Wild About You: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 2)

Wild About You: Chapter 14

Over the next week, I stay with Everly twice more while Tyler is traveling. I’ve also started picking her up and bringing her home from school. Tyler said that wasn’t necessary when he’s in town, but every time I show up, I can see a little more stress lifting from his shoulders.

I wake up on the couch at Heather and Steve’s apartment Monday morning and it takes me a minute to remember where I am and what day it is.

“Morning,” Heather chirps, and holds out a Starbucks cup for me.

“Marry me.” My voice comes out groggy.

“Sorry.” She flashes her engagement ring at me.

I sit up and she takes a seat beside me.

“This schedule has my internal clock all screwed up.”

“I figured. You’re usually already up by now.”

“Tyler didn’t get back until after midnight.”

Her lips curve up, but she bites back whatever retort she clearly wants to say.


“Why do you keep schlepping back here to sleep on this old couch when he has a room for you to crash there?”

I stare at her over my coffee cup as I take a sip, so I don’t have to answer.

Heather places a hand on my arm. “Okay, well, I have news. My sister is coming to visit and help with wedding plans.”

It takes a minute for me to connect the dots. “She wants to crash here while she’s in town. When does she get in?”

“Tonight.” She smiles nervously. “It will just be a week. Two, tops. You know how flighty she is.”

I laugh. “I’m not sure Tyler’s offer to stay included nights he’s there.”

“I’m sorry. Of course. I’ll tell Beatrix to find somewhere else to crash.”

“No,” I say. “Don’t do that. I can ask Chris if I can stay with him while she’s here.”

She arches a brow. “At his parents’ house?”

“He has the entire basement.”

“Uh-huh. Whatever you say.” Her grin gets wide. “Why stay in a mansion with your hottie NHL ex-boyfriend when you can shack up with Chris and his family? Tell me, does his grandpa still wear those really short shorts that let his balls snake down the leg hole?”

I toss the pillow at her. “I hate you.”

As I get ready, I look around the cramped apartment. I was never supposed to be here as long as I have. I pay the utilities so I’m not exactly freeloading, but I know it’s time for me to find my own place. It’s just that everything is so expensive and finding a roommate you trust is scary.

I text Chris as I get ready. Hey. Any chance I can crash with you while Heather’s sister is in town?

His response comes as I’m slipping on my shoes. Sorry! Aunt B just had hip surgery and is staying with us while she gets back on her feet.

Of course. I understand, I fire back.

Crap. I could reach out to some of my other college friends, but none come to mind that have the space. I pour a cup of coffee and then scroll through my contacts looking for someone that I can stay with. I make it all the way to Tyler’s name and sigh.

On my way to pick up Everly. Can we chat this morning?

He’s waiting in the garage when I pull up.

He has a rag in hand and a spray bottle in the other, cleaning the windows on his car. He sets both on top of the car and walks out to meet me.

“Hey.” A concerned expression mars his face, and I realize he thought my request to talk meant I was quitting, or something had happened with Everly. Oops.

“Hi,” I say more brightly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“How can you tell I’m worried?”

“You get this little line right here.” I run a hand over the spot on myself.

His face relaxes. “What’s up?”

“I was wondering if it’s okay that I stay here temporarily. Like a week or two. My roommate’s sister is visiting and since I’m already going to be sleeping over the nights you’re away…” I trail off, staring at everything but him. “I will help out more, cook, clean, whatever you need.”

He doesn’t say anything until I give in and look up. “Yeah, Pipes. It’s more than okay. No extra help required. Stay as long as you want.”

“It’ll just be until Heather’s sister leaves.”

“You know, if you let me pay you—”

“Everly!” I cut Tyler off with a dismissive smile when his sister steps outside. She looks between us.

“Am I riding to school with you today?”

I nod. “Yep. Ready?”

Tyler smirks as I get in my car. I hold his gaze through the windshield and mouth “thank you.”

I don’t see Tyler much that night. He and Ash get home late, eat, and go to bed. Regardless, I have a hard time falling asleep. I feel his presence everywhere. Even the smell of his soap lingering in the bathroom brings back an onslaught of emotions and memories.

The next morning, he’s in the kitchen when I drag myself downstairs.

“Morning,” he says, holding a mug of coffee in one hand. He’s in sweats and a long-sleeved T-shirt that clings to his chest and biceps.

“Good morning.” My voice comes out all squeaky.


“I got it,” I say, and come around the island. He scoots down to make room for me, and I pull a mug from the cabinet and pour a cup.

This is so strange, but also not. Tyler and I have a practiced ease around each other. It might have been years since we shared a morning routine, but we slip right back into it.

“Have you already worked out this morning?” I ask, letting my gaze do another sweep of him in fitted athletic clothes.

“Just a quick run.” He angles his body toward me. “What about you? I’m assuming your cheerleader days are behind you, but do you still dance?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I used to take a class at the university, but I’m on campus so rarely anymore. I should find another place.” Strange how I hadn’t even thought about it, but now that Tyler mentioned it, I feel like I abandoned something I really enjoyed. That’s probably true of a lot of things. There never seems to be enough time for it all. “Someday.”

Everly comes downstairs. She already has her earbuds in and doesn’t look at me or Tyler as she grabs a banana from the fruit bowl and then heads for the front door.

“I guess that’s my cue.”

Tyler follows me outside. It snowed overnight, but my car is cleaned off. I glance back at him with one brow raised. “You did this?”

He lifts a shoulder and lets it fall.

“You didn’t need to do that but thank you.”

“Consider it a favor.” He moves over to the passenger side and stops the door with a big hand before Everly closes it.

She looks up at her brother. “What?”

“I don’t know. Good morning. Have a nice day. Try not to get in trouble.” An amused smile tugs at the corner of his lips.

“No promises,” she says, and pulls the door closed.

The next morning, there’s no Tyler in the kitchen but my keys are sitting on the counter. Weird. I thought I put them back in my purse. I don’t think anything of it until I get in my car. Something is different. No, a lot of things are different. For starters, it smells like grape soda inside and the dash is missing several layers of dust. I run my hand along it. Who knew it was so shiny underneath?

Everly throws open the door and heaves herself in with the usual disinterest, but when she sees how clean my car is she raises both brows. “What happened to your car?”

“Your brother,” I mutter. Your brother happened.

Ev rushes out when we get to the school, but I take my time so I can text Tyler. Thank you for cleaning my car, but you didn’t need to do that. I would have gotten around to it.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

Maybe. Probably.

You’re welcome.

As I’m shutting the door behind me, my gaze snags on the tires. Oh, you have to be kidding me.


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