Hatred With Benefits

N I N E T Y - F O U R

N I N E T Y - F O U R


Emerson holds my hand as I stand in front of her grave, and I smile at him before I drop the flower I

have in hand.

Straightening up, I say, "Today is our birthday. Though, physically you aren't here to celebrate it with

me. I know you're watching me with a smile, and I just want to thank you for being such an amazing

sister. And for taking care of me the best way you could have ever. I've always thought it's selfish to

celebrate and be happy on this day without you, but recently, I've found out that what's truly selfish is

refusing to celebrate this day with beautiful memories of you, so I promise to never do that from now

on. "

With a heavy sigh, I speak my last words, "Thank you, sister. For your sacrifice; I'll never forget all that

you did for me, and I'll always love you, Lena. Always. "

I rest my head against him when Emerson moves to my side and slides a hand around my shoulder.

"You did amazing, baby. " He whispers, and I hum, letting him stroke my hair before I give one last

wave to my sister and turn back.

Standing in front of me is mom and dad, and they both smile at me. Mom is the first to speak as she

snatches me into her embrace. "I'm so proud of you, baby. So damn proud!"

"Are you okay?" I ask her when she pulls me back, and she caresses my cheek. "I am, baby. We both

are, and it makes us happier to know you are too. "

"Are you sure you don't want to come home with us, Princess?" Dad asks and I nod, looking at

Emerson. "I am. I have to go meet my friends. "

"Then we shouldn't stop you. Go have fun, Eva. You deserve all of it. " Dad says as he squeezes my

shoulder and I nod, giving him a hug before I move back to Emerson's side.

"Take care of her, and if anything comes up—"

Emerson doesn't let Dad finish. "Trust me to take care of her always. "

He smiles and slaps his shoulder before we stride back to the car with them trailing behind us, taking

their car.

"What do you think is in there?" Emerson asks as he glances at the boxes in the backseat— the gifts

from my parents.

"I'm not sure, but I can't wait to find out. " I respond and he holds a hand over mine, his thumb

caressing my knuckles. "Light?"

"Never been lighter. " I say and he gleams before he starts to drive.


"Here?" I ask Emerson as we stand in front of the place and he nods, "According to her description; it's

here. "

"She's so unpredictable. " I sigh as I take out my phone to text Aliya.

"She said the roof. " I say to Emerson and he nods, gesturing for me to move. I drop my phone back

inside my purse as we take the steps that bring us to the rooftop of the cocktail lounge and I jump in

surprise at the sudden scream of wishes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Holding a hand over my chest, a smile slowly spreads to my face at the sight of

familiar faces. Aliya, Sage, Paige, Maria and Jaxon. Aliya did keep to her words of making it just our


"We thought you two wouldn't show up! We've been waiting for long! " Aliya complains as she steps

forward. "What do you think? Do you love it?"

"How?" I ask as I stare around the rooftop, realizing there's no one here other than my friends and

Aliya confirms my thoughts by saying, "We rented the entire place. "

My mouth drops. "You did what?!"

"We rented the entire place. " She repeats with a cheeky grin and my words fail me as she continues,

"Since you didn't want to celebrate at your place for reasons best known to you, I thought it'd be more

fun to do it at a place like this, and we don't want strangers interrupting our party or questioning our

actions so we rented the place. "

I turn my head to Emerson. "You knew about this, didn't you?"

"She said to keep it a secret. " He says and I look back at Aliya, "Tell me you love it, please. "

"I— God, you guys. This is so heartwarming. Thank you. I can't— just thank you. " I stammer and she

giggles as she pulls me into her arms, rubbing my back as she murmurs into my ear. "Happy birthday,

babe. You have no idea how fucking excited I am to celebrate this with you. "

"What'd I do without you?" I sigh as I wrap my arms around her and when she pulls back, she says,

"Absolutely nothing. You'd be miserable without me. "

I shake my head and pull her into another hug. "Thank you, bitch. Why a cocktail lounge, though? Why

not a restaurant?"

