Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter 55: Epilogue

Chapter 55: Epilogue

(5 years later)

Varun's Pov.:-

I am in my office room reading new projects files ... And picking out mistakes in them .. to kill my time ..

Door got opened by someone .. to make me look up .. at the person who have this much guts to open it

without knocking ...

" Dada .. I am mad at you " she said ... While coming towards my table with lazy steps ...

I put aside my work and see my PA is running inside to stop my daughter coming to me .. but she failed

in it as my daughter is now standing infront of me... Just two steps away ...

I dismissed my PA by waving my hand ..

" Why .. why my baby is made on her dada ? " I asked to her while picking her up and make her sit on

my chair while I stop before her ... On my knees ..

" Because you didn't called me sweetheart today .. not even once " she said .. making me shocked ..

' Is this is also so important to her ? ..' I thought but she pulled my hands .. with sad face ..

" Dada don't you love me anymore ? " She asked again ...

" No sweetheart dada loves you most ... My heart is filled in love for you , for your mama and for your

little brother " I said and kissed her hand palms ... And I brushed my bearded chin over her soft soft

little palm .. to broke her in laughter due to ticklish in her hands ..

" So my sweetheart is still made at her dada ?" I asked her and she move her head as no .. and

hugged me .. I carried her in my arms ..

So it's questioning time ...

" According to time sweetheart , it's your school time ... Then tell me what are you doing here in my

office ? " I asked her while placing her on my office couch and I myself sit beside her ...

She sighed dramatically .. same like her mother drama queen .. she crossed her legs and sit properly

like a lady of high class with attitude ..

" Actually dada my teacher has asked your presence in school to meet her " she said and stood from

her seat smartly .. and moved some steps away from me ..

" Okay then .. but why are you here sweetheart .. I still didn't get it " I said with raised eyebrows to Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

scared her little bit but she is mine daughter .. so , she just passed my look by waving her ponytails ..

" Dada .. actually I was talking to my friend but then teacher scold me saying ' why are you talking in

the middle of my lesson ' " she said half story to me ..

I looked at her to continue but she didn't said further ..

" Then what you did " I asked her .. to hold her hands and pulled her near me .. to see her eyes

properly ..

" I told her that ' than why she is teaching in the middle of my conversation ' " .. saying this she giggled

and my eyes go more round in surprise ..

But her words itself made me laugh and we both laughed ... For good 2-3 minutes because ... After that

I took my serious face ..

" But don't you think your behaviour was bad to your teacher ..

You should respect to your elders kiddo ... And teachers are our god ... Who taught you many things

about life .. and your behaviour to your teacher is not good to as a good child .. " I said to my daughter

Quasar .. with serious face ..

She lowered her head .. innocently ... And here I started to melt ..

I sighed .. and pulled her towards me and make her to look at my face ..

" Now are you sorry for your behaviour ? .. " I asked her .. and she nods her .. head ..as yes and some

tears came out from her eyes ..

" Don't cry sweetheart .. dada loves you alot but you should behave politely to everyone and respect

everyone specially to your elders .. because they knows much more than you .. and in manner ,

experience and in everything they are always one step ahead to you .. to teach you everything so that ,

you can face every challenge in your life boldly " I said her ..

" Now smile and tomorrow you will " I left my sentence incomplete to let her complete it ..

" Apologize to my teacher for my bad behaviour " quasar complete my unfinished sentence ..

" That's my girl " I said to cheer up her .. and kissed her forehead ..

We both came to home as I want to spend my whole left half day with my family .

We both reach to our house .. I ringed the bell ... And door opened by my mother .. Quasar jumped in

my mother's arms while shouting " grandma ... I missed you " ..

We both chuckled ... I touched my mother's foot for her blessings ... After taking blessings from her .

I came inside and literally everyone asked me " why you are early today ? "

And I just smiled not ready to give them any reply ...

I run inside my bedroom to witness a blessed moment before my eyes .. because Amoli is

breastfeeding our little boy .. I just stood there while resting my back over wall ...

" Aww .. my baby ... Cute cute .. baby ... " Amoli sang in baby voice while softly pinching his chubby

cheeks ... to make him look at her with joy filled face ..

He too enjoying his mother's attention on him .. he is now 8 month Bady boy ' Aarnik '.. now he

recognise us as his family members ...

" Say muma .. baby say muma .. " Amoli said but in return she only get his " aawo aawo .. aawo .. " ..

She huffed at our son ... And yawned ..

I walk to them .. and stood beside Amoli .

" You came .. wait why are you early today .. Varun it's not good .. you should concentrate on your work

also .. " she said .. while shooting angry looks to me ...

I sighed and said " I came for you baby .. and truth to be told .. I don't have any work at office .. I don't

know why but Kabir has taken all my office work in his shoulders .. I am feeling like he is trying to

make hisself too busy to free his mind from life " ..

