Accepting My Twin Mates

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Accepting My Twin Mates Chapter 65

Chapter 63 – It Had To Strike Now?


‘Quit it for f**k’s sake!’ I glared at Astennu when he sneakily slipped his hand down my back to pinch the top of my ass.

Not that my glare did a thing, judging by the tiny tug of a smirk on the corner of his mouth. The two of them had been like this all through dinner. Another hand caressed the crease of my thigh, running a finger a little too dangerously close.

‘But it’s fun to misbehave,’ Badru was growing cocky now that my dad was too busy making moon eyes at Lucy to reprimand anyone.

‘More like our nugget’s cocky is growing that’s the issue,’ Evva interjected. ‘We better get them to bed before they get overconfident and papa bear begins to notice.’

‘The way they’re acting, they’d probably hump the bed, not sleep in it.’

‘I swear, I’ll pin you right here and tickle you till you dry heave,’ I threatened, gripping Badru’s wrist in a tight vice hold when his hand went too far.

A strange look of excitement flashed through his sapphire eyes, an inky flicker pulsating along with the midnight blue.

‘Is that seriously turning you on?’

‘You being dominant and threatening me, is always a turn-on,’ his boyish grin deepened.

I tried to contain my exasperated sigh, and mind-linked Lucy, ‘I’m gonna get these two out of here because they’re driving me up the wall.’

I jabbed my elbow into Badru’s side, making him flinch and finally quit pawing at me.

“Wow, I’m beat,” I made an exaggerated show to yawn into the back of my hand.

‘Subtle,’ Astennu held back his snigger. ‘I hope you’re not too beat.’

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and stood to hug my father goodbye. I paused by the door, before the twins could hurry me out, flashing an encouraging smile over my shoulder to Lucy.

‘Uh, good luck?’ I winced at how awkward it came out, but I hoped she would use her alone time well.

I was practically jostled down the hallway towards the stairs by my mates, their eagerness radiating off of them in waves. But I suddenly realised I had left the entire cleanup behind.

“Wait, I shoulda helped to tidy things away,” I tried to turn back, only to be stopped by a thick muscular arm.

“They’ll be fine,” Astennu wrapped his arm around my waist, hoisting me up to his shoulder. “They can bond over it.”

“Aste! Put me down! This is ridicu-” my protest was cut off by a swift but firm spank to my ass.

His hand lingering to massage the area, sending the shiver of electricity all through my posterior. A squeak escaped me as a natural reaction, which I hated, as it gave away just how much I loved the action.

Taking a deep breath to push down certain urges and to have my voice sound somewhat normal, “how is anyone going to ‘bond’ over dishes?”

“We did,” Badru cupped my jaw, kissing me delicately while I hung over his brother’s shoulder. “After our party, remember?”

Their eager footsteps carried me all the way to my room, landing me on my mattress on the flat of my back with a bounce. Two hungry-looking Alphas loomed above me, but not for food, slowly stripping off their shirts. I sat up, resting on my elbows, roving my eyes over their pure deep golden and sculpted muscles, each one flexing with the force of their exhale.

‘I don’t know what’s gotten into them, I just know I like it,’ Evva’s tail wafted around in my mind, ass up ready for her mates.

My thighs parted on their own, welcoming Astennu’s body on top of mine. Badru pulled my back to rest against his bare chest, the sparks of our bond buzzing with vigour. The two of them attacked my neck in synchronisation, a deep growl shuddering from both and I could swear it sounded more feral.

“So, are you actually beat?” Badru nipped at my earlobe. The very hair on the nape of my neck roused on end at hearing his low silky and purring voice in my ear.

Astennu’s fingertips strained into my hips, the tips of his claws biting against my flesh in a strange mix of pain and pleasure. “Or were you telling a white lie?”




I awoke feeling too warm for comfort and in need to turn the heating off. Four arms held onto me like a vice and the heat from their naked bodies was stifling.

