Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 44(s2)

You know, not much makes me smile these days Seeing my children's faces after a long day at work makes me smile, spending alone time with my beautiful wife makes me smile and thinking about the good old times with my best friends back when we were younger and a complete circle makes me smile Getting one over on my enemy and witnessing him losing his s**t has also got me smiling like a Cheshire cat as well "I SWEAR TO f*****g GOD, KLAYTON ANTONELLI, YOUR DAYS ARE f*****g NUMBERED, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG MOTHERFUCKER AND NOW I'M GONNA REIGN DOWN f*****g HELL ON YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY STARTING WITH YOUR b***h ASS WIFE AND YOUR LITTLE PRINCIPESSA!"

Trevor says the last part mockingly "/'M GONNA f**k YOUR WIFE AND COUSIN UP SO BADLY, YOU'LL BE BEGGING ME TO KILL YOU BY THE TIME I'M DONE WITH THEM, TRUST ME, KLAYTON, YOU'VE JUST DECLARED WAR, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" /ve just declared war? This i**#t is extremely late to the party if he thinks my little stunt with his dad is me declaring war on him, I declared war the moment he messed with my wife and killed my best friend “What's with the s**t-eating grin?"

“What's with the s**t-eating grin?" My wife asks me I'turned around and looked at my sexy woman who was standing with Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent?. ff her arms crossed over her chest which was making her nice, juicy breasts look more pronounced Ticked my lips at the sight earning an angry throat clearing from Cassie “Oh nothing, my love, I'm just listening to Trevor lose his

s**t in my voicemails" “Ohno" Cassidy groaned while rolling her eyes “What did you do this time?" “Why do you assume I've done something, babe?" Lask her and she looks at me like are you being serious? "Because you're you, Klayton, you can't resist going that extra step further”NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

She says and I laugh “Well, let's just say, babe, I.I reunited him with his father” I'say with an evil smirk and Cassie looks at me like what the rek? "Boss" I'turn around and see my tech guy Eddy heading towards us “Eddie, what have you got for me?" “Something unbelievable, boss, look"

Eddie hands me his iPad which has got the CCTV footage from the gala on it Cassidy stood next to me as I played the video and I was both horrified and livid when I heard the intense conversation between Katerina and Lacey Srats I knew Katerina had suffered a lot under her brother's care but didn't

"Why didn't she tell us about this?" "I don't know..maybe she was too scared or ashamed" “I'd go with the latter, boss, s****I assault victims generally feel ashamed" "That's true" Cassie says and my jaw clenched tightly “Do you think Vanessa knows about this?" “There's only one way to find out" Isay as I head towards the cell where Vanessa is being held, I open the door and I'm met with the sight of Vanessa tied to a metal chair in the middle of the room with a table in front of her

“"Klayton, thank god you're here, L." Vanessa drifted off as her eyes narrowed from me to the woman

behind me and a slight gasp left her mouth when she locked eyes with my wife “Cassie,'re awake" “Of course I am, what kind of question is that, Ness?" “Were you not expecting my wife to wake up, Vanessa?" ask her and she drops her head which pisses me off “TL asked you a question, Vanessa” I growl as I slam my hands down on the table causing her to flinch

“Yes, I was expecting her to wake up just not yet" She says confusing me “I thought you said Trevor only gave you enough chloroform to knock Cassidy out for a little bit, now fourteen hours later you're saying she should still be unconscious? which one is it?" Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent? "He did,s he was, 1." She closes her eyes and sighs “The truth is, I don't know, I'm just going off what Trevor

told me" “So, you're really doing business with him, Ness?" Cassie asks with hurt and betrayal in her voice "It's not what you think, Cass" “Not what I think?...Klayton told me you wanted to hand me over to Trevor, Vanessa, after everything he did to me, to my my son and you were willing to just hand me over to him like some prized pig” Cassie said through gritted teeth

"You don't understand, Cassidy" “Try me" A tearful Vanessa takes a deep breath in and slowly releases it before speaking again “He threatened me...he threatened us, he was also blackmailing me as well which was the cherry on top of the cake if you ask me" Vanessa says while rolling her eyes “With what? what was he threatening and blackmailing you with?"

