Written In My Heart.

Chapter 32 : Cold Shoulder.

Chapter 32 : Cold Shoulder.

Sofia stood up as Ayaan entered the room with a file in his hand while looking through some papers..

He had gone to take permission for her discharge.. It was almost evening by the time she was ready to

leave the hospital.. Nick had visited earlier in the morning and stayed for a few hours.. He insisted

Ayaan to go home but he refused and rather fell a sleep on the couch in the room.. He woke up much

later after Nick left and the doctor had come to check up on her.. After the final check up she was ready

to leave and Ayaan went to complete the formalities and came back..

A: Come-on Let's go..

He says collecting her things from the table and began walking forward.. She tried to speak but he went

ahead without even giving her a glance.. He had been behaving so since the morning.. After the doctor

checked up on her he seemed worried while talking to the doctor but calmed down after their

conversation.. But ever since he had completely ignored her.. He fed her and even gave medicine but

didn't speak a word.. She couldn't bring herself to initiate either cause of what she had done..

She stood up from the bed quietly and was about to walk but her hands brushed on the glass as she

felt her head spin.. She moved a few steps back losing her balance as she felt two arms around her

shoulder stabling her.. She looked up to see Ayaan standing beside her.. He slowly guided her from the

door and down to the car making her sit in.. The car ride was a quiet one as they reached home she

climbed down the car and began to move towards her room.. Ayaan quietly followed her to the room

and kept all the medicine on the side table.. Sofia sat on the bed staring at him as he arranged all her

tablets according to time and placed the other belongings in their place..

He signed her to move back on the bed as she layed on it properly.. He covered her with the blanket

and turned on both the lamps beside her bed thay gave more than enough light.. He closed the other

lights and came to check the water in the jug and placing the glass close to her bed.. Finally after

checking all the things around he turned to leave but Sofia held his hand.. He tried to shake it off but

she held it tighter moving the blanket away and stood from the bed..

S: Ayaan.. Please listen to me..

A: Let go of my hand.

S: Look.. I'm sorry.. Just listen to me once..

A: Is there something left to listen.?

S: I'm sorry... I just..

A: Just what Sofia..?? You can't possibly explain what you just did.??

S: I..I.. I know.. I w..wa-

A: How Could you.??? How could you just do that.??

Turning around he asked in a hurtful tone.. Sofia lowered her head as tears welled up in her eyes..

Ayaan felt furious as he tried to calm himself..

A: Does all this really mean nothing to you..? All of us.?? Do you.... Do you even realise how I might

have felt in that moment.. When i saw you lying in the pool of your own blood.. I couldn't even imagine

such a thing..

He said as his voice got heavier.. tears slipped from his eyes as he wiped them immediately..

A: Why.?? Why did you do it.?? Did you trust none of us enough to tell us what you were going

through.. Kiara she... She isn't even here.?? She knows nothing about this.. Can thou imagine how Ccontent © exclusive by Nô/vel(D)ra/ma.Org.

she'll feel when she finds out about all this..

S: N..No don't tell her.. I.. I didn't mean to hurt you guys..

A: But you did.. And you know what hurts more than that..? It feels like we failed.. we failed to take care

of you.. to be there for you..

S: That's not true.

A: Then how could you.?? Did you really not think even once before doing this..? You are important to

all of us.. To me.. I can't lose you too.

He said holding her shoulders tightly as she stared in his eyes that reflected with unshed tears.. She

felt breathless as her heart sank as she stared lost in his eyes.. It was like she could feel each and

every emotion he felt.. Even his pain.. In an unexpected moment he moved forward enveloping her in a

hug tightly.. He slowly rested his head on her shoulder as she did the same and slowly wrapped her

arms around him too.. She felt him relax as he stood in the same position for minutes without speaking

or moving.. It was like he was feeling her.. Making sure she was there and that it wasn't just dream..

Making sure that she was fine.. She could feel his tears falling on her shoulder..

After a while he calmed down and moved back.. He wiped his face with both his hands taking a deep

breath.. he then held her shoulders making her sit on the bed.. He poured water in The glass drank

himself and then poured one more for her passing it to her.. She drank it slowly still looking at him.. It

seemed like he was the one who needed to calm down more than her.. She kept the glass aside and

kept a hand on his shoulder.. He looked at her with an apologetic look..

A: I'm sorry.. I..I shouldn't have behaved that way.. I should understand you're situation..I didn't mean

to.. It's just.. I was so upset and it all came out on you..

S: It's ok.. You didn't say anything wrong.. I know I shouldn't have done that..

A: Then why.?? Why did you do it.?

S: Would you believe me if I say.. I don't know..

A: What.??

S: I don't exactly know why I did this.. I guess it was those nightmares.. Sometimes they were so

intense that they almost felt real.. even when i woke up.. I felt like I was still trapped in it..

A: Yeah about these nightmares.. You said these stopped.. When did they start again..?

She lowered her head contemplating what to say.. He carefully observed her expressions..

A: Wait.. they did stop right..??

She shook her head in a no sign..

A: Sofia.??

S: I didn't want to bother you guys..

A: You're not a bother for us.. I've told you this so many times..

S: I know it's just.. You all were already so worried for me.. and kiara.. She got that offer and wasn't

ready to leave me.. And I didn't want her to leave such an opportunity.. So I just said that I was ok.. And

trust me.. They were getting better.. they had became so rare.. I thought they'll stop in a while.. But

then suddenly they started getting worse..

