When Fate Decided to Play its Part

Chapter 68: RUN

Chapter 68: RUN




Inside a black van was a chaotic 5 men. The rock music coming from the speakers were loud, it was irritating in the ear, but for some reason, the men inside were also shouting along the music. Their drive is not steady at all since their drive look drunk and all. They were so noisy that their noise even escaped the van, but no passerby nor other vehicles are annoyed by it. Because there were none in the first place. The black van was driving alone on an abandoned road. The road was rocky and grassy. It looks like it has not been maintained for a long time. Their surrounding was quiet, the only source of sounds were their noise and the rustling of the leaves when birds fly away from the trees or landing to take a rest on the branches.

Other than that, the place is oddly dark and silent. They can see nothing but the bumpy straight road and the tall trees. They were in the middle of a forest.

“Hey, hey, hey!” The man in the front seat called out for his noisy companion on the back that were playing cards. He as a bandage on his head, the white bandage has a hint of blood oozing out from the back of his head. “What do you want to do with the money we have?”

“Boss!” A man shouted against the loud music. “What else? Woman! Liquor! And Gambles! The money is big as fuck- we have to enjoy to the fullest!”

The man next to him laughed out loud then smacked him on his shoulder. “Fuck yeah! We have to thoroughly enjoy it. That kind of amount is hard to come by- we have to use it as soon as possible!”

The three on the back started laughing in agreement then went back to playing their cards. The man with the bandage looked at them like he is looking at a trash that magically had a mouth, arms, and legs.

These three stupid idiots, that amount of money is hard to come by so they must spend it wisely! Yet these men with muscular bodies have nothing but stupid things in their mind. It was irking him. Whatever, they will split the money, and about what kind of stupidity they will do to theirs, he has no say about it. He has no rights to intervene, nor do they have to his. Everything’s fine as long as they won’t crawl towards him with empty pockets.

The driver looked at their boss’s and immediately knew what is going inside his head. He laughed it off and said, “Don’t come knocking on our door is you lost everything you have to gambling, okay?! If you do, I’ll make sure to bury a bullet inside your head!”

The three, not taking it seriously, saluted at him. “Yes sir!”

Then they went back to playing cards again. The driver focused on the road even though he is a little bit tipsy. “But you know what, the amount is really ridiculously big. We did not even do anything.”

The boss looked at him and shrugged. “That’s the best part of it; we did nothing that bid but we still got a huge amount of dollars.” His lips stretched out into a big sinister grin. “I don’t mind if she contact us again. I’ll be more than happy to take any request she’ll have.”

“…” The driver was silent. “Still, it’s suspicious.”

“Huff! What’s not suspicious when you deal with people from the ‘underground’? As long as the deal is fulfilled- it’s okay!”

“Well, you’re not wrong…” Their boss’s phone vibrated. There was message.

Five pair of eyes looked at the phone that was lying on the dashboard. After seeing whose number it was, the excitement in their blood boiled. One of the men on the back threw his card away and nudged their boss. “Boss- boss! Read it! It’s our employer for today!”

“Shut up,” he shouted at the man before lowing down the volume of the music. “I’ll read it, stop rushing me.”

Truthfully, he was also exited. He wanted to contact the other first to ask if they have another mission for them, but the rules on the ‘underground’ is to not contact the employer first. So, seeing them sending a message is basically an answered prayer. He giddily picked the phone and unlocked it, after reading the message, his excitement went down. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.


Sender: #########

Good evening, I hope I am not disturbing your night. I was looking through everything you did in the hotel and thought that you did well, but, unfortunately, I am dissatisfied with something. I was thinking of getting back the money I wasted on you, but I also thought it’s not enough to quench my dissatisfaction.


“What are they talking about?” The driver said. He completely stopped the van. “Dissatisfied to what? I thought it was enough-“

The phone rang- it was their employer calling. The five exchanged glances before the boss’s accepted the call. He pressed the phone on his ears, and said, “Hello?”

But no one talked, he checked again but the line was still there. Every second that ticks by felt like eternity. And every time the clock’s hand moves, it feels like something is coming on their way. It was getting near and near. The boss called out again but like the other wasted seconds, no one answered. He begun sweating heavily, oddly, the atmosphere outside turned darker. The trees danced violently upon the harsh passing wind. Like avoiding their predators, countless birds flocked away from them. Their wing flapping against the wind sound so eerie. The other three started shivering, the driver was also turning pale.

