Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 45(s2)

You'd think being a part of the mafia, we would've seen and heard it all but clearly, that's not the case after our little chat with Vanessa, especially for me Thad no clue what a snuff movie was and was horrified when my husband explained it to me and even though Trevor was never actually planning on murdering Lacey according to Vanessa, it's still scary and insane to think that something like this exists and Trevor was planning on tricking us with this so that he could take Lacey away from us Klayton and I were naturally pissed off after we left the dungeons, I was so angry that I was tempted to polish off a bottle of bourbon but I knew I wouldn't be able to stop until my anger was practically non-existent and I didnt want that

I've barely any alcohol in the past four years, I mean I've drank but not to the point that I used to and I try to steer clear of it as much as possible because I clearly don't make the best decisions when I'm under the influence, so instead of hitting the bottle, I decided to come and see my kids and give our nanny a break Klayton followed behind me not long later and he looked like a bomb ready to explode but all of his anger seemed to subside the moment he picked up our daughter and held her in his arms as Cassius snuggled into his side Asmile broke out on my face and a warm fuzzy feeling filled my chest as I looked at my beautiful little family

When I became Klayton's Donna four years ago, T knew I had signed on for a wild and crazy ride and I knew I would see a lot of danger and ugliness in this world because of who and what we are but these three people right here make our dark and ugly world light and beautiful just by being them When people think of the mafia, they immediately think we're nasty, evil and awful people who do atrocious and diabolical things and commit heinous crimes which I guess we do but we only ever commit these kinds of acts on those who deserve it

As my father-in-law once told me, we're kind of like a modern-day Robin Hood, we help those in need and protect the innocent whilst punishing those who Lucifer himself would reject from hell for example rapists, drug dealers, paedophiles, traffickers and low lives who sell drugs and guns to kids Trust me, if this life was anything like what it's depicted as in movies then I would've run as far as I could away from it but it's not and I feel proud and honoured to be doing the work that we do and I can't wait to put a permanent end to the annoying thorn that's been sticking in my side for the past four years “What are you thinking so hard about, beautiful?" Iwas brought out of my thoughts when I heard my

husband's husky voice in my ear and felt his gentle touch on my cheek Ilooked over to my left side and I noticed Klayton was now sitting next to me on the floor as our babies played with their toys in front of us Jesus Christ How long was I lost in my thoughts for? it couldn't have been that long, right? “What makes you think I was thinking hard about something?"Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

Task him with a smile and Klayton smirks at me “Because when youre lost in your thoughts, babe, your eyebrows scrunch together, your nose twitches a little and you nibble on your lower lip as well” He said as his thumb gently rubbed my lower lip “So, tell me..what's going on inside your beautiful head, babe?" Klayton asks me whilst kissing my temple and I let out a sigh “Iwas just thinking about Vanessa and the interrogation, that's all”

I'say and Klayton's entire being immediately stiffens and his jaw clenches "What about it?" “Everything..why wouldn't she come to us and tell us Trevor was threatening her?” Task as I look up at him "She's a smart girl, Klay and she knows that you've got some of the most powerful people in this country including the mayor of New York and most of the NYPD in your back pocket so she should've known Trevor's threat to out us to the world would never see the light of

day, so why didn't she just come to us?" “I don't know, babe" Klayton said sadly as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him “But it doesn't matter anyway, the fact still remains that she betrayed us and she put all of us including those two precious babies of ours in danger and I can't let that slide” “Tknow you can't and I'm not asking you to let it slide, I'm just curious

as to why Vanessa made the wrong choice when she knows we would've done everything to help her save her family"

"Maybe she's playing us and her family aren't really in danger and she's just using them as an excuse to get herself off the hook or maybe she just doesn't trust us enough” Ilooked over at Klayton to see if his expression matched the tone of his voice and sure enough, my baby is sad and angry with Vanessa for either lying to us and betraying us or lying to us, betraying us and not trusting us enough to help her out I knew Klayton was feeling a huge loss right now for not only losing his friend and cousin-in-law thanks to her betrayal but also the sister he never had, I also knew that he needed some comfort from me, so I crawled into his lap and wrapped my arms around him as I nuzzled my face in his neck

