Written In My Heart.

Chapter 24: Winter Shopping.

Chapter 24: Winter Shopping.

Kiara dragged her downstairs as Ryan and Aliza were sitting on the table by that time and were waiting

for them all.. They stood up as Kiara paused in front of the table While trying to catch her breath..

K:She.. Is... she's..... com....coming

R: Clam down... Breath first talk later...

He said as Kiara paused and took a deep breath in..

K: Sofi is coming with us on the trip..!!!!

R: Really..?? How did this magic happen..??

K: Ask her yourself..

R: So you are coming..??

S: I sure am..!!

Al: Aww sofi.. this is so great..!!

Aliza eclaims hughing sofia as Kiara also joins.. Ryan laughs looking at them but rushes beside them

childishly hugging them.. Nick and Ayaan were standing at a distance and chuckled looking at the

girls.. As they saw Ryan hug them they glanced at each other and then laughed running to join in the


S: Alright guys.. I..Can't..... breathe..

She chokes out as they all move away laughing..

S: Alright can we have dinner.. I'm actually starving now..

She says smiling as they all nod excitedly sitting on the table as Ayaan holds the chair for Sofia as she

sits down giving a smile to him.. He takes the seat beside her as Nick was seated beside him and Aliza

across with Ryan on her right followed by Kiara.. the middle seat was left empty where Nick's dad used

to sit..

They were about to start eating when the bell rang.. Nick went to open the door as His dad came

home.. They all looked at him as he entered the hall.. They all greeted him as he greeted them back..

He was leaving for his room when Ayaan called him..

A: Uncle.. Come have dinner..

U: No.. I already had at office.. You guys continue...

R: Uncle.. You know.. We are going on a trip...

U: Is it... where..??

R: The closest hill station.. Me and Kiara got a new project for photography..

U: That's really nice.. Are you all going..??

A: Yes.. And we even convinced Sofi to join us..

U: Nice..

A: Uncle.. You should come too.. its been a long time since we all went on a vacation together..

N: Yeah dad..!!

U: Oh no.. you guys go and enjoy... And besides some one has to be here to manage the office too...

A: Thank you soo much uncle.. it's my responsibility but you are always managing it for me..

U: You don't need to thank me for that.. It's my duty.. Now you guys have dinner.. I'll go freshen up..

and sleep.. Good night..

He wishes as they all wish him back.. They all have dinner and then go off to their rooms..

Ayaan entered his room and went to freshen up.. he later sat on the bed as his hand went to his shirts

pocket as he took out the glass bottle.. Whatever happened throughout the day passed through his

head.. He knew this had been bothering sofia a lot.. but he was scared to find out about it too.. he had

been procrastinating the thing this whole day.. but now at night he couldn't deny it further..

He was scared if he might find something that would disturb sofia further.. but he couldn't ignore her..

and didn't know what he'll answer if she asked about it.. So finally gathering all the courage he could

find.. he took out the phone and dialed his friend..

After a while his friend picked it up..

F: Hello Ayaan.. How did you remember your friend today..??

S: Hey Ben.. How are you...?

B: Fine.. What about you..??

S: I'm perfectly fine.. Just needed a little favour from you...??

B: Sure.. what is it..??

S: I'm sending you a picture.. There's this drug named.. dextoamphetamine.. I needed some

information about it..

B: Amphetamine.. yes.. I've read a few things.. but I'll need some time to gather everything and tell


S: Yeah no worries.. there's no hurry..

B: Alright.. I'll send you in a day or two..

S: Great thanks a lot..

B: Not a problem buddy.. Look I'll call you later.. just a little busy..

S: Yeah sure.. Talk to you later.. Bye..

B: Bye...

He ends the call throwing the phone back on the bed.. He takes a long breath wiping his face.. He

shook his head clearing his thought and jumped on his bed covering himself with a blanket.. He stared

at the ceiling as the thoughts of sofia ran through his mind.. He didn't realise as his eyes began getting

heavy and sleep took over..

The next morning he was woken up by the loud squealing voice of Kiara ringing throughout the house..

Kiara who had woken up before the sun was now parading the whole house trying to wake the

inhabitants to drag them all to the tortuous shopping mall- According to Ayaan.. He closed his ears with

the pillow which was very soon snached from him as he sat up grumpily on the bed.. His hair

disheveled as he glared at Kiara and then at the clock..

K: C'mon we'll get late..

A: It's 7 in the morning..

K: So..?? Come already.. hurry hurry hurry...

She rushes dragging and pushes him into the bathroom.. He looks in the mirror yawning and wipes his


A: Crazy girl..