She draws back. "Because we're all addicted to alcohol and it'd never be fun without it. " She answers

and I give her a playful hit before she steps to the side and Sage steps forward. She hugs me. "Hey,

Eva. Happy birthday. "

"Thank you. I'm so glad to see you here. " I tell her, and she pulls away, leaving her hands on me.

"Josh couldn't make it, but he sent his regards, and he's sorry he can't be here. "

"No, I don't expect him to sit through hours just to celebrate my birthday. It's more than enough that he

remembered. " I assure her, and she pecks my cheek before she steps away, and Paige moves


After the last wishes from Paige, Jaxon and Maria, I drop my purse on the sofa and take a drink from

Aliya, a bright smile on my face as I watch everyone. We're not much, but it's more than I ask for. Both

ones I've always been fond of, and ones I never thought could grow this close. And something about

that just makes my heart flutter. Though I knew something like this was coming, the reality of it actually

happening fascinates me in the right ways.

I look to my side and Sage's hand is on Aliya's shoulder as she whispers some words to her. Seeing

them no longer awkward with each other is such a beautiful sight to watch.

I settle on the sofa, and shake my head as I watch Jaxon and Paige argue about yet another thing with

the soft music playing in the background.


I sneak up behind Eva, my hands moving around her neck and she immediately holds hers over mine,

a smile on her face as she tilts her head to meet my gaze.

"Hey, " she mumbles and I lower my head to press my lips to the corner of her mouth. Withdrawing, I

say, "Enjoying the party?"

She removes her gaze from me to look around us. "I shouldn't have believed Aliya when she said she

wasn't going to go overboard. "

I chuckle. "It's fun, though. Don't you think?"

She meets my eyes again. "Can we have yours like this too?" She questions and I shake my head,

"No. I'll not be sharing that day with anyone else other than you, baby. "

"Selfish. " She remarks with a grin and I agree, "Only for you. "

She smiles before she looks back at our group of friends. "Everyone looks like they're having a great

time. "

I angle my head to her ear and whisper, "And how about you?"

She jerks her head to my face, her eyes lowering to my mouth before she looks into my eyes and

whisper, "I can't tell, but something tells me it's about to get sexy. "

With a small on my face, I lower my chest against the sofa and slide a hand to the back of her head as

I meet her lips. She opens her mouth for me, and I slide my tongue inside while she gives gentle

caresses to my back. I make a sound of excitement against her lips and she's dragging her hand down

my back, attempting to lift my shirt when I pull back with a smirk.

"Not just yet, Carson. " I tell her and she opens her eyes slowly, her words coming out in a heavy

breath when she speaks. "Not yet?"

I nod, and let her hold my hand as I move around the sofa to get in front of her. "I have to show you

something first. Will you come with me?"

"Right now?" She asks, and I look around us to see everyone either dancing, talking or taking a drink.

Looking back at Eva, I say, "Yes, right now. We'll be back before they know it. "

When she doesn't say anything still, I twist my hands to hold hers and drag her out of her seat. "Come

on, baby. It'll be quick. "

She nods and lets me lace my fingers through hers as I guide her to the exit and just before we walk

through the door, I turn back to signal to Jaxon. He's standing next to Paige with a mischievous look on

his face, and just as he turns his head; he catches my wave. He nods and gives a thumbs up before I

walk out.

"The car?" Eva speaks when I lead her to the car, and I nod, opening the door for her. "Get in. "

She frowns. "We're leaving here? Em, isn't that rude? They—"

I don't let her finish before I lower her to her seat with a hand over her head. I slide my head inside to

fasten her seatbelt and when I draw back a bit to the view of her face, I say, "Aliya is inside, and so is

Jaxon. "

She hums and I pinch her cheeks before I move out and shut the door to walk to my side.

Starting the engine, Eva speaks again. "Where are you taking me, though?"

"Home. There's something waiting for you there. " I wink at her and her cheeks redden, "We could just

do it here though. " She mumbles, and catching onto what she thought I meant, I play along, "I want us

to be in the comfort of our place. "

She doesn't say a word after that and I cackle before I drive out.


"Why did you stop?" Eva asks as she looks around us and I say, "Because we're here. "

"This isn't home. " She states the obvious and I nod as I climb out of the car. When I arrive at Eva's

side, she's standing outside, and her face lightens in recognition when she looks ahead, "The beach?"

