Winning Her Heart Back

Chapter 632

Chapter 632 The Veil

No one had expected William to dash onto the stage.

The music playing in the grand hall abruptly ceased, and the festiveness in the hall died away into silence. Though there were some hushed discussions going on.

William didn't care what the others thought of him. His focus was solely on the bride.

Her veil was thick, obscuring her face even at close proximity. Moreover, she was wearing a face veil, a second layer of concealment.

He grasped her hand tightly and demanded, emphasizing each word, "Who are you?"

Arsen, who was seated at the main table below, rose. "Will, what's going on? Why did you dash onto the stage? Why are you holding onto my daughter's hand?"

Arsen was shocked and confused, displeased that William had disrupted the wedding, as evidenced by the frown on his face.

Meanwhile, Charles and the rest exchanged glances.

The host quickly stepped forward and intervened. "Sir, are you a friend of the bride? We welcome you, but our wedding ceremony is not yet finished. Please return to your seat. After the ceremony, the bride and groom will come down to greet the guests."

William remained unmoved and held on to the bride's hand. She neither struggled nor spoke, her eyes were downcast behind the veil, avoiding his gaze.

"Will!" Elias quickly got on the stage, grasping William's wrist to calm him and defuse the situation. "I apologize. The bride resembles a deceased friend of his, which is why he's so agitated. He means no harm."

However, William didn't back down. He was determined to find out if the bride was Emelie.

"Remove the veil. I want to see your face," he said.

The groom darted forward and shoved William aside. "Do you think I don't know Cedonian? She's my wife. Who are you to demand that she reveal her face? Let go of her and get off the stage immediately!"

William ignored the groom. He continued to stare at the bride with his dark eyes that resembled a bottomless pit.

William said, "First, you informed the butler of our preferences, revealing knowledge of our tastes. Then there were the hydrangeas and the wedding decorations. Now, you're wearing a wedding dress identical to Emelie's."

He concluded, "You must want us to know you're still alive, so why are you afraid to show me your face now?"

Arsen was embarrassed as his guests of friends and family were witnessing this. Not only did William disrupt the wedding, but he was even tugging at his daughter. William must have simply wanted to humiliate him.

"Ahhh!!" he yelled.

Charles and the rest knew that if this went on, they would lose their cooperation with the Aurora Group. So, they went up on stage as well.

"Mr. Middleton, please step down. We must show some respect to Arsen. We'll discuss this later," Charles said.

Beathan added, "Mr. Middleton, don't be impulsive."

William responded coldly, "She's my wife. Am I supposed to watch her marry another man wearing the ring and wedding dress I bought for her?"

The groom was enraged by William's words and threw a punch at him, shouting, "Bastard!"

Elias intercepted the punch, sneering, "Is violence really necessary?"

The groom gritted his teeth. "Then get off the stage yourself!"

William still refused to let go. The bride slowly lifted her gaze, looking at him through the white veil.

When their eyes met, William was momentarily stunned.

She looked familiar yet foreign at the same time. Was she Emelie, or was she not?

The groom was unable to bear it any longer. He shouted, "Remove them from the stage! Now!" Bodyguards in the banquet hall rushed onto the stage to forcibly remove the disruptors. Elias wasn't willing to be touched, so he kicked one of the bodyguards away, starting a scuffle.

Arsen flew into a rage.

The aisle was the centerpiece, meticulously designed with lighting and decorations. Lush flowers dripped with freshness on either side, while South Asmelan diamonds strung into a veil above created a dreamlike setting for the bride and groom to unite.

Now, the flowers were trampled and the diamonds were scattered by fists. The guests gasped and retreated in shock.

The groom shielded the bride, attempting to go backstage. However, William grabbed the bride's other hand and ripped off her veil.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

"Emelie!" he yelled.

The bride looked up. Her features were revealed to everyone.

William was stunned. Charles, Elias, Bryan, and Beathan, who were caught in the fight, were also taken aback. The fighting abruptly ceased, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Arsen exclaimed angrily, "Will! You've gone too far! I will never forgive you for what you've done today!" William stared at the bride's unfamiliar face, which bore no resemblance to Emelie. "Who are you? How did you get this ring?"

The bride pulled her hand back and gave a sudden smile.

Then, she used sign language to communicate. "My name is Ashlyn Hoven. I finally get to meet you, Mr. Middleton. My sister told me to ask you if this gift—"

Then, she pointed at William, Charles, Beathan, and Bryan. Although she didn't physically touch them, her gesture sent an inexplicable shiver down their spines.

"Is it to all of your liking?" she finished.

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