You’re Mine

Chapter 90

Chapter 90


Ryan, Sadie and I got to school before Easton, so we're waiting for him as we lean against the car, my gaze on the parking lot entrance, watching for his Jeep.

I'm trying to pretend I'm not paying attention to my brother and my best friend while they flirt with each other, but it’s difficult.

He is really laying it on, and she is definitely lapping it up.

I concentrate on what happened between Easton and I yesterday.

How sweet he was.

The things he said.

The way he looked at me, touched me.

A shiver moves through me and Sadie notices.


“Nope.” I smile at her and she rolls her eyes.

Easton's Jeep appears and he pulls into a spot so swiftly, the tires squeal, making me shake my head.

He drives too fast.

He likes to do lots of fast things.

He can be slow when he needs to be too.

A secretive smile plays upon my lips as he jumps out of the car and slams the door, hitting the keyless remote to lock the Jeep.

He's headed our way and I swear to God, I can hear him whistling.

Like he's one of Snow White's dwarves, ready to go to work.

When Ryan spots Easton, he gets all scowly.

Like he's mad at him or something, which is ridiculous.

There is no reason Ryan should be holding any kind of grudge against Easton.

Things are good between all of us.

In fact, they've never been better.

The moment my gaze finds Easton's, I'm running toward him, wrapping him up in a big hug as my way of greeting him.

"Good morning."

He slides his hand over my ass, gripping it firmly.

"Good morning to you too.” "Jesus, stop groping my sister in the parking lot,” Ryan shouts.

Easton laughs and readjusts me so I'm slammed up against him, and we approach Ryan and Sadie.

"Sorry bro."

"Uh huh.” Ryan rubs his jaw and lowers his voice.


I saw something—weird earlier.” "What did you see?"

Easton asks.

My heart sinks.

God, what now? "I didn't mention it to Harper but..."

Ryan quickly glances in my direction as he clears his throat.

“When we were driving to school, we passed Blake's car parked on the side of the road.

And—I'm pretty sure Aisha was in the Passenger seat.” I freeze up at my brother's revelation.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought maybe I was just seeing things."

Ryan shrugs, looking uncomfortable.

Sadie is watching him, her gaze narrowed, arms crossed in front of her chest.

"But the more I think about it, the more I know it was Blake and Aisha in Blake's car."

Here we go again, my brother and Easton ready to make Blake look like the bad guy.

I'm so sick of it.

I thought they worked everything out and it was good between them again.

"Why would they be together?"

I ask.

“Blake knows I hate her."

Easton scowls.

"Maybe since I told him to leave you alone, now he's trying to get with her."

"He wouldn't do that,"

I say firmly.

"He knows how much that would bother me."

And he does.

Blake wouldn't betray me like that. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

He knows his being with Aisha would cut me to the bone.

"Oh come on, Harp.

He would totally do that,"

Ryan says.

"He's always looking for free pussy and Aisha gives it up every chance she's got.” Sadie slaps Ryan's arm, shutting him up with a glare.


I shake my head.

"I don't believe it.” "Your faith in that asshole is unshakable.

I don't get it,” Ryan says.

"Took the words right out of my mouth,” Easton mutters.

"I thought you were team me, not team Blake."

“Of course I'm team Easton.” He's jealous, I can tell, and I lean in, pressing my mouth against his, trying to comfort him.


He takes my hand and pulls me away from Ryan and Sadie so they can't hear us.

"You doing anything tonight?"

I frown at his change of subject.


Why do you ask?"

"How about you come to dinner at my house.

Officially meet my parents.” My mouth pops open.


He nods, brushing a strand of hair away from my face and tucking it behind my ear.

"I want them to meet my girl.

They already know you as my best friend's sister, but not as my girlfriend, you know?"

The smile on my face is so big, it almost hurts.

I forget all about Blake and Aisha and throw myself at him, squeezing him tight.


Yes, I'd love to come over for dinner tonight.” "Perfect.

It's about time they meet you."

He kisses me, his soft lips sending tingles scattering all over my skin and I sigh into his mouth.

I'm tired of the two of us sneaking around all the time.

It's like we're trying to keep everything that's happening between us a secret, and while I know what we share started out that way, I don't want to keep him a secret any longer.

Looks like he feels the same way.

ak I drove Ryan's car to Easton's house, a bundle of nerves the entire way.

I walk up to the house, giving myself a pep talk and before I even have a chance to ring the doorbell, the door swings open.

Easton is standing there, a smile on his face.

He takes my hand and pulls me inside, interlacing our fingers together as he shuts the door and leads me into the giant living room.

His father sits in a recliner, watching the local evening news.

He grabs a remote and pauses the news, smiling at me.

"Who's this, Easton?” "Dad, this is my girlfriend, Harper.

Ryan's twin sister,"

Easton says.

He sounds so serious.

Also a little nervous.

"Ah, Ryan's sister, Nice to see you again, Harper.

Want to sit down?"

He gestures toward the empty couch.

We settle in together, Easton pressed against my side, our hands still clasped.

I can tell he's still nervous by the little smile he flashes my way.

"How's school going for you, Harper? Excited about graduating?"


I nod, gripping Easton's hand tighter.

“Definitely trying to enjoy my senior year though."


His dad turns the news back on and Easton rolls his eyes, making me cover my mouth so I don't laugh out loud.

"_.the school district has suspended administrator Leigh Scott without pay while they investigate her for inappropriate conduct with a minor.

According to reports, Scott was involved with a student last year under the guise of offering college counseling and helping him prepare his applications.

No other students have come forward indicating involvement with Scott, and the district as well as the police, plan on interviewing the student involved in the case.” My entire body goes cold as all the blood rushes through me, leaving me lightheaded.

Oh my God, I think I might faint.

I fall heavily against the couch, my fingers like ice as Easton clutches them tight.

"You okay?"

he murmurs.

“Easton, that's at your school.

Do you know the young man they're talking about?"

his father asks.

"Does he need legal advice? I could help him out.” “Nope, I don't know him,"

Easton bites out, sending me a warning look.

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