Her Dark Lycan

chapter 37

chapter 37

Searing pain gripped his entire being, his chest was heaving, his breath coming out in short pants, and

a vicious growl escaped his chest he felt like his lungs were on fire, he felt the bond break, and he felt

his lycan whine out in pain before he vanished, he heard screams around him but they fell deaf on his

ears, he looked up, his vision blurry, all he saw was a nurse pulling the doctor back to the operation

room, Knox trying to get him to stand up while James slipped to the floor unconscious.

His senses were dulled out but the pain in his chest didn't, his head lolled back and rested against the Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

wall, Sophia and Knox tended to him while Gabriel was with James,

'tell her to come back to me,' he rasped in pain, as Sophia gently cupped his cheek and cried, knox's

shoulders dropped in defeat, his friend just lost his everything,

'Dante please please get it together please, the babies-,' Sophia sobbed out, trying to get him to zone

back in, gently shaking him but his eyes were glazed over, they feared they'd lose him too, so lost in

the loss Sophia didn't feel Dante shift, his eyes zeroed in on the operation theatre door and his eyes

turned onyx, a deadly snark escaped him, Knox snapped his head up, just in time to lunge for his alpha

and trying to hold him down as he struggled and clawed,



out, throwing all his weight onto Dante but he was too strong, Dante's clothes were starting to rip, he

was starting to shift, his attention zeroed on the door where his mate lay on the other side, and just as

he was about to fully shift he felt two pricks in his neck, startled he looked back to see Gabriel looking

down at him sadly, holding two syringes that labelled high dosage wolfsbane, since he was a strong

lycan, one dosage wasn't enough, while it was just enough to knock him out, one syringe of this could

kill a normal wolf.

Just as he made a move to lunge for Gabriel he felt his eyes droop, his movements slowed, and just

like that he was pulled into darkness.

He felt his heart beating a little faster, soft sparks ignited in him but his body wouldnt let him react, and

it was gone as soon as it came and once again he slipped into unconsciousness with one name on his

mind, venus.

'he should be up by now,'

'i know doctor mark even said if we bring him to this room it should wake him up soon,'

'knox baby the restraints-,'

'shush sophia i know i hate it more than you do but its for everyones safety,'

'being close to them should do the trick,'

'i hope so,'

he could hear voices but he couldnt react, he tried concentrating on his fingers, to move them even a

little, and from the pressure he was applying on himself to move the heart beat monitor started

beeping, it caught the attention of everyone and the doctors and nurses came rushing,

'alpha can you hear me?' doctor mark asked,

he responded with a twitch of his finger,

'hes responsive, give me that injection it should fasten this process up,' and the next second he felt

something being injected into him and his body relaxed a bit, after a few minutes of silence his eyes

opened, something in him had shifted, something was different, and he sat upright in bed, as if a while

ago he wasnt almost paralysed, the sight in front of him made his breath stop.

There lay venus on the hospital bed, they were in a different, a bigger room now, she lay unconscious

and pale with their kids on either side of her bed, their baby girl on one side and their boy on the other,

IVs attatched to her but what made him do a double take was the heart beat monitor, it showed healthy

green waves, she was alive.

Dante made a move to get out of bed but the clashing of chains and the tug that pulled him back

caught his attention, they had restrained him, one glare at the nurse had the poor man gulping and

looking towards the doctor.

'alpha please understand you almost went on a rampage, we only put you here to calm your wolf down

so your close presence with the luna would make you better,' he explained,

'what happened to her,' he spoke out, keeping his eyes on his mate, his voice deep and gruff and when

he spoke he felt venus shift a bit, but she still remained unconscious.

'alpha with all due respect, this situation right here can only be classified as a miracle, her heart

stopped beating for a good 3 minutes, we're still unsure ...,' he trailed off, she was in a fragile condition,

'the babies on the other hand are both as healthy as a horse, a nice strong pair of lungs on them,'

doctor mark chuckled, a ghost of a smile flickered across Dante's face. A few hours later after Dante

was unchained, he sat beside his mate, holding his son in his arms while his little girl was in a cot

beside his chair, Venus in front of him,

'i never knew you'd give me two beautiful miracles and end up leaving me in the process,' he said, his

voice wavering,

'you came into my life putting up a fight and i was fighting my feelings off for you, exactly because of

this reason, because i was scared-frightened that you'd leave me too, all my life I've had no one to care

for me the way you did and i was terrified of losing you so i would push you out, but i was a real jackass

for doing that,' he chuckled bitterly, watching their daughter shift around in her cot while their son lay

blissfully sleep in his arms,

'now that I've let you in, ill follow you to the other realm if i have to just to be with you again, i cant

spend a second without you beside me my love, think of our kids, wont you be there when they say

their first words and take their first steps,' tears choked his voice and made it a tormented whisper,

driven by anger and desperation he clutched her hand with his free arm and abruptly switched from

pleas to stern threats

'and-and i'll take another mate you hear me, do you want our kids to call someone else mama? is that

what you want?'

