Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 66

Bonus Chapter 3 – You Avoid Me?


Each time the memory played in my mind, my heart hammered in my chest, my pulse echoed in my ears and my lips tingled. I could scarcely believe I had done it, kissed him, Konstantin.

Just his name dancing silently on my tongue sent ripples of a strange electricity through my chest. How could he have ingrained himself in my heart so quickly? He hadn’t forced his way into it or demanded my affections. All he had done was quietly appreciate my company, as though that was enough for him.

His scent of crisp yet musky mountainous air had lulled me to sleep, draped on my figure from his t- shirt. I could almost taste him all over again, triggered only by that scent, and his face had graced my dreams, chasing away all my fears.

For five long months, my dreams had consisted of Finley, using and taunting me, parading women to hurt me, showing me love only to shatter it, and in darker nightmares, looming over me to attack. But with Konstantin’s scent enveloping me, all those horrid images dissipated into a fog, replaced for the first time by his large and comforting arms, his gentle eyes, and those soft lips.

I had fallen for him so fast, so hard… it terrified and excited me. I swore I wouldn’t be swept up in a mate bond again, that if by some miracle I was granted a second chance, I wouldn’t allow myself to dream for a moment of happily ever afters until I was sure. And I had willingly broken that resolve the moment he returned my wrap, the moment our fingers brushed.

Helping Evie pack as she had for my heat, I was in a daze, not focusing on what I was folding or on what Evie was packing. A whole mariachi band could have passed through her room dressed as

pickles and I doubt I would have even noticed. That was, till Evie had shaken me from my daydreaming, asking what had happened.

“Have you seen him since?” Evie lifted her head, focusing behind me.


But the pleasant ripple down my spine told me. I could feel a gaze on my back, heated, intense and I utterly loved it in an instant.

“Now’s your chance,” she spun me around. “He’s right there.”

And there he was, his deep grey-blue eyes focused solely on me, only shifting when Evie waved and climbed through the window to greet him. One of the Alphas stood behind him, Astennu I guessed, giving Evie and Konstantin a moment to speak as father and daughter.

I handed Evie her bag and followed her out of the window, closing it shut behind me knowing she had everything and no reason to go back in.

I felt each thud of my heart, looking up into Konstantin’s captivating face, his wonderful curls of mountain scent reaching out to pull me to him with no effort on his part.

‘Say it,’ Lobelia urged, knowing the words that lingered on the tip of my tongue. ‘You practised it enough. It’ll mean so much to him.’

“D-dobroye utro (good morning),” I bit my lips together, hoping I had said it right.

A small twitch of his lips under his beard told me I had gotten it correct and he repeated it back.

‘What?’ I felt my mouth pout as I caught Evie’s teasing smile. ‘I spent all last night and some of this morning trying to learn that.’

I stood far back, to give them their chance to speak, feeling Konstantin’s gaze follow my hips’ natural sway. He and Evie had only just been reunited and now needed to part.

As I saw the two of them break away, a black jeep pulled up, driven by the other Alpha, Badru. Although there seemed to be some ridiculous disagreement between who would drive: Evie adamant that she do it, and Badru equally determined to stay in the driver’s seat.

“Would you let her drive?” I switched my sights between each twin. Both had a sheen of sweat on their brows and an agitation to their limbs. ”Neither of you look as though you should be behind the wheel at all.”

As soon as I had said it, I regretted it. Evie had that silly sly smile, and the Alpha twins were doing their best to shove down a grin.

“Don’t you dare say it. I heard the tone, I know.”

‘Thanks for the assist, mom,’ Evie just couldn’t help herself, pulling me in for a hug before she got into the jeep. ‘Please look out for him? He really doesn’t trust pack, so this is all gonna be a difficult adjustment for him.’

‘I’ll take care of him, I promise.’

‘And bake! We need to spoil him,’ my wolf grew excited.

The jeep took off and Konstantin stood silently, watching it leave, a frown carving through his features. Tentatively, I reached out to grasp his hand. An instinct took hold of me, expecting him to pull away, to reject me, but he didn’t. His fingers clasped tight, intertwining with and engulfing mine, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles.

“She was so small and now she is grown woman… she doesn’t need me,” he muttered, a deep pain resonating in his quiet voice.

“She’ll always need you,” I thought to my own father, how much I missed him and how much I wanted him back to get me through the ordeal with my first mate.