When I tried to twist free from the tight hands latching onto me, a deep protesting growl rippled from Astennu.

‘Someone’s feeling dominant this morning,’ Evva groaned in a rumbling purr. ‘I’m kinda digging it.’

‘Cool it, wolf. I still feel a little sore.’

And sticky. The three of us had been fairly vigorous well into the night.

With a slower and more gentle approach. I managed to pry free of their hands to turn my heating off and cool myself down in a chilled shower.

I came out in a simple towel wrapped under my arms, my hair already brushed and oiled, only to come face to face with the twins wide awake. They raised their heads, scenting the air. Their chests expanded to virtually twice their size with their deep breaths. Their eyes pulsated wildly, flashing intense midnight blue, and there was a slight sweat clinging to their brows.

Astennu stood, unbothered that he was completely naked and very erect.

“Evie? How are you feeling this morning?” He swallowed hard, his hand outstretched and flexing as though he was warring internally on whether to touch me or not.

“A little warm? Are you two ok? You look rough.”

Badru was practically panting, a violent shade of red blotching his skin. “I think you’re going into heat.”

If it hadn’t been for the obvious reaction and their virtually purple appendages about to explode in rigidity, I would have questioned if this was truly my heat. So far, I didn’t feel too off. My father said that lycans produced more pheromones. Perhaps they were picking up the early start because of it.

In three strides, Badru was grasping my neck, pressing his nose against where it joined my shoulder. His groan was a mix with his growls. He licked my marking spot and I near enough folded, wanting to melt into a puddle against him. The heat in my body flushed in a wave from my heart and settled into an agonising twisting throb in my core.

Astennu devoured the other side of my neck, ripping away my towel to grope my breasts, his erection poking me and begging to be buried. Their scents were another layer of ordeal to contend with. Astennu’s aroma of sweet tree sap and Badru’s spicy cinnamon and nutmeg intermingled in the heady exotic forest scent that burst with new appeal.

Just as suddenly, they both pushed me away like they had been stung by fire, and my body had never wanted to scream for their touch more than it did now.

“We need to get you out of here,” Badru was trying to look away and dress himself with trembling hands that seemed to have forgotten how to function. Astennu, too, was in a similar state. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Unmarked wolf males would be able to catch my scent and it could inadvertently trigger their ruts. The only time my heat scent would be safe would be when I was marked. The only males who wouldn’t ever be safe again would be my mates.

“I better not be going alone,” I quickly dressed myself, sticking to a thin pair of jeans and a thin pale pink blouse. “I’m not going through my first heat solo.”

A heat cycle as a mated but unmarked she-wolf was not going to be an easy three-day holiday.

The twins lost their battle to look away and watched my every move, striving to catch their breath.

“f**k, this is just making it worse,” Astennu, in particular, struggled.

I was used to seeing Badru as a hot and horny mess; that was simply who he was. For my poor goober, ‘horny mess’ was going to be foreign territory.

“Our lodge, up on Crystal Mountain,” he choked, as though he was inhaling too much oxygen at once. “We can go there. It’s secluded away from the public ski chalets. We’ll be alone and there’s plenty of snow if you need an ice bath. Who knows how severe this could get…”

And I knew he wasn’t just speaking of how severe my symptoms could be.

“Maybe we should ask your dad?” Badru suggested. “He might have only been 16 when he lost his pack, but maybe he has an idea or what’s to be expected?”

“I can’t think of anything I’d rather do less,” I flushed red in mortification. Speaking to my dad, whom I had only just met, about my heat cycle? “I’d rather have a tea party alone with your mother.”

“Actually, I meant we, as in Aste and me. Even I realise how weird that would be for you.”

“You seriously want to talk to my father about my heat?” I stated in a flat tone.

“No one said it isn’t going to be awkward,” Astennu pulled a face. “But it might help.”

“Ok,” I nodded, randomly exhaling a burst of laughter from my nose. “Guess we don’t have to worry about what to do with thanksgiving anymore.”