" You are right .. maybe .. he also want to become best businessman like you " Amoli said .. and here

my worry steps low for Kabir ..

I put my hands over amoli's shoulders and started to move my fingers to give her massage .. she

moaned while closing her eyes ...

But our son broke our moment while kicking his hands and legs in air ... Singing in his baby voice ... He

haven't learnt to speak yet .. not even maa or dada .. But when quasar was 8 months old .. she had

learnt to speak muma and dada ..

But this boy has leant to run on his knees ..

" Come let's have lunch together " Amoli said and I helped her to climb down from bed ..

And she carried our son in her arms .. to make him made upset face ..

Yay .. because he is dada's boy not mumma's ...

I chuckled and moved my hands towards him and he jumped in my hold while babbling in his baby

voice joyfully ..

Amoli made pissed face and she hissed on our cute baby " look at him .. I carried him in my womb for

9 months to see this .. huh .. now you come to me for milk than I will show you who is the boss ... "

I laughed at her face which is looking too funny .. when our boy didn't give her any attention ..

" Come on dear wifey ... It's his love for his father .. you know .. he just miss me that's why he want to

spend his some time with his dada .. as like I am missing you babe .. and specially your wild moans .." I

told her and at the end my words make her blushed and she slapped my bicep mumbling shameless

creature and i kissed her forehead chuckling ..

We trio came down in dining room where I greet everyone .. and took their blessings ..

I sit on my seat beside my father and beside me my daughter sit .. and here Amoli started to asked her

why she is early today .. then she herself told her truth and how sorry she is now to disrespect her

teacher ...

First Amoli got angry on quasar but .. you know what we are living with my whole family now .. so ,

every elder person just saved quasar from amoli's punishment ..

My kids are apple of eyes of our family .. everyone adores her ..

Me and Amoli we both got married after one week of our love making in my bedroom ...

Everyone support us expected advaith .. he was not in it .. he didn't appreciate our marriage because

he was scared for Amoli security ..

But with time .. now he is my good friend and I am his good brother-in-law ..

Now everyone has forgiven me .. because I have won their trust which I will never ever break ..

Everything is good in my life .. and I am happy in my life .. with my two children , wife , parents and

grandparents ..

We did word tour as our honeymoon but in our honeymoon I didn't left my daughter with my parents ..

although they had suggested that they will look after her .. but me being possessive and too caring

father .. I won't left her to them and took her with us on mine and amoli's honeymoon ..

Soon lunch is also finished ... As always Kabir is not here because he is in office will come at mid night


I looked at Amoli and saw her going in kitchen while my grandparents took my children with them .. and

my mother went to her room to take nap ... My father is not at home.. he has gone to amoli's parents

house for something ..

' your path is clear Varun .. ' my clever mind shout and here I ran to her ..

She placed left food in refrigerator and turned and I caged her in my arms ..

" Leave me what are you doing .. " she said with anger all over her face but I am king of stubbornness

.. I hide my face in her soft smooth neck .. and started to suck it leaving my mark over her neck ...

Meanwhile she said " Varun .. why are you here .. with me .. go to your all those models with who you

were enjoying your business party .. " ..

Her jealousy filled words stop me in my work .. and I looked at her with puppy eyes ..

' I thought that she forgot about it but no she is still stuck to her punishment thing ' my brain said to me


" Come on babe .. it's been a month .. let me make love to you .. and about those fucking models .. I

had already told you that .. that was just a success party of our brand success .. even your brother was

also there ...

And you are still punishing me for that one month before incident ...

I am victim my lord not culprit .... Your brother is the one who was enjoying a lot with them not me ...

Babe ... Come on ... " I plead to her ... But she only passed me neutral face .. and rolled her eyes ..

Actually a month before , me and advaith did a small party .. in which only project working memeberes

and some models who are representing face of our brand . ... And Amoli got to know about it .. all

because of lassya .. because she was also there .. sulking over advaith's teasing behaviour ...

And at the end lassya back bitched about me to Amoli over phone and when I reached home .. Amoli

showed me couch to sleep ... And from that fucking complete month I sleeping over it only ... And it's

not the only thing which I am facing as my punishment ...

I am missing her hand made food .. small talk with her ... My kids cuddle ... Her cuddling ... Our all

those little moments which I am not allowed to have till I am in punishment zone .

" So , what .. but you were also enjoying there .. I had saw your smile when that stick woman had

asked you for a dance ... Wow you were blushing like .. hell " Amoli shout over me to pull me back in

reality ..

" Babe that was not at all blushing .. lassya has put filter will doing video call .. that's why " I again said

in soft voice ..

' god ... Lassya .. you will pay for it ' I cursed lassya in my head for her that stunt which has lead me in

this shit ..

" Okay fine .. punish me as much as you want but please don't punish me in this way " I plead to her

while trying to hold her hand but she slipped her hands away from my hold while giving me her hot

sizzling look on her face ..

