Her Dark Lycan

chapter 36

chapter 36

1 month later

'stupid protective lycan,' venue huffed angrily stuffing her 4th pancake in her mouth and chewing on it

like she had all the time in the world, its like the man didn't even know what space was, he was always

after her, heck this morning he decided he wanted to carry her down the stairs after Venus had

grounded out a firm no the stubborn lycan picked her up and sauntered down the staircase, her angry

outburst were deaf on his ears, she was going to be round and fat in a week if this kept up, she was

only two months along and he was acting like this, the thought of how he would be when she was a few

months pregnant from now made her shudder.

The first few weeks were hectic with the checkups and always being careful but she had now learnt to

get used to it, James and Sophia would visit every second day and they were also very protective of

her, it wasn't only a friend thing but she was the luna carrying the future heir, so the protectiveness

therein doubled.

'hey soph,' Venus said, hearing the front door open, even her senses had heightened, she could smell

and hear people from even further distances now,

'V you need to stop doing that it freaks me out,' Sophia huffed,

'wheres my god child,'

'she's with her nanny, Knox refused to leave her all morning i had to usher him out, its funny seeing a

big man so helplessly in love with her,'

'wheres James?'

'he said he w-' Sophia got cut off when James sauntered into the house, dramatically taking his sun

glasses off he waved his hand in front of his face,

'Venus why is it so hot,'

'uhhh ... James honey I-I don't control the weather you know?'

'bitch you're carrying a miracle, i thought you'd have a few other tricks up your sleeve too,'

Sophia giggled at this and Venus rolled her eyes, she hadn't stopped hearing miracle jokes ever since

that meeting they had a month ago, its like he expected her to present him with unicorns shitting


The day before they had decided to go to the orphanage and thats exactly what they did, finishing

breakfast they drove there and spent the day there, poppy had grown up since the last time they met

and they all had a fun time, venus was careful with the games they would play and participated in softer

games like pass the pillow, heads up and some board games, dante had called a few times to check in

on her and told her to be careful.

it was around 5 that they decided to return home, exhausted they decided to watch a movie, halfway

through venus fell asleep, hours later she left herself being picked up and taken somewhere, then

being tucked into covers and a warm kiss on her forehead that made her smile sleepily and she fell into

a deep slumber.

3 months later

It was the first time in her pregnancy that venus felt the pains, not the normal pregnancy cramps, it was

the serious pains that elder Brahms warned them about, Dante was sitting beside the bed that Venus

lay on with his jaw clenched so hard she feared he would grind his molars into oblivion, waves of pain

took over her leaving her sweating and trembling, the pack doctor checking her vitals after every few

seconds, this was the first time in her pregnancy that Dante was going to give his blood to her, a blood

bag was ready, preparing the needle the doctor put it into her arm, and so it began.

Dante was beside her the whole time, after 2-3 hours when the blood bag emptied her pains subsided

as well, it was around 1 am that the pack doctor left, Dante gently wiped his little mates forehead with a

wet cloth, she looked tired and worn out but the strong smile he gave her told her she was going to be


it was around 2 am that they both fell asleep after a long night, Venus cuddled up into her mates arms

sleeping fitfully against his chest.

The next morning was ... weird, Venus felt like her senses were way more heightened, even more from

her usual pregnancy, she felt stronger too, probably because of the lycan blood, she thought. Looking

back a Dante who was blissfully asleep she gently pulled his arm from her waist and went to the

washroom to shower and change.

she had a baby bump, it wasn't visible in sweatshirts and hoodies but you could tell in a tee or a fitted

dress, Venus was already dreading having to wear those big stretchable leggings that heavily pregnant

women wear, like someone please make some fashionable clothes for pregnant mums, who doesn't

want to look good?

so lost in her thoughts she didn't even feel Dante walking into the washroom and placing a kiss on her

neck, turning around she gave him a peck and ushered him into the shower to freshen up while she

dried her hair.

after having breakfast Dante went off to attend to some patrol problem while Venus attended to her

luna duties, some houses needed repair because there had been a fire recently and a few houses had

suffered damage, Dante wouldn't let Venus do any work that would stress her out, she had to

practically beg him just to help give her ideas in the repair work, he only agreed when Sophia agreed to

help out.

a month and a half later

'breathe baby breathe,' Dante cajoled, while Venus screamed out her reply, sweat banding her

forehead and tears streaming down her face.

it was the last month of her pregnancy and things were as worst as they could be, the last few months

had been good but now, things were not okay at all, the pack feared for their luna, she had become

skin and bones, her energy was zero and she looked so pale it was as if death itself was lying beside

her on those satin sheets, a month ago when the drastic pains started the doctor warned Dante of what

could happen or what was starting to happen, but Dante was lost, it was too late to save Venus from

the baby, they had to go through with the pregnancy and all the while when things looked their worst a

few weeks ago, with Venus lying almost lifeless on their bed, the pack doctor and healer beside her,

keeping track of her every movement or heartbeat, fearing any second could be her last because of

how bad her state was, that night Dante lashed out and cursed himself for putting that child in her and

for letting her go through with everything.

