Hatred With Benefits

N I N E T Y - T H R E E

N I N E T Y - T H R E E


"Hey!" I flinch at the loud sound behind me and Eva laughs as she moves around me to my side,

holding me by my arm. "You're such a coward. "

"Shut up, bitch. You scared me. " I throw her a frown, adjusting the strap of my bag and she wiggles her

head as she straightens against me, "Why were you lost in thoughts?"

"I was not. " I roll my eyes and she narrows hers at me, "Yes, you were. Were you thinking about

Friday? You don't have to come up with something heavy, you know. "

I smirk at her at the mention of her birthday. "No chance in hell, bitch. Everyone is coming. "

She furrows her brows, "Aliya, what do you mean by that? Please tell me you didn't go overboard with

this. "

When I don't give her a response and keep the smirk on my face, she screams, "Aliya!"

"Fuck sake, we're on campus. Tone it down for later. " I hiss as my eyes move across us to see people

are barely paying us any attention. When I look back at her, I say, "I was just fucking with you. There's

no one other than our circle. "

"Good. I'd kill you if it turns out otherwise. " She threatens and I shake my head as we proceed to move

forward, "Where's your boy?" I ask her, looking behind her with no sight of the familiar brown-eyed, and

Evie interrupts my search by saying, "He had to go somewhere. He should be here soon. "

"Probably planning something for Friday, " I tease her and watch as she tears her gaze away from

mine. With a chuckle, I say, "Do they want you to come tomorrow?"

She shakes her head, and I lower my voice as I squeeze her shoulder, "Will you be alright for it?"

She turns her head to me and smiles. "I will be. I'm no longer at that place, Lia. You don't have to worry

about me. "

"Yeah, but you say that every year and end up doing something very concerning. " I frown at the

remembrance of her days over the years and Eva says, "That was then. This is now. I mean those

words now. "

"You better, because if—" the rest of my words catch up in my throat when I see Sage. She's talking to

the same girl, and her smile disappears when she meets my eyes. She turns her head away, saying

something to the girl and she nods before she takes the other direction. I'm about to look away from

her when she suddenly turns her head to me, holding my gaze as she begins to walk toward us.

"Why did you stop?" I hear Eva ask beside me, but I'm unable to give her a response as Sage draws

more and close.

My hand falls from Eva's shoulder and I keep it by my side as she steps in front of me with a smile

directed at Eva, "Hey, you. "

"Hey, Sage.?" Eva answers while I simply stand there with closed lips.

"I don't see Emerson. " She notes and Eva says, "He should be here soon. "

She hums and they fall into silence, and I don't realize both gazes are on me until I lift my head to lock

gazes with Sage.

"Hey, " she whispers, and I give her a small smile. "Hi. "

She jerks her head to the side, "Do you think I can steal some seconds from you? I need to talk to you

about something. " To say I'm shocked will be an understatement. Even after everything, and beingNôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

within a close distance to each other every time on campus; she doesn't spare me more than five

seconds of her time.

"Sure. Of course, why not?" I stammer helplessly and I think I catch a low snicker from Eva as I step

forward. Sage nods and leads me away, and just before we disappear out of sight; I meet Eva's eyes

and throw her a glare. She gives a salute with two of her fingers with a smug grin before she walks


Sage finally stops when we reach a safe sight from the rest of the world, and when she doesn't speak

for a while; I break the silence and say, "You wanted to talk?"

"Yes. " She confirms with a nod, lifting her head to me. She keeps my gaze for a few seconds then she

looks away, "Um... I want to talk about us. "

"About us?" I repeat and she nods for affirmation then she opens her mouth. "It's been pretty awkward,

don't you think?"

"I don't think so. " I say softly. "I think we needed the space. Might still do. "

"Yes, but I think it's kind of unnecessary?" She suggests, and when I arch my brows, she proceeds to

say, "Look, Aliya. We met, we hooked up and we had a beautiful thing for a while. It was fun while it

lasted, but it's gone now and I've come to accept that. People date and they break out, and ours isn't

any different. And since we're on the same campus, with the same circle of friends; I think it'd be pretty

stupid to keep avoiding each other every time we meet. It's awkward for me, and I don't want to do that

any longer. "

"You don't? " I raise a brow and she nods, "I don't. Do you?"