They both chuckled, pulling me into their embrace, our fingers digging into each other. Nothing painful, just a need to hold and be held. It would have been nice though, I sniffled, not even realising I was upset.

“Hey, what is it, ammar?”

“Talk to us, nour el-ain.”

“It was just… I’ve never had a normal thanksgiving before, not that it would have been particularly normal, anyway,” I shrugged, letting my small pang of disappointment fade. “Your mom can’t stand me, our dads want to murder each other and my best friend, who is a year younger, is pretty much my stepmother. It would’ve been pretty weird at the dinner table.”

“Normal is overrated anyway,” Astennu nuzzled me.

“And boring,” Badru squeezed my sides. “The best shake-up we’ve ever had is the moment you beat our naked asses in the snow.”

“Pack some things together, and we’ll bring the jeep around to your window,” Astennu let me go to fish out my travel bag. “That way, you won’t have to walk through the house.”

“You’re really sneaking me out of the window again?”

“Just like the good old days from last week,” he grinned.




“Sorry we left you with all the cleanup last night,” I apologised to Lucy as I grabbed my toiletries from my bathroom.

She came a few moments after the twins left, and with their absence came a pulling strain in my chest, one of the symptoms of a she-wolf’s heat that would grow over the next few days. I had also felt the first few waves of a crippling lust, wanting me to tear my room apart and go in search of my mates. A couple of deep breaths, and slapping my face, had my senses return. Lucy had only completed her

heat a few days ago. Being around me wasn’t about to trigger another bout for her so soon. She hadn’t even had her menstrual cycle that would arrive after, provided the she-wolf hadn’t become pregnant.

“Luce?” I prompted as she dreamily folded one of the twin’s t-shirts.

“Hmm?” She broke free of her daydream.

“Last night? I’m sorry for running off and leaving you with the plates?”

“Oh,” she looked away, blushing hard and sped up her folding. “No, it’s ok.”

“… Did something happen?”

‘No! Why did you ask?!’ Evva clamped her paws over her ears. ‘I can’t hear about our father getting funky.’

“I thought you didn’t want to hear about my details,” Lucy giggled away at my twisted face, still beet red herself.

“I don’t, I don’t!” I chanted furiously. “I have no idea why I asked.”

She bit her bottom lip, a tiny smile lighting up her face. “… We kissed.”

‘Our step-mom is utterly precious,’ my wolf sniggered at her innocence.

‘I’m actually more surprised that Aste was right, they bonded over dishes.’

“Have you seen him since?” I asked, spotting who was now outside the window.


“Now’s your chance,” I spun her around. “He’s right there.”

My father stood alongside Astennu, staring intently in Lucy’s direction. His face softened when his gaze switched to mine, his attention distracted as I waved.


Taking deep breaths, I forced my feet to walk away from Evie’s door. Her scent at the best of times wreaked havoc with my control. Waking up this morning, my actions from the previous night made sense. The moment the intense hot spiced vanilla of her heat hit my nostrils, my wolf had roared to life and my body trembled with pure, raw lust. I hadn’t been through a rut before, but I didn’t need anyone to clarify it for me. It was agonisingly apparent.

My c**k was beyond rigid. It throbbed, painfully, and my heart was near enough ready to burst out of my chest. My skin was as though someone had turned on a tap and this was only day one. It would grow by tomorrow, settling and receding by day three.

‘How are we gonna get through the journey up to our mountain lodge?’ Aasim strained to yank me back to our mate’s scent like an addict. ‘Her room was torture, what’s a smaller space gonna do to us?’

‘We’ll have to drive with the windows down. It’ll be fine.’

It was just as much to convince myself, as it was my wolf.

“How about while you talk to Konstantin, I’ll pack us a bag and grab the jeep,” my brother began moving to our Alpha wing door.

“Why am I doing this alone?”

He raised a brow, swallowing and flinching at the same time as I did when a faint wave rippled through us. “Remember when you made me speak to the devil’s spawn, that is Catalina, and I said you owe me?”