If you are not reading this book from the website: then you are reading a pirated version with incomplete content. Please visit and search the book title to read the entire book for free We sat like this for a little while just comforting each other Klayton rubbed his hands up and down my back as I gently ran my fingers through his soft hair “You know we have to go and talk to Kat, right?" I break our silence and Klayton groaned clearly not happy about us having to go and break his cousin's heart

"We have to, Klayton, she deserves to know the truth" "I know, I just don't wanna do it" He says sounding like a child and I chuckle Speaking of children “Mommy, is daddy ok?" My son asks me and I smile at him “Daddy's fine, baby" Chapter 45 - No Rest For The Wi “Come here, my son” Klayton pulls Cassius towards him as [ manoeuvre myself from off his

lap Klayton and Cassius have got a wonderful relationship and it always makes me smile when I see them together, he's so close with the both of us that you wouldn't think we had missed out on half of his life “Are you ok, daddy?" Cassius asks his dad as he runs his little fingers over Klayton's beard “Daddy's fine, son, I've just got a lot on my plate, that's all" “Is that why you look so big? because you've got so much on your plate?”

Cassius asks Klayton and I chuckle earning a glare from my husband “Actually son, daddy is so big because he goes to the gym a lot with uncle Benji and uncle Connor” “If you say so, mommy" Cassius gives us both a kiss on the cheek before leaving his father's lap and going back to his toys “I'm starting to see Tommy more and more in our son as the days pass, babe” "How so?"

I already knew how but I wanted to see if he was seeing the same things as me “His cheeky mouth for starters, Cass and his smart-ass comments as well” “Don't they fall under the same thing” Chapter 45 - No Rest For The Wi “No, not really” Klayton leans in and kisses my lips He then stands up and offers me his hands to help me up as well “Come on babe, let's go and see Kat, the sooner we bite this bullet the better"

"Ok" Our nanny came back from her break to look after our babies while we left to go to the hospital During the ride to the hospital, I had this really bad feeling in my gut that I couldnt explain but I'm guessing if it's like most bad gut feelings then it means something awful is either about to happen or it's already happened “Are you ok, love?" “Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just nervous about how Kat's gonna react to what we found out”

"Well, I think it's safe to say that she's gonna be upset and angry but we just need to reassure her that no matter what she's always got us and our families” “That's true” I say with a sigh "It's just that I know what it's like to feel intense heartache at the hands of the love of my life and I don't want her to feel that because unlike me who got a second chance with mine, I doubt she'll be able to get a second chance with hers" “I thought we weren't gonna bring up our past ever again, babe?" Klayton asks annoyed

“I'm not, I'm just saying...besides, it's kind of hard to ignore our past

when the biggest thorn in our past is lingering around like a nasty ass smell” I'say and Klayton chuckles as he lifts our entwined hands up to his lips kissing the back of my hand We then headed into Katerina’ room and I was happy to see that she was looking a lot better today “Hey, Kat" “Klayton, Cassie, you're back” “Yeah, how are you?" “I'm fine"

Kat says with a smile but it wasn't a happy smile, it was a nervous smile *So..did you guys talk to Vanessa? is she ok?" She asks and Klayton and I share a nervous look with each other "Yeah, we've spoken to her, Kat and it's's not good” “What do you mean?" We told Katerina everything Vanessa had told us and to say she was pissed would be an understatement At first, she was in denial but when we mentioned that she had betrayed us for her biological family, Kat lost it and she even tried to get up out of bed because she was

determined to go and see Vanessa for herself but we managed to stop her “Let me go, Klayton" “No, Katerina” "WHY NOT?" "YOU'RE f****g INJURED, THAT'S WHY" They shouted at each other

"You're injured and you need to heal before you go and see Vanessa, Kat" “Are you really gonna let me see her, Klay? or are you gonna find another excuse to not let me see her when I'm healed?" Kat growled at my husband who glared at her and all I could think was oh s**t when I saw the fiery gaze in his eyes I thought my husband was gonna flip out on his cousin but he didn't “When have I ever denied you of something, Katerina?”