I sigh. "Honestly, I don't what that between us either. I just thought you might need some more time

before you would want to interact, but I'm pleased to hear you think the same as I do. Again, Sage, I'm

sorry for how things went between us and I know that's probably a lame thing to say, but I still want to

do it. I'm sorry, and I'm also happy for you. "

"Happy for me?" She says with a confused face and I smile, "Happy that you found your happiness in

someone else. I can tell she treats you just the way you deserve to be treated. "

"What are you talking about?" She asks and I take a while before I answer, "I meant... The girl?"

"What girl?" She sounds genuinely confused and it confuses me even more. "The girl. The one you're

with. "

"The one I'm with?" She holds her confusion before realization finally dawns on her. "Oh, you mean

Brielle. "

"Yes, that one. I thought—" I don't get to finish my words when Sage interrupts me, "You said the one

I'm with. I'm not with Elle. "

"You're not?" I lift a brow and she nods. "I'm not. She's just a friend. We met the other night, and I found

out she school here. "

"Oh. " It's the only word that leaves my mouth, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment at the thought

that I read the whole situation wrong the entire time.

Sage chuckles, "What were you thinking?"

"Nothing, " I shake my head. "I just thought— you two are so close, so I thought you were with her. I'm

sorry. "

"It's fine. " She waves her hand. "You don't have to apologize because it's understandable. Elle is pretty

friendly. "

"I can tell. " I smile and she hums as we fall into silence again. This time, Sage is the first to break it, "I

can't be in one that fast. " She murmurs, but I manage to catch it, "What?"

"A relationship. I can't be in another that fast. Yes, I've gotten over what happened between us, but not

in that way. "

"It's not? People say it's easier to get over when you're in a new one. " I tell her and she jerks her head

to me, "Then why aren't you in one? Unless that's just something I don't know about. "

"No. " I'm quick to say. "I'm not. It's different for me. I can't do that again. Not until I understand my own

heart, I can't be with anyone; I can't hurt anyone else as I hurt you. "

"You don't have to beat yourself up for it. " She assures me, and when I open my mouth to speak, she

beats me to it, "I'm serious, Aliya. I'm fine, and you don't have to feel guilty for how things went. If you

do, then it'll be hard for me to leave us in the past, and that'll only make things worse. "

I nod in agreement. "I won't. I don't. "

"Good, " she gleams, and she seems to think about it for a moment before she paces forward and

slaps my arm lightly. "Thank you. I should be on my way now; class already started. "

My eyes move to the spot she touched before I lift my head to her, a smile playing on my lips. "You too.

And will you be there on Friday?"

She nods and steps back. "I'll be. I'll see you around, Aliya. "

I hum, and she gives a wave before she turns around and begins to walk away. Just before she moves

out of sight, she swerves her head to me and says, "You look great with your hair straightened by the

way. "

I look down at the hair that falls down my shoulder, and when I raise my head to her again; she's gone.

My chest falls in a sigh and I pull on the straps of my bag, a feeling of comfort washing over me– glad

that we finally had the conversation we both truly needed.

I might have played a massive role in what happened to us, and I did blame myself for it, but I've let

that go now.

Sometimes, love doesn't always end with forever. Sometimes, the first time isn't always the last. We

love, and learn as well as we love and fail. Things don't always work out the way we want them to, and

that's just the balance of life.

I loved Sage and I failed, but more than that– I learned.


"So what's your plan for her?" Jaxon asks as he takes the seat next to Paige whose eyes are also on

me, anticipating my answer and I say, "I don't know. I'm trying to think out of the ordinary, but that just

seems impossible. "

"Do you have any gift in mind at least?" Paige asks, and when I shake my head, she sighs and takes a

sip of her drink. I laugh and say, "I do, but I don't want to do what I have in mind. I want to do

something else; I just haven't figured out what that is yet. "

"Well, you should. And soon. You don't have much time before it's Friday. " She says and I nod.