Al’ama (damn), I knew that was going to come back and bite me.

‘Divide and conquer, I guess,’ Aasim circled around and flopped down, whining for his mate’s scent.

It was fine for my wolf to say that. He got to sit in a cosy dark mind and watch me make an ass out of myself, talking to our soon-to-be father-in-law.

“I wish I’d spoken to that woman now,” I wiped at my forehead again.

“Yeah well, shoulda, coulda, woulda, didn’t. Have fun,” my brother slapped me on the back and headed into our wing.

‘Just remember to pack protection,’ I reminded him. I was a little further along than Badru was in wanting pups, but I doubted Evie was anywhere close. The subject hadn’t even been broached.

I tried to play through in my head what I would tell Evie’s currently unsuspecting father. What was a light and breezy way to say: “your daughter you’ve barely had time to reconnect with, has gone into heat and me and my twin are taking her to the mountains where we’re probably going to screw her brains out.”

‘I’m coming up empty,’ my wolf shrugged. ‘It’s not as though he won’t know, on some level, what’s gonna happen. He did conceive a pup out of a heat.’

My fist hovered over Konstantin’s door, swallowing down my spiking heart palpitations, but the door was yanked open before my hand made contact.

“You are alone,” he looked around me with his unflinching gaze, drawing straight to the point. “What has happened?”

“Evie’s going into her heat cycle. We need to take her away from here for a few days till it’s over, up in the mountains.” There wasn’t any point in p***y footing around the matter.

Without a word, he strode past me and down the hall, not bothering to close his door behind him. At least he was dressed.

I slammed his door closed and hurried to catch up. “Hang on, you don’t even know where her room is.”

“Volchonok (little wolf),” he whirled around on me. “I track my Evgeniya across this land with nothing more than blood bond as guide. I can find her in your damned pack house.”

‘Consider your ass, told,’ Aasim interrupted his moping to howl in laughter.

“Okaaay,” I drew out. “Let’s go around the outside instead. That way, her scent doesn’t spread through the Omega quarters.”

He humphed a reply and kept his pace, seemingly remembering his way to the outdoors.

“I know you were pretty young at the time,” I cleared my voice uncomfortably. “But do you know anything about a lycan female’s heat? Did they have them? Were they like a regular wolf’s?”

“I have no experience with lycan woman. Heather was my first,” he admitted without any embarrassment or shame. “I do not know many difference, only that lycan have more demands.”

“Uh… demands?”

He stopped, narrowing his eyes in warning, and I almost backed up; something I would never have done with anyone else, not even my father.

“Do not play fool with me, volchonok (little wolf). You know my meaning. You and your brother will be respectful to my daughter. I am clear?”

“Yes sir,” I responded automatically, feeling like a pup under his scrutinous eye.

‘I grabbed us some basic clothes and enough food to last. I’m just loading up the jeep and I’ll meet you at her window,’ Badru, thankfully mind-linked, cutting in through the intense stare down from Konstantin. ‘…Mom isn’t completely horrified we’re absconding with Evie, for a change. She’s even given us a bunch of fatayer bi jibneh (middle eastern cheese pies) she had in the freezer.’

I walked just behind Konstantin to avoid any awkward attention that I was moving a little funny. I had had to tuck my throbbing erection out of the way, not wanting anyone, much less my mate’s father, to see my struggles. My c**k was straining so hard against its confines, I was certain it was about to lose blood flow.

The sooner I could get Evie away from here and to our lodge, the better.

It was still so strange hearing her specific brand of brazen, barefaced fire from another. Just the thought of my ammar flared my repressed desire, threatening to shatter my threshold of restraint. Thinking of Evie and her dominance had me wanting to forget all about common sense and control, go find her and bend her over the nearest surface. But if I did that, I had no doubt Konstantin would likely, and slowly, have me castrated.

And for what I wanted to do with my mate, when we were finally alone, I’d need my equipment securely attached.

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