When Fate Decided to Play its Part

Chapter 71: Tyler is Kind-hearted

Chapter 71: Tyler is Kind-hearted


Tyler is Kind Hearted


First floor of the company.

There is a bustling crowd near the entrance, they were in circles and has a lively discussion about a single topic. Every employee who arrived a little bit late to see the event has a big question mark on their heads. Hearing snips and crumbs of what had transpired, they become curious and also flocked to the biggest circle, near the reception area.

“What happened?” One of the newly arrivals asked. The others who also know nothing about it perked up their ears, ready to absorb teas.

“It seems like Sir Tyler has a son-“ one lady said but the lady next to her lightly elbowed her side. She was cut off and most of them glared at her for the interruption. She glared back.

“Shut up, stop making false news.” She huffed. “I was near to them, so I heard that the kid did not even call him ‘dad’, ‘daddy’, or whatsoever! He addressed him as Mr. Tyler!”

This followed by grunts of confirmation. A man popped his head through the crowd and asked. “You might be right, but have you seen how soft he was to the kid? I even thought he wasn’t the boss in that moment. I never saw him smile like that!”

“What? So, is he really his kid? Maybe he made him stay hidden until today!”

“That stupid! I never saw miss Sheryl pregnant!”

“Then maybe it’s with another woman-“

The lady next to the guy who just talked smacked his head. And between her gritted teeth, she pulled his ears and said, “Do you think sir is like you? No! I never saw him with anyone but with miss Sheryl.”

Everyone looked at the guy complaining about how it hurts then shook their head. Right, there’s no way the boss is like him. A cheater. They have witnessed many times how many women slapped and smacked his face after discovering his affairs. The single men can’t help but bathe to his pain after getting jealous of how much attention he gets from women.

“But cheating is not entirely impossible, right?” A voice of a woman said. Countless pairs of eyes turned to look at her. After being put into the spotlight, she almost cowered.


She made an uncomfortable smile. “You see, did Sir even love miss Sheryl?”


No one was able to answer her question. After little bit of thoughts, the crowd begun to separate and went to their own working stations. They might be single individual with different thoughts and actions, currently, they have the same train of thoughts.

That’s right. Did their boss even love her?

Never in their working days have they ever saw such emotion in his eyes when he looks at Sheryl. It was the latter who is forceful and clingy to the former. Even though the emotion is small and hidden, they can see the annoyance in Tyler’s eyes every time she gets too clingy to him.

So, does he love her?

“Anyway,” another woman said to her companion when they are passing through the reception table. “I saw how sir cares for the small one. He even scooped him up even though he dislikes physical touch.”

She can say that with great confidence after seeing his face crunching in dissatisfaction whenever Sheryl tries to cling on his arm, although he never tried to pry her arms away. Maybe out of consideration and respect.

“I cannot agree more,” she sighed before clinging on the other’s arm. “Good luck to whoever offended the kid earlier. I hope she won’t lose her job.”

“… Sir is considerate, but I don’t know what will happen.”

They passed through the lady who unfortunately offended the kid. After hearing their conversation, she clenched her fist into a ball. She can feel tear threatening to fall from her eyes.

She was stupid. If only she tried to be nicer and managed her temper well…

She doesn’t want to lose her job.


A light ding rang, indicating that they already reached the floor of Tyler’s office. The elevator’s doors slid open, and he carefully slip out, he was still carrying Kai in his hands. Sharon, who was seating on her desk, stood up and greeted him with files in his hand.

“Good morning sir…” Her eyes darted to Kai. As the professional she is, she immediately dispels the shock and went back to talking. “The board members are already inside the conference room.”

Tyler nodded his head. “I’ll be right there.”

He walked pass through her and entered his office. Sharon followed behind him. His office is bid but there’s nothing much in it aside from cabinets for files, bookshelves, a table with mountains of paper there is also a plaque which Tyler’s name is written on it, a small indoor plant, a sofa opposite the table and a coffee table, and at the back of that table is a floor to ceiling glass window. There is also a door which leads to the bathroom.