She turns to me. "You brought me to the beach?"

"Yes. And now, I want you to close your eyes. " I tell her and a small smile rests on her lips as she

says, "You planned a surprise?"

"No questions asked, baby. Close your eyes. " I repeat my request and she nods before she complies

with it. Ensuring her eyes are shut, I grab her hands to pull her in front of me, and slide my hand over

her face to cover her eyes.

"My steps. Move where I move. " I order and she nods again. With one hand around her waist, and the

other covering her eyes, I begin to move forward and the evening breeze blows our clothes as we step

closer to the beach.

Stopping in front of the surprise I have for her– one I hope she'll love– I take my hand from her face

and say, "You can open them now. "

I move to stand in front of her and when she opens her eyes, I spread my arms and say, "My surprise!"


A gasp slips through my lips, my hands immediately flying to my mouth at the sight that's presented

before me when I open my eyes. My heart warms in delight and tenderness, and tears burn the corners

of my eyes at the scenery.

"Emerson. " I mutter under my breath as I look at him and he smiles as he steps in front of me. Holding

my hands in front of us, he says, "Do you like it?"

"You said there's no surprise. " I mutter, blinking back my tears and he nods, leaving his hand from

mine to cover my face. "I said that, only because I didn't want you to expect anything from me. It

sounds all the more exciting that way. " He confesses and I shake my head as I look behind him to the

table that's set.

"What do you think? I didn't think about it until the last minute, but I tried to make it look good. I'm not

sure if you prefer the—" I don't let him finish his words before I close the small gap between us and

lock my lips with his. His other hand slowly falls from mine, moving to my hips and I grip tightly onto the

front of his shirt as I feel my tears drop; roll by roll, my heart drumming fast in my chest.

I taste my tears on my lips, and I share it with him before he pulls away. A frown settles on his features

when he catches a glimpse and he cups my cheeks, his thumb swiping across the skin to wipe my

tears. "Why are you crying, baby? Don't you like it? I did something wrong, didn't I? I'm so fucking

sorry. I tried to learn all I could, but I—" I press a finger to his lips, silencing the rest of his words and I

giggle through my words, "You worry too much, Emerson. "

Dropping my finger, I proceed to say, "It's just so fucking beautiful, and I couldn't help my tears. I can't.

More than the fact that I truly wasn't expecting anything, this is beautiful, Emerson. Truly. Fucking.

Beautiful. I can't— I can't begin to put my excitement in words. I love it. I don't just love it; I fucking love

it. I must have saved a country in my past life to deserve someone like you. You sweep me off my feet

yet again, Emerson Ford. "

A grin appears on his face, and he guides my hands to his shoulder while his falls to my hips.

"Truthfully? You do? It doesn't look awkward, or—"

Once again, I shut him. "No, it doesn't look awkward. This is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen,

Em. The most beautiful gift I could ever receive. "

"Should I be jealous now? I thought we agreed I owe that label. " He whines and I jerk my head,

"Excluding you. This is perfect. It's more than perfect. "

"Well, I'm glad you love it. I didn't think you would; I was afraid of doing too little or doing too much. "

He says and I turn in his hold, realizing that we're standing in the middle of circled lights that comes to

form a heart.

Turning back to him, I say, "How?"

When he arches his brows, I continue, "How do you know all these? Are you sure I'm your first


"The first and last. " He grins and I smile, standing on my toes to press my forehead to his. "You're Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

perfect. " I whisper.

"I'm not, " he argues. "But you make me want to be. Happy birthday, baby. I know you said you feel less

burdened this time, and I truly... Truly truly hope this one makes up for all those years you've had to live

through— for all those years you had to be strong. "

I shake my head against his, "Why didn't I see what an amazing person you are sooner? "

"So it could be perfect this time. And it is. " He answers and I lock my hands to his head as I pull my

head back by an inch, "I love you, Emerson. I don't know how many times you'll have to hear it, but I'll

always love you. Thank you. For being the person you are, and for bringing up that agreement that day.


