Conquered by the Mafia Boss

#1 Chapter 76

Fucking hell. I knew it.

It’s not a huge problem. I’ll have to grease the judge.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who’s the judge?”

He glances at some sheets of paper. “Judge Giuliani.”

Inwardly I smirk to myself. He’s known to us because he nearly always accepts a well-paid bribe. It’s tricky, though. I can’t just fucking hand it to him, and there’s no fucking way Johnny will front the cash for me, especially after what happened.

Elena, hang in there. Please.

My lawyer leaves, and I make a phone call to one of my associates, who agrees to send the bribe for me. Then it’s back to pacing in this fucking cell, and going out of my mind with worry. I smash my fist into the bars, rattling this fucking cage. My wife-Jesus-what’s going to happen to her?

“Tony Vidal, visitor!”

The guard yells into the room as the door unlocks, admitting a man. Please fucking tell me it’s John. He steps into the light, a predatory smile spreading over his thin face.

“You fucking crazy moron.”

Rafael came to visit me in jail. I cannot fucking believe this.

I clench the bars and boil with rage. He’s so close-so fucking close. Rafael approaches the bars, almost close enough for me to reach his fucking neck.

“Before you spend the next decade rotting in jail, I just wanted to let you know I’ll be getting my dick wet with your wife.”

“FUCK YOU! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” I slam my body against the bars, determined to force them apart.

His laughter reverberates throughout the room, echoing horribly in my ears. “She’s in my car. The little bitch came running for me the moment you were arrested. Turns out, she’ll suck anyone’s cock for a favor.”

The banging of my fists against the bars clashes with his horrible laughter. I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Still a nasty feeling rises up my throat.

“She wants me to drop the charges.” He sucks on his bottom lip and rolls his eyes as if in ecstasy. “But why should I let go of a pussy that sweet? She fits around my cock like a damn glove.”

I stand there, shaking with all the energy coursing through my veins.

“When I get out of here, the first thing I’m going to do is rip off your balls and boil them in motor oil.”

He smirks at me and takes a step backward. “Careful. You don’t want them to hear you saying that.”

My fingers curl around the bars. “Touch my wife again-”

“And you’ll what? Hit the bars?” He gets close enough so that his breath billows across my face. “Face it, fuckwad. She belongs to me. There’s no coincidence that she left me right around the time she got pregnant.”

I laugh at the logic spinning this brain. This guy is as crazy as he is dangerous. “She chose me.”

“Maybe, but I’m taking her back.”

He turns away from me, giving me a final grin over his shoulder as he walks to the door and pounds it. The bars vibrate, rattling like gongs as I tear into them, screaming until my voice is hoarse, until I can’t even make out what the fuck I’m screaming.

My fist smashes against the door and it flies open, banging against the opposite wall. Wise guys look over their shoulders at the intrusion, scowling at me for letting the cold air inside. I power through the bar, only having eyes for the man behind the counter, who looks up at me with a smile.

“Hey, Tony. You got out fast.”

I push the waitress who offers me a drink aside and grab his collar as his face barely registers surprise, slamming him against the wall.

“Where the fuck is she?”

The bottles rattle behind him as he gives me a venomous look. “How the fuck should I know?”


I shove his chest hard, and his arm knocks over a bottle of Windsor Canadian whiskey. It falls like a rock and shatters, spraying cheap whiskey all over the floor. I seize the broken neck of the bottle and lunge at Tommy. His eyes widen as I grab the hair on his head and dig the broken, jagged edges of glass against his neck. Pinpricks of blood well up around the sharp pieces and he winces.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“I asked you to watch over my wife.”

“I think you can cut the act now. Johnny knows everything.”


Every rough syllable digs the glass deeper into Tommy’s skin, and I hear a female scream behind me-one of the waitresses. Male voices urge me to calm down, or they otherwise laugh at the spectacle I’m giving them.

“Calm down, Tony-”

My voice dials down to a gritty whisper, and Tommy’s anxious hazel eyes find mine. I don’t give a fuck about slitting his throat, right here, right now, and he knows it.

“I will kill you right fucking here if you don’t tell me where my wife is.”

Tommy’s throat bulges and he swallows hard. “She left with him, all right?”

With him.

They let her leave with that scumbag.

“Can I ask you something? Why the fuck do you care about her?”

The edge of the broken half of the bottle smashes over Tommy as I lunge at his face. I let him drop to the ground as he cradles his head.

He looks up at me through a haze of broken bits of glass and blood. “I’m going to kill you.”

He lunges at my middle and I fall backward, my back hitting the hard ground. Pierre and Francois suddenly materialize out of thin air, grabbing Tommy’s arms before he can swing a fist. An animalistic look snarls Tommy’s face, and it takes four guys to hold him back.

The energy and the fight flows out of me when I realize Elena probably left with him because he promised to drop charges against me. He coerced her, but no one would have known or cared to stop her.

“She’s pregnant, and you let her leave with that psycho.”

Tommy’s chest pulses as he struggles against the guys holding him. “It’s a fucking scam!”

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