Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 40(s2)

"Kat? what about Kat?" “You found something already?" Lask ignoring Klayton “Yeah, I found her, I know where she is" Oh my god “What? are you being serious?” "Yeah, I." “Hold it you two"

“I don't know how or when but Trevor was able to get a tracker put on Katerina somehow and he was able to trace her movements through some software he's got downloaded on both his phone and his computer which [

Chapter 40 - The Ambush - Part. ww was able to access and luckily for us, Kat is in this mansion” “That explains how Antonio was always able to find her, they were tracking her" “Yeah” Marcus says sadly “Wait, you hacked into Trevor's computer system?" Klayton asks Marcus who nods his head “Yep

“Where did you learn how to hack?” Klayton asks him and Marcus smiles “Ilearned from the best" He says and for the first time since I came here, Klayton smiled “You learned from Tommy...Jesus, that man was dying of cancer and he was doing everything but the one thinghe should've been doing which is resting” “Don't underestimate those who have got cancer, Klay, if they can battle something as vicious and as nasty as cancer every day then they can pretty much do anything”

I'say with a smile which my cousin reciprocates “So, what do we do now?" Joey asks “We go and get Kat back and I get the pleasure of killing that bastard and his f**k buddy” "What about Vanessa?" “What about her?" Klayton asks confused

“Well, she hasn't been in the right state of mind to do anything since Kat was taken, I mean, the girl has been so depressed lately she's barely eaten or slept” “You're right, Joe" Klayton sits back in a huff and rubs his forehead in frustration “What do I do?" “Well, if you do tell her, there's a chance she could ruin the whole rescue mission if she's as weak as you say she is but if you don't tell her.” Ldrift off and Klayton nods his head understanding where 1 was going with this

“She'll be pissed with me" Klayton lets out a breath before standing up “Ok guys, let's go, we need to prepare our men and get everyone ready, I wanna be on the road within the next half an hour" “You got it, brother" Joey says and leaves the office “Iwanna go with you, Klay" "WHAT?" “No, no freaking way, Lace"

Logan and Klayton shouted in unison “Klayton..." “I'said no, Lacey" My cousin said sternly “Look, Lace..I appreciate what you and Marcus have done and it makes me so happy and proud to see the way you've stood up for Kat and been her cheerleader this past week but I can't allow you to come with Chapter 40 - The Ambush - Part. wa us” “Why not?"

Task annoyed “Because if Trevor and Antonio are there, kid and they get to you before I can get to them...” He says before drifting off but he didn't even need to finish because I understood where he was going and what he meant Which left me feeling very and I do mean very frustrated I wanted to go with them and help them save Kat but I know it's not a good idea, especially since I'm one of Trevor's main targets.

“Tknow you're probably thinking I'm being mean, principessa but I'm not, I'm doing this for your own good" Klayton said as he came around his desk and cupped my face Kissing my cheek

“Please understand why you can't come with us..I'm going there to save my cousin, I don't wanna go there saving Kat and losing you in the process, I'd never be able to live with myself if something happened to you Lace" He says and I nod my head "You had me sold on not going when you mentioned Trevor and Antonio grabbing me... wanna help you guys but I haven't got a death wish”

“You've already helped us, kid, you and Marcus were able to do the one thing I couldn't because I was being too stubborn and seeing everything threw a betrayed Don's eyes and not a familial eye" Klayton said with a smile as he gripped my chin “You've been the biggest help to me, principessa, don't ever forget Chapter 40 - The Ambush - Part. WY that" He kisses my cheek before bidding us goodbye and leaving his office “Are you ok, love?"

