Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 41(s2)

“Beware of the chameleon, a chameleon is something that disguises itself to look as much like it's environment as possible, you cannot always trust what you see’ ~ Unknown Klayton's PO My men have surrounded Trevor's mansion and everyone is currently in their positions ready to start this mission and take out anyone who gets in our way Fortunately for us, there weren't that many guards surrounding the outside perimeter, if I had to take a guess then I'd say there were around fifteen to twenty guards which may seem like a lot but this is nothing compared to what someone like me

It was a jet-black wooden door with a gold door knob and in the middle of the door, itsays Jefe TrevorLopez _ inthick, gold, cursive writing God, this guy is such a loser “Follow me" I walk towards the office with Benjamin not too far behind me Itried to open the door but it was locked which makes no sense if Trevor is in there unless it's locked from the inside Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part “It's locked, what do we do?”Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

"We go old school" I'say while putting my gun in my waistband “Watch my back, Benj" “Always” I backed up a little before raising my leg and kicking the door down with as much force as possible The door immediately split in two and I wasted no time in grabbing my gun and heading inside to look for the little rat who has been the bane of my existence for the past four years but unfortunately, he wasn't here

*TREVOR!, WHERE ARE YOU? COME OUT YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" What the f*k? Where is he? “Idon't think he's here, Klay" Urght! "Where the fk is he?" “I don't know but I don't think he's himself wherever he is"

Benjamin says confusing me “What do you mean?” “Come and look at this" Benjamin says whilst looking into a room adjacent to the office I walked over to where he was standing and my eyes narrowed in confusion when I saw what looked like a make-up effects studio “What the hell is all of this?" “Do you remember what Morris and Russo said earlier?"

“What about?” “About the New York Ripper who has been killing those women?" Benjamin asks whilst looking at me “They said each murder was the same and the only difference was the victims themselves meaning they were killed by the same person but CCTV footage showed a different suspect leaving each crime scene” “So..we both know who committed these murders, Ben;”

"Exactly, we know it was Trevor killing these girls and maybe this is how he was able to disguise himself" “What? with some plaster of Paris and cheap wigs?" Task with a slight chuckle "It's not that farfetched, I mean, look at this” Benjamin handed me a photo album which had several pictures in them and each one featured Trevor with a completely different appearance “Jesus, what is this guy? a chameleon?" "Looks like it, it seems he wants to blend into our environment without us knowing”

“It explains how and why he was able to have the brass balls to come to my gala and hurt my principessa and kidnap my cousin” “Wait.” Benjamin says as he flips back through a couple of the pictures "What? what's wrong?" “Does that name look familiar to you?" He asks me and I shake my head “No, I can't say it does"

Benjamin scrunched his face in confusion but he also looked like he Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part was thinking about something as well I went back into Trevor's office and looked around his desk I don't know what [ was looking for but I was combing through every inch of it including the four drawers hoping to maybe find something on the mole in my mafia or where the asshole is right now

Twas surprised and confused when I picked up a glass sphere paperweight which opened up a secret door or wall to my right “Erm, Benj" “Yeah.whoa, what's that?" “I have no idea” I muttered more to myself as I hesitantly walked over to the open space which looked like a giant black hole at the moment After several seconds of searching for a light switch, I finally found one along with something else which deeply disturbed me

“Oh my god" “What the fk?" Benjamin and I say at the same time In front of us was a massive shrine dedicated to my little principessa and it had everything from photos of her which look like they go back a while, to clothing and other bits and bobs of hers including the initial necklace I got for her sweet sixteenth birthday Iknow you're all probably thinking initial necklaces aren't rare and anyone can buy one in any jewellery shop in the world which is true but this is one I had made for her by a luxury brand and it's also got her birthstone gem on it just like this one here

would have to protect me, my family and our property

"Klayton, these pictures look like they go back ten years ago" “That's impossible, Benj, Lacey said she never met Trevor until after Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part she'd had her triplets” “Then explain this picture of a very pregnant Lacey looking up at Big Ben" Benjamin says and I snap my head towards him "What?" I walked over to where he was standing and I felt my anger

skyrocket when I saw not one but dozens of pictures of Lacey when she was pregnant and also afterwards when she was walking around with her newborn triplets “This guy is beyond sick, Klayton, he's f****g unhinged" "You don't need to tell me that, Benjamin, the motherfucker has also got Lacey's necklace that I gave her for her sweet sixteenth” "How did he get that?" “I don't know but I'm gonna find out" I'said as I pulled my phone from out of my pocket and called

my cousin “Do you think he took this so that he could put a tracker on it like he did with Kat?" Benjamin asked me and my heart rate picked up in fear and panic “This motherfucker keeps adding days to his torture sentence..." “Klay, is that you? how's everything going?” My cousin's voice cuts me off

“Hey principessa, I need to ask you something, do you remember that necklace I got you for your sixteenth birthday?" “The L necklace with the blue topaz gem on it?" “Yeah that one, do you know where yours is?" "No..actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen it since Vanessa Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part d to borrow it a few weeks ago" She says shocking me “Vanessa? why would Vanessa want your necklace, principessa?” "She said she wanted to get Katerina a similar one, why? what's going on? why are you asking me about my

necklace?" "I've gotta go, kid, I'l call you later, bye" "Klayton.." I ended the call feeling like an angry bomb ready to explode “Erm Klay, I think I've figured out who our mole is" "Me too” Benjamin pulls a picture off the wall and holds it up for me and that's when my anger turned to pure unadulterated rage “I'm gonna skin that b***h alive" I went to leave the room but was stopped by Benjamin “Whoa wait, where are you going?" “To find that b***h Vanessa and find out why she's stabbed me and my famiglia in the back”