"With outing us...Trevor was planning on causing a huge scandal by releasing a s*x tape he's allegedly got of him, Cassidy and Antonio to the press and he was gonna give some evidence of the top families in business being involved in the mafia to the police and the press as well to bring you all down if I didn't do as he said" “What did he ask you to do?" Cassie asks her and she lets out a breath “Well, first, Trevor wanted access to your island during Logan and Lacey's wedding so that he could run amok but I refused, so instead he

asked me to be his spy so that he could make you believe he was there when he wasn't, he also wanted me to get him access to your gala so that he could get close to Lacey and grab her along with..with Kat." Vanessa says the last part with a sob and I could see she was genuinely upset but I remained stoic until 1 get all of the facts and information from her, my wife however was the complete opposite of me because she was pissed off and rightfully so “And you did all of this under Kat's name leading us to believe that she was the mole and she had betrayed her cousin but unfortunately for you, Lacey Black is just as stubborn and determined as her big, badass cousin over here and she was determined to prove Katerinas innocence which she did and we were able to find her thanks to your sick little stunt with her wedding ring”

“What are you talking about?" “You know exactly what we're talking about, Ness, the tracker you put in Kat's ring so that Trevor could track her wherever she goes" Cassie says and Vanessa remains silent “Silence is golden” Cassidy smirks while I glare at my former friend "You said everything without saying anything at all, so don't you dare sit there and cry and act as if you care because if you really did care about Kat or any of us for that matter then you wouldn't have done any of this wouldn't have put Katerina and Lacey in

harm's way if you cared" “Cassidy's right, Vanessa” I growl at her “You know me and you know that family means everything to me and Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent? I'd do anything to protect my family..if you really cared about us you could've come to me about this” “Tknow"

“THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU?" Ishout and she flinches “Idon't know, I panicked I guess” “You panicked?" Task mockingly “Yes, I did..when Trevor first reached out to me, I had absolutely no plans of working with him or helping him, not just because of Kat but because of you guys...believe it or not, love you guys and I love your kids." "YOU LEAVE MY KIDS OUT OF THIS!"

Cassie shouted as she attempted to go after Vanessa but I grabbed her from behind and held her close to me “Relax, gattino" I whispered in her ear “Ido love you guys, Cassie, you're my family but.." Vanessa once again drifted off as she looked away from us “But what?"

“But Trevor had a backup plan, he had an insurance policy if you will to make sure that I did what I was told and 1 complied with every single one of his commands” “And what insurance policy is that then?" Lask her and she sighs as she looks between the both of us “He kidnapped my parents and is holding them hostage somewhere...he told me that he'd torture them and eventually kill them if 1 Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent? dared to disobey him"

"So?..why do you give a s**t, Ness?" Cassie asks with a scoff pissing Vanessa off “They're my parents, Cassidy" She said through gritted teeth “Yeah, the same parents who you hid your sexuality from for most of your life because you were afraid of what they'd say or do to you, the same parents who wished you would die a slow and painful death the day you came out as a lesbian to them and the very same parents who sent you a funeral wreath with yours and Kats name on it on the day of your wedding with a note that was far from a normal wedding wish from a parent to their child, instead of wishing and hoping for many years of good health and

happiness in your marriage, they wished and hoped for an anti-I***q+ group to invade your wedding and do unspeakable things to you both and you betrayed us to save them?” Cassidy asks angrily “They're still my parents, Cass” Vanessa says sadly as a few stray tears fall down her cheeks “They may hate me and what I am but that doesn't mean 1 have to return their hate with hate...besides, my parents aren't the only ones who are stuck in Trevor's clutches, Klay, Vincenzo is as well”

“What? are you being serious?" Task her and she frantically nods her head “He's got my brother, Klay..he's got Vinny who is only fifteen years old and that bastard is grooming him" “Groomed? like sexually?” Task her and she shrugs her shoulders Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent? “Idon't know but it wouldn't shock me if he is"

"How do you know he's grooming him then?" “Because Trevor told me he is, he said that if he doesn't succeed in getting an heir out of Cassie or Lacey then he wanted a backup by grooming Vinny to take over from him but the asshole is pretty determined to get his heir" "How so?" Cassie asks as I let out a frustrated sigh and run a hand over my face “He's had so many chances to grab either myself or Lacey and he hasn't taken them, so how is he planning on grabbing us?" “He's already put his plans in motion to get Lacey”

She says and my head snaps up “What plans?” “You know that director guy she was meeting up with to do a film based on her books?" “Yeah" “Well, that was Trevor under the pseudonym Caleb Rojas" WHAT? “His plan was to drug and kidnap Lacey taking her back to London but the movie he was planning on filming was far from the movie she's no doubt been dreaming about ever since she penned her first ”

"What are you talking about? what other movies are there?" Cassie asks her “Ever heard of a snuff movie?" Vanessa asks us and my heart almost stopped beating “Did you just say a snuff movie?" Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent? “Mmm-hmm"* “What's a snuff movie?"