His smile grows. "Thank you for not turning me down, despite how you felt about me. I'm not sure if it

would have turned out like this if we didn't make that benefits deal, but I'm glad we did. That'll forever

be one of the most beautiful decisions I've ever made. "

"I love you. " I tell him again and he says, "I love you. " Then it's his mouth on mine, with my tears and

his smile.

When we break apart, Emerson holds my hand and leads me to the table. Chairs with a table clothed in

white and a bowl of roses resting in the middle of the table. It's so fucking beautiful, elegant, and pure

at the same time. And the shadow that's slowly lifting from the clouds just makes it the more surreal. I

know Emerson Ford is capable of a lot of things, but he still doesn't fail to surprise me with this one.

And everything else he manages to do.

He pulls out a chair and have me settle on it before he leans over me with one hand pressed to the

back of the chair and the other to the edge of the table.

"There's no menu, is there?" He says and true to his words, there's nothing on the table except for the


"There's not. " I confirm and Emerson presses his lips to my cheek before he says. "Look again, baby.

There is. "

I look at the table and back at him. "There's not? There are roses, but we don't eat them?"

He laughs, shaking his head before he moves from my side to stand by the table with both hands

pressed to it this time. "Now look again, baby and tell me if there is. "

I take several glances between him and the table before the hidden meaning behind those words

becomes clear to me, and a small laugh leaves my mouth. "Emerson. "

"Figured it out yet?" He raises a brow and I nod. "There is. "

"And what's it?"

I peek out my tongue to wet my lips and I make sure his eyes follow the movement as I call his name,

"Emerson Ford. "

He smirks and leans away from the table. "And what do you think of this menu?"

I watch as he walks back to me, and I turn in my seat, moving my legs from under the table and out in

the front as Emerson drops his hands on my knees, bending to the level.

I moan as he rubs my knees, his hands moving dangerously closer. "A special menu, it seems but

definitely my favourite. In all senses. "

"It's sexy, don't you agree?" He lowers his voice, the tone he uses sending a shiver across my body

and I nod, "I do. So fucking sexy. "

With a smirk directed at me, his hands spread my legs and he rests his palms on my knees as he

ducks his head between my thighs, his hot breath fanning against my thighs and I grip onto the table as

the familiar ache burns through me.

One of his hands snakes around me and he tugs me closer, bringing me to the edge of my seat and

creating more room for him.

"Emerson. " I moan out his name when he traces a finger across my throbbing entrance and he

chuckles as he raises his head to me. "I'm yet to start, baby. " He teases, lifting my dress to expose my

thighs and he rubs his hands across the skin before he drops his head again.

"Oh. " The sound leaves my throat as he shifts my thong to the side to slide a finger across my folds,

exciting my nerves in all of the hot places.

"You're so fucking wet, Eva. So fucking ready. " He whispers, looking into my eyes once more as he

tugs at the material and I lift my ass a bit from the chair for him to pull it down my legs. After he

disposes it, he throws each leg over his shoulder and my grip on the edge of the table gets tighter, my

other hand slipping to his head, fingers curling through his hair as he blows air on my pussy before he

closes his mouth over me, and a tremble rolls over me at the contact.

Fucking. Hell. I can never— Never get over how good he makes it feel with his mouth alone, and how

much I fucking love it when he licks me dry of my juices.

Emerson sucks, and licks and bites, not letting me catch a breath between each action and my moans

and whimpers for more echoes back at us, floating in the beautiful atmosphere, and staining it with our

filthiness. Yet, he continues and yet, I can't get enough. I can never get enough.

Another sink of his teeth against my labia along with the swipe of his tongue, I feel it coming and it isn't

long before my orgasm ripples through me, and my head falls to the back, my grip on the table

loosening along with the one on his hair as my chest rises and falls rapidly.

When Emerson drops my legs, I manage to lift my head to him again and in front of me stands one of

the sexiest looks I've ever seen on Emerson Ford. The one where his face glistens with my juices and

he swipes his finger across it, only to pop it inside his mouth. Incredibly. Sexy.

