You’re Mine

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Harper I can admit the breakfast Aisha made us is delicious.

Ugh, though it kills me.

The French toast is cooked to golden perfection.

The maple syrup is thick and sweet, and that hint of powdered sugar sprinkled on top? Yummy.

The bacon is crisp yet chewy.

The coffee is strong.

She cut up all kinds of fruit for us to eat as well and the watermelon is sweet.

The strawberries juicy and red.

The grapes I avoid because...

I hate grapes.

Oh well, guess it’s not the perfect breakfast.

Sadie is shoveling food in her mouth with her nose wrinkled in disgust, but she's enjoying it.

I know she is.

We all are.

Damn it.

"Who knew you could cook?"

Blake says when he's finished eating, leaning back in his chair and patting his belly like he's a chubby old man.

"That was fucking good, Aisha."

She beams from her spot at the head of the table.

"Thank you.

I love cooking meals for my friends.

It's like my love language."

Sadie and I share a look across the table.

Love language? She is so full of shit.

"Guys, we need to clean up some outside before we leave,” Easton announces.

"My dad texted me and said there's a storm coming in later."

glance at his plate—empty.

Guess he doesn't hate French toast after all.

"Let's do it."

Ryan leaps to his feet, seemingly eager to get out of here, I guess.

Though we aren't going to leave right after breakfast, are we? I mean—and oh my God I can't even believe I'm thinking this—but I feel kind of bad that Blake and Aisha show up late last night and then

we're going to head home right after she made us this amazing breakfast? Easton leans over to whisper in my ear.

"You don't mind staying in here with Aisha for a little bit? She's being okay, right?"

I slowly shake my head, trying to pretend like it won't bother me.

"No, I don't mind.

I'll make sure Sadie doesn't shove her hand in the garbage disposal."

"That's my girl."

He kisses me, his mouth lingering before he pulls away and when I glance over in Aisha's direction I find her glaring at me, her eyes narrowed.


She hasn't changed one bit.

She hates me.

She hates that Easton and I are together.

"We'll help you clean up the kitchen,"

I tell her sweetly, offering her a smile.

Aisha smiles in return.

"That would be so great, thank you.

I appreciate the help."

"Well, we appreciate the breakfast.” Sadie is mute and I kick her in the shin, making her yelp.

She sends me a look.

I glare, tilting my head in Aisha's direction.



We appreciate it,"

Sadie says weakly.

Once the guys go outside, we start gathering up the plates on the table and bring them in the kitchen.

Aisha is already at the sink, rinsing out dishes and loading them in the dishwasher.

We quietly clean the kitchen, none of us uttering a word to each other with the exception of a murmured "thank you"

or “excuse me"

every few minutes.

It's weird.

I can hear the boys outside talking and laughing while we're acting like we're at a funeral.

“Look, I gotta know,” Sadie says out of nowhere.

"Are you with Blake for real, Aisha?"

Aisha turns off the water and dries her hand on a dishtowel.

"What do you mean am I with him for real? We're...friends."

"With benefits?"

Sadie asks.

"I don't see how that's any of your business,” Aisha says haughtily.

Sadie sends me a look.

"Just curious."

I remain quiet.

Aisha turns her attention to me.

"You have nothing to say?” "What do you want me to say? Thanks for breakfast? I can give you that.

I'm so happy you showed up with Blake last night? Yeah, can't lie.

You're most likely using him to get at..."

I clamp my lips shut and she smiles, waving a hand at me.

"Go on.

Finish what you wanted to say,” she encourages.

“You're using him to get at—me."

Aisha throws back her head and laughs.

And laughs.

And laughs some more.

Sadie glances over at me and I roll my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Who's using who is the question,” Aisha says once her laughter has died.

"You don't think Blake is using me?"

"I don't care who's using who, I just know that your motives aren't pure,"

I throw at her.

Aisha arches a brow as she approaches me.

"Oh, and yours are? Little Miss Virgin Harper? Give me a break.

I heard you screaming your head off last night.

‘Oh Easton, fuck me, Easton’.” She rolls her eyes.

"Pathetic performance.

Four out of ten.

Zero creativity.” "You're just jealous,"

I spit at her, hating how her comments make me feel.

I was so excited to put on my little performance for them last night.

Rub it in both of their faces that Easton and I are having terrific sex and we're happy.

Genuinely happy.

“Jealous of you?"

Aisha sneers as she looks me up and down.


Easton is going to realize soon enough that you're boring.

He'll move on and leave you crying and alone, and that's when he'll come back to me."

"What about Blake?"

Sadie asks.

"He can console Harper after Easton breaks up with her.

He wants her bad enough.” Aisha shakes her head. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

"I don't get what they see in you.

Maybe it's because you spread your legs so easily?"

I see red.

I want to rip out every strand of hair from her head.

I'm lunging toward her with my hands out, but Sadie steps directly in front of me, blocking me.

“I think you're confusing Harper with yourself, babe,"

Sadie says, her tone smug.


Since I've fucked around with every single one of these guys in this house at one point or another."

Aisha's arrogant smile is infuriating and she aims it directly at Sadie.

"I wonder if Ryan still thinks of me when he's with you."



That was the absolute wrong thing for Aisha to say.

It turns into complete chaos.

“Oh, that is it.

I'm legit going to murder her, Harp.

I am!"

Sadie screams as she starts for Aisha.

I try to stop her, but she shoves me out of the way, and I slide onto the tile floor, landing on my butt.

Aisha shrieks and runs for the door that leads outside, Sadie hot on her tail.

"Blake! Oh my God, Blake!"

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