Cassidy asks confused “It's a pornographic movie which shows one of the performers in it being murdered for real at the end" “Holy s**t and Trevor was planning on doing this with Lacey?" “Yes and no, he was planning on doing a s* tape with Lacey after he drugged her but then he was gonna do some hocus pocus s**t to edit in a very realistic looking scene to show a young woman who looks like Lacey being murdered so that when he sends it to you, you'd think she was dead and wouldn't search for her anymore, that way he gets to keep her all to himself and he gets one over on you by destroying via killing your favourite principessa” Vanessa explains Trevor's plans to me and I felt like both

throwing up and punching a wall I wasn't interested in doing the first, so I did the latter cutting my knuckles open in the process “Klayton, calm down” Cassie offered me some comfort by grabbing hold of my bicep and gently caressing it with her thumb which calmed me down alittle bit When she saw that I had calmed down, she turned to face Vanessa and I swear, I was both turned on and scared by the look on her face If you're loving the book, is where the

adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience— all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you! She looks so sexy and intimidating right now “I don't understand you Vanessa, you know how sick Trevor is after everything he's put us and our family through, everything he's put Kat through and now everything he's planning on putting Lacey through AND YOU STILL DECIDED TO WORK WITH HIM!" Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent? Cassidy shouted as she banged her hands on the table “Idid it to protect my family”

"I DON'T CARE!!..I really don't care what your excuses are" Cassie growled as she got in Vanessa's face “You had a choice, could've talked with your best friend who is also the most feared Don this world has ever seen and he could've helped you save those pricks you insist on calling your family or you could do what you did and choose to side with the biggest pile of s**t the mafia realm has ever seen and risk losing the ones who actually love and care for you to potentially save a family who hates you and tossed you aside without a care in the world” Cassie says while glaring at Vanessa and looking her up and down in disgust

“Unfortunately for you, you chose wrong and now you have to deal with the consequences of that decision” My wife says before storming out of the room leaving behind a deafening silence when she did “You understand where I'm coming from, don't you, Klay?" Vanessa asks me and I shake my head "No, I don't" Ilooked at her and saw her face was now wet with tears and her eyes were red from crying and most likely

exhaustion as well “You once told me the only real family you had was us, Katerina and Vinny because Vinny was too young to judge you on your lifestyle choices and was most likely having his mind poisoned by your parents” "That's true" She whimpers and I nod my head as I look down at her Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent? “Do you know how Kat lost her virginity?"

"What?" “You heard me, now answer my question" I'say and she shakes her head I walked over to the table and rested my hands on it as 1 leaned in close to her “She was fifteen years old and she was raped by Antonio, over and over again while Trevor sat and watched them” I'tell Vanessa and her eyes widen in shock “How do you know that?" “Katerina told Lacey about it the night of the gala, she was

terrified to tell me that she was being stalked by that bastard and confessed to my principessa why she was so afraid of her big brother and his little scumbag minion and Lacey tried to get her to tell me but thanks to you, that never happened” “I don't believe you, Kat would've told me if it were true" Vanessa denied what I was telling her as she rapidly shook her head “If it helps you to sleep better at night thinking I'm lying then fine, believe what you want but it doesn't change the facts” Isay before turning around to leave

"Wait, Klayton, you're not seriously gonna leave me in here, are you?" Is she being serious? “ betrayed me and my famiglia when you chose to side with that sick bastard instead of coming to me and by doing so, you put numerous innocent people in danger one of whom is your own wife, the Chapter 44 - Guilty Or Innocent?. il same wife who you framed for being the mole while you hid away like a coward and let me believe my own cousin was betraying me when in fact it was my best friend” I growled at her and she had enough sense in her to lower her head in shame

“It didn't have to go down this way and you know it but you've made your bed and now you have to lie in it" "Meaning?" “Meaning you're gonna stay in here for the foreseeable future” I'say before storming out of the cell and slamming the door shut as Vanessa screams my name at the top of her lungs begging and pleading with me to come back and release her but I just ignored her and continued walking as I headed back upstairs to be with my babies

The only thing that can relax me and calm me down right now is a hug from my son and my angel

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