"Are the gifts necessary? Like, I don't get the whole gist about it? Isn't the fact that she's getting

balloons and a party enough?" Jaxon speaks and Paige snorts out a laugh. "It's honestly not a wonder

that you fail to keep a girl. "

"Shut the fuck up. I don't fail to keep them, I just don't want to keep them. " He hisses and Paige

smirks, "Are you sure about that? I doubt any girl would want to be kept by you if you don't think it's

necessary to get her something special for her day. "

"Just because you would like that doesn't mean every girl is like you, Red. " Jax retorts and Paige says,

"I'm not. I'm teaching you what you need to know. "

"And why are you suddenly interested in the way I want to treat my girl, Red? Are you planning to hit on

me or something?" Jaxon says with a confident grin and she scrunches her nose, "Ew. Fuck no. You

aren't even on the last of my list, asshole. "

"That explains why you were throwing yourself at me last night, and begging me to fuck you. "

"I was drunk!" She says loudly. "And it was dark! I would never willingly do that. "

Jax laughs and I shake my head as they continue to exchange words. Turning my head away from

them, I look out the window to see a boy running by and a smile slowly lifts to my face at the thought

that hits me.

"I have it!" I announce, and they both turn their heads to me. "Have what?"

"The surprise. I know what I want to do for her now. " I beam excitedly, looking to my side to grab my

keys and Paige says, "What's it? And where are you going?"

"I need to start it now. I'll talk to you guys later. " I wink at them before I move out of my seat, and head

towards the door with Paige's voice echoing behind me. "Wait, Emery! You can't leave me with this

asshole. "

"Bitch, I know you're happy he left me with you. "


My eyes move across the field in search of Eva, and I'm astounded when I'm welcomed with the sight

of another familiar, but very unexpected face.

"Elias?" I call in surprise as I walk toward him and he smiles when I reach him. "I thought It'd take you

longer. "

"What are you doing here?" I ask him and he looks around us before he says, "What else? Checking

out my brother's school, of course. "

"El. " I drawl and he calls my name in the same tone, earning a laugh from me with him following after.

When the sound dies down, I say, "Seriously, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you

here. "

"I just wanted to check this place out. I was bored at home. " He says, takes a pause and adds. "And to

tell you I'll be leaving tomorrow. "

"What?" I exclaim and he cackles. "And I think that reaction is another one of the many reasons I

thought to come here. "

"You're leaving tomorrow? I thought Dad said you should spend some more time with your family. " I

remind him, and he nods, "The man did say that, but I can't spend any more time here, little brother. I

need to go back to my place. There's a lot that awaits me there. "

"They can't wait?" I propose and he shakes his head in opposition. "They can't. And why are you

bothered? You spend your seconds and minutes with Eva anyway, I don't think you'd notice my

absence. "

"Of course, I will. I know you're home, but now I know you're leaving. There's a difference. " I tell him,

and he smiles, his eyes moving behind me. He answers my unasked question when he says, "And

where's she? "

"Should be here somewhere. I texted her a while ago, and she said she'll be here. " I inform him,

looking around for her.

"You'd think the two of you would— oh there she is. " I turn my head at Elias's words to see Eva in the

distance with Aliya and her roommate beside her. I wave at her and when she catches my hand, she

quickens her steps.

"Who's that girl?" Elias voices behind me and when I look back at him, he's staring ahead of him with

focused eyes.

"Uh? Which one?"

"The one by Eva's left. "

"Maria?" I say and he meets my eyes, "Maria? That's her name. "

"Yes, and why are you..." I trail off when Elias tilts her head. "No fucking way. You're interested in her?"

He laughs and averts his gaze. "I'm not. She just caught my attention, I guess. "

"She isn't for you. " I tell him and he turns his head to me again with lifted brows, "And you say that


"Because it's the truth. And she goes nowhere near the women you play with. "

He clicks his tongue just as they stop in front of us, and Eva's eyes immediately move to Elias.