Wiping at my tears before they could fall, I pulled on his arm to turn him to me. “Will you come and have breakfast with me? I make a wicked eggs benedict.”

“Why are eggs named Benedict?” He looked at me confused.

I sucked in a sharp breath.

‘Oh my goddess, he’s adorable,’ Lobelia twirled in my mind, as completely entranced as I was.

“No,” a small giggle bubbled. “It’s just what the dish is called. Come on, I can show you.”

I wasn’t interested in ordering our breakfast. I could make a better hollandaise sauce than anyone in this place. The kitchen of the pack house was busy when I opened the double doors, preparing for the day and the upcoming Thanksgiving. I ignored the tiny whispers and obvious mind-linking flitting around and pulled Konstantin by the hand to the small side kitchen. One look from him and the couple of staff scattered in an instant. Normally, I would have been working today. But ever since my run-in with Finley that resulted in his expulsion from the pack, I had been given a leave of absence from my duties, with pay.

With a flourish, I presented Konstantin’s plate, putting extra attention into its presentation to show him that it did make all the difference. He seemed to find it rather amusing, given his quiet yet deep rumbling laugh. Afterwards, I had the strong urge to bake.

I sat him on my small set of steps I used for reaching the top shelves, which doubled as a stool. He looked quite comical, sat with his legs crossed to fit. A huge man perched on a tiny seat, but at least it made him somewhat reachable to spoon-feed him little tastes of what I made.

The pear frangipane tarts he devoured and the cannoli shells were cooling nicely as I made the fillings; pistachio, chocolate and hazelnut, and lime mojito with white chocolate.

“Open,” I held out a sample of the whipped pistachio.

He obeyed, letting me feed him the sample.

“I like this most,” he used his thumb and forefinger to wipe his beard.

“It’s my favourite too.”

I piped each of the cannoli shells, dusting with some icing sugar to finish them off. Taking a sharp knife, I cut a slice off of the pistachio one, since it was his favourite.

“Here, try one now it’s filled,” I turned around, expecting him to still be seated, but he had silently stood and directly behind me too.

I was met with a very broad wall of expansive chest, his shirt clinging to his every dip and taut muscle. The point of the large black tribal tattoo poked out from the collar as well as the hint of darker hair studding his pecs. My mind, and wolf, began swimming with a desire to see the delights lying under his thick long-sleeved t-shirt again. I blinked rapidly, trying to break whatever daze I had led myself into and remember what it was I was doing.

I reached up with the slice of cannoli, balancing on my tiptoes to reach. I teetered a little and had steady myself with a hand pressed on his lower chest, my fingers splaying along the powerful muscle I could sense coiled with raw strength.

I looked away, trying to hide my flushed face and racing heartbeat, and focused instead on the small handprint of icing sugar I had left against the dark blue fabric.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I swiped at the print, trying to clear my mess.

He caught my hand as I wiped over his chest, “I do not care.”

His body leant down to mine, drawn like a magnet, and I strained up to meet him in return. Encircling my hips with his arms, he rapidly lifted me to the kitchen counter, spanning his palms around my waist.

Any control that I possessed vanished with the heat of his body pressed against mine.

My hands slipped around the back of his neck, locking my lips with his and savouring the sweet lingering tang of the creamy cannoli. His mouth parted and I welcomed his tongue, following his lead on how to swirl mine with his. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pulled him flush against me, a heat heavily pooling at the sound of his possessive growl of approval rumbling his body.

My hands itched to feel his skin. I had seen him once and I needed to know what those thick mature muscles clad with tribal tattoos felt like. A thrill tingled along my skin, moving under his shirt. Working their way up, my fingers played with his chest hair, adoring the ruggedness of his physique.

I pulled back with a jolt, realising what I was doing. I was supposed to be taking this slow, taking our time, and I had leapt on him the first chance I got. This wasn’t slow?!

“I’m sorry,” I panted, pushing him away and scrambling off of the counter, backing up to the door. “I shouldn’t have… I mean, I need time…”

And in what was becoming my idiotic response to this huge, perfect and gentle man, I ran away… yet again.

‘This is getting old,’ Lobelia complained. ‘I wanted my big Russian lycan.’

‘I can’t… I’m… I’m…’

‘Getting horny and turned on?! That’s the idea, silly goose, we’re meant to. He’s our mate and I could feel, he was in to it.’

