Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 17

Chapter - 17

Author's Pov.:-

it's beautiful evening.... Sky is started to twinkle by the starts ..and half moon is present to guard the

dark sky .

Varun and Amoli both are seated on the couch on a stage... Stage is decorated with white pink flowers

with white curtains.... And lights.

Today is their wedding reception party... Guest started to come in the party .. and greet both of them .

Amoli is wearing a beautiful all golden shinning saree with straight hairs with little makeup , she is

looking beautiful. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

On the other hand Varun has wore ventral black slim fit suit , and as always he is looking devilishly


Vahini is seated between Varun and Amoli to which Amoli is glad ... Amoli and Vahini both are chatting

while Varun has glued his eyes in his phone.

Guest are coming and posing with them for the pictures...

Soon Every guest surrounded them all around and a beautiful cake came in view with Mrs. Arora .. who

is pushing the cake caring trolley.

Everyone started to shout woo woo with claps.

Cake is white with white peacock is seating over the top while it's wings are spreading till the bottom of

the cake ... White peacock is also a part of the cake.. which is makeup of the cream .

Mrs. Arora put the cake infront of the couple and said " cut this cake together ... To start a new life with

its sweetness "

Vahini step out between Varun and Amoli and stand beside her brother ... To see all the things properly

with a smile.

Mrs. Arora gave knife to amoli to cut the cake , Amoli hold it and at the same time Varun also hold

amoli's same hand .

Due to this Amoli shivered and looked up at him in his eyes.... Varun's eyes are shining in pride by

seeing her getting terrified by his only touch.

Varun hold the cake peace in his hand and forward his hand infront of Amoli's mouth so that she can

eat it and Amoli also did the same ...

With trembling lips Amoli opened her mouth to took a bite from it but Varun just pushed the big peace

of cake inside the mouth ... To which Amoli gagged due to blocking her air and food pipe.

But somehow she eat it while taking long breaths .

Varun took the small bite of the cake from amoli's hand..

Amoli pulled her forwarded hand back but Varun hold it and started to eat cake slowly while licking her

fingers.... To which Amoli shivered in fear and lowered her eyes and break the long eye contact with his

caging eyes.

Everyone chareed them with loud claps and some whistled .

" Jiju please .. leave my moo's hand .. I also want to eat cake .. moo please feed me also " Vahini said

while drooling over cake with her eyes.

Everyone laughed and amoli's face became red because of all the teasing eyes .

Amoli feed cake to her sister , parents , brother , friends and in-laws... While Varun also did the same.

Soon it's time for dinner so everyone is seated on the dinner table to have their dinner.

Amoli is seated beside Varun ,on his left side and beside her Vahini is seating .

Helpers served them food and everyone started to have their food .

Because amoli's both hands are resting on her lap so, she moved her right hand to hold the spoon but

before she could do this Varun hold her hand in his and pulled it under the table on his thigh.

And he started to move his thumb on her hand's back while holding her hand in his .

Amoli tried to protest by pulling her hand back but Varun hold her hand more tightly and due to this

Amoli lookup at him , in his eyes.

By looking at his angry evil eyes Amoli stop her efforts due to fear and started to eat with her left hand.

Varun also did the same .

" Bhai we all knows that you love bhabhi alot , but atleast you can stop your romance while having food

.. atleast let her have her food peacefully." Kashvi teased Varun ..

And everyone laughed to this , but Varun didn't leave her hand showing how stubborn he is .

" Oofo bhai have some shame ... God .. if you don't want to leave her hand than fees her with your

hand .. how can she eat with her left hand " kashvi again teased him ...

And Varun smirked and look at Amoli turning his face towards her ... And saw that her face is hanging


He filled spoon in food and move it infront of Amoli's mouth .

Getting surprised , Amoli lookup at him confusingly .

" Eat bitch .. " varun mumbled in amoli's ear , so that apart from her no one can hear him.

Amoli opened her mouth and eat the food but she got emotional and a year slipped from her left eye..,

which not goes unnoticed by her brother advaith.

Whole Arora family is in shock even grandpa is also shocked by Varun's behaviour towards Amoli .

Because Varun's grandpa knows what he is .. a smile came on his face ' he is changing for this girl .. I

have made a right decision ' he said in his mind.

Amoli's parents got so happy seeing their son-in-law feeding their daughter with his hands .. like a

caring husband.