She was getting more and more weaker by the day, her lively brown eyes were now dull orbs, she

barely had the energy to sit let alone walk, Venus was restricted to the 4 walls in her room, Dante

would have to carry her around mostly, because of how things were she would get dante's blood twice

a day and the healers strength potion that was very potent and should have only been given once a

month, had now become something she would have every once a week, the more the child inside her

grew, the more it was wearing her out.

The unspoken fear loomed over everyones head everyday, she could be gone any moment.

'its going to be okay my love,' Dante cooed, whispering sweet nothings to her softly as he held her

hand, she had pains in her entire body, gut wrenching pains that had her twisting in her mates hold, the

blood bag attached to her arms, yet not once, not once had she said she had enough, she was fighting

for the baby now.

James had completely shifted to their house since Venus always needed someone close by, a nurse

was also assigned on a daily duty to make sure she was getting all the nutrition she needed along with

the daily medications.

After her pain subsided the other occupants of the room left leaving their alpha and luna alone, she

was in his arms, IV attached to her as Dante gently placed kisses all over her face,

'i love you so much,' Venus said weakly, placing a trembling hand on his jaw, gently tracing it,

'i love you so much more baby,' Dante whispered achingly, his throat felt clogged and tears stung his

eyes but he couldn't cry in-front of her, she had been so so strong and he had to be strong for her, to

make her believe everything would be okay even if it wasn't, his heart was aching so bad because it

feared the loss of his mate, who was his everything, if anything happened to her, he'd die of grief.

'you're so handsome,' Venus whispered, smiling weakly

he didn't reply, he couldn't, his voice was stuck, if he spoke his voice would give away the tears he was Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

trying to hide in the dark of the night,

'Dante, i wanted to talk to you about something,'

rapidly blinking away his tears he cleared his throat and replied,

'yes love what is it,'

she got quiet, looking down and playing with her fingers, a cute habit she had when she was nervous,


'tell me baby,'

'its pretty clear with how my health is, whats going t-to happen next ... and i want you to promise me


Dante inhaled a sharp breath, hearing it from her that even she knew she might not make it broke him,

it ripped at his heart in such a painful way, how? how cruel was fate to give them something so

beautiful but have it turn into a disaster, how can you love someone so much and then you're forced to

make peace with the reality of them having to leave forever, how cruel was this life that you lose what

you love the most.

'if it comes to choosing who to save, promise me Dante, promise me you'll save o-our baby,' Venus

begged, her voice cracked and the tears she had been holding back ran down her face heedlessly.

a loud growl emitted from within the deepest parts of his chest,

'No,' Dante grounded out, trying to keep his lycan at bay who was threatening to rip out, the thought of

losing his mate and hearing it from her put him in a wild frenzy,

'no,' he repeated again, breathing heavily

'Dante please th-'

'thats enough Venus,' Dante cut her off, angry at her and himself for letting all this happen

'you are going to make it, do you hear me? you're going to make it or so help me god I'm going to

destroy everything in my sight, unless you want me to join you in the after life the second u decide to

leave me i suggest you get the choosing thought out of your ming this instant, am i clear?' he grounded

out, agitated over her thinking, how could she expect him to live without her?

sighing she slumped against his chest, too tired to even speak another word let alone argue with him.

2 weeks had passed since that incident, the air between the alpha and luna was tense but even a fool

could tell they'd die for each other in a heart beat, when problems would arise they'd put their

differences aside and be there for each other to the fullest, because that was what love meant, to hold

onto each other even when the storm is at its loudest, threatening to rip them apart.

'i swear he's so dumb like its right behind you,' James screeched angrily

Venus giggled and continued to munch on her snacks while Sophia shook her head at them, they were

watching a new show that Gabriel had suggested, and anything Gabriel suggests is always a must


'i feel like the girl is the killer for some reason,' Venus muttered, she was due in a week and today of all

days she felt better, she had the energy to sit at least and not feel like she was about to pass out every

few minutes,

they were waiting for the healer to arrive to give Venus her potion, Dante, Knox and Gabriel were in the

room next to theirs discussing some private matters, Sophia sat with grace in her arms who was cooing

at her mothers feather like kisses.

A while later healer edna walked in, giving Venus her potion, thanking her she left saying she had some

urgent matters to attend to.

'Add the pinch of that dust she gave before you pour it into the cup James,' Sophia called out

'coming,' James hollered from the kitchen, bringing the drink in a glass cup

'took you long enough,' Sophia teased and Venus laughed at the eye roll James gave

James handed her the glass and she was about to bring it up to her lips when a searing pain hit her

stomach and the glass slipped from between the fingers and crashed onto the floor, the silence that

followed suit didn't last long as a blood curling scream left Venus and she doubled over in pain.