He mutters as he moves inside taking a shower and then brushes his teeth.. He wipes his head putting

on his clothes and leaves the room.. He was walking towards the staircase as his eyes fell on Sofia's

room that was right before the staircase.. He paused in his place and thought for a moment and

knocked at the door.. He heard a come in and entered as he saw Sofia standing in front of the dressing

table while she was putting on her earings.. She turned giving her a small smile as he smiled back.. He

stared at her fresh serene face as she calmly combed her hair.. Her slightly wet hair appeared brown

reflecting the sun rays.. He couldn't help but stare at her.. He was lost in thoughts as he took a few

steps towards her.. She combed her hair putting on a ponytail.. He stood right behind her staring at her

face.. She smiled at his reflection and continued putting on a little powder.. and then some lip gloss to

complete her look.. He smiled staring at her face that shone golden in the rays.. She picked up the

chain trying to put it on as her eyes again fell on Ayaan who was still staring at her lost.. Their eyes met

and she didn't realise when the chain slipped from her hands.. Ayaan who was observing her carefully..

held it forwarding his hand as she came back to her senses.. She glanced at his hand that was in front

of her holding the chain and towards him who was standing close beside her.. He slowly lifted his hand

holding the chain in his hand.. He looked back towards sofia as if asking permission.. she moved her

hair at the side as He smiled a little putting it around her neck.. He put it together still not taking her

eyes off of her... After putting it he lowered his hand but didn't move from his place as they still

remained lost.. their trance was broken as they heard Kiara's voice calling for them.. He finally moved a

few steps back as she breathed in and turned towards the door as kiara enters..

K: How long..? Let's go now..

A: What you're starving again..??

K: I'm not a foodie like you..

A: Yeah.. the only thing you crave is shopping..

K: We need clothes to wear..

A: A few.. Not like hundreds...

K: You might not.. but I do..!!

A: Yeah you-

S: Alright guy's enough arguing.. And kiara.. aren't you getting late now..?

K: Of course I am.. But this guys has no concern for anybody...

A: anybody but you...

S: Enough.!!!!

She says laughing and then drags them both down to the stairs.. They reach there to see a sleepy

Ryan and Nick seated on the table as Aliza was bringing food serving it on the table.. They sat on the

table serving themselves.. Sofia chuckled looking at the swooning Ryan and Nick.. Ryan made a

grumpy face rubbing his face and served himself..

S: Someone's grumpy... NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

Ry: Everyone's grumpy.. Thanks to none other than Kiara herself..

S: Now don't blane everything on her.. She's just excited..

N: So what's our fault in that..??

He asks making them all laugh.. Theycontinue eating and finally complete their food much to Kiara's

relief and the boy's horror.. The girls help clear the table and the boys went up to grab their jackets and

came downstairs.. The girls were ready as Nick picked the car keys.. They all sat in the car with nick

and Ryan in the front.. And the girls sat back with Ayaan squeezed in.. They reached the mall and got


K:Finally.. I couldn't breathe in there..

A:Yeah.. These girls are getting really fat..

Al+K+S: Excuse me..!!??!

N: Woah..

A: Give a long speech and they won't say a word.. Just call them fat and they're ready for war..

Ry: You can't call a girl fat.. You should know that..

A: I didn't specify I was talking about them.. I just said girls.. If they take it upon themselves it's their


Sofia hit him walking ahead followed by Kiara and Aliza.. He rubs his arm after being hit by the three of

them.. Nick and Ryan laugh at them.. They enter the mall and walk ahead looking for what to buy..

They buy some warm clothes as the boys look for their typical shirts and pants and jackets..

After strolling around the mall for the whole morning they finally stopped at the ice cream parlour during

afternoon to have some ice cream.. They all ordered their favourite and wait for it to arrive.. Soon

enough they comolete eating and go looking for what else is left to buy.. After a few more excruciating

hours at the mall they had finally finished their shopping and then returned back home.. The boys all

collapsed on the sofas throwing down the shopping bags around them.. The girls also came in and sat

down.. Sofia then went to the kitchen to bring cold drinks for everyone as they all drank talking with

each other..

K: Let's see what we bought..??

R: Really..?? Buying wasn't enough torture.. Now you wanna see it too..

N: You're the one's who bought it.. What's the point in seeing it again..

K: Boys don't even understand the simple logic behind things..

N(elbowing Ryan): Look who's talking about logics..

They both laugh high-fiving each other as Kiara throws the cushion on Nicks face making everyone


A: Alright boys.. Enough with the teasing.. Let them do what they want to..

They both glance at each other and then laugh while putting a finger on their lips childishly..

N+R:Yes Sir.!!

Ayaan smacks Nicks head as he was the one sitting beside him.. Who inturn slapped Ryan who was

laughing at him taking him by surprise saying why should I be the only one.. The girls were sitting back

on the seat enjoying the boys fight..

After they all got quiet again Kiara opened the bags handing everyone their things.. As Sofia sat beside

her and Aliza on the other side.. They were opening the bags and holding it on themselves while

showing each other and the boys as they occasionally dropped in compliments for all the three girls..

*The End*


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