After finishing dinner with little chit chat .. everyone started to go to their respective house.

Amoli also stood from her seat and turn around to follow her sister-in-law but Varun hold her hand in his

tight grip to stop her .

" We are not going with them bitch , yo" Varun got cut by Vahini when he saw her coming towards


Amoli made a confused face and Vahini also hold amoli's hand and said " come moo today I am going

to sleep with you " and smiled with happiness while telling Amoli her plan.

Listing this Varun made a annoyed face and said in his calmed and collective voice " no sali sahiba

(sister-in-law) your moo is not going with you because she is coming with me to my house not to my

grandparents house"

" But why , I.. I " Vahini got cut by Mrs. Arora

" Vahini cutie pie ... Beta your Jiju have his own house and he is taking his wife ... Your moo to his

house , so , baby they are not coming with us ... Be a good girl and say by to your moo" Mrs. Arora

said holding Vahini's hands in her.

Vahini wiped her tears and said with a smile " okay I won't stop you moo ... Jiju please take care of my

moo .. I will miss you ... Inna Sara ( alot)."

Vahini and Amoli both hug eachother... And said goodbye to eachother.

Varun set on his knees and hugged Vahini with a genuine smile on his face ..after breaking their hug ,

Vahini kissed Varun's both cheeks .

And Varun also kissed her forehead and said her goodbye.

Amoli did her farewell to her in-laws as well as her family and friends.

Everyone left the reception hall except the Amoli and Varun.

Varun hold amoli's hand and pulled her towards himself and hold her by her waist .. and put his lips on

her but Amoli started to protest by pushing him away from her.

By her this behaviour Varun got angry and pulled himself away from her and slapped Amoli very hard

vigorously strong ..

Due to this forceful and sudden slap Amoli fall on the grass ground and hold her injured cheek .

Tears of pain , fear and anger started to fall from amoli's eyes.

Amoli gasped and due to the shock she forgot to breath ...

Because someone has punched Varun on his face ...

And the person who has slapped Varun is standing in quite darkness and due to tears in Amoli eyes

she is not getting a clear view of the man who dare to slapped the angry bull.

" You monster .. disgust in the name of human and man .. how dare you to slap her " shout the man in

pure anger and again punched Varun.

Varun fall on the ground due to sudden and unexpected attack .

Anger run inside his veins when he saw who have punched him , Varun chuckled evilly and mockingly

smirked towards the man then Amoli.

Varun got up from the ground and pulled the man towards himself by holding his collar and punched

him hard ..

The man fall on Amoli , making her gasped in shock then in fear ... When she saw who is this man .

" You motherfucker how dare you to punch me ... I will kill you today " shout Varun in anger .

More tears fall from her eyes ... The man who have fallen on Amoli again pulled by Varun and got back

to back punches on his face , stomach , chest .

"Noo ... Leave him " Amoli cried

Amoli got more terrified seeing the man completely covered in his blood.

She got up from the grass ground and run towards her husband and hold his hand .

" Please ji ... *Sob* .. please leave my brother .. *sob* please " said Amoli with joined hands while tears

falling down from her eyes.

" Aww baby I will but not before teaching him a good lesson " Varun said while smirking towards half-

dead looking advaith.

Varun pushed amoli aside and started to kick advaith on his stomach continuosly without stopping and

advaith shout in pain .

Amoli again run towards Varun after getting up from the ground and hold Varun's leg from which he

was kicking advaith .

" Please ...*sob* Please ji leave my brother .. I am apologising from his side .. sorry for all this .. please

forgive him .. he is your brother-in-law... He *sob*.. he won't repeat it again in future .. please ji leave

him " cried Amoli hugging Varun's leg and started to weep loudly atlast.

" No dii .. don't do this .. for me *sob* .. sorry dii , because of me you're in this situation but don't .. I am

repeating don't beg for me ..

Getup right now " advaith said in pure anger... While angry tears running from his eyes.

Varun laughed evilly and kicked Amoli with his other leg .

Amoli hissed in pain and left his leg.. Varun pulled Amoli up by holding her hairs in his hand and make

the stand on her legs.

" Hey you Mr. Protective brother save your sister from me if you can " said Varun giving a kick to

semiconscious advaith .

Varun smirked when he saw advaith's struggling to stand up...

"You basterd leave my sister ... " Advaith said .. with difficulty.