Klayton interrupts me “What's going on here? how do you know where Kat is?" “Well, IL." Marcus drifted off as he looked down at me “Can we speak freely about this, Klay?" Lask while eyeing up the two detectives “Yes, they know everything about Trevor, kid, why? what's going Took up at Marcus before looking back at Klayton

Logan asks me as he embraces me in a hug “Twill be" Ilook up at my husband and smile as he kisses my forehead “Hey, how was your meeting with the movie producer?” He asks me and I groan as I rest my forehead against his chest “That bad" “Can I answer that question when we're in a hot bubble bath and up to our necks in wine? I want you drunk and naked before I answer that question”

“Drunk and naked huh, that means it either went really well or it was insanely awful” He says and I had to stop myself from answering because knowing my beloved husband, he'd want to hunt that fucker down and make him regret messing with me “Let's go home, love" Logan and I leave Klayton's office and spend the rest of the night with our kids as we anxiously wait for news on Kat

“Cassidy, you are not coming" "Yes, lam" “No, you're not" “Klayton" My wife growled at me and I sighed in frustration Chapter 40 - The Ambush - Part. Ww Why are the women in my life so determined to play the frrrsg Powerpuff Girls tonight? "Baby..."

“Don't baby me, Klayton, I'm going with you whether you like it or not" “Cassie, love...” I'tried to appeal to my wife but she once again cuts me off “Look babe, I can help you" "How?" “By protecting Kat and getting her to safety while you kill Trevor and Antonio” Urghll, she's right “I thought you wanted to be the one who killed Trevor?” I ask

her with a faint smile and she smiles back at me “Yeah I did, I wanted to torture his ass and kill him in the worst way possible but I just want him gone so that he can't hurt any of us ever again” Cassie says with a slight quiver to her voice I gently pulled her closer to me wrapping my arms around her waist and shoulders as I kiss her forehead “Klayton, is it true? have you guys found Kat?" Vanessa's voice fltted to my ears Ilooked behind my wife and my heart hurt when I saw the state my best friend was inNôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

“Yes Ness, we've found her, in fact, we were just heading out to get her” “I wanna go, I wanna save my wife" Chapter 40 - The Ambush - Part “Ness...” “Please, Klay" She pleads with me Ilooked between Vanessa and Cassie and I huffed in annoyance “Ok fine, the wife is coming as well” Isay and Cassie cheers happily but stopped when I gripped her chin

"But..." “Urghtl, there's always a but with you Klayton, I don't mind though as long as it's your butt” Cassie says with a smirk as she winks at me and I shake my head while chuckling This woman of mine is always a horny freak at the wrong freaking times

"Don't give me a hard-on, Cassie, especially not now when 1 can't do anything about it" "Eww!" Vanessa groaned and I chuckled “Anyway, you both do as I say, do you understand me? we're going there to save Kat, not to lose you two in the process because you decided to go rogue and play your girl power cards" “Yes, boss” "Yes, sir" Cassie says seductively and I chuckle We then grabbed our things before headed outside where my men were and we loaded up the vans and cars to head out to Long Island

“Cassidy? where the hell do you think you're going?" Chapter 40 - The Ambush - Part Benjamin growls at his baby sister "Don't start, Benji, I'm coming whether you like it or not" Cassie says before getting in our SUV Benjamin locks eyes with me and I silently tell him to drop it because he knows just as well as I do that there's no changing Cassie's mind once she's made it up

We got in our cars and I made sure to keep a tight grip on my wife's hand and thigh as we drove off my property The ride to Long Island took around an hour and thirty minutes but the overall ride to where Trevor is hiding out took us around two hours because the mansion is buried deep in the ass crack of nowhere When we eventually found the mansion and drove up the driveway, I couldn't help but groan at how cliche this place looked It looks like your typical run-down, old, abandoned home and the garden area looks incredibly neglected, there was even a marble fountain in the middle of the front garden which looks like it would have been a horse when it was in it's former glory but now it's a battered wreck

“Lerm...I asked Marcus to help me find any information he could on Kat to prove her innocence” help “You asked him? you asked Marcus to help you?" “Seriously kid, out of everyone in our family you asked this dipshit to you?"

"So, how are we gonna do this?" Benjamin asks nobody in particular Ilooked down at my younger brother who was looking at his iPad with great interest “Can you pinpoint where Kat is on that thing, Marcus?" “Actually,'d think numbnuts would've hidden her somewhere in the deepest and darkest parts of the house on a haunted hill but no, the idiota is holding her captive in that room right there” Marcus says whilst pointing at a room where there's a faint light

coming from it Chapter 40 - The Ambush - Part “Urghtt, mom was right, good looks and brains are a very rare hybrid” Cassidy said earning angry groans from myself and Benjamin “Anyway, this is gonna be a piece of cake" “How do you work that out, Cass?"