Tyler puts Kai down on the sofa. “Kai, can you wait for me here?”

The boy obediently nodded his head. “I will. I will not bother you again like earlier.”

Tyler paused from his words. Seeing how the calm and composed Kai bowing his head and looking guilty over something so trivial, he can’t help sigh. Tyler kneeled in front of him and held his small hands. He tried getting his attention. “Listen Kai, you did not do anything wrong. You did not bother me. It’s okay, there’s nothing to be sad about.”

“Oh,” Kai muttered. “I did not?”

“Of course, you didn’t. How can something like that a bother?”

Kai stared at him in silence and thought, ‘But my father told me that even a slight mistake is bothering, that’s why he rarely brings me in his office and just homeschooled me.’

Tyler noticed his stared, he smiled at him. “Is something wrong?”

The boy shook his head. “No, there’s nothing wrong.”

“Good.” He nodded his head in satisfaction. He then stood up and signaled Sharon that they have to get going. The secretary understood it, she nodded her head and went out first. “Wait for me okay,” Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Kai nodded his head and watched him walk away and close the door behind him. When Kai was the only one that is left in the room, he looked around and noticed the plainness of his office. The only thing

that keeps vibrant in the room is the lone indoor plant. Kai did not think of anything is odd because his father’s office is the same.

Later on, the door opened. A lady who is carrying a platter of sweets came inside. Kai noticed that she was familiar. Right, she was that lady earlier. She brought the sweets and puts it down on the coffee table. She then stood up straight.

“Sir,” she said politely. “This is the snack Sir Tyler ordered me to bring.”

Kai looked at the delicious treats and gave the lady a smile. “Thank you.”

The other smiled back awkwardly. When Kai begun to pick up the sweets, she looked around and saw that Tyler isn’t there. She sighed in relief before kneeling to the kid.

“Sir-“ she begged. “Can- can you convive him- your da- sir Tyler to not fire me? I- I have kids you see; I am the only one who feeds them. I can’t afford to lose this job!”

She knows that she looks pathetic begging like this. She knows she’s shameless and stupid for treating the kid like that when she herself has one. Even so, she has to do this, she has mouths to feed. She doesn’t even know if this kid understands her or not.

Much to her surprise, Kai stopped his munching and smiled at her. “Don’t worry,” he said. “Sir Tyler is good, he is kind hearted. He will not do that.”

“R-really?” her eyes sparkled. “You will help me, right?”

Kai has no idea what she’s talking at this point, he just nodded his head. With that, the lady went out with a big smile on her face, her aura says that she just went through a death penalty successfully. Kai on the other hand ate his foods while wondering when will he can go and visit his mother.


In a hallway leading to the conference room.

Sharon was following behind Tyler while summarizing the contents of the meeting. It was amazing how she can talk while walking fast to catch up with him. Tyler on the other hand was not listening and kept on readjusting his watch on his left arm. After that, he interrupted Sharon.

“Sharon. Do you know who that woman on the reception area?”

Sharon calmly closed her tablet and said, “Ana, sir? Yes, what about her.”

“Can you look at her performance for me.” He ordered.

“… Yes sir.” Despite the order that came out from nowhere, Sharon still browsed in her tablet. After gathering data and summarizing them in her head, she told Tyler. “She’s been working for us for almost a year, her performance is good for the past six months.”

He furrowed his brows. “How about the remaining months?”

“Apparently, one every three days, she arrives late. She even skips works once every week. There are also complaints about how she handles other employees here.”

“How come I never knew about this?”

I don’t know, I’m shocked myself. “The head of the department probably did not include this to his reports until now. The files are fresh.”

“I see, they don’t want to get swept with her, huh. They are trying to keep their hand clean.” He laughed. “So that Ana and her department head…”

“What about them, sir?”

“Fire them.”


“Do I need to repeat myself?” Tyler pulled to a stop after reaching the conference room. He reached for the handle of the door.

“Fire them.”

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