The boss tried to remain calm. What kind of bullshit makes them scared? They killed countless of people as of today, why would they get scared now?

But no matter how hard he denies, the loud thumping of his chest can’t deny that fact-

He’s scared.

As silence surrounded them, someone suddenly chuckled.

Five of them jumped in fear, they can even feel their souls leaving their body. The loud beating of their hearts and the ‘beep, beep’ tone of the phone that indicates the end off the call was loud and clear. The phone vibrated again, and the boss opened the message and fear and hurry.


Sender: #########

So, I did something that I can enjoy! Now…


The message ended there, or so they thought. But when it vibrated again, another message showed up.


Sender: #########



The last message sent shivers to their spines.

“Shit-“ Their driver said. “Shit- shit! I knew it! There’s something wrong with them!”

“Fuck…” The boss muttered. The other three on the back started panicking. He yelled at them to shut up. He was panicking too, but he tried to hide it. If all of them panicked now, none of them will survive. “Shut up! Stop panicking! Don’t worry- they- whoever that is- can’t hurt us!”

“Y-yes!” One of them agreed. “They can’t! We are under that group of hitman- it’s against the rule to kill us!”

“Yes, as long were in that group- no one can hurt us-“

His phone lit up again. The boss hurriedly took it and read the message. Every word he reads, the paler he got. The driver was alarmed- he begun shaking him. “What- what is it?!”

“Shit,” he said, his energy starting to fade away. “The group- they announced that were not part of them- we were betrayed!” His eyes begun to flare in anger. “They betrayed us! They abandoned us! Those motherfu--!!!”

He froze, his eyes were glued on the side mirror. His heart thumped again, the way how fast it’s thumping is, you can easily mistake it as a running horse. “Fuck!”

“What is it this time!”

The boss begun to slap him panicky while his eyes still glued on that mirror, fear is evident in his eyes. With chains of swearing, he shouted. “Drive! Turn on the engine! Go, go! NOW!”

“Wha-“ his eyes accidentally looked at the mirror, and what he saw made him almost pissed his pants. The other three saw it too- and even they are built big, they begun cursing and cursing.

At the back- they were countless of them. Men in black, with heavy riffles on their hands. The man on the front has a cigarette on his mouth, feeling their gaze on him, he picked the cigarette from his mouth and gave them a big, cold smile. Then, using his hand that was holding the riffle, he waved at them.

Not even a second passed, the van begun frantically driving away.

“Fuck!” Their driver cursed loudly. “Who- who can even do this?”

First, they removed them from the group, then, sent a whole battalion to capture them- or even kill them.

“I don’t know! They must be higher up! Shit- they might even one the biggest name on the underground!”

“But none of that makes sense!” One of the three shouted. “Which of them will order something childish such as this?!”

“I don’t know! I don’t know!”

As they begun fighting, the man that was leading the other men in black stopped.

“Men,” he took another smoke on the cigarette, after that, he blew the gray smoke from his mouth. With his eyes focused on the fleeing van, he said, “Aim your babies to that shit.”

Hearing the satisfying sounds of the guns, he smirked then dropped his cigarette on the ground, with a hard stomp to kill the fire. Aiming his own gun, the word that killed many people slipped from his red, plumped lips. “Fire.”


After the series of gun shots, the man watched the van crashing on the nearby tree. One of them jumped off, but he’s pretty sure he’s dead. Seeing the body lying near the steaming van that is full of bullet holes, he signaled one of his men.

“You, drag that guy far from the van. Make sure that he won’t get caught to the explosion.”

“Yes sir!”

He watched him call others and together, they went to carry the body far from the van. The man fished out another cigarette stick and lit it. After smoking it for a good second, he signaled everyone to retreat. “Let’s go. The police will come here any minute from now.”

He let his men retreat first, with his cigarette on his mouth, he watched the van. He raised a brow.

“That kid, to go as far as using the family’s power.” He smirked, turning his body to retreat with his men. “That kid can really be scary sometimes.”

As he walked towards their own van, the headlights lighted his eyes.

It was an eye with a color that is the same of the moon.

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