I gulped hard my spit making my Adam apple to move you down with each gulp ...

She is making me crazy because .. it's not only about me sleeping away from her .. it's that she is

punishing me in her way which is so different ..

Like I am not allowed to play with my son and daughter in the house .. or do any their work .. and I will

not touch , talk Amoli unless she didn't start the conversation ... I am not allowed to make ready my

daughter for her school or help her in her homework .. can't read her story till Amoli is satisfied from my

misery ...

' Fuck ! .. she is taking revenge from me in her pretty smart ways .. because I am a father I can't live

away from my kids .. but still I am obeying her but sometime , I speak chace to play with them ..

whenever I found Amoli busy in work or something ..

" Now move " Amoli said to me and walk away from me ...

I sighed and followed her in my house theatre room .. we both sit down to watch movie ..




Evening time finished and Amoli went to her orphanage house to meet the kids .. while my mother also

accompany her to help her ...

And other members are also gone to some work .. and so , here I left alone here in house ..

My phone ringed after half an hour suddenly making me got up with jolt ... But I walk while dancing and

happily singed hello after picking up my phone .. when I saw amoli's ne.over my phone screen .

But I didn't got any reply reather then that .. I heard moaning of someone .. and it's belongs to Amoli ...

I threw my phone and jumped in my car and drives rashly to chase half hour car drive distance in only

15 minutes ..

' I know Amoli I was not a good guy for you but now you can't leave me '

' you deserve to leave alone Varun because you're not worthy for being her husband '

' you don't deserve her love Varun '

All negative thoughts slapped me one by one making me go crazy in frustration and sadness ..

I ran inside the orphanage house and shrink in surprise in dark hall which suddenly brighten by lights

with that everyones shout " Happy birthday " ...

I looked properly before me .. everyone is standing.. orphanage home's every kid with complete staff

members , my family with amoli's complete family ..

My daughter ran to me and jumped in my arms and said " dada don't cry it's your birthday ... Happy

birthday dada "

Saying this she cleaned my tears away from my eyes to make me realise that I am crying in fear and in

insecurity ...

' what... birthday ? ' I got confused but soon realisation slapped me .. that today is really my birthday ..

Then one by one everyone wished me only Amoli is left ...

It's true that I am surprised because I myself don't remember my own birthday ...

' maybe for you , your birthday is not special than your wife's smiling face ... ' my brain said and I

hummed in response because it's true .

I cut the cake with my both kids .. and felt hurt when Amoli didn't accompany me ..



Soon party came to end and we reached home .. I placed my kids in their room which was just beside

my room ..

I came back in our bedroom to see Amoli is coming out from bathroom in her night wear ... I walk to her


I hugged her and said over her ears " why you did that ? ... You don't have any idea how terrible that

was for me .. because I thought that you left me for other man ... Please Amoli never do that again to

me .. I am so hurt ... "

She broke our hug and make a good distance between us ... " So , .. I just pretend Varun .. that I am

with someone else ..

And what about me Varun .. don't you thing I had also felt same insecurity which you felt some hours

before .. when I learnt that my husband is parting behind my back telling me that he is busy in his office


I think you realise it now ... I am not punishing you for being gentleman with other females Varun .. you

got that punishment only because you hide the fact of parting with your staff members ..

What is the need to hide it from me ... ? " Amoli said to me ..

" I am sorry .. I am sorry babe .. I hide that from you so that you won't doubt on me .. as you know my

past deeds .. and what I was before ... " I explained to her while holding her hands ...

" Varun I trust you .. and I am not going you leave you no matter what will happen because no one

change their self's for anyone but you did .. only for me .. for our life .. for our relationship to make it

batter .. and this thing shows me , my place in your life , in your heart .. that I am more important than

anything , and I Am Your First Priority ...

Happy birthday Mr. Gentlemen Husband ... " She wished me and pulled me down by my collar ..

We both lost in our romantic sensual kiss .. for good 2-3 minutes ...

We both stick our forehead on eachother's while breathing our lungs full ..

" What good I have done to make you mine life partner !? " I said ...

" By correcting your mistakes " she said with a smile and ..

" I love you Amoli " I said..

" I love you too hubby " she replied back ..

" So , where is my gift ? " I asked her .. although I don't want anything apart her happiness ..

" What do you want ? " She asked me ...

" Your forgiveness " I said and sit on bed with her on my lap ...

" Given " she said and her words make my sky pink in happiness ...

And we end up in our love making over bed ...



I am looking at my wife's sleeping face .. ' indeed I am lucky to have her in my life .. she is my happy

life maker , her presence itself a blessing of God to me .... '

I closed my eyes and joined my hand and did my prayer to God to look after my family members to

keep them save from every evil eyes ... And sleept with my wife happy ..

It's my story ... And I changed it with you

My struggle and realisation .




The End.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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