"Come here. " My voice is thick with lust as I pull him to his feet and I struggle with the front of his pants

as I attempt to undo his zipper, only for Emerson to stop me.

"Not so fast, baby. " He chuckles as he swats my hand away and I frown, "Why? You won't fuck me?"

"No. Not yet. We have to get wet first. " He says and when I look down between my thighs, he laughs

and says, "A different kind of wet, baby. "

Still in confusion with his words, I watch as he steps away from me and walks to the other side of the

table. He lifts the white fabric that's dressed with it, and realization dawns on me when he brings out a

surfing board.

"You want to surf?" I ask the obvious and I don't get a response as Emerson pulls me out of my seat. I

stand before him as he snatches his shirt over his head before he cleans me with it. His pants move

down his legs next, letting him remain in his boxers and my mouth waters at the sight of him.

When I catch his eyes roaming down my body, I say, "I don't know how to surf. "

He smiles and lifts his board. "I'm here for you, baby. "

"I have nothing under my dress other than my bra. You got rid of my thong. "

"That's exactly the point. " He moves forward, taking my hand in his and I let him drag me along with


"Is it safe to surf in here? The tides don't seem as high. " I tell him and he says, "It is, Eva. Trust me. "

I nod and let him lead the way, and he begins to jog away with his front to me and our hands stretched

between us.

"Be careful. " I warn him and he says, "I can't trip when my eyes are on you. "

"Cheesy. " I tease him and he throws me a kiss, our laughs mingling as we finally stop. Emerson drops

the board and guides me to it first before he moves in front of me with his hands on my hips, steadying

my feet.

"Don't be afraid, baby. I won't let you fall. Balance your feet, and push out your knees. " He assures me

and I hum, following his words, knowing he truly won't. The board starts to move, going slowly at first

before it goes fast, the water rolling over us, wetting us with the sprinkles and the sound of my screams

and my laughs is loud as I grip him tightly.

We get back to the land and Emerson drops his board to the side as he turns back to me. Water drips

down his chest, and my dress is soaked, wet against my skin and I'm glad I went with the stretchy one.

"How was it?" Emerson asks, his hands sliding down my sides and I wiggle my head, shaking the

drops from my hair. "Fun. It was fun. "

"Then you want to do it again?" He queries and I mutter, "Absolutely. When I'm not in a dress. "

He pushes my hair to the back and then says, "I have something for you. "

"Another surprise?" I ask him and he nods. "Stay here. I'll be back. "

I hum and watch as he walks away to the table while I squeeze the water from my hair. It isn't long

before Emerson arrives, and my eyes widen when he lifts a necklace to my face; one with his initial.

"Emerson. "

"This was my mom's last birthday gift to me. I got it from Dad the other day, and I want to give it to you

now. " He explains and I shake my head, "No, I don't think you should do that. It's yours, and—"

"And now I want it to be yours. " He interrupts me. "I want you to have it, around your neck every time

as a reminder to me always that I found my peace with you. "

"Baby. " I mutter, my voice cracking through my word and he says, "Please have it, Eva. "

With a sniff, I turn my back to him, gathering my hair to one side and he locks it around my neck before

he turns me back to him, his eyes on my neck. "It looks really beautiful on you. "

I hold it out, and trace my thumb over his letter. "I love it. And it'll always be with me..." I take a pause to

meet his eyes. "Forever. "

"She should be happy, right?" He whispers, eyes brimming with tears and I pace closer to him. Holding

his face in my hand, I say, "She should. She is, baby. They both are. They really are. "

"They are. " He repeats, pressing his lips to my forehead before he brings me to his arms and my head

drops to his chest as I close my eyes.

My giggles swim around us, echoing into the air when Emerson starts to spin us before we fall to the

ground with me beneath and him on top of me.

"I hate you. " I frown as he rolls us around in the sand and when he pulls back, he lifts a brow, "You

hate me?"

I drop my hands on his shoulders, and beam. "I love you. "

"Always?" He starts.

"Forever. " I complete, and he takes my lips in his again, his hand disappearing between my thighs.

It started from hate. Turned into desire. Turned into uncontrollable want. Turned into love, and ends at


Forever. For me, and Emerson Ford.

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