are becoming more frequent by the day.

I thought that was over but I suddenly felt my stomach turn. I quickly removed myself from Artan, went

in front of the toilet bowl and fell on my knees to puke.

Artan gathered my hair as I vomit everything from my stomach. When I'm done, I flushed everything

down the toilet and sat on the floor while resting my back on the toilet bowl.

At this point, swirl of emotions started to overflow my heart. I feel smothered by this intense feeling of

hopelessness. Tears went flowing down my face as the reality of my situation sinks in. I am having a

baby. I am pregnant with the Russian Mafia Boss' child but I am doomed to face this all alone. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

"What's wrong baby. Don't do this to me. Tell me what's going on so that I can do something about it."

Artan sounded worried. He wipes the tears from my face with a hanky from his pocket and sits on the

floor while wincing in pain.

"I'm pregnant." I said as tears continue to flow.

Artan looked surprisingly calm while looking at me in the eyes. "And Volkov is the father." He said

without a hint of hesitation in his voice.

I nodded at him sobbing. Artan pulled me to his chest as he tries to comfort me. "Hush now my Belle,

you are going to be a great mother."

I cried and cried on Artan's warm embrace, letting out the pain in my heart. "I hate Nikolai so much. I

hate him!"

Artan did not say word. He runs his fingers on my hair and hugged me even tighter. Moments later I

found myself relax in his arms once again.

"You did not ask me who the father is.." I asked out of curiousity.

"There's no need to ask my Belle. I know how it should work. Volkov made sure that the baby is his,

which means the underboss Alexei had to use something not to get you pregnant himself. The heir to

the Volkov Empire has to be a Volkov in blood."

This is actually not a surprise to me. I have always had an inkling about this fact but Nikolai, Alexei and

I never talked about it. I never asked Nikolai so it was not even considered a matter to be talked about

as far as Nikolai and Alexei are concerned. Or so that's what I think.

"I'm assuming that Volkov doesnt know that you're pregnant."

"What made you think so?"

"You're still here with me. Knowing the man, if he knows that you're pregnant with his child he will never

let you out of his sight. At least that's what I'm going to do If were in his shoes."

"Well he knows, so yah..." I answered.

"Volkov knows that you are having his first born?"

"Uhhh... not necessarily." I responded hesitantly.

At first, Artan had a puzzled look on his face. And then his eyes widened like he realized something.

"Fuck me. You told him that the baby is mine." He said with amazement all over his face.

"I thought that it was the best idea at that time. Now Im not.....I'm so sorry Artan."

"Fuck...." Artan chuckled while holding his stomach. A permanent smile is now plastered on his face.

"Now I know why his cold threats turned into flying bullets. That motherfucker is after my head because

he thinks that I impregnated his one and only Mrs. Volkov."

"I'm sorry Artan."

"Don't be sorry my love. You have just made me a happy man."

"I just made you the most wanted man by the Russian Mafia, why do you look so happy? Are you really

out of your mind?"

"I might be... How are you feeling now baby momma?"

I squinted my eyes and looked at him sternly. "Don't call me that. I'm fine. A little hungry though." Artan

held my waist while helping me to stand up.

"What do you have in mind to eat? Just tell me and Ill have it prepare for you."

"You're not going anymore?"

"I am. I'm just gonna run late for a more dramatic entrance."

"Right." I shook my head on him. "Will Nikolai be there?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"Then don't go anymore."

"Oh, I don't think so baby. The more that I have to see him now."

"Why? You and Nikolai are just gonna point guns at each other."

"Maybe. But Matushka Irene was the one who invited me. I can't say no to that woman. Nobody can

say no to her."

Of course, Matushka.

"You call her Matushka as well?"

"Yah, some people just don't know it but my father, Volkov's pa Vyacheslav, and Alexei's dad Viktor

were really close friends. Matushka Irene is like a second mother to me. She's very tough. Nobody

messes with her not even the old man Vyacheslav and Viktor."

"Really? Even Vyacheslav? Nikolai's pa?"

"Yes. Even the Big Boss Vyacheslav....You sound surprised. So you don't know about Matushka,

Vyacheslav and Viktor?"

"About what?"

"Let's just say that them Russian Boys love to share their women."

My lips parted in complete shock. Oh my gosh! So Vyacheslav and Viktor are Matushka's lovers. Now I

know why she instantly assumed that Nikolai and Alexei are in love with me and sharing me. She was

also shared by Nikolai and Alexei's fathers.




Artan and I went out of the change room. He's talking on the phone in a language I could not

understand while I'm adjusting his tie. Dardan, Adnan, Besian are already waiting for their Boss inside

the room. They are standing next to the door, while me and Artan are next to the windows in the

opposite side. He then taps the phone and placed it back in his side pocket.

"I'll be back after the gathering. I won't take long."

"Okay. Come home early so that I can go back to Amy's."

"You're leaving?"

"Artan, I can't stay here."

"Why not? What's mine is yours. You can stay here baby. And youre pregn...."

"Stop. Just because I told Nikolai that youre the father of this baby, doesnt mean that your going to take

responsibility over this child. Me and my baby are not your concern."

He looked to the side in frustration and I think the pissed Artan is back. "Look at me, " I said while

palming his cheek to face me. "Artan.."

The stubborn man obliged and looked me in the eyes. He pulled me tight towards him while wrapping

his arms around my waist. At this point, I already want to stand on my toes so that I can smell his neck

and bite it so friggin hard. I know it's weird but I feel weird, I can't help it. Goddammit hormones! Calm


"I don't want you to leave." Said Artan while planting his lips near my left ear.

"Uhh... B... I'm sorry I'm late. I kinda had a long night. I hope I'm not interrupting." Amy said while

sporting a straight face. Knowing her too well however, I know she's already interrogating me in her

head. She just came up, holding a white dress, draped in a posh plastic and a small envelope.

My bestfriend is all dressed up in black long sleeved strappy and sexy dress, with full make up on.

She's wearing a smokey eyeshadow and her long straight hair is brushed up to a tousled style. She

looked undeniably hot and sexy as always. Artan's men are shamelessly oggling her from head to foot.

"Uh.. not at all A. What's that?" I said tryng to remove myself from Artan but the stubborn man

tightened his grip on me even more. His men and Amy now have smiles on their faces as they notice

me struggle.

My bestfriend volunteered to approach my direction and showed me a dress and the envelope. I

crinkled my eyebrows while inspecting the white cocktail dress.

"Artan let go of me."


"I need to talk to A in private."

"You can talk, right here, right now." He insisted.

I sighed in defeat. Need I say that he sounds exactly like the other Boss I know?

Amy opened the envelope and handed it to me.

My Sweet Princess,

I'm having a party and I'm inviting you to attend. I suppose you don't have anything to wear because I

saw your clothes in Nikolai's closet, so I took the liberty to buy you a dress for tonight.

I miss you a lot. Please come. Don't make me drag you to the party. Don't mind my two boys. They will

not cause any trouble. Well at least not in my watch.

-Matushka Irene

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