"Eva. " El says, stretching his hand, and Eva looks between me and him before she takes the hand,

returning the greeting.

I watch as they converse with Elias being attentive when it turns to Maria and me nudging him with my


"I'll text you later, babe?" Aliya says to Eva and she nods before she walks away with Maria.

"Can you wait for me in the car? I'll be back. " I say to Eva and she nods, waving at Elias before we

both head to his car.

"You're leaving tomorrow. Don't think about it. " I say to Elias as we stop in front of his car and he

seems to catch onto my words quick, "Are you doubting my abilities to get a girl within a night, kiddo?"

"El. " I call sternly and he laughs, "Why are you so bothered about her? Are you cheating on Eva with


"That'd never happen in this life or the next. "

"I know. I was fucking with you, but seriously; why are you bothered? What if I do want to fuck her?"

"Why'd you want to do that? "

He raises his shoulder. "I don't know. I guess something about her just draws me in. "

"I thought you hate them when they're younger. " I say and he responds with, "I was wrong. The

younger they are; the better. "

When I don't say a word, he slaps my arm and says, "I don't have time for that. I'd probably not see her

again. "

"I can never really understand you. " I sigh and he winks before he turns to unlock his car door. Just

before he slides in, he speaks in a gentle voice, "Take care of yourself, kiddo. "

And I watch as he starts the car and drives off.

"Brother. " I mouth before I walk to my car, and when I realize Eva isn't in; my eyes move around and I

easily find her standing next to a guy, talking to him, it seems.

I hold back the urge to march up to her and climb inside the car, my eyes watching them as I drum my

fingers against the steering.

It isn't long before Eva spots me and she says something before she starts to stride toward me.

Leaning against the window, she ducks her head to meet my eyes. "Hey, you. "

I smile and move over the seat to peck her lips. She makes a sound of satisfaction as I pull back before

she opens the door and climbs into her seat, throwing her bag into the backseat.

"Who was that guy?" I ask her the instant she turns her head to me and she furrows her brows, "What


"The guy I just saw you with. What were you doing with him?"

"Oh, him. He was next to me in class. " She says as she fastens her seatbelt and I say, "That's all?"

"Yes, Emerson. That's all. What else would be there?" She chuckles and I turn my head away. "I don't

like the way he stared at you. His eyes were on you. "

"We were talking, Em, so of course, his eyes were on me. "

"I don't like it. " I insist and she sighs as she holds her hand over mine on the brake with her body

pressed towards me. "He was lost in class earlier, so I helped him and he was just thanking me for it.

Which wouldn't have happened in the first place if you were with me. Where did you go?" She frowns at

her last words.

"I was with Jaxon, baby. Did you miss me?"

"I thought you'd arrive earlier, but you didn't. " She says as she turns back to the front and I lean toward

her to press a kiss to her cheek. She turns her head just in time to steal a kiss from me and I laugh as I

fall back to my seat. "Lunch?"

"Yes, please. " She groans in an excited voice and I drop my hand to her thigh, fingers rubbing across

the skin as I start the car.

"Did your brother leave?" She asks as we move out of campus and I nod, "Yes. He's leaving tomorrow.


"Why do you sound sad about that?"

"It was nice to have him around, but he can't really stay for long. " I murmur, then look at her with a

smile and say, "But I have you to get my mind off that. "

My hand slips further to her inner thigh and she turns her head to the window, causing me to laugh.


"Babe, your phone. " Eva calls to my notice at the sound of my beeping phone and I gesture for her to

take it.

"It's Hanna. And she's trying to facetime me. " I voice out and she turns her head from the TV to say,

"Why aren't you picking?"

With a sigh, I swipe the button and angle the phone to the side, in a direction that takes the view of me

and Eva cuddled on the couch perfectly.

"Hey, big brother!" Hanna says cheerfully as her face comes into view and I roll my eyes, "Why are you

calling me, Hanna?"