Varun laughed and hold Amoli by her waist and put his lips on her but he didn't broke the eyes contact

with advaith who is crying on his helplessness.

Advaith turned his face in opposite side in shame ... Tears didn't stop from his eyes.

On the other hand Amoli bathed in pure embarassment and in disgust.

Her tears didn't stop , she tried not to make any sound .. Because her brother is infront of her ..





After eating all the energy from amoli's body in a single kiss Varun left her lips ...

" So brother-in-law .. you dare to raise your hand on me .. I won't leave you .. you will get your

punishment by watching your sister suffer ..

I promise you I will make her life a living walking hell .

She will be my bed wormer .. my sex toy as long as she is married to me.

I will beat her .. till her body started to bleed ... I will become her nightmare .

She only get pain from this marriage while me .. I will get everything which I want from this marriage .. "

Varun said evilly and laughed hahahaha like a devil.

"Even I got your this bitch sister's pussy which I wanted to fuck ... Dam you know wh.." Varun words got

shut in his mouth by amoli's hand.

Varun angrily moved his face towards Amoli who is shaking her head in no .. with tears shining eyes.

"Please ji .. stop it , it's so shameful .. please *sob*" Amoli cried hanging her head low and covering her

face with her hands.

" I .. Advaith Anand .. promising you that I won't come in your way again ..

Do whatever you want to do with my sister , torture her the way you want ... But remember Mr. Monster

.. karma is a bitch ..

One day will come ,when you will regret for this .. but you even can't apologize from her ..

It's your fight dii (sister) , I know why you married him and I am respecting your decision ..

I will always love you dii , be strong and never forgive him

And when you will leave him .. I know you will do it in future because he is a monster you can't live with

him as long as you think... Then Come back to house dii " said crying advaith .

" You will cry for her .. but she will not be there to wipe your tears .

Your house will haunt you when you watch all the bad things running infront of your eyes which you

had did with her... Telling you that you're a monster " shout advaith in pain ...

Pain for his sister whom do he loves alot ...

Who is god in his eyes.. he can't see her suffer like this.

"Ohhhh really do you really think .. that I will .. the great Varun Arora will cry for this bitch ...


Than let me tell you boy .. I will be the happiest man in this whole earth , when I will freed myself from

this burden marriage and from your this bitch sister ." Varun said with a smirk.

And advaith watched him with disbelieve filled eyes.

Varun just mocked him while Amoli tried to freed herself from Varun's arm , so that she could see her

brother and console him.

But Varun didn't freed her from his arms and carry her in a bridal style and started to walk towards his

car which is standing 3-4 steps away from him.

"Leave my sister you basterd , don't hurt her ... There is still a time for you to stop all this .. and behave

like a human and a man." Advaith shout still lying on the ground.

" Your sister is my wife .. tell her to give me divorce then I will leave her ..

And I am devil and how manly I am , ask this to your sister , because she was half-dead when I stop

her fucking " mocked Varun without turning ...

" You monster.." advaith got cut off by Varun's angry groaning sound ... As he leave Amoli from his hold

and make her stand on her legs.

Varun turned towards advaith to beat him more and he started to move towards him but got stop by

Amoli who holds his hand in her both hands.

" Advaith please don't speak .. please *sob*.. I am joining hands infront of you , " Amoli cried in fear ..

Because Varun is looking like a madman who won't mind to kill his own brother-in-law.

Varun turned towards Amoli and holds her by her waist when he saw her going towards her brother.

"Please leave me ji.. let me talk to my brother .. he is hurt .. he is bleeding .. please take him hospital

first .. please ji " cried Amoli but Varun didn't give any importance to her words .

He signalled his driver to take care of his brother-in-law

Varun opened his car door and pushed amoli inside and he himself set on the driver seat and roared

his car engine..

But Amoli still protesting ... She is trying to open the car door which is locked but Varun got irritate by

her ...

In anger he hold her by her neck and throated her ...

Amoli's eyes became big like a soccer balls ... Her face became rubby red , tears of pain run down

from her eyes.

She grab Varun's hand in her to freed herself from him ..

"Shut up bitch.. and sit obediently , otherwise I will kill your half-dead brother right now " Varun said by

hovering his face over amoli's.

He left her neck and Amoli coughed badly while moving her trembling hands over her aching neck.

Varun step on accelerator....and run his car on the road towards his house. With his terrified crying wife








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