He asked through gritted teeth and Kat immediately backed down and looked away from us "Look, I understand why you're so desperate to go and see her, trust me I do because I'd feel the same way if it was Cassie in that cell but you need to think about yourself first before you think about Vanessa or anyone or anything else” "You're right..I just need to hear it for myself, Klay, I won't be able to rest until I do" She says sadly “Well, trust in us and what we say, Kat and use that to relax,

ok...we'd never steer you wrong" I'say with a smile and she reciprocates it Isat down on the bed just as Klayton's phone started ringing and I gently gripped Katerina’s hand to give her some comfort “Yeah, hello...oh hey Logan, what's up? why? what? offence, brother but what's that got to do with me? I don't even know the girl... WHAT?" What the hell?

wy! Chapter 45 - No Rest For The Wi Kat and I share a confused look with each other before looking back at avery agitated and angry Klayton “Don't worry, Lo, we're on our way" “What's going on, babe?"

Task him when he hangs up the call “We need to go, babe...I'l come and see you again tomorrow, Kat" Klayton said as he kissed the top of her head “ everything ok?" “Everything's fine, sweetheart just relax and enjoy your peace” “Iwill as much as I can” “That's my girl, let's go, Cass"

Klayton grabs hold of my hand and practically drags me out of the room Itried to find out what was going on as Klayton led us around the hospital looking for who I'm guessing was Logan but he either ignored me or he didnt hear me When we finally got to where he wanted, I was beyond shocked when Klayton received a hard punch to the jaw from the last person I was expecting "KLAYTON ANTHONY JOHNATHAN JOSEPH JESUS MATTHEW ANTONELLI!! I'M GONNA f*****g KILL YOU!" “Lacey babe, calm down’ Logan tried to calm Lacey down as he held her in a bear hug while I helped my husband

back to his feet “What the hell, Lace? why did you f*****g hit me? and why are you adding biblical names to my name? I thought I told you not to do that again” Chapter 45 - No Rest For The Wi "BECAUSE I WAS HOPING THAT BY ADDING BIBLICAL NAMES TO YOUR DEMONIC ASS NAME THEN THAT ‘WOULD MAKE YOU LESS UNHOLY!!" She says shocking me I've never seen Lacey this angry before not even when she had to deal with that Gina or Gemima girl

“What's going on, Lace? who's pissed you off so badly that you look like a dragon who's about to burn my husband with her fiery breath” “Oh, Iwish I could" Lacey said through gritted teeth while glaring at Klayton “And ask your husband why I'm so pissed with him, Cassidy” “Twish I knew, principessa” Klayton said and I think either the situation or his

affectionate name seemed to calm her down a little bit because her eyes started to fill with even more tears or at least that's what I thought “What happened, kid?" “You tell me..what did you do to Trevor, huh? what did you do that flipped his b***h switch so hard that he came after my best friend?" What? Trevor went after Carmella? This makes no sense, why would he go after Carmella?

"What are you talking about, Lace? Trevor doesn't even know about Carmella, hell, I barely know the girl, so why would he attack her?” Klayton asked angrily and this seemed to spark Lacey's anger once again “Because I'm important to you and she's important to are my kids who were with her when she was attacked" Oh no

Lacey sobbed as tears continuously streamed down her face What she said next caused my heart to skip a painful beat as nasty and painful memories from my past came back to haunt me “And now she's in an operating room down the hall, not only fighting for her own life but she's also fighting for her childs life as well..the doctor doesn't think they're gonna make it"

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