"Ouch. You break my heart, Emery. I thought you'd be happier to see me. "

"Hanna. " I scold and she laughs, taking her attention to Eva. "Hi, Eva! It's so nice to see you again. "

"Hi, Hanna. You too. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. Happy as always, you know. How's the cold one treating you?" Hanna asks and Eva looks at

me with a smile, "Better than I thought he could ever. "

"He pulls up the surprises when they're—" Hanna doesn't get to finish her words when I turn the phone

back to me, "What do you want, Hanna? You didn't call just to chit chat, did you?"

"And what if I—" my glare doesn't allow her to finish her words. "Fine. Mom wanted me to check in

since you refuse to come home. "

"I left only days ago?" I state the obvious and she shrugs, "Tell that to the woman, not me. "

Her face becomes small as the said woman comes into the bigger view, and her smile brightens at the

sight of me. She opens her mouth to speak, only to take her eyes to my side when she sees Eva.

"Eva?" She calls with a bit of uncertainty, and Eva straightens against my chest to bow, "Hello, Ma. "

"Oh, please. Call me, Eliza. It's good to finally talk to you. " When they continue to exchange words, I

pass the phone to Eva and move out of the couch.

Turning off the TV, I get a glass of water from the kitchen before I walk back to the living room, and

when I start to move in the direction of the bedroom, Eva's head snaps to me.

"My room. " I mouth to her and she nods before she looks back to the phone while I walk to my room.

I stride inside and fall on my bed, my eyes on the ceiling as I count the seconds I have to spend here

before she walks through that door.

And it isn't until some minutes. Very long minutes.

"Hey. " Eva pulls me out of my thoughts as she walks to my side and I pull her to my chest. "Did they


"Yes. " She says, throwing her leg between mine and dropping my phone next to me. "Eliza seems

pretty nice. " She comments and I smile, "She'll be nicer once you meet her. She has been wanting to

meet you for a while. "

"I can't wait to meet her either. I have a feeling I'll have a really great time with her. She sounds like one

of those fun moms. " She grins and I shake my head, pressing my lips to her nose before I smooth my

hands down her hair and she moans. "When are you telling me?"

I drop my hands to her back as I lower my head to her face, "Tell you what?"

"What you're getting me for tomorrow. "

"Tomorrow?" I repeat and she nods. "My birthday. "

"Oh, right. Your birthday. " I mumble and she frowns, raising her head from my chest. I lift my brows,

"What's it?"

"Why did you say it like that?" She asks and I say, "Like what?"

"Like you're genuinely uninterested by that detail. " She complains and I chuckle, attempting to bring

her back to my chest, and when she doesn't budge; I say, "Babe. I know it's your birthday tomorrow,

and of course, I'm interested. "

"Are you sure about that? You didn't seem so. " She pouts and I lift her chin with my forefinger to press

my lips to hers before I say, "I am, baby. You know I'm always interested when it comes to you. "

Her smile appears again. "Will it be weird if I tell you I've never been delighted with it? But with

tomorrow, it seems... Better, I think? Like I can finally get to do that again?"

"She'd be happy to hear that. I know that's exactly what she wants. " I assure her and she hums,

rubbing her chin against my chest and after a second, I say, "Will it make you mad though..." I trail off

and when she lifts her head slightly, I continue, "If I tell you I have nothing prepared for you tomorrow?"


"If I don't have any surprise for you? I've thought about it, and I think being here is enough for a gift,

don't you think?"

I watch as Eva seems to still for a second, trying hard to not laugh but she surprises me by saying, "Of

course, it is. You're more than a gift. "

"You're so freaking adorable!" I coo as I pinch her sides and she falls to the side in a fit of laughter.

"Come here. " I tell her, and she hums, moving to sit on the bed as she gathers her hair in a bun before

she falls back to my space, curling herself in a ball and I smile, wrapping an arm around her to take her

warmth, and share mine, knowing I can't wait to see the look on her face tomorrow.

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