I growled before storming out of the office Let's hope I can get to my wife and cousin in time before that snake does something to hurt them Cassidy's POV “This is the room, Cass" “Are you sure? how do you know?" Vanessa asks Marcus sounding hopeful “Infrared, Ness" Marcus says with a smile before going to open the door but it was

locked “Who wants to do the honours?” “I will, that's my wife in there” Vanessa pulled back before kicking the door to the room Katerina's in It took her a few kicks until she was finally able to knock the thing down "WHAT THE f**k? oh my god, Cassie, Nessa" "Babe, are you ok? Vanessa immediately rushed over to Katerina and they kissed which Kat hissed at thanks to the fat lip she's sporting

“This is hot" Marcus said whilst smirking at Katerina and Vanessa I groaned in disgust at my idiotic little brother-in-law as I smacked the back of his head “AAHHHII, dammit sis, what the fk?" “Pornhub, Marcus, it's a thing" I tell him before looking back at my cousins-in-law “Anyway guys, not that I'm not happy to see you Kat or to see you guys happy and reunited but we need to get out of here ASAP, 50 has anyone got any ideas on how we can get those cuffs off Katerina without hurting her?” “The key" Kat says in a husky voice

Vanessa, Marcus and I look at each other confused before looking back at Kat like what the f**k? "What key, Kat?" Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part “The top drawer... watched that dipshit Antonio put it in there when he thought I was asleep” Katerina tells us and I roll my eyes at how stupid these guys are “Judge Judy was right beauty fades but dumb is forever”

I'said and Marcus chuckled just as my phone started ringing “Hey baby, is everything ok? did you find Trevor?" “No but we found something else, babe" “Like what?" Lask Klayton who explains everything he found in Trevor's office and to say I was sickened and horrified would be a major understatement “I always knew Trevor was a sick f**k but this is a new low for him,

Unfortunately for us though, Trevor had several Pitbull Terrior and Rottweiler dogs guarding the two main entrances to the house but we were lucky enough to have some sleeping powder on us to knock them out This specific sleeping powder was created by one of my lab boys who designed and produced it so that we could instantly knock someone out without causing them any harm

Klayton" I'said as I watched Marcus pick Katerina up bridal style “I know, babe" “Take her out to the car, we'll be down in a second” Vanessa tells Marcus who nods his head Katerina tried to plead with Vanessa to come with her but weirdly, she said she had something to do first is “Have you guys found Kat yet?"

“Yeah, in fact, Marcus is taking her out to the car as we speak” “And where's Vanessa, babe? is she still with you?" “Yeah, why? is everything ok?" Lask confused Klayton's tone was strange and it's nothing like what it normally Normally Klayton speaks to me with an affectionate tone no matter Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part. = where he is, what he's doing or who he's with but this tone he's speaking in right now is anything but affectionate, if anything he sounds angry and scary as well as dominating but not the kind of dominating which makes my panties wet, no this is the kind that is freaking

me out “Babe, listen to me, ok, Ineed you to get out of there right now and get as far away from Vanessa as you possibly can, do you understand me?" “Why? what's going on?" I asked my husband “Babe, Vanessa's the mo..." Klayton said before being cut off when I was suddenly grabbed from behind causing my phone to get knocked out of my hand

Awhite cloth filled with what smelled like chloroform was then placed over my nose and mouth and I could instantly feel it start to take effect but I fought it as hard as I possibly could “Cass?...Cassie baby, talk to me, tell me what's going on...

Cassie..GODDAMMIT CASSIDY, f*****g ANSWER ME!" Iheard Klayton's faint yet very angry voice as I fought like an angry lioness in my captors hold until I couldn't fight any more thanks to the frrexg chloroform “I'm sorry, Cassie, please forgive me"

We've never really had any excuse to use it before because we've never encountered anyone who is innocent enough to not deserve a bullet but I couldn't shoot and kill a dog because A) I may be a Don but I'm not an insensitive or inhumane asshole and B) my wife and kids would never Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part forgive me if they found out I harmed an animal "I thought you said this guy was dumb, Klay, not severely lacking in brain cells” Benjamin says and I look at him confused

“What's the difference, Benj?" “Well, dumb people are usually smart enough to know how to protect themselves and anyone else in their vicinity but not this jackass” “Yeah, youd think his father would've trained him better and taught him to be smarter when it comes to his enemies but I guess he's just as dumb as his son is”

Tsay in an angry hushed whisper as we make our way through the house making sure to keep our guns raised at all times “Hey, who are you?" "Your worst nightmare” I growled as I punched the motherfucker in his face before grabbing him by his collar and pinning him against the nearest wall "Where's your boss?" "Screw you...AH!!, AH!" He screamed in pain “Oh I'm sorry, did that hurt"

Isaid before tightening my grip on his collar causing him to act like he couldn't breathe “Actually, 'm not sorry, now answer my goddamn question..where is your boss?" I growled in his face as I enunciated each word “0.0ffice” “His office?" Chapter 41 - The Ambush - Part Task him and he nods his head

“Where is it?" * fl.floor" He says and I smile “That wasn't so hard now, was it?" I shove him away from me before shooting him point-blank between the eyes

"Was that really necessary, Klay?" “Of course it was, Benj, he's in bed with the enemy, remember?" "True" Benjamin and I headed up to the top floor of the mansion which looked old and abandoned just like the outside There was dirt and debris everywhere along with rubbish and some broken furniture “It's fitting Trevor would pick a place like this” Benjamin said as he looked around in disgust “Which room do you think is his office?” He asks me and I look around until my eyes land on a door which sticks out like a sore thumb

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