Oh goddess! I was in over my head, I had no clue what I was doing and that damned scent of his warped my brain every time its fresh notes seeped towards me. Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.




I groaned, flopping over in bed. I had stupidly avoided Konstantin for the rest of the day. Every time I thought about that kiss, my heart ploughed into overdrive. How his tongue had played with mine conjured the dirtiest of thoughts of his tongue playing elsewhere.

‘Would his beard be scratchy or would it tickle?’ My wolf sighed, hearts practically popping around her head.

‘Stop it!’ I begged. ‘I’m not ready for anything like that… and it would probably tickle… it does when we kiss.’

‘We are totally on the same page, don’t play innocent,’ she chuckled. ‘You could go to his room, you know… for his scent. I need a new hit, this shirt of his is starting to fade.’

‘And say what? I came to collect your laundry? At midnight?’

‘If it gets us through the door.’

I gripped the fabric of Konstantin’s shirt draped on my figure. I did want his fresh scent, I wanted it badly. It was my own personal drug and I was addicted, craving everything about him.

My wolf won.

I tiptoed all the way to his door, knocking lightly upon the wood. Every ounce of common sense was telling me this was a reckless decision, but for once, I wanted to be reckless, and maybe make a dumb decision.

The door slowly unlocked and opened wide… and what greeted my sights short-circuited something in my brain.

He stood completely naked in front of me, unbothered and unashamed. Every solid muscle, line, dip, bulge and tattoo fully uncovered for me to drink in.

My wolf almost fainted and my eyes bulged, taking in the trail of dark blond chest hair that led my eyes down its path to what hung between his legs.

‘The moon goddess blessed him with great proportions,’ Lobelia drooled, transfixed.

“You avoid me?” Konstantin’s deep but quiet voice snapped my bright red face and wide eyes back to his face.

Oh my moon, he knew I had ogled every inch of him.

“No!” I squeaked, not having a clue of where to look. Was it always this warm inside?

“Why do you lie?” The tip of his finger lifted my chin. “Do you wish me to leave you alone?”

“NO!” I accidentally yelled, clenching onto his wrist.

A gentle smile spread on his mouth and, without another word, he turned away from me, leaving me at his open door as he walked back towards the bed. I was granted an uninterrupted view of his firm muscular ass. The top of one of his tattoos curved just around the top, wrapping around his left hip.

“Either stay or go,” he called over his shoulder. “Whichever you choose, close door.”

I crossed the threshold and slammed the door, leaning back against it and wondering what on earth I had walked myself into.

“D-did you eat?” I asked awkwardly. Evie had asked me to look out for him and I had done the opposite.

“I did,” he slid back under the sheets, sitting up to watch me.

Hesitantly, I walked further into the room, realising that now I was here… what the hell did I plan to do?

‘Get in bed? Snuggle up? Lick each of his tattoos?’ My wolf listed off. ‘You’ve got options.’

I wanted each thing she had mentioned, yet going anywhere near that bed was an intimidating endeavour.

I quickly ran for the couch, lying stiffly on the surface and feeling increasingly foolish.

“What you do?” His voice sounded far too close to be in the bed anymore.

A tiny surprised growl sprung from my throat when a pair of huge arms slipped under my body, pressing me to an equally huge chest. He cradled me to him, carrying me over to the bed.

“That was your growl?” He placed me on the mattress, the smirk evident in his tone alone.

I knew my cheeks had gone bright red at his playful mocking.

“Lyubimyy,” he whispered in my ear, his hard rugged body pressing at my back. “Pylkaya piksi, fiery pixie.”

His tattooed arm hooked around my waist, encasing me fully. His lips brushed against my shoulder and something rather large and stiff poked me from behind. “You want me with you? Or do I sleep on floor?”

I latched onto his forearm, holding him where he lay. “Stay. Please?”

“Whatever you wish.”

Konstantin turned my head, pressing a simple soft kiss to my lips. But the thick bulge behind me stirred other things, namely, a throbbing that ached and had begun the second he opened his door, naked. I turned fully in his arms, my fingers tracing each of the black lines marking his skin. His pack bands, his only connection to his home, to his people. They were rugged, wild and beautiful, just like him.

