Wolf-less Omega Luna



Alana's POV

Once we stepped outside the clinic, I took in a lung full of fresh clean air, without a whiff of the mild disinfectant and cleaning lotion that always lingered in the pack infirmary.

Axel led the way back to the pack house with his hand firmly clutching mine, and the three of us trailing behind him.

The pack house was a massive 8-story building with nothing less than 90 rooms for pack members who either didn’t have homes of their own, family members to live with or wanted to live among the company of other pack mates.

Erected since the pack was formed literally ages ago, it had to be one of the oldest buildings in the pack. But soon after Axel became alpha, he refurbished almost the entire building.

The main building, a much more luxurious mansion where Alpha Axel, beta Tyler, the delta, aka Britney the banshee, other high-ranked wolves, and their families lived, was located farther behind the pack house.

A massive field which usually took me at least 20 minutes to walk through, separated the pack house and the Alphas building. In it, a section was segmented with risen bricks to form the training area for pack warriors, pack members who wished to become warriors, and others who trained solely to keep fit.

Working twenty-four hours a day and being weak and wolfless deprived me of the chance to train with the other pack members.

Another area formed a playground for pups and teen wolves.

Away from the fields, the Alpha’s building, the pack house, and standing atop the hills was a fairly large cottage built with logs, where Micheal Crescent Blackwood, Axel’s father, and Luna Valentina had resided, for as long as Axel had been the alpha.

They only came down to the pack once in a while for important ceremonies or parties. I wondered what they would think about me if I got the chance to meet them.

Luna Valentina was the pack mother for a very long time and she raised the bar so high, I doubted if I would be able to reach it.

A more busy part of the pack was littered with business units owned and run by Axel that provided basic needs for pack members.

The rest of the pack grounds were covered with rows of planted trees that stretched farther than an average werewolf’s enhanced eyesight could reach and formed shades underneath to give pack members space to go on single runs and more than enough space for the entire pack members who had manifested their wolves to go on a pack run together. A stream ran through a part of the woods and led to an expansive farmland that provided the pack with fresh foodstuff.

Workers who were busy chopping mahogany, iroko, and obeche into logs to be used in manufacturing wooden supplies for the pack bowed to pay their respects to Axel and Tyler.

The pack produced almost everything we used and consumed, and even more for trade.

The news of Axel and I being mates must have not been announced to the pack, seeing that the people who sighted Axel’s hand firmly locked on mine had a bit of surprised looks on their faces. I appreciated the fact that the news wasn’t spread yet without my consent.

As Axel took a turn right, I almost halted him so I could lead him to my room before recalling that he owned the place and there was nowhere he wouldn’t be able to find on his own, even with his eyes


The soaring hunk of pure muscle easily maneuvered his way through the building toward my room.

Once we were outside the door, he pushed it back with a creaking sound that mortified me, and I wished to curl into a ball and disappear. Axel stepped to the side for me to go through.

Lexi, whose face was now as red as a tomato as Tyler whispered flirtatious comments to her, walked after me, followed by Axel and then Tyler, who closed the door shut.

“There are better rooms in the pack house, Princess. Empty rooms that nobody occupies. Why did you have to stay here? It’s hardly fit for a prisoner, talk more of a pack member.” Axel said, a disappointed look etching his face.

“A pack omega, " I corrected. “There’s nothing I could have done about it. I was comfortable anyway. It's more than I could have done on my own,” I shrugged. That was enough for him to drop it, but not enough for the flickers in his eyes to stop.

“You can pack what you’d like to take with you, and I’ll arrange for the rest of your things to be moved to your quarters, Luna,” Tyler stated as he flipped his beta switch on.

“Please, call me Alana,” I said, flustered. There was no getting used to being addressed so formally. “And I don’t have much that I need to take. All that I have can fit in my bag,” I said as I grabbed the only leather bag I had.

Axel and Tyler moved far to the side to give me some room.

The bag was one of those that Mom and Dad had packed on the day of the attack. After we got separated, I found myself with the bag, loitering around the deserted place until I was found. That’s all I could remember of it.

I took a long and slow look at my room as Lexi assisted me in loading the few properties I owned in it. A few hand-me-down clothes and shoes, a small box that had both my toiletries and cosmetics, and finally, the frame of Dad, Mom, and myself smiling back at me.

I gave the room a once over and my eyes caught Tyler with a flash of…something… guilt?…in his eyes. It was quickly replaced with a smile, just as I expected.

“Promise me you’ll come to see me every Friday for gossip night,” Lexi mumbled in between sobs, “you’ll gist me about everything that happens every day and that you won’t forget about me so quickly,” clear fluid hazing her eyes as she inhaled forcefully.

“For goddess sake Lexi,” I laughed, “I’m only moving from one building to another. It’s not like I’m switching packs. Besides, you’re my best friend. Who else will I talk to about anything aside from you? I’m not going anywhere.”

Lexi nodded frantically. “And you’ll tell me if anybody messes with you. I’ll fuck them up on your behalf,” she said, seriousness replacing her initial sobs.


Axel and Tyler gave us girls all the time we needed for Lexi’s fussing. It’s not like they had important things to do anyway right?

Lexi and I were still tangled in a hug when the door flung wide open, forcefully banging against the wall, with pieces of wood dropping from the side of the hinges.

Only one person was capable of such dramatics.

The Banshee.

“You dumb fuck!” Britney screeched. “You should know that running away from me wouldn’t do you any good. How the hell did you get out of the dungeon? And where the hell have you been all this time?” Her brows snapped together as she planted a fist on her hips and practically twisted my neck with her death glare. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Did you think the floors were going to mop themselves after you left to goddess knows where? Huh!?”

For crying out loud, why was Britney so mad at me all the time? What did I ever do to warrant this personal vendetta against me? And how did she know I was back? Did she have a darn tracker on me or did one of her minions go on and report the news to her?

Axel's eyes flickered and his eyes went from calm and patient to outright predatory as he pieced two and two together.

“What. The. Fuck did you just say!?” He barked, each word vibrating from him with a growl, brows creasing together, and eyes darkening that I whimpered in dread.”

Britney’s head cracked behind her so quickly, —a normal human's neck would have broken— as she caught stabbing death glares from not one, but two blood-boiling wolves.

Frozen like a deer in the middle of the road and front of a jarring headlight, Britney stuttered. “Um… Alph…”

Now, this was about to get so damn interesting, I needed two bowls of popcorn.

“Did I not just ask you a motherfucking question?”

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