Wolf-less Omega Luna



Alana's POV “Alana darling, can you hear me?” It was my dad. “Y…yes… dad, I…can,” I stuttered. The pain I was in vanished as I got up. “Is this real? Are you really here?” I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Alana baby, get up. We have to leave.” “Dad, over here. I can hear you,” I said in confusion. Couldn't he hear me? I immediately spun around to take in the environment. It was the same. The same one that I used to live in with my parents, Jake and Sarah. This was my former pack, my real pack. My eyes drifted over to my dad. He looked the same as he did 10 years ago. Not younger or older, just the same — Short, muscular build, fair skin, and light blue eyes as clear as the sky. — Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks. I reached out to feel him, to see if he still had the same warmth and love as he did when I was a child, but I grasped a handful of air. I tried again but I couldn’t touch him. It was like he was there, and he wasn’t. “Alana, put on your shoes, baby. We have to go. It’s not safe here.” My confusion multiplied. For the first time, I noticed the presence of a second figure in the room. It was me. Another me but the 8-year-old me and in a split second, I remembered this day. This was the day I lost my parents and my home pack. “Jake, we have to leave now!” My mom summoned, running into the room with a bloodied spear in hand. “Mom,” I gasped. How was it possible to be back here again? Was I dead? Her beautiful violet eyes where I got mine from, scanned the entire room as she hurriedly tossed supplies into a backpack and threw it over her shoulders. She looked the same too. Young and vibrant. “Mom, Dad, where are we going?” My little self questioned.

“Baby, we have to leave. There’s a bad man outside and we have to get away from him.” My mom said as she quickly tied my shoes and handed me to my dad. “Come on, Let’s go.” Dad and Mom shared a kiss for a quick second before they hurried out of the apartment towards the woods, with the present me running after them. A little distance in, my dad took a sharp brake. “Wait, wait,” Dad said. He put little me down and held her by the shoulders. “Alana, listen to me,” his eyes, probing hers. “You may not see Mom and Dad for a while. But whatever happens, remember that we both love you okay?” “I love you too, Dad. I love you, Mom.” Little me said. I remembered the confusion I was in when this was playing out on that day, 10 years ago. I couldn’t watch it. I knew what happened next and I had to try to make it stop. I had to get them to hear me. The trio resumed running between the trees, deeper into the forest. High-pitched whimpers and howls from werewolves filled my ears. I turned around and smoke rose high in the sky from pack buildings which were in flames. Amours, shields, swords, and training gears were ablaze to the left and right. Then, my eyes befell him. Even in a coma, I would recognize him Tall and menacing, his aura, cold, foul, and wicked. A massive and ugly scar appeared from his hairline, ran through his forehead to the side of his eyes, spiraled down his nose, and stopped right at the top of his lips. My entire body shook with fear, the same way it did the first time I saw him. “Jake, take Alana and go. I’ll stall.” Mom repeated her words. “No Mom, no don’t go there…Dad, stop her. Don’t let her go.” The present me screamed as I put effort into trying to prevent her from what was coming. I knew what happened next and it was repeating itself all over again while I watched helplessly. “Dad!! Stop her…no…don’t…stop please!” Dad was retreating with little me, and Mom, heading towards doom. Then came the familiar explosion that always woke me from nightmares, sweating and panting. My heart broke. To date, I didn’t know if my parents were shredded to pieces by the explosion or ifThis is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

they survived. All I know is that the explosion separated us three. I screamed out loud as the tears continued to flow and I was jolted awake.

The pain from my broken ribs and jaw returned. I groaned in pain and my entire body shivered as I felt the cold hard wall on my bruised skin. With the little light coming through the small window at the top of the room, I knew where I was. — The dungeon.— The place where criminals and arrested rogues were held. Of course, Britney had the influence to lock me up here. If I stayed here for another day, I could die. “Please moon goddess, please save me.” A tear trickled from the corner of my eyes as I muttered my plea. My eyes flickered open and closed as I was losing consciousness again. “Alana baby, I found you Princess.” An unmistakable voice called out right after my prayer, touching first my hair, and then my jaw. The scent of lemon and cedarwood, and the tingles coursing through my weak body soothed me and the pain began to fade. It was Alpha Axel, my said mate. Was this real or was I seeing things again? I didn't hear him come in. How did he find me? He lifted my fragile frame and I clung to his neck for dear life, thankful for whatever led him to me. “Come on Alana, we have to get you out of here.” There was a hint of worriedness in his voice which told me that something was wrong. “What’s wrong? Where are we going?” I asked as he took a turn toward the tunnels where the pack's safe houses were built. “We’re under attack. I have to get you somewhere safe.” Attack? Who would attack Crescent Moon Pack? We had only covered a short distance when I heard a female’s shrill scream, followed by a deafening explosion. Axel shifted into his wolf form swiftly, bared his canines, and took a defensive position in front of me. Just when I thought things couldn't escalate any further, I caught a glimpse of a face with the exact scars that haunted my dreams and pulled me awake a few minutes back.

It couldn't be. My air supply was cut off and I gagged when his dark eyes locked with mine.

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