“Well, speaking from personal experience with this asshole, he's not a very trustworthy person, especially after he was double-crossed last time so he probably won't have anyone other than himself and Antonio around Katerina which will make it easier for Vanessa and I to grab her and bring her out to the car” Cassie says stoically but as her husband and best friend of twenty-plus years, I can see the pain and guilt as well as a little bit of fearin her eyes I grab her hand and gently caress the back of her hand with my thumb “Ok, we take things slowly at first, we take out anyone we see outside of the mansion with our silencers so that we don't alert anyone inside including Trevor and Antonio..when we get inside, everyone is fair game and you can be as loud as you want while Benjamin and I go and deal with Trevor and Antonio and Cassie and Nessa to go with Marcus to get Kat,

does everyone understand me?" “Yes, boss” “Wait, you want me to go in there with you?" Marcus asks me and I nod my head “Yeah, why?" Task him and he nods his head “Ijust thought I was too much of a dipshit tobe involved in one of your

missions” Marcus says and I sigh before groaning in pain after my wife slapped my chest “Klayton, I thought I told you to stop calling him a dipshit" “First of all babe, I didn't Joey did and secondly Marcus, I only call you that to motivate you to do better and keep you away from those moronic asshats you've been hanging out with and it worked because you sought out that stubborn principessa of mine and convinced her to let you help us find Kat which you did” “Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to find someone, especially when you're working with a dumb fucktard like

Trevor, I mean, who leaves s**t like that on their computer when they've already got what they're tracking?” “A dumb fucktard like Trevor that's who, Marcus” Cassie says and we all laugh We then get out of cars making sure we're locked and loaded ready to end this bullshit tonight but what I didn't know is that Iwas about to be doublecrossed by someone I consider my family

Klayton and Joey ask sounding amused before laughing which pissed me off, especially when I looked up at Marcus and I saw how hurt and sad he was by their words “Actually yeah, you pair of assholes, I asked Marcus to help me because unlike you Klayton, Marcus didn't ignore me or brush off my feelings when I told him Katerina was innocent, no he believed me and wanted to help me prove her innocence and now look..this quote on quote dipshit has managed to find Kat and instead of thanking him like the

proud brothers you should be and getting off your asses to go and get her and bring her home, you two are sitting here laughing and insulting your brother and putting him down" I growl at my two cousins “Sorry cugina” “Don't say sorry to me, dipshit, say sorry to Marcus" I'say while throwing their word back at them “You're right, cugina, sorry Marcus”

“Sorry, brother” “It's alright, I'm used to it" Marcus says before clearing his throat as I glare at Klayton and Joey who had enough sense in them to at least look guilty “So, what did you find out?" “This* Marcus says as he hands me the file he was holding “Trevor has taken over an old abandoned mansion in Long Island, it's secluded enough that nobody will bother him but it's not so secluded that they can't come and go whenever they want and they can't be traced by a skilled hacker"

Marcus says with a smirk “You found all of this out in just one week” “Mmm-hmm, I told you I was good" Marcus winked at me and I smiled proudly at him “Now, I wasn't able to access everything because whoever Trevor has got working for him has got certain s**t locked down and I think only someone in the FBI or CIA can gain access to it but I was able to find out his current address and I know he's there because he's got this LD scanner thing at the entrance which is the only way to gain access to the property and this scanner is hooked up to his computer”

"How do you know Miss Katerina is there? just because he's there, it doesn't necessarily mean that she is as well, I mean, according to your brother this Trevor guy is also a mafia Don which means he's smart and he's not gonna keep his kidnap victim in an obvious place where she can easily be found" Detective Russo says and he's got a point but we're not dealing with a smart man here “I never told you Trevor is smart, Russo” Klayton groans and I chuckle “Klayton's right detective, Trevor's a cocky son of a b***h who thinks he's invincible and untouchable but he's not smart and that's how I was able to find Kat"

"How do you know she's there, Marcus?" Joey asks him

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