Wrecked (Dirty Air Series Book 3)

Wrecked: Chapter 22

While Jax completes his qualifier for the Hungarian Grand Prix, I meet with Connor to check in on Jax’s progress. We sit in his office, mulling over the positives of Jax’s career and where he can still use improvement.

“You’ve truly done an amazing job. I didn’t think he’d keep it together for this long.”

“I have a few more things planned for him. Some extra one-on-one activities with a few hard-core fans.”

“He’d like that. He’s not one for meeting with too many people at one time.”

“Yeah, anxiety tends to do that to people.”

“Even that’s improved for him. Thank you for suggesting the therapist, by the way. That was a great idea and even some of the crew members have been benefiting from the help.”Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

I blush. “It’s the least I could do. I’ve read the research on athletes and I had only hoped it would work for these guys.”

“Not to change the subject, but I’ve been meaning to ask you about something I’ve noticed.”

Are people talking about Jax and me? God, please don’t ask what I think you’re going to ask.

He laughs to himself. “I don’t mean to cause you any alarm, but it’s hard for me not to say something.”

I bob my head up and down, unsure if I could say anything at the moment. Dios, dame paciencia. My heart can’t catch a break this week. It beats rapidly in my chest, and my knee shakes as I bounce my leg up and down.

“I notice Jax fancies you. The other day I caught him staring at you for a long period of time at a McCoy debriefing. I wanted to ensure you don’t feel uncomfortable or think that your job is in jeopardy if you deny his advances.”

Seeing as Jax has shoved his tongue down my throat on three separate occasions, I’d definitely say it’s a little too late for this conversation.

I fake a laugh. “Oh, no, Jax has been nothing but polite.”

The dry look Connor sends my way calls me out on my bullshit. “Please, save your lies for the media. I know Jax is a difficult person to work with. I only want you to feel secure.”

“It’s not like that between us.”

“Well, if you ever told him to fuck off, you won’t lose your job because of it. I promise you that.”

I gather the courage to ask the question that’s bothered me for weeks. “Why is there no rule against this sort of thing? Don’t you want to eliminate any unnecessary workplace drama?”

Connor shrugs. “My dad fell in love with his family maid’s daughter. They spent way too many years being told they shouldn’t be together by everyone who should’ve supported them. I don’t want to be the person to get in the way of someone’s shot at true happiness, especially after hearing how much it affected my parents.”

“That’s a much deeper reason than I anticipated.”

He laughs. “I only mentioned the thing about Jax to make sure you felt secure since you’ll be visiting his family for the summer break. I appreciate you keeping an eye on him.”

“You don’t need to thank me. It’s part of my contract.” I brush my shaky hands down my dress.

“Contract or not, the guys are lucky to have you working for them. You truly are one of a kind. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that Jax has a crush on you. Makes him much more compliant.”

Well, that settles it. Too bad everyone knows Jax Kingston has a crush on me except for the man himself.

I’m convinced I’m currently living in an alternate dimension. That would be the only explanation for everything happening now, including my crazy conversation with Connor earlier.

With Jax busy with a late-night McCoy debriefing, I expected to come back to an empty hotel room.

And I did.

But I also didn’t.

I walk in to find a pitch-black room, with a lit nightlight by the front door. It’s a plastic F1-themed blue race car looking exactly like something a parent would buy at the gift shop.

“No way.” I leave the nightlight on, allowing the small light to guide me. Another nightlight is lit in a dark corner of the living room near my bedroom door.

I open my room to find another race car next to my bed. “Oh my God.” Multiple nightlights offer me guidance toward my bathroom, where I find the final lit nightlight.

Unexpected tears flood my eyes. Why would Jax do something like this? And why does he have to slowly destroy the wall I have protecting myself from him?

I head back to my bed. Somehow, I missed the note next to my pillow. Jax’s familiar scrawl marks the page.

Because someone has to help you fix your terrible sleep cycle. No more bullshit about sleeping with all the lights on. All self-respecting adults use cool F1 nightlights nowadays.

P.S. If some paparazzi posts a photo of me buying this crap and says I’m afraid of the dark, I might lose my shit.

P.P.S. It was totally worth the risk to my manhood.

I clutch onto Jax’s note as I lie down on my bed. Everything feels like it’s shifting between us, with him changing in the smallest ways.

I thought I’d be the one to figure him out. It looks like during my mission, I lost sight of his power over me.

I gave someone who destroys everything in his life something I can’t take back.

The possibility of earning my love.

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