Without thinking, and following some instinct within, I rolled him above me, pillowing his sides with my thighs. His body weight pressed above me, braced only by his forearms on either side of my head. His breaths mixed with his growls, exciting me more, and I could feel myself growing wetter. Had my thighs been clamped together, they would have been slick. As it was, they were spread wide apart, the head of his shaft nudging at my panties and the scent of my arousal freely flowing.

“I haven’t done any of this before!” I blurted out, wanting to bury my face in hiding.

He pulled my hands away, resting them back on his shoulders. “I have only known one woman and I have not done anything for over 20 years. I wasted time with my first mate, not trusting. I will not make that mistake again.”

‘Does this mean he’s game?!’ My wolf was in a tizzy.

“I think I know something you will like,” his dark eyes swept over my face, his rough fingers delicately tracing my small jaw. “You will tell me to stop if too much, yes?”

I nodded, running my hands back and forth along his chest.

“And you will tell me if it is good, yes?” His tone was firmer this time, more dominant and feral and my core wept at its sound.

Our lips collided, melding into each other slowly. He trailed his mouth in a wet path down my neck, nipping at where his mark would lay. I squealed as an electrical current shot through my body, making my lower half convulse within the same breath. I wiggled beneath him, working the shirt he had given me up over my head and lying bare for the first time in front of someone.

Konstantin’s ravenous eyes took in the length of my body, tipping my chin up to meet my embarrassed and flushed face.

“Krasivyy,” he whispered, kissing the tip of my nose. “Beautiful.”

His hungry mouth roamed lower, leaving tickling kisses from his beard between the small cleavage of my breasts. My back arched when his hot tongue circled my n****e and my mouth hung slack, a high- pitched moan setting loose from my lips. I was so distracted by his flicking tongue suckling on my mounds, I wasn’t paying attention to where the fingers of his free hand were wandering, slowly descending down my stomach.

I threw my head back, crying out in pleasure as the tip of his thick finger spread me apart. My hands gripped his shoulders for dear life when he gently nudged back and forth over my clit, building up his rhythm.

“Do you like?” He teased, a mischievous glint to his eyes as he studied my face. “You stay quiet.”

“YES!” I squealed loudly, when his thick finger circled my entrance, plunging within my slick flesh.

I had played with myself, many times. I knew what I liked, or at least, I thought I did. This man, my mate, knew exactly how to play me, knew my every switch and where to flick.

“More?” He kissed my jaw, trailing down my body.

“Goddess, yes!” My thighs trembled and my fingers dug into the pillow on either side of my head.

The pressure within my entrance grew when he added a second finger, his mouth nuzzling just below my navel. My entire body jerked upwards when a hot, wide and wet tongue wrapped around my bundle of nerves, sucking gently. A primal and deep growl vibrated from his lips, travelling through me and making me spasm, a mini-orgasm claiming me.

‘You were right,’ my wolf suddenly panted. ‘His beard does tickle.’

Konstantin spread my thighs wide to accommodate his huge shoulders, leaving me fully at his mercy. Just one of his hands would have been enough to pin my hips in place to keep me from writhing, and he used two. The rough pads of his fingers caressed the soft skin of my waist, my hips and my inner thigh.

His tongue traced the length of my slit, plunging within my entrance and worshipping everything my body could give him. My fingers dug into his hair, pressing his face further into me in some desperate need for more friction. My hips bucked against his mouth, his tongue switching between my entrance and my clit.

My cries echoed and bounced off of the walls of the room. My body rippled, flexed and convulsed as the best orgasm I had ever experienced spread through me from the tip of my curled toes to my heated and flushed ears.

Konstantin crawled back up the length of my trembling body, flipping us over so I lay fully on his chest. His fingers stroked in a gentle line up and down my spine as I listened to his heart thundering in his chest. He had been as excited as I was. I kissed his whiskered jaw, following the line to his lips and tasting my tang still lingering.

He cupped the back of my neck, wrapping his other arm securely around me, just as I had always wanted; thick, strong muscles encasing me and making me feel safe and cared for.

“I’m sorry I keep running from you,” I murmured into his neck, nuzzling his beard.

I didn’t mean to. I knew he wasn’t anything like Finley. Yet, just as I started to lose myself in a feeling of happiness, the ugly head of rejection reared up, reminding me my happiness could be snatched away.

“You do not need to say it. I know,” he pressed his forehead to mine. “You always seem to come back to me, so I do not worry.”

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