Conquered by the Mafia Boss

#1 Chapter 75


“Told you what?”

I stare at Tony, surprised by the hostility in his tone. He’s the boss! You can’t talk like that to him!

“I know the wedding and pregnancy were part of a giant scam. I know about the money, and I’ve already taken my cut.” Johnny fumes at me across the table. “That’s thirty thousand dollars you’ll never see again.”

Behind my simmering fear, I feel a ripple of anger. He has no right to that money.

“I never took a dime from her, John. It is real, she showed me the tests.”

“I don’t give a fuck. You disrespected me by lying to my face. I should fucking kill you.”

Tony clenches the arms of his chair, staring at Johnny. “What are you going to do about Rafael?”

“Why the fuck is that my problem? As far as I’m concerned, he’s Vincent’s problem.”

“He tried to kill me. Did you forget about that?”

Johnny takes a pen from his desk and bends it in his hands, finally hurling it back down.

“That was before I knew you lied to me and brought all this bullshit on this family.”

The breath catches in my throat as the last words fall from Johnny’s lips like a battle-axe. Without their support, we really are fucked.

“I won’t deny that she came to me and asked me to do this for her.”

Johnny smiles bitterly.

“But I never took a dime from her, and she is carrying my kid. That’s a fact. You want to believe a fucking Yankee over me, that’s your fucking problem.”

The boss’ eyes flash dangerously. “I’m not convinced. Your wife gave quite a performance outside, when I know for a fact she left your apartment willingly because I had Tommy watch the place.”

A knock at the door disturbs us, but I’m almost grateful for the intrusion. The tension between the two men is red hot, and deadly. The veins in Tony’s neck stick out as if he was screaming. He turns around and snarls at the door.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.


“Police, open the door!”

“Who the fuck let them in the restaurant?”

There’s a brief moment of silence before the officer knocks on the door again. Having no choice, Tony stands up and opens the door. Men in blue stand at the threshold, Johnny’s men not far behind them.

“Tony Vidal?”

My husband crosses his arms. “That’s me.”

“You’re under arrest.”


Elena’s face pales as they slap handcuffs around my wrists.

I grimace as the prick cop yanks on them. “What the fuck for?”

“Attempted murder.”

“Attempted murder? On who?”

He ignores my question and reads me my rights as drags me from the office, Johnny’s malevolent face fixed on Elena. No, I can’t leave her right now. I can’t fucking go to jail right now.

This couldn’t come at a worse fucking time. Johnny’s eyes narrow dangerously at me. He’s thinking that I fucked up and didn’t get rid of one of the bodies correctly, but there’s no fucking way.

She charges to the officer and steps in front of us, blocking the way. “Who filed the charges?”

“Ma’am, you’re blocking the way.”

She screams at the officer, making the guys behind her laugh. “WHO IS IT? It’s Rafael, isn’t it? Rafael Costa?”

The officer’s blank face betrays nothing, but my heart sinks as I hear the tremble in her voice. Fuck, she’s right. That fucking cock-sucking, good-for-nothing asshole has me right where he wants. She thought he was going to put her in jail, but it was really me he was planning to fuck over. Just so that he could have a clear shot at my wife.

“No, it’s me-I’m-”

“Shut the hell up!” I turn to Johnny, who stands next to her. “Johnny, take her away from here.”

That’s all I fucking need. My wife to confess to shooting Rafael’s worthless body.

I catch Tommy’s eye desperately as I turn around. “Tommy, please. Keep my wife safe until I’m out.”

He opens his mouth but I don’t hear his reply when I’m hauled out of the restaurant. The cold bites my cheeks and my eyes burn instantly, and I think of her, surrounded by wolves.

* * *

I’m going to kill that prick.

When I find you, you rat fuck-

I can’t even finish the sentence, because every method of torture I can think of is too good for that asshole. The dank cell echoes with my footsteps as I pace along its length. I’m stuck in here while Rafael is free to do God knows what to my wife, and who knows if Johnny will even intervene to help her.

My throat closes at the thought, and I grasp the bars. The rust clings to my hands like dirt, and I think about Elena’s broken face as I was led out of that restaurant in cuffs. I hate this. Why the fuck did they have to cuff me in front of her?

The door to the prison cell cracks open. “Tony Vidal, lawyer!”

Fuck, the last person I give a shit about seeing. He’s a sharply dressed Jew, a guy the mob keeps on retainer.

“When the fuck can I get out?”

“Unfortunately, the judge won’t grant you a bail given your-eh, history.”

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