The minutes became hours and Dante still kept on talking to her, switching from pleas to threats and

when hope started to die within him he turned to cajolery,

'think of my immortal soul sweetheart, without you to mend my ways ill undoubtedly switch back to my

old habits,' and he waited, watching her lifeless hand gripped into his as he tried to infuse his own

strength into her, despair wrapped around his heart suffocating him and tears stung his eyes, putting

their son back into his cot he gathered his mate into his arms, her body limp and lifeless as Dante laid

his cheek against hers, his massive shoulders wracked with sobs,

'baby please,' he wept, rocking her in his arms like a baby, 'how will i go on living without you, please

come back for me and our children, how will i take care of them without you, they need their mother,

the pack needs their luna, i want my love back ...' he whispered, and then he felt something against his

cheek, a whisper.

Dantes breath caught in his throat and he jerked his head back, his eyes frantically searching her face

as he lowered her back onto the hospital bed,

'Venus baby?' he implored achingly, bending over her, and just when he thought he had imagined her

eyelids flutter, her pale lips parted, almost as if to form a word,

'tell me darling,' he said desperately, moving closer to her, 'say something please baby,'

Venus swallowed and spoke, her voice so faint it was barely audible had it not been for Dantes sharp

hearing he would have missed iy, 'what baby?' he pleaded urgently, still not getting a grasp of her

words, again she whispered and Dante's eyes widened as he understood, he stared at her for a

moment and then his shoulders shook as he began to laugh, it started as a low rumble in his chest then

exploded in great gutsy shouts of laughter that rang out in the hospital corridors and it bought Knox, the

doctor and James running into the room in the obvious misapprehension that Dantes grief had

destroyed his mind.

'James,' Dante said with a wobbly grin, holding Venus's hand and smiling at her widely, ' Venus

threatened-' he started, his shoulders beginning to rock with laughter again, 'that if i take a mate after

her she would personally castrate my body and feed it to the rogues,'

4 month later

'you've got a strong pair of lungs don't you, oh hush Athena your fathers temper is enough that now

you decided to inherit it too,' Venus scolded, trying to change her daughters diaper but she decided to

catch an attitude,

'why cant you be more like your brother, Abel is so calm,' Venus muttered, finally doing her clothes and

lifting her up into her arms, sighing as Athena fussed around and it wasn't until Venus pulled her top

down to feed her did she relax and quiet, sighing she leaned against the headboard, watching her

daughter take greedy gulps, making Venus chuckle,

Both her kids were polar opposites, Athena May Salvatore was the louder one out of the two, she was

barely 5 months but had the attitude of a diva, naturally she was closer to Dante because he treated

her like a complete princess, their father daughter bond was nothing less than adorable, she had just

like her father inherited his hetero-chromia trait, her right eye was green and her left one was blue, for

now since they were young they looked a little alike but the twins were not identical,

Abel Raid Salvatore also a healthy boy was the calmer more collected version of his sister, he was

elder by a few minutes, while his sister would be screaming her lungs out he would look at her quietly

almost as if making out why she couldn't simmer down, he had bright hazel eyes and she just knew he

would be the exact replica of his father when he grew up.

Lost in her thoughts Venus didn't hear Dante walk in, dressed in black slacks and a black dress shirt,

looking devilishly handsome, holding a wide awake Abel in his arms, his chubby hands fisting his

fathers shirt,

'hey you,' Venus whispered smiling at her mate and their son,

'i could hear her excitement all the way from the office,' Dante chuckled, watching Venus feed their

baby girl who was almost half asleep, Venus rolled her eyes and smiled, placing Athena on the bed as

she lay fast asleep, Venus fixed her top and got up, watching how her mates eyes flashed with desire,

taking Abel from his arms she placed him on her hip as he gently cooed at his mother,

'you seem energetic, did my baby sleep well,' Venus cooed, as he raised big hazel eyes to his mother,

'i was coming out of the office and i just checked in their room and he was wide awake,' Dante said,

'who's my cute baby boy,' Venus teased, gently tickling his belly as he giggled, smiling at her son she

looked up to see her mate looking at her deeply, she pulled him forward and placed a kiss on his lips

but he had other intentions, pulling her closer he deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth

making her softly moan, Abel on the other hand was clueless, playing around with his mothers hair,

after a moment Dante let go of her, as Venus breathlessly tried to regain her composure,

Pulling her to himself he hugged her, placing his chin on the crown of her head, as they looked out the

window, Abel still animatedly playing with his mothers hair, trying to separate each hair from the other

and failing miserably, while Athena lay on the bed soundly asleep.

Gently rubbing her waist Venus relaxed into her mates hold, his hard chest against her back, a few

months ago everything fell apart, and now here they were stronger than ever, because through

everything, even when love was on the low, it was the strength of their bond and importance of each

other in their lives was what drove them to stick together no matter what.


hello my darlings,

i hope you all are well, one more chapter and we finally reach the end of this book, it has been such a

crazy journey, thank you so much to all of you for being with me through this and being so patient,

words cannot describe how grateful i am.

i hope you enjoy this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment

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