Dante and the others came running from the other room, a crying grace was given to the nurse as

everyone rushed to Venus, she was clutching her stomach and screaming with so much intensity from

her pain that they cowered back for a second, Dante quickly lifted her up and discovered blood

smeared on the sofa where she was sitting, roaring out orders to get the car pulled up front so he could

take her to the doctor, Sophia quickly ran up and got the baby bag, James crying in worry and carrying

Venus's own bag and running outside.

Gabriel got in with Sophia in front, James sat in the back with Venus and Dante as he held her in his

arms, blood soaking his clothes, Knox followed suit in a car behind them, having to drop of grace at the

nannies house first.

Soon they reached the hospital, the doctor already informed of what had happened and he was waiting

with his team behind the emergency doors, Dante placed her on the bed gently as he held her hand

and they rushed her into the labour room, her contractions were becoming more and more consistent, it

was all happening so so fast and out of no where the doctor shouted out to a nurse that she was

dilated enough.

'Dante she's losing too much blood, she needs to start pushing now,' the pack doctor grounded out,

forgetting he was talking to his alpha, he looked at Venus like she was his daughter, they had gotten so

close in the last few months, at the moment he didn't give a rats ass about anyone other than Venus.

'please-,' Venus sobbed and she was cut off by her own scream when another contraction hit her,

'push baby.' Dante said, holding her hand as she cried out in pain.

3 hours had passed and she was constantly losing blood, lots of it, but the baby still hadn't crowned

yet, her water had broke when she was at about to be put into the car on their way to the hospital, she

had even dilated but her body was too weak, too exhausted, no matter how hard she pushed it wasn't


'come on baby you can do this,' Dante encouraged, as he looked over to the doctor who had concern

written all over his face

Venus screamed, and her wolf started helping her too, giving her the strength, and another hour

passed by but this time with progress, she was starting to crown and after another half an hour of pain

she pushed the baby out,

A cry was heard and the nurses got to quickly cleaning the baby,

'its a boy,' they announced happily, and cheers erupted in the room, they had decided to not know the

gender of the baby till the end, Venus heaved a sigh and Dante kissed her softly,

'i love you,' he whispered, and she smiled at him, she opened her mouth to reply but a scream left her


'what is happening?' Dante asked, looking at Venus worriedly,

'oh my goddess, another baby, NINA BRING FRESH A FRESH SET SHES HAVING TWINS,' the

doctor at this point was hollering out orders to the nurses, their boy was put into a cradle in the side of

the room and Dante was rooted to place in shock, twins???

'quick she's losing blood, LAILA KEEP CHECK ON HER VITALS,' he shouted out, and Venus was

pushing with all the last bits of strength that was in her weak body, she couldn't lose their little one,

'just a little more,' she whispered to her wolf,

and an hour later finally Venus gave birth to their twin,

'its a girl,' the doctor hollered out, and another set of cheers erupted in the room, the baby was cleaned

up and given to Dante who was in shell shock,

he placed a kiss on Venus's cheek and leaned down so she could see their daughter, a nurse came by

holding their son and showed him to Venus too,

'they're beautiful,' Venus whispered, silent tears streaming down her face,

'thank you my love,' Dante said, his voice cracking,

'i love you all so much, always remember that okay?' Venus said

he was looking down at their baby girl when he heard what Venus said, he looked up to see Venus

smiling, she looked so radiant, so heart breakingly beautiful and she was smiling at her babies and him

softly, and with one last deep look into dante's eyes she whispered,

'take care of them my love,' and her eyes closed, but the smile on her lips remained, the exact second

the heart beat monitor made a siren sound, the screen that was supposed to show waves of a beating

heart showed a straight red line,

Dante felt his ears go mute, their daughter was taken by the nurses and everything went into slow

motion, she. was. gone.

searing pain erupted in his chest, and a roar left him, he needed to go to his mate, and 3 of the nurses

got in his way, pushing him out of the room, all he saw was the door being slammed in his face and

issues being ordered in the other room,


'one two three,'


'no response,'

'recharge go again,'

'one two three,'


'no response,'

Dante staggered back against the wall in shock, his friends running to him, Sophia and James crying,

Knox had tears in his eyes and Gabriel looked broken,

the doctor came out, removing his blood covered gloves and throwing them into the close by bin, he

couldn't look up,

'doctor please,' Sophia sobbed out, clutching her hands to her chest and her cries numbed everyone


doctor Mark raised bloodshot eyes to his alpha, a tear sliding down his face,

'I'm sorry, she's gone,'



this was a heavy chapter, its also the longest one, its over 3100 words, i was crying half way through

the middle and i couldn't finish it, so yeah here it is, please show your love and support, thank you for

bringing the book so far i couldnt have done it without you guys

vote and comment

peace out

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