A: But you should've just told me..

S: I know.. I thought so.. But I still didn't want to worry you all.. I'm sorry..

A: It's ok.. But.. Tell me one more thing.. Was this the first time.??

She looked at him startled by the question.. He gave her a stern look but she turned away..

A: You mean... And you still didn't tell me..

S: It was the same every time.. I didn't have any control over them.. Every time i woke up from them.. It

was always so dark.. It was such a compelling feeling that I felt.. I never realised it until the last

moment.. But this time.. I just didn't realise.. even after the end..

A: Sofia.. Did anyone ever give you any kind of medicine.??

S: What kind of medicine..?

A: Any new or different medicine.. Other than the usual ones..

S: No.. You're the one who brings all my medicine.. But Why.??

A: So did... Did you ever feel any kind of pinch or pain when you wake up.. anywhere like you're neck

or arm..

S: Yeah.. quite a few times.. I think.. But how do you know.. And Why are you asking all this.??

A: When was the last time you felt it..??

S: Quite a few times in the month.. I'm not exactly sure maybe a week ago.. But why..?? What is it..?

A: Just like that..

S: Ayaan what is it..?? Are you hiding something from me..??

A: No.. why would I.? Why don't you rest for a while.. I'l come back later..

S: Ok... I guess.. See you..

A: Ok..

He said standing from the bed.. She layed down properly he helped her with the blanket and covered

her properly.. She gave a smile to him as he smiled back.. He leaned down giving a kiss on her

forehead.. Giving one last glance at her he left the room as she closed her eyes falling asleep almost


He went directly to his room taking out the phone instantly and dialed the investigator..

A: Hello.. where are you.?... I need to see you.. come to my office immediately.. Ok.

He keeps the phone on the table and leaves to his office after a quick change.. In a few minutes the

investigator arrives at his office too.. He signs him to sit in the chair..

I: Yes sir.. What was so urgent you called me here all of a sudden..??

A: Yes there was something I needed tho speak to you about..

I: About what.??

A: Did you do any more research about the drug.. That bottle we found.. Dextroamphetamine.. right.??

I: Yes but... Why are you asking about it now.. All of a sudden...?

A: Today.... Sofia tried to commit suicide..

I: Oh my goodness.. Is Ms. Sofia ok then.??

A: Yes.. she's fine now.. But that's not the point.. Her therapist.. He informed me that when they did a

few of her blood test.. They found traces of an anti depressant.. And guess what.?? It was the same


I: You mean.. That bottle...

A: Yes.. And if what I think is right.. Her life could be in danger..

I: You mean they could try to harm her.. The same people who killed her dad..

A: Yes..

I: But why do you think they're doing it.. could this be a family rivalry.. I mean if they are trying to harm

her after her dad now..

A: Maybe.. it can be.. I don't understand.. Uncle never mentioned anything about any rivalry..

I: But how could someone give her that..

A: I'm not sure but.. it couldn't be through pills since I'm the one who brings all her medicine..

I: Unless they are mixed with her meals or drinks..

A: Thay could be the case or syringes.. Someone might have injected them to her.. But whatever it is..

There's one thing that's clear.. who ever this person is.. he's somewhere around us..

I: Ms. Sofia doesn't leave the house which means someone has to come in..

A: And that's not possible frequently..

I: So it had to be someone at your house.. Inside

A: It can't be anyone from my family.. Soo it has to be the house help..

I: Did you hire anyone new recently.??

A: No.. None that I remember..

I: So maybe someone is using the already existent ones by bribing or threatening them..

A: That could be the case.. I think I should change the entire house help.

I: I don't think that's a good idea.. cause if our deductions are correct and we suddenly change the

house help.. It can make him suspicious..

A: you're right.. But I can't take any risk with Sofia's health..

I: Just give me a week.. and I would need a list of all the people working at your house.. I'l find out

about them.. and let's see if we find anything suspicious...

A: Wait I've appointed a new maid recently for cooking and also to take care of Sofia.. She'll be the one

taking care of her lunch and dinner from today onwards..

I: Great then.. I'll search about her first..

A: ok.. I'll email you the list and details..

I: Ok then.. I'll get to work.. and call you if I get something..

A: Sure..

The investigator stood up giving a nod at Ayaan as he nodded back.. He walked to the door and was

about to open it when it opened by itself and Nick walked in.. He gave a glance back at ayaan and

walked by Nick quietly.. He entered the room walking upto Ayaan..

N: Who was this guy.?? He doesn't work here right.. I haven't seen him around before..

A: Oh he was.. A friend of mine..

N: Friend.??

A: Yeah.. I met him on a buisness trip.. in Germany..

N(handing him the files) : Ooh.. buisness trip.. He lookes like a spy or an investigator or something..

A(While reading the files): He is.

N: Yes.??

A: I mean... He does doesn't he.?? I tell him the same thing all the time.. He loves this kind of stuff a


N: I see.. Anyway what are you doing here.. At this time.. I thought you wouldn't come today because

of.. Sofia..

A: Right.. She's actually a sleep now.. so I thought I'll come by and check if there's some work.. You

guys have been handling everything recently.. I haven't been of a lot of help..

N: It's alright.. It's not much of a burden anyway..

A: